Chapter 3 - Telling The Others

Hi Guys! Before this chapter starts, I will just say that I am sorry, about the late post. I have been very busy lately, and this chapter is also a little shorter, than the other ones. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! :3

Mari's pov.

I sat in the hospital bed looking directly into Matt's eyes. My heart was pounding in my chest, and the sound of my heartbeat in my own head, sounded like a horse running.

''I'm pregnant.'' I said. Matt's eyes got big. Confusion was in his eyes.

''W-what?'' Matt asked. I smiled at him

, ''I'm pregnant.'' I said again. Matt's eyes teared up a little, and so did mine.

''Oh my! That's amazing!'' Matt exclaimed,

''I know!'' I responded. Matt hugged me tight. I couldn't stop smiling. The thought of me and Matt bringing new life to this world, was amazing. I squeaked in happiness. Our lips met in a kiss that was filled with joy and happiness. I was still sitting in the hospital bed, when Wes showed up,

''Well. I guess I better get going. Congratulations, you guys.'' Wes said, smiling.

''Thank you.'' We both said in unison. Shortly after Wes had left, all of the other guys showed up. David holding Ian's hand, Anthony, Flitz and Joshua with his hand around his right arm, where he had cut open his scars. All of them smiled. I supposed Wes had told them, which made it easier for Matt and I. There was a few awkward moments, before David yelled,

''CONGRATULATIONS!'' All of us laughed. Ian lent in for a kiss with David. Not a long time ago, Iancorn was just something silly people would say, but now it was a real thing. Just as it was with Marhinki.

''I am sorry that I caused so much trouble.'' Joshua said, looking over at me,

''It's okay, man. I am glad you would come to celebrate this moment with us.'' I said, smiling.

''How are you feeling, dude?'' Anthony asked Joshua, who replied,

''Okay, I suppose.'' None of them said any more.

''Well, I am going home. David are you with me?'' Ian asked, to break the awkward silence.

''Yeah, that sounds like a plan. Oh and by the way... CONGRATULATIONS!'' David yelled again, which made us all laugh again.

''Thank you.'' Matt said, still laughing. I looked over at the door, where I could see David walk out while holding Ian's hand. The silence was broke, by Anthony's phone ringing. Anthony pulled his phone out of his pocket. I liked his ringtone. It was a nice little melody, which somehow reminded me of Jingle Bells and The Harry Potter melody mixed together. Anthony picked up the phone, and put it up to his ear.

''Hi, Kalel..... Yea.... I was just seeing if Mari was okay... Mhm... I am on my way, babe.'', I could hear Anthony say, who apparently was talking to Kalel.

''I am so sorry guys, but I have to leave.'' Anthony said, while walking out of the door. He was almost out of the room, when he turned his head around and said,

''Oh and... congratulations, you two.'', while smiling. I could hear his footsteps in the hall, as he walked out of the hospital. Something was holding my left hand. When I looked down, I saw that it was Matt's. A smile was shown on his face, and I pecked his lips.

''Well, I guess I better get going. Are you coming, Joshua?'' Flitz asked.

''Yeah, in just a second.'' Joshua responded. Joshua walked up to Matt and I. Joshua looked directly into my eyes. His eyes were filled with sadness, and I couldn't help it but feel bad for him.

''Congratulations.'' Joshua said to me, while leaning in for a hug but quickly pulled back. Joshua turned around, and I said,

''Joshua, wait.'' Joshua turned around looking a little more optimistic, but still sad. I took my arms out, telling Joshua to come and hug me. Joshua hugged me as I wished.

''See you later'' I told him, smiling.

''Yeah.'' Joshua quickly responded, avoiding any eye contact with both Matt and I.

''I will go and warm up the car.'' Flitz said to Joshua, who followed him out the door in silence.

The next day I woke up with Matt by my side, in a blue hospital chair, covered in a light blue carpet. He looked so cute, with his head slightly tilted to the side, and his beautiful mouth half open. I got up from the hospital bed, and changed into my regular clothes. I woke up Matt, before I went down to check myself out of the hospital.

Matt's pov.

I was woken up by Mari gently poking my shoulders. I slightly opened my eyes, and saw Mari's beautiful silhouette.

''Wakey-Wakey, sleepyhead.'', Mari said in a soft, gentle voice. I rubbed my eyes, opening them even more.

