Chapter 2 - Flour all over the kitchen

Hey Guys! Here it is, the second chapter.


This chapter is lemon, so if you're under 18, I wouldn't recommend reading the forst part of it. This chapter can also be triggering if you are triggered by cutting.

Btw. This is my first time ever writing a lemon chapter, so if it isn't amazing, bear with me. I hope you like it, and ENJOY!

Matt's Pov.

I parked my car in the parking lot, as we arrived at my apartment complex. Mari and I got out of the car, and a blip blip was heard when I locked the car. We walked into my apartment in a rush. I closed the front door behind us, and locked it. Mari took my coat off her shoulders, and hung it on the coat hanger. I grabbed Mari's waist, to pull her closer to me. I started kissing her soft lips. I just couldn't resist. She was and looked so perfect. The sweet scent of her cherry Lip - Gloss made its way to me. I loved that lip-gloss. It tastes really nice. Mari started smiling. I smiled too. I pushed her up against the wall, pressing my body against hers. I just wanted to ram myself inside of her right here, right now, but that would be too rough and painful. For her, I would say. The kiss got wilder and wilder. We broke our kiss, and Mari came with a sexy smirk. She lent in to whisper something in his ear, again.

''I love you.'' Mari said in a soft, sexy voice.

''I love you too.'' I replied, trying to sound as confident as possible.

Mari took my hand, and almost dragged me into the bedroom. I dimmed the lights, and Mari threw herself on the bed, inviting me to join her. I moved towards her, crawling on the bed, until our lips met in a passionate kiss. Without breaking the kiss, I started kissing down her neck. She moaned a little, which sounded cute and sexy at the same time. I kissed a little lower on her neck, until she moaned loudly. I have found her sweet spot, thought to myself. I broke the kiss, and we stared into each other's eyes. I gave her a look, and she nodded, as if she knew what I was thinking. She started to unbutton her shirt, throwing it on the floor. I did the same with mine, and threw it in the pile of clothes on the floor. Mari's bra was printed with leopard dots. She noticed that I looked at it, and leant slightly forward, so I could have a better look. I could feel that I was getting an erection, and it tingled a little. Mari lent in for a kiss again, this time a little rougher, I pinned her to the bed, so I could kiss her better. She was an amazing kisser. Mari broke the kiss, and unzipped her pink shorts, throwing the down on the floor. I did the same with my jeans. It was getting hot in the room, and I could feel that I wanted her more than ever.

Mari's Pov.

Matt had just taken his pants off, and I noticed that he had an erection. I looked into his eyes, which were filled with joy. I started to take my bra off, and threw it on the floor. I started to cover myself up. I was really insecure about my body, but Matt started kissing my sweet spot again, and I slowly removed my hands.

''Wow... You're beautiful.'' Matt whispered. I giggled and started to blush a little. I pulled down my panties, and saw that he pulled down his boxers as well. He had an erection, which I was imagining ramming into me. I was so turned on. I lied down in bed, saying,

''Take me.'' Matt's eyes lid up, and he started putting it in. ''Mmhmm.''... ''Oh..'' ''Yeah, babe.'' I said, during our making love session.

''Oh, babe. You're so tiiight.'' Matt said, closing his eyes. It feeling so good, I started twitching. I had to use my hands to hold onto the bed frame, to avoid scratching Matt's back. As we were going on, the bed made rhythmic noises. I moaned, and was glad for that Matt's neighbors were out of town. Matt moaned too. I got even more turned on by it. Matt and I switched places, so I was on top. And again we switched places. This time my hands were on Matt's back. I tried not to scratch him, but it felt too good, so I had to. I pinned my nails into his back, and started dragging them. It did not seem to bother him. I could feel how my nails tore his skin.

After a long love-making session, we were both tired, so we went to bed. I was lying on my side, with Matt spooning me. I loved the feeling of his arms wrapped around me, and he kissed my head. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning I was woken up by Matt getting out of bed. I tried to look like I was still sleeping, at first Matt didn't notice. The sun was shining through the drapes, getting directly into my eyes. I hid under the covers, which Matt noticed.

''Awe babe.'' Matt said, in a dry and crispy voice, which you would normally have in the morning. I could hear Matt walking over to the bed, lifting the covers. He kissed my cheek. I smiled at him, and pulled down the covers again.

''Do you want breakfast?'' Matt asked,

''That would be lovely.'' I answered, coming out of my hiding spot, under the covers. The more I looked at the sunlight, the less it bothered me.

''Okay, babe. I will make you something.'' Matt said, kissing my forehead. I just saw Matt walk out of the room, and not long after, I could hear a big, THUMP! coming from the kitchen. I ran into the kitchen.

Matt's pov.

