Chapter 8 - ''And the looser is,''

Matt's POV.

Those last 6 weeks had been so boring. I had nothing to do, because of my broken leg. Also, I couldn't be in any Game Bang or anything, because almost all of the punishments required to be able to stand without crutches. One of the highpoints of my week was recording Game Bangs. I had to wait 10 more weeks until I really could be in any of them again. I tried to look at it from the brights side, as, there is something to look forward to. Besides the baby. We had already slowly started to set up the baby's room. We had taken all of the furniture out of the guest room an put it up for sale. Then we painted the white walls purple. It wasn't much we had done, but enough for now. I couldn't say it was easy to paint the walls with a broken leg, but it definetely was funny. I still had some paint left on my hands, which was kind of a reminder of that wonderful and funny moment.

''Matt, are you hungry?'' Mari asked. I got a shock, just as I was sitting on the bed in my own thoughts. I looked over at Mari who was wearing a tank top over her huge belly. She was 25 weeks pregnant. Time went by so fast! I got up from the bed, walked over to Mari and said,

''I'll make lunch today, babe. You do it everyday. Now it's my turn.'' I kissed her forehead, and walked into the kitchen with my crutches. Mari followed me, but turned into the livingroom, where she sat down on our bright red couch and turned on the TV. From the kitchen, In could hear that Mari was watching Attack on titan. For lunch, I figured that I just would make a few sandwiches with a salad on the side. With easy I made the food, and brought one plate to mari on the couch. I jumped on one foot over there, without spilling anything. I was pretty proud of myself for that.

''Aww, thanks, babe.'' She said, taking the plate and kissing my cheek.

''No problem.'' I said, feeling out of breath. I brought my plate to the couch as well, and sat down next to Mari. We ate our food while watching attack on titan. After eating Mari washed the dished, and we went outside, to go to the doctor. This time it wasn't Mari's appointment. I needed to check up on my leg, to exactly know when it's healed. We decided to walk over there, since it was only 5 minutes away. As we walked outside, holding hands, we were stopped by 2 girls. They were both brunettes and had braces. The tallest one asked us,

''Sorry to bother you, but aren't you Mari and Sohinki from Smosh Games?'' She smiled at us, and the other girl hid behind her,

''Yes we are. Nice to meet you.'' I said,

''OMG! I told you it was them, Candace!'' The tallest girl said. The other girl smiled and asked in shakey voice,

''C-c-could we get a picture?'' She was probably 10 or 11. Oh, she was so cute,

''Of course you can. Come here.'' Mari said, stoping a random woman walking down the street, if she would take the picture. She said that she would be more than happy to, and gladly took a few pictures.

''Thank you so much!'' The tallest girl said, ''I'm Dana and this is my little sister Candace.'' She said.

''It's so nice to meet you, Dana and Candace.'' I said. They squealed and walked away. I couldn't stop smiling.

''I just love when something like that happens.'' Mari said. She took a hand to her stomach.

''Oh my.'' She whispered,

''What is it?'' I asked her, feeling worried,

''She is kicking for the first time!'' Mari said,

''Isn't it a little later than useually?'' I asked her,

''That doesn't matter. Come and feel.'' She said, dragging my hand to her stomach. It felt a little weird doing thi sin public, but damn. I could feel a tear in the corner of my eye.

''She IS kicking!'' I said, fascinated. Mari giggled.

''Well, be better get going.'' Mari said. I nodded.

At the doctor, we had to wait for a long time, until a doctor could look at my leg. After an x-ray and the doctor replaceing my cast I asked her,

''Well, how long is it going to be before I can walk normally again?'' She finished putting the cast on and said,

''Well, as far as I can see your leg is healing fairly well, and I would say that you are able to walk normally in 6 weeks. A little earlier than expected, but I am 70 % sure.'' I smiled. How could I not smile? That was amazing news! Mari smiled too.

After leaving the doctor, Mari and I had about a hour and a half, until we were headed to the Smosh Games HQ, to record a Gamebang. I couldn't say that I wasn't looking forward to it. I was in such a good mood, and I was convinced that absoloutely could ruin it. The Gamebang we were recording that day was a little special. Neither Mari or I could know what the punishment was. We only knew that we were going to play Five nights at freddy's 4. I was so nervous when we left out apartment, not knowing what to expect.

Mari's POV.

I was so nervous. We arrived at the HQ 10 minutes before we were recording the newest episode of Gamebang, which neither Matt or I could know the punishment to. My heart was pounding in my chest, when I felt something grab my hand. It was Matt's. His fitted mine perfectly, and it was if our hands had melted into each other. It was just so perfect. Holding hands we entered the big building, and took the elevator up to the floor where we were going to record Gamebang. Ian and david were kissing when we entered the room, and Anthony was sitting and teasing them with Joshua, for fun.

''Careful that you don't swallow each other.'' Anthony said, laughing his iconic laugh. Without breaking their kiss, David flipped them off. Ian giggled.

''Haaay.'' I said. Finally, Ian and David broker their kiss and looked at us. Ian who was sitting on David's lap, started blushing. Everyone laughed.

''Are you guys ready to shoot this shit?'' Anthony asked, recovering from laughing. 

''Yes, but first. What exactly is the punishment?'' Matt asked him,

''Yea, we would like to know too.'' Ian said,

''Wait? Is Anthony the only person who knows what the punishment is?'' Matt suddendly asked. Anthony nodded.

''You'll know when we are recording.'' Anthony said with a mysterious smirk on his face.

We all got in position, and Joshua started the camera.

''GAMEBANG!'' We all yelled at the same time.

''What is up guys? Today we are going to play Five nights at Freddy's 4, but today's punishment is going to be a little different from the others. As you all know, Sohinki and Mari are having a baby together, and after that, we all won't be able to record videos like this together, as often as we can now, so as I said is today's punishment going to be a little different.'' Anthony took a breath,

''Would you tell us already?'' David said, holding a toy sword.

''The loosiest looser is going to get a tattoo of a pizza on their butt.'' Anthony said.

''WHAT?'' Ian, Joshua and matt said, all at the same time.

''That is insane!'' I said.

''Let's get started. I will start playing.'' Anthony said, and started the game.

After we all had had our turns, it was time to reveal the loser. Joshua was holding his phone up, announcing the looser,

''And the looser is,''

To be continued...

Hi, guys! Sorry this chapter has been a little shorter than the other's, but I didn't have that much time to write it, and I wanted this episode to be out today, so I hope you enjoyed it! Who do you think is the looser? Let me know in the comments ^^

AAAAAAAND I'm out! :3