''I am just going to check out. You stay here.'' Mari said, in the same voice as before. I tousled with my hair, trying to make it look decent. Or what I thought looked decent. It was rather difficult to style your hair with no mirror. I sat in the blue chair, still with the blanket over my body. A low yawn came from me, as I stretched. Those blue chairs were horrible to sleep in, and I had only gotten a few hours of sleep. Tired, I tried to stand up. As I stood up, I stretched again and a little, unexpected scream came after the stretch. A slight pain crawled up my spine. I could hear the nurses and doctors walk up and down the hallway. As I had sat down in the blue chair again, and slid into my own world of thoughts, Mari entered the room, with her bag in one hand, and a handful of papers in the other hand.

''Ready?'' she asked, grabbing both her and mine coat, handing mine to me.

''Yeah.'' I replied, grabbing my car keys out of my pocket. Holding hands, we walked out of the hospital over to my car, which I had parked as close to the entrance as possible. Quickly I unlocked the car, and got in the driver's seat. With easy the car started, and we drover home.

At home, there was cold, and I could see Mari shiver. I wrapped a soft, purple blanket around her shoulders, and she pecked my lips. A shiver came down my spine as she kissed me. Not because I was freezing, but because I really liked Mari, and she made me happy. And the thought of us having a baby in 9 months was amazing, and I still couldn't believe it.

''I love you, babe.'' I said.

''I love you too.'' Mari replied, stroking her long, pink-ish-black hair, behind her cute ears. It was like an invite for me to kiss her, so I did. I could feel Mari's hands on my neck. I got goose bumps. I started to feel Mari's tongue exploring his. It felt so good. Mari is a really good kisser, I thought. When Mari broke the kiss, she smiled at me saying,

''Well... I need to take a shower. I smell like hospital.'' I looked into her beautiful eyes, as she talked.

''Yeah, of course. I think I have a few shampoos that you can use.'' I said. Mari walked into the bathroom, closing the door. I could hear how the water was turned on. While Mari was in the shower, I decided to prepare lunch for both of us. I opened the fridge and looked at what was inside of it. It was fairly empty, but there was enough ingredients for me to make a few sandwiches, with chicken and bacon. Bread, Mayo, Lettuce, Chicken and Bacon was laying on the kitchen counter. I knew I wasn't the best cook, by I wasn't the worst either. From the kitchen I could hear Mari humming in the shower, as I made the sandwiches. The sound of running water made me feel relaxed. Suddenly the water stopped running, and Mari stepped out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around her perfectly shaped body and her hair swept in a little white towel.

''Making lunch?'' Mari asked, waking over to me, placing her chin on my sholder. I could smell the shampoos, which she had used. I have had those shampoos for a long time. My ex, Rebecca left them here a long time ago.

''Yeah. Dark bread with chicken and bacon.'' I said, focusing on the sandwiches.

''Mmmmm.. Yummy.'' Mari said, sounding excited about the food. I smiled at her and pecked her perfectly shaped lips.

''Well... I better get dressed.'' Mari said, walking out of the kitchen . 5 minutes later Mari came out of the bedroom, just as I had put the sandwiches on 2 red plates, and placed them on the table. Her hair was damp and she was wearing the same, as she was when they had gone out on a date.

''That looks so nice, babe.'' Mari said, kissing my lips. A short, but loving kiss. She sat down with me, and we started eating. The sandwiches tasted better than I had expected. I was really hungry, so I didn't have time to talk.

After lunch, Mari and I went out for a nice, long walk in the park, and in there we saw David and Ian sitting on a park bench, holding hands and talking. At evening, we were back at home. We sat down, and discussed whether or not we would have to move in together.

''I think it will be the best for the baby, when it finally arrives. It needs both you and I.'' Mari said,

''I totally agree. It just isn't the same without both parents.'' I replied. I knew how it felt only having with one parent at a time. Without further ado, we drover over to Mari's place, to get most of her stuff.

Mari's apartment was cold, and I got a chill down my spine. Mari lead me into the bedroom, where we started packing her clothes in a huge bag. After getting most of her things, we drove back home.

At my place, I cleared two shelves in the closet, and 2 bathroom shelves. We finished packing her things at, 10:12 pm. None of us were tired enough to go to bed, so we put on a movie. We ended up watching, Castaway, which were one of our favorite movies. During the movie, I felt Mari's head drooping on my shoulder, when I realized that she was asleep. She looked so cute, sleeping on my shoulder. I got up from the couch, carefully, making sure not to wake up Mari. I took her up in my arms, and carried her into the bedroom. She was surprisingly light. With ease I carried her into the bedroom, and put a cover over her. I walked back into the living room to turn off the TV, and then I headed into bed.
