Chapter 14 - All grown up

//Hey guys! I'm sorry this last? chapter is a little delayed. As I have mentioned earlier, I'm sick and I have been to the hospital and bla bla bla. Nobody's got time for that XD. Anyhoo, enjoy this chapter! :3//

Matt's POV

''Morgan! Marianna! Get up!'' I yelled from the living room. Today was a very special day. The girls were coming with Mari and I to the HQ. It wasn't like they'd never been with us, but it was the first time they got to be in a video. It was surprising that we all still were making videos. After all these years. No one had left us. It was just like the good old days.

I yelled after the girls again. There was no response. I got up from the couch and knocked on their door. I then opened it slowly. I was afraid that they weren't dressed. I walked in on both of them sleeping. They both looked so peaceful. It was almost a shame, that I had to wake them up. It was hard to believe that they already were 15 years old. Time really flew by.

I walked over to Marianna's side of the room. Even though they were twins, they were so different. In fact, they were so different that they both got one half of the room. Marianna's side was pink and there was posters of celebrities everywhere. A shelf hung above her bed, and on top of it was a pair of ballet shoes. Marianna had been taking ballet classes since she was 5 years old. Morgan's side of the room was completely different from Marianna's. The wall was a dark shade of blue and had all kinds of wall stickers on them. Some were of video game characters and other were of quotes. Mostly from video games. Her favorite was above her bed and it said ''It fills you with determination''. A quote from her favorite video game, Undertale. 

I stepped closer to Marianna. Her breath was calm. The covers were slowly moving up and down. I was wondering if she was dreaming. And if yes, about what. Maybe she was dreaming about puppies. Or maybe she was dreaming about... gulp... a guy. Thinking of that made me want to wake her up as fast as possible. Carefully, I placed my hand on her shoulder and started shaking it. When I got no response from her, I did it a little harder. Marianna opened her eyes a little, but shut them quickly again.

''Leave me alone.'' She groaned. 

''It's time you stop dreaming about that Cody Simpson guy.'' I teased her. Her facial expression was priceless. Her eyes had gotten wide open and she was sitting up straight.

''I didn't dream of Cody!'' She defended herself.

''Don't lie to your own dad. I heard you say his name in your sleep.'' Marianna's face got bright red and she started biting her bottom lip, just like her mother always did whenever she got nervous.

''G-get out!'' She yelled. I couldn't help but laugh at her. I felt a little mean doing so, but this was hilarious. 

''It's not funny.'' She said. I nodded, still laughing. As I was laughing at my daughter's reaction, my other daughter, Morgan, groaned, ''Would you two shut up? I'm trying to sleep here.'' I turned around to get a look at her. She had hid under her covers to shut out all forms of light. I slowly grabbed the covers, and then snatched them off her as quickly as I possible could. Morgan started to twist and turn her body like an earthworm.

''You two better hurry up. We have to be at the HQ in 40 minutes.''I said. Both girls jumped out of bed and raced to the bathroom. This time Morgan came first. The door was slammed shut. Morgan taunted her sister from the other side of the door. They did this every single morning.

''Hurry up, Morg!'' Marianna yelled.
I walked into the living room, where I saw Mari standing bent over the coffee table, presumably packing her bag. I snuck up behind her and grabbed her waist.

''Whoa, whoa, whoa!'' Mari exclaimed! Before she could say anything else, I went in for the kiss. Every time I kissed her, I felt the exact same was as I had the first time I kissed her. It was incredible!