I kissed Mari's forehead, and then I walked into the kitchen, to make her pancakes. I knew I wasn't the best cook, but if there was one thing I could make, it was pancakes. Or at least that's what I thought. In the kitchen, I quickly found a big bowl, and the ingredients: Milk, Eggs and Sugar. I looked at the recipe, and saw that I needed flour too, so I opened the cabinet where the flour was. When the cabinet opened, a big bag of flour fell down from it, right onto my head. I could hear Mari rush into the kitchen, looking scared at me, before she started to laugh. I started laughing too.

''What happened?'' She asked, after several minutes of laughing.

''I wanted to make you pancakes, and then the flour fell down from the cabinet.'' I said. Mari started laughing again.

''Well..'' She started, ''You're all covered in flour, and looks like some kind of ghost.'' She said, while laughing. I rubbed my eyes. I then looked around in the kitchen. It was all covered in flour.

''We better clean this mess up.'' I said.

''Good idea.'' Mari replied, smiling. We both got a kitchen towel, and started to sweep it all into a big pile on the floor, which we vacuumed away. After cleaning, Mari looked at me, and started walking towards me. She lent in for a kiss, when she suddenly took her hand to her mouth, and quickly ran towards the bathroom. I ran after her, and saw Mari bent over the toilet, barfing. I held her hair back with the other hand, and patted her back with the other. She was quickly done, and she flushed the toilet. I looked into her eyes and asked,

''Are you okay?'' She nodded,

''Yeah, it's just a little bug.'' She said. I hugged her.

Mari's POV.

I slept at Matt's place again, and the next day, we were going to record Gametime w/ Smosh Games, with David. We all met outside of the gaming room where they were going to play, Deadpool. 15 minutes past 2, we started recording. The recording session was short, but in the short time, Matt and I was looking at each other awkwardly a few times. We didn't want to let everyone know that Marhinki is real, just yet. We want to give it some time, before taking it to the public. Matt and I had talked about it the day before. After recording, David turned off the camera, and was about to leave the room, when he turned around, looking at both of us and asked,

''So...Is there something going on, between the two of you?'' Matt and I looked at each other, knowing that we could not lie to David.

''Actually... there is.''I started out. David's eye got bigger, and before I could say anything, Matt kissed me. It was not a long kiss, but a little one, which was enough to convince David.

''Does that mean Marhinki is real?'' David asked optimistic.

''Yes.'' Matt and I reply in unison.

''I KNEW IT!'' David exclaimed. Both Matt and I laughed at his enthusiasm. After Ian and David started dating, he had been a lot more curious about whether or not people are dating. It was kind of cute in its own way.

''But it's a secret. At least for now.'' I said to David, who nodded and then walked out of the room. I leaned in for a kiss, and Matt kissed me back. I moved onto his lap, to get closer to him. Our kiss broke, by my phone vibrating. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw that I had gotten a text message from Joven:

Hey Mari, I need to ask you something important. Do you have a moment?

I replied:

Sure! What is it?


R U alone?

I looked at Matt who was nodding.


Sure, what is it, bud?


I was thinking if u want to go out for dinner sometime?


Sure! I will tell the others.


No, I mean. On a date.


Could you come in the gaming room?


Sure. I will be there in 1 sec.

I put my phone back in my pocket, as Joven walked in the room. I had crawled down from Matt's lap, and sat down on the chair, which I was sitting on before.

''What did you want to tell me?'' Joshua said, looking at Matt, ''Wait. You wasn't alone.'' Joshua added, with a sad look in his eyes.

''There is something we have been meaning to tell you.'' Matt started,

''Marhinki is real.'' I finished. Joshua stepped back, as if he had met a brick wall in front of him.

''What?'' Joshua asked in a tiny voice, which sounded like he was about to cry. His eyes started tearing up, and he stormed out of the room. I knew that he had had a crush on me, which made it harder for me to tell him, because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Both Matt and I ran, but quickly lost track of him. How? We were in the HQ, not outside. I started looking for him by the offices, and Matt searched the entrance, to see if he was on his way out. 10 minutes later, I saw Matt walk into the bathroom, where I heard a NO!

Matt's pov.

I walked into the bathrooms, hoping to see Joshua there, and I did. Joshua was sitting inside of one of the stalls, with the door half closed. I walked up behind him and saw him sitting with his back towards me. I noticed a tiny drop of blood hit the floor, and I walked closer to Joshua, to see that he was cutting himself.

''NO!'' I exclaimed. Joshua turned around looking at me with tearing eyes.

''Go away.'' Joshua said, in a tiny voice, which sounded weak. I could hear someone enter the room, so I turned my head, and saw Mari rush towards us. I took my hand on Joshua's wrist, trying to stop the bleeding, while with my other hand taking the blade away from him and throwing it away.

