Chapter 4 - Seeing the baby.

Hey guys! Chapter 4 is finally out. I am so terribly soory, that it has been so long, but I have been busy with work and family visits, but from now on, I will try to post more regularly. I am also really happy. Over 100 reads. Wow! I never thought so many people would read this. I am so grateful. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter ^-^

Mari's POV.

Weeks went by. Nothing new happened the first few weeks of Matt and I living together. Every morning I woke up, feeling sick and had to vomit. i was 8 weeks pregnant and i had a doctor's appointment that day. At 9 am I left the house, driving with Matt who still hadn't had his morning coffee, so he looked tired and half-asleep, but at the same time, Nervous? I was nervous too. For the first time, Matt and I was going to see the wonderful life, which was growing inside of me. I also noticed that my baby-bump slowly started showing. I had a lot of fun rubbing it. It was weird. All of my clothes still fit, though. The doctor wasn't far away from our apartment. 10-15 minutes, depending on the traffic. That day was nice and quiet. I looked out of the window, enjoying the view of the morning sky, the little kids walking to school and birds sitting in the trees, singing their little, joyful melodies. The roads wasn't crowded that morning, so we arrived fast at the doctor. Not just a normal doctor. I was having an ultrasound, which I had never had before. Our appointment was 9:45 am. We still had 30 minutes, but hopefully we would get in early. Matt parked the car next to the building, we were entering. It was a huge white building, with huge glass doors. Excited, I walked over to the receptionist, to check myself in. The receptionist was sitting on a black chair behind a white desk, with a little convenient PC in front of her. She was a blonde with blue eyes and freckles on her nose. I adored freckles, and I wished that I had them myself.

''What can I do for you''', The receptionist asked, looking at me  with friendly eyes,

''I am Mari Takahashi. I have an appointment at 9:45.'' I replied, trying to look as friendly as the receptionist did. The receptionist wrote something down on her PC, asking me different questions my her phone number, and CPR – number.

''All right. The doctor will call you in soon. Have a nice day.'' The receptionist said, after asking the questions.

''Thank you.'' I said while nodding. I walked over to Matt, who sat in the light-blue waiting room's blue chair, reading some kind of magazine. I could tell he was nervous. In a fast beat, he stepped with his foot in the floor without stopping, until I took my hand on his lap, and tried to stop his foot.

''It is okay to be nervous. I am too.'' I told Matt, trying to comfort him.

''Yeah... I know.'' He replied, looking up from his magazine, which he even wasn't reading. He just looked into it, to have something to do with his time. 5 minutes later, a female doctor walked out of a room, holding a notepad of some sort. She looked at the notepad, through some square glasses. The doctor looked up from the notepad saying,

''Is there a, Mari Takahashi?'' The doctor had a nice, comforting voice, which calmed me a little down.

''That would be me.'' I said, getting up from the soft couch. Matt got up as well, and the doctor took a quick look at us before she said,

''That's nice.'' She walked closer to Matt and I, holding her hand in front of us, as a greeting. I shook her hand, while the doctor kept talking,

''I am Doctor Rose. I will be the one giving you an ultrasound today. Follow me.'' Matt and I  followed the doctor close, in the same room which she had come out of. The room wasn't very big. A single bed with a machine next to it, a tv, some chairs and a desk was all the room. I figured that I should be sitting on the bed, so I did. Doctor Rose walked over to the machine, and told me to lift up my blouse, so that she could have access to my stomach,

''Okay, this might feel a little cold.'' The doctor said, while smearing some cold, blue, slimy stuff onto my stomach, which now had goose bumps. The doctor started holding some sort of device connected to the machine, up against my stomach. The doctor was moving a little around with the device, until she stopped and pointed out a little thing on the screen,

''You see that little thing? That is your baby.'' Doctor Rose said.

Matt's pov.

We were at the doctor. Doctor Rose had just applied some blue gel to Mari's stomach, and ran a device across it as well. Mari clenched her eyes for a moment, probably because the gel was cold. Doctor Rose kept running the device across Mari's belly, until she stopped. Doctor Rose held the device at a certain point on Mari's stomach, and pointed at the screen while saying,

''You see that little thing? That is your baby.'' I admired the little spot, which was the size of a peanut. I could feel a little tear coming in the corner of my eye, rolling down his cheek.

''Are you okay, babe?'' Mari asked me with a concerned look in her eyes. I held Mari's ahnd with my one hand, and dried my eyes with the other,

''Yeah, everything is fine. It's just.... Wow.'' Mari laughed a little, and pecked my lips, which comforted me.

''I'm just so happy.'' I said.

''I am too, babe, I am too.'' Mari replied, looking at the screen.

