Ch.99 Coventry

One more chapter until I reach 100 again, wow that was fast.

Now in some kind of large cave that had the Coventry symbol mark on the dirt ground, Morgana had her hooded figures drag Bea over to the symbol as the others held Wes to the side.

"What the hell is going on here?" Wes demanded as he struggled against his captors.

"Yeah," Bea agreed with a scowl "Just let us go."

"I'm afraid I can't do that" Morgana replied while walking up to Bea "I can't let you go until after you help us cast our spell."

"Spell? What spell? What are you guys, witches?"

"Some of us are. But little do you know that you're one of us."


"That's right. You have magic in you, you just haven't accepted who you are in this world. I am truly sorry I never saw it sooner, how special you are. Had I known you were like us, things would've been very different for you."

"She had a gift," one of the hooded figures spoke while taking off her hood to reveal herself as Auntie Aesop "She can find special people. Outcasts, exiles. I was the first she recruited to her Coventry."

"I Coventry that will soon be behind bars" Wes spat.

"Don't listen to him," Morgana told Bea, "We're your family, and families help each other."

"You're not my family," Bea growled, "I never had one."

"Well, you do now. Join us, Bea, leave humanity behind and become one of us."

"Like I would join a cult," Bea snapped, "I ain't helping."

"Well then," Morgana smirked when she turned to the figures who were holding Wes when one of suddenly held a dagger to his neck "Would you do it to save your boyfriend?"

"Let him go!" Bea ordered with fright.

"Not until you answer you join us, and then we'll let him go. It's your choice, Bea."

Bea stood there full of shock and grief as she stared at Wes with tears in her eyes.

"Don't do it, Bea," he begged, "I'm just one life."

"A life I don't want to see taken," she sniffed as she turned to Morgana "I'll do it."

"No!" he gasped.

"Excellent," Morgana smirked while handing her a black hood "Put it on and then we'll begin."

"You have to let him go first," Bea ordered, "Once I know he's safe then we'll get on it."

"Very well."

Morgana turned to the hooded figures as she motioned them to take Wes out.

"Bea!" he screamed while being dragged out

"I'm sorry, Wes!" she cried as she watched him disappear out of the cave, "Forgive me!"

Once he was out of the cave, Wes got pushed out of the old theater by the figures who shut the door and locked it as he began to bang on the door while screaming Bea's name. But it was no use, she couldn't hear him, and no one was going to open the door. But at least now he was able to find help as he dashed down the street to find help.

As soon as he was gone, Bea took the offered hood from Morgana while giving her a death glare with her teary eyes.

"It's alright, Bea," Morgana sneered, "Soon everything will be all right. Now, let's begin."


Running as fast as he could, Wes was able to make it to the police station where he dashed in and spotted his cousins near the front desk.

"Guys!" he called out as he ran to them.

"Wes?" Skyler remarked surprised seeing how exhausted he was "Is everything all right?"

"No," he panted, "It's Bea, she's in trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"We were just starting to head back when these hooded figures jumped out of this old theater and pulled us in. And these guys were creepy as hell, claiming to be a Coventry or something like that."

"A Coventry?" Terrence remarked.

"Yeah. But the point is, they still have Bea, and I don't know what they're gonna do to her so we better get going!"

"You're right," Skyler pointed, "Come on!"

But as she headed out, they didn't realize that Mr. Goldson had been listening to them from nearby. And once they were on the move, he didn't hesitate to go after them.


During his break, Aaron went to his apartment with his daughter as they walked in and shut the door.

"So Brooke's heart really is cured?" Shannon gasped.

"I believe so," he nodded, "Except that's not enough to break the curse."

"What do you mean?"

"Desi told me that Brooke needs to wake up and get her memories back in order for the curse to break. But the thing is, I don't know how. She gave me this riddle clue thing that was supposed to tell me but I can't understand it."

"What was the clue?"

"'The answer is in the wake-up call. Look for the real numbers.' Something like that, please tell me you understand that."

"Of course I do, it's a phone number."

"A phone number?"

"Hello...?" she replied in an obvious tone "Real numbers, wake-up call. Basically, we have to find a certain phone for her to call and then she'll wake up."

"Wow," he commented astonished, "You've got a bright mind you know?"

"Well, I am Brooke Page's daughter," she grinned.

"So, if you're correct about this, what phone number are we talking about here?"

"I uh- I don't actually know about that."

"Well, you've got everything in your room, do you think you have something that has a phone number on it?"

"I'll go look."

As she went into her room, Shannon began to search everywhere for a certain phone number. She searched in her shoe box, her closet, under her bed, everywhere but couldn't find anything. That is until she spotted the brown and gold storybook on her bookshelf. Thinking it might have something, she pulled it down and began to flip through the pages. And that's when she came upon a page that caught her attention as she hurried out of her room.

"Dad!" she called out as she ran up to him, "I think I got something!"

She showed him the page that had an illustration of young Brooke and Danny who were hugging in a living room with their faces buried into each other's shoulders.

"Oh my God," Aaron gasped sadly, "This was the day we broke up and we had to say goodbye."

"I know, but look in the background."

He examined the background and spotted something on the bulletin board.

"Is that a phone number?" his face lit up.

"Yes," she nodded, "Can you see what it says?"

"Give me a magnify glass."

She handed him one as he used it on the illustration as the phone number enlarged.

"Wait, I know this number," he stated, "This is her home phone number."

"Great!" Shannon exclaimed, "That has to be the number for her to call!"

"But, how are we gonna get her to call it?"

"Leave that to me," she grinned.