''What happ-'' Mari started asking, but stopped talking, as she saw the blood running down on the floor, from Joshua's arm. Mari gasped. I knew that Joshua had had a past with self-harming, but what I didn't know, was that Joshua still did it.

''Leave me alone!'' Joshua shouted, still in the same, weak voice. My focus was on Joshua, and I didn't notice Mari, until he heard a big THUMP!, and saw Mari unconscious on the floor.

Mari's pov. (Before fainting)

Everything was blurred. I saw blood.. and Joshua.. and...

I tried to keep focus, and she felt my body sway from side to side. I used all of her concentration on staying awake, but as I saw the blood again, I fainted, and everything turned black.

Joshua's POV.

I ran into the bathroom's, pulling out a little blade from my pocket, which I always had on me. I bent over the toilet, and started running the blade across my arm. Seeing Mari with Matt, really hurt me. I have had a crush on her for as long as I can remember. I could feel the tears running down my face, and taste their saltiness. My arm hurt, but it was the only thing that could help me. After stopping cutting fr so many years, I broke my streak. I was still cutting, when i heard someone oped the door, and walk up behind me. I heard Matt scream,


''Go away!'' I said. My throat hurt. I heard saw Mari enter the bathroom as well. I could feel a hand on my wrist, and another hand taking the blade on me, throwing it away. It was Matt. My best friend.

''What hap-'' Mari started to ask, but stopped by the sight of the blood on my arm.

''Leave me alone.'' I said, but before I knew, I heard a big, THUMP!, and saw Mari lyign on the ground.

Matt's Pov.

I quickly turned around to help Mari. My hands were covered in blood from Joshua's arm. I took a look at Mari, and saw that she was unconscious. Quickly, I pulled out my phone to dial 911. The ambulance turned up, quickly, and they got Mari inside of it. I really wanted to take with her, but couldn't. Even though I knew that Mari needed me and that I loved her, Joshua was my best friend and he needed help too. David, Ian and Wes showed up as the ambulance did. Wes volunteered to take with Mari to the hospital, which he did. I saw them leave in a hurry. I felt bad for not taking with her, but at the same time I knew that she would have wanted me to take care of Joshua. Joshua came out of the bathrooms, trying to cover up the scars which he had cut open, but David and Ian noticed them.

''Joven? What happened'' Ian asked, while holding hands with David. Joshua didn't answer. He started crying. I tried to comfort him, by giving him a hug. Not one of those romantic hugs as I gave Mari, but a friendly hug. Ian and David decided that it would be the best if they left. I stopped hugging Joshua, to walk into a closed room, where we could talk. I sat down next to Joshua, who had stopped crying. None of of said anything. I was worried for Mari. What if that was the last time, I was going to see her? I tried not to worry, by breaking the silence, by saying,

''Why, Joshua?'' Joshua looked me with sad eyes and said,

''You don't need to ask, if you know the answer.'' I looked away from him, and onto my hands, which were covered in blood. Joshua's sweatshirt was covered in blood too. I got up, and told Joshua to follow me, so we could get cleaned up. Willingly, Joshua followed me to another empty room (luckily), and I started cleaning his arm up. The blood was sticking to Joshua's shirt, and it was difficult to get off, but eventually, it got. I got a bandage and wrapped it around Joshua's arm, which still was bleeding. The bandage turned a little red, but I let it be for now.

''Let me drive you home.'' I offered Joshua, after washing my hands.

''That would be nice.'' Joshua replied, looking down at the floor.

I dropped Joshua off, and made sure that I could leave him there without having to worry about him hurting himself again. I trusted him. After dropping Joshua off, I drove over to the hospital to finally see Mari.

I arrived at the hospital, and walked up to the receptionist.

''Hello. I am here to see Mari Takahashi.'' I said,

''Are you a related?'' The receptionist asked, looking over her glasses,

''I'm her boyfriend.'' I replied.

''Okay. She is in room number 247.''

''Thank you.'' I said, while walking to room number 247. I liked the way hospitals smelled. I walked in the door, where the number, 247 was written on. In the room I saw Mari in a bed, with Wes by her side, sitting in a blue chair. Mari's beautiful eyes were open, and she looked as good as she always did. Wes got up from the chair as soon as he saw me, walked up to me and said,

''I think you and Mari need to talk.'' He had a mysterious smirk on his face, but in a good way. Mari looked at me, trying to say something, but it seemed like she was stuck in the words.

''Yeah?'' I asked, to get the conversation going.

''Well...'' She started off, ''While the doctors were examining me... uhm..'' I kept looking at her, wanting her to keep talking, and she did,

''I'm pregnant.'' She said

Hey guys! Again, thank you for reading this chapter. i hope you enjoy it so far, and I would love to get feedback in the comment section. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