''Do you want a picture of the baby, with you?'' Doctor Rose asked us. Mari and I exchanged a few looks, before I said,

''Of course.'', smiling at Doctor Rose. Doctor Rose nodded, and pushed a few buttons on the machine.

''The receptionist will hand it to you, when you leave.'' Doctor Rose said, while taking the gel off Mari's belly. She lead us out of the room, shaking both of our hands.

''It was a pleasure to meet you. I hope I will see you in a few weeks.'' Doctor Rose said, as we had just left the room.

''Thanks. We hope we will see you soon.'' Mari replied, holding my hand. Doctor Rose walked into the room again with a big smile on her face. Mari walked up to the receptionist, who already had their picture ready.

''We will send you the bill in a few days.'' The receptionist said, waving at us, as we left the building.

When we arrived at home, we had a few minutes to get ready, before they were headed to the Smosh Games HQ, where they were recording an episode of Maricraft. Both Mari and I was looking forward to it. Like always, we recorded the episode on a Sunday, so we would have lots of time to edit it. Wes always edited our Maricraft videos, as why, we felt like he was the best at editing. After 10 minutes, Mari and I were headed out to the HQ.

That episode was very long. Probably 2½ haours or something. My stomach hurt from laughing at Joshua's stupidity in Minecraft. It was nice to see Joshua have a good time, after he had cut himself. It really got to me, when I had seen my best friend cut himself. After so many years of control over his life, Joshua just snapped, and didn't know what to do. At least that was what Joshua had told my. We all tried not to talk about the incident. It was uncomfortable for everyone, and especially Joshua. I could tell by the look in Joshua's eyes. I had stopped laughing. Only because I had thought about the incident, but when Mari walked over to me, I instantly smiled. She sat on my lap and started kissing me. Time stopped. We still hadn't told the public about Mari and I having a baby together, but the time would be soon. Only because Mari's stomach kept growing, and it wouldn't last long before the fans would notice. Joshua sat in the other end of the room, chatting with David, who talked about a cheat in GTA V. Joshua just sat and looked at david talk, but didn't seem interesten in what David said. Looking at Joshua, brought back the picture of the blade in his arms, and the blood dripping onto the floor.

Joshua's pov.

I glanced over at Matt and Mari, who looked so happy. I should feel happy for them too, and I did. In some way. The more I thought about them being in a relationship, and having a baby together, the more my heart broke. I had had a crush on Mari for years and when I finally took the courage to ask her out, I was rejected, because she was with Matt. That made me snap. I thought that his past with self-harming was gone, but that thing brought it all up again. That little piece of me, who was attached with self-harming, was brought up again. The pain was too much for me, and I had to move it to another place. That was why I had cut himself. The first time I had done it was in high school. I felt alone, and got bullied. I hated to be and feel alone. I was that kind of person, who like everyone else, needed someone close. Someone you can talk with about everything. I never found that person. Matt was the only person who knew that. I was sitting in the other end of the room, 'talking' to David, but it was most of all david talking about some cheat in GTA V, with me drifting away in my own thoughts, looking at Matt and Mari, snuggleing.

''Are you okay?'' David asked me. I snapped out of my thoughts, to look at David,

''Yea, I'm fine. Just... yea.'' I told him. David turned his head, to see Matt and Mari snuggleing. He looked at me, like he knew what was wrong. He clapped me on my shoulder,

''I am sorry, dude. If you ever need someone to talk to, you know that I always will be lisenting.'' David said, getting up from his chair.

''Thanks. I appreciate that.'' I responded. David had left the room, so I took out my phone, to distract myself.

Mari's pov.

Matt and I had just left for lunch, when we ran into Anthony and Wes on our way out.

''Hey, what are you guys doing now?'' I asked. they looked at each other, followed by looking at us and saying,

''Actually we were going to get lunch.'' Anthony said.

''Do you guys want to join us? We were having lunch anyways.'' Matt asked them.

''Sure. That sounds cool.'' Wes said. Wes and Anthony turned around, and walked with us down to the nearest, Subway.

After lunch, Matt and I walked back to the HQ, while Wes and Anthony split up, and both walked home.We took a  quick look in the gaming room, to see if we had remembered everything, and twe were good to go. At home, I immediately threw myself in the bed, and took a nap. I quickly fell asleep, and after maybe 2 hours, I was woken up by Matt gently shaking my shoulders, to tell me that dinenr was ready. Matt had orderes sushi, which we ate on the couch, while watching, Fast and Furious 4. After the movie, we both went straight to bed.

Hey Guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wanted to spice things a littl up, so I also made a little part from Joshua's point of view. I would love for you to tell me what you think about it, and if I should make more of those things in the future ^-^
