Ch.3 Awkward reunion

Dashing down the sidewalk as fast as he could, Shannon's single father rushed past all the people while being careful not to crash into any of them. Hoping his boss won't catching him being late, he hurried into his job at a fast food restaurant where he quickly snapped on his name tag that read 'Aaron' as he tied on his apron while heading into the kitchen.

"You're late" the stern voice of his boss spoke as he froze on his track.

"I'm sorry sir" Aaron breathed, still hyperventilating "I ran as fast as I could. My alarm clock stopped working and then the door got stuck- "

"I don't give a crap about your excuses" his boss cut in harshly just a worker behind him accidentally spilled all the fried chicken from the tray and onto the floor.

"Really Harry?!" the boss complained as the worker stood there frozen with guilt "That's going off your paycheck."

"Hey take it easy" Aaron spoke up "It's just chicken, nothing to be a jerk about."

At that point, his boss turned to them, now looking madder than before.

"Apologize" he ordered.


"Apologize right now."

Aaron just stood there, can't believe what his boss was ordering him to do.

"No," he replied with confidence "Cause it's true, you're a jerk."

His boss just snickered, "You think you know me, Aaron? Well, I have known people like you, single parents with a child to take care of. You need a job to make a point in your pathetic life, and this is why you're working here. Now apologize and get your ass to work."

Feeling his blood began to boil, Aaron clenched his fists, wanting to use them on his boss's face. But instead, he knew exactly what to do, even though he knew it will jeopardize his life.

"You know what?" he said firmly while taking off his apron and throwing it on the ground "Get yourself a new employer, I quit."

And with that, he took off his name tag and stormed out the kitchen, not looking back.

(Flashback) After many years of being apart, Brooke and Danny couldn't believe their eyes as they stood there frozen by the sight of each other.

"Well-" Brooke was the first to speak "This is awkward."

"Yeah," he agreed, a bit awkwardly "Never thought I would see you again. How long has it been since you left? 5, 6 years?"

"About that" she shrugged.

"Well um, you certainly grew up over the years, you look great."

"Thanks," she replied with a small smile "So do you."

"Now uh, I would love to stay and talk, but I really need to go somewhere, and thanks to you, you scared off Rider."


"My horse."

"You named your horse Rider?" she questioned a bit puzzled.

"Yeah, so?"

"But, you're the rider."

"Do you really wanna have this conversation now?" he replied with a frown.

"I'm sorry" she snickered "I just can't- Rider."

He continued to glare at her until she stopped.

"Sorry. But uh, where exactly are you heading off too?"

"King Arthur's castle. There's a ball tonight that I need to attend."

"A ball huh?" she remarked amusedly.

"Yes, now if you would excuse me, I need to find my horse."

"Hey uh, maybe I can give you a ride."

He turned to her motorcycle that was still parked to the side of the road.

"You still have that huh?" he breathed.

"And still in good condition" she added with a smile "So what do you say? You want a ride?"

"Seriously?" he replied a bit astonished "You're willing to do that?"

"Just because we're broken up doesn't mean we can't help each other. Now come on what do you say?"

He thought for a moment, but then let out a sigh before answering.

"I guess so."

"Great" she smiled as they walked up the hill and towards her vehicle.

"So have you really been traveling across realms on this thing?" Danny asked.

"Most of the realms" Brooke replied while getting on the seat "Some I had to travel other ways. I've traveled by ship, by horse, even in a hot air balloon."

"Well you certainly had an adventure huh?" he smirked.

"Oh yes I did" she smiled.

"You know Brooke, when you told me that you wanted to go on this big adventure across realms, I actually didn't think you'd survive."

"Seriously?" she responded with a small snicker.

"I know" he agreed "But I did think that way for a while. But at the same time, I know how brave and strong you are, and there was that one side of me that knew you would make it. And it looks like that side was right."

"Well I did escape death multiple times on my adventure, but hey, that's the point of an adventure, right?"

"Yeah" he chuckled while placing his hand on her shoulder "It is great to see you again Brooke."

She smiled, "You too Danny."

They smiled at each other for a moment until Brooke suddenly felt herself being shoved off her motorcycle by Danny as she landed on the grass with a yelp.

"That's for making fun of my horse's name" he declared while getting on her motorcycle and driving off just as Brooke got up and tried to run after him, only to see that he was too far ahead.

"It's not nice to shove girls you know!" she shouted out as she watched him disappear down the road.

Bewildered by his sudden action, Brooke let out a groan while wondering why he had done that when she clearly told him she would offer him a ride. But that's when she began to wonder why he was heading towards King Arthur's castle, and why he was in a hurry. Wanting to know why and why he stole her motorcycle, she knew what needed to be done and she began to walk down the woods.

"Here Rider Rider Rider" she called out for the horse in a calm voice.
