Ch.96 Special ring

(Flashback) Once he found his friends, Danny told them about the man as they made it out of the harbor and back into the woods.

"As sad as that sounds, it's a good thing you didn't give him the ring," Darling told him, "We don't know if he really was telling the truth. He could very well have been a lying swindler."

"Yeah," he breathed, "I could never trust anyone in that area. Which reminds me, Apple, how exactly are you friends with Jonah?"

"Let's just say he practically saved my life a couple of years ago," Apple answered with a smile.

"Ooh," Daring grinned, "You got yourself a pirate hero."

"Cut it out," she rolled her eyes.

All of a sudden, everyone heard a rustle from nearby as they stopped.

"You guys hear that?" Dexter asked with a concerned look.

"It's probably just an animal" Daring ensured.

But at that point, an arrow shot towards Danny who quickly caught it with his hand before it could strike his chest.

"Or maybe not," Daring stated with his eyes widen "Run!"

Everyone took off from the unknown attacker.

"Everyone split up!" Darling ordered as they did so.

And as he dashed through the wood while being careful not to trap, Danny suddenly felt an arrow slashing against his leg as he cried out in pain before tumbling down. As he looked down at his wound, he saw it wasn't that deep of a gash, but a lot of blood was oozing out as he placed his hands on it and was about to use his magic to heal it when he heard footsteps approaching.

"I didn't want it to come down to this" he looked up and was shocked to see the man from the harbor with a bow and arrow in his hand.

"You," Danny gasped, "What the hell do you think you're doing shooting me like that?!"

"If you don't want to be shot again then give me what I want" he scowled.

"What is with you and that ring?!" he demanded, "Because I'm starting to think there's more to this ring than you say."

"Just hand it over and I'll leave you alone."

"Not until you tell me what's so special about this ring," he scowled, "It didn't belong to your wife, did it? Are you even married?"

All of a sudden, the man pulled back the bow and aimed the arrow right at Danny.

"I can shoot you right now and take it from your body" he warned, "But it doesn't have to be like that. Just give me the ring and I'll let you live."

"How will I know you still won't shoot me even if I give you the ring?" Danny scoffed.

"You don't. You'll just have to go with your gut."

"Well, my gut doesn't seem to trust you."

At that point, the man stepped closer as the arrow got closer to Danny who scooted back in fear. But all of a sudden, they both heard the sound of a gun clicking as Danny spotted someone behind the man with a gun to his back.

"Lower your arrow," the stranger ordered, "And step away from him."

Having no choice but to obey, the man lowered his weapon and stepped back from Danny who saw that the stranger was none other than Jonah.

"If I ever see you trying to harm someone for that ring-" he warned the man "I will finish you off. Now go."

After giving both of them death glares, the man turned and took off just as everyone else appeared.

"You okay, Danny?" Dexter asked as they hurried to him.

"I will be," he assured with his hands still on his wound.

And just like that, he used his healing magic to patch up the wound as it completely healed and the pain faded.

"See?" he smiled as he got up "Much better."

"Looks like you really are a full wizard," Apple commented when she turned to Jonah "Now uh, how did you get here so quickly?"

"Yeah," Danny agreed, "And you seem to know that man, what's his deal with this ring?"

He pulled out the ring which he thankfully still had.

"Because I'm starting to think there's something for this."

"You're right," Jonah nodded, "I should've told you this before but, that ring wasn't made from mankind."


"This ring was specially crafted by fairies. So you can it's enchanted."

"And enchanted ring?" Dexter snickered, "Of course it is."

"How is it enchanted?" Danny asked, "Does it do anything?"

"It protects the person from harm, so you can say it's like a lucky charm."

"Wow," he remarked astonished, "No wonder that guy wanted it so bad."

"Wait," Darling spoke to Jonah, "How were you able to get your hands on that ring in the first place?"

"I don't remember actually. I didn't even know about its enchantment until like a year ago when I came across some fairies who saw me with me and told me about it. I was even surprised they allowed me to have it, I guess they could always make more. And that man has been trying to get that ring from me ever since, such a greedy bastard. But don't worry, I'll make sure he stays away from you guys."

"Thank you," Danny thanked in relief, "I just want to get out of here."

"You guys know where to go?"

"We do," Apple nodded, "Thanks again for your help."

"Anytime," he smiled.

After leaving Calvert Towers, Aaron and the siblings stopped in front of the bar as Aaron handed them their necklaces.

"I managed to grab these before we left," he told them "They don't seem to work though, although that's probably a good thing."

"Thanks," they thanked while taking the pendants.

"So uh, what are you two gonna do now?"

"Catch up on everything" Ross smiled, "Mia has missed out on a lot."

"Alright then," Aaron smiled back when he turned to Mia "Hey, maybe I can introduce you to Brooke and Shannon later."

"I'd like that," she grinned.

"Well, I gotta get back to work, you two have a nice day."

As he went into the bar, Ross and Mia began to stroll down the sidewalk while putting on their necklaces.

"So," Mia was the first to speak "You doing okay with the whole Brooke situation?"

"I am," he nodded, "She's great and all but, she belongs with Danny."

"Well, don't give your hopes up, there's someone for you."

"Yeah," he doubted with a smirk "Like any girl would want to be with me because of everything I've done."

"You don't know that. Besides, you're changed now, remember? Everything you've done is all in the past now. I'm sure there's someone for you."

"Oh yeah?" he denied, "Like who?"

All of a sudden, when they turned around a corner, Ross suddenly bumped into a businesswoman which caused her to tip her tea back as it spilled all over her clothes.

"Oh my God!" Ross gasped, "I am so sorry!"

"It's okay," she assured while staring down at her now wet clothes "At least it's not coffee."

"Wait a minute," he spoke when he realized who she was "Nora?"

"Ross?" she replied surprised.

"Uh, hey," they both greeted at the same time with smiles.

"I haven't seen you in a while," he stated.

"I've been around. How are you?"

"I'm doing fine. You?"


At that moment, Mia gave a smirk as he stepped back and watched the scene, seeing how something was going to come out from this.
