Chapter 12 - 2 birds

// Hello! (It's me. Sorry song lyrics are kicking in XD) I'm back again! TOOT TOOT! Ahem.. I'm back in the saddle, and I know it has been a while, and it's bad! Bad Isabella *Slaps myself*. I just realized that this is staring to turn into 50 shades of freak. Imma stop. Anyways, here's your chapter, and I'll try to write more, but as I mentioned in the last chapter, I have become sick. Okay, too much talking and too little fanfiction! Enjoy!//

Matt's POV

''Wait, what? No. This can't be. All of the other doctors told us there was 1 baby. A girl.'' I said, talking extremely fast. I looked over at Mari whose mouth was wide open. She looked shocked, but only for a second. When she got a contraction her facial expression completely changed from shock to pain. I felt bod for her, knowing that there was nothing I could do. Joven looked at Mari the same way I did, feeling sorry for her. Wes was focused on his phone. He was probably texting the other guys right now.

''Doctor are you sure?'' Mari asked while grunting. He nodded,

''I am 100 percent sure.'' Mari nodded while squeezing my hand until it ached. I tried not to complain. She was clearly in the most pain out of both of us. Wes looked up from his phone, only to poke Joven on the shoulder and whisper something in his ear. Both him and Joven got up.

''Are you guys leaving?'' Mari asked, looking slightly sad. 

''We're just going to go fix something. We'll let you know when we're coming back.'' Wes said, then rushed Joven out of the door. I looked over at Mari, while she got another contraction. 

''I'm tired.'' She weeped. I didn't blame her. She had been in labor for nearly 24 hours. 

''I know. Our kids will be here soon.'' I said, followed by kissing her head. She smiled at me the best she could. I never got tired of looking at that smile. 

The doctors and nurses had kept coming and going to take tests and ultrasound scans. I could tell by the look on Mari's face, that she wanted to get this over with. 

''Ms. Takahashi we have good news,'' An old, friendly looking nurse said,

''The scans show that you will be giving birth on normal fashion. They also show that the second child also will be a girl. Congratulations.'' She said, smiling at both Mari and I. She then looked away from us to measure how open Mari was. 

''Ms. Takahash, you're ready to give birth. I'll get a few nurses and then we'll get started.'' Mari's eyes got wide. She looked over at me and said,

Mari's POV 

''I'm not ready.'' I said. 

''I can't do this. I'm not prepared, this... this is awful.'' I panicked. I thought I was ready, but I was wrong. Never could I ever be ready to give birth to a child. I took my hands to y head.

''You ARE prepared.'' Matt tried to calm me down, I looked at him,

''I am not ready! I out of all people should know.'' I almost hissed at him. I hated this. I hated everything  about this. There was no way I could describe this pain. It was too overwhelming. The friendly nurse returned, followed by 2 other nurses and a doctor. They were holding towels and stuff in their hands. I had seen enough television to know that the towels were meant for the babies to be dried off in. 

''Okay, okay, okay, okay.'' I said, trying to calm myself down. Matt hand took mine, and he gave me a look that said 'Please don't break my hand'. It calmed me a little down. 

The nurses gave me instructions on when to push, and that I only should focus on pushing, and nothing else. They would be holding my legs in the right position an stuff. 

''I am ready.'' I whispered before I felt a contraction come. The nurses held my legs, Matt held my hand. Everything was ready, and I started pushing. It was unbearable. The pain. I started screaming. Matt looked scared, but right now, I didn't care about anything else but the pain. 

''That's good, keep going.'' One of the nurses said. I did as I was told, and pushed again. Again, I screamed.

''Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!'' I yelled at Matt,

''You did this to me. Fuck you, I hate you.'' I scolded Matt. Hopefully he knew that I didn't mean any of what I said. He looked frightened. I couldn't tell if it was because of his hand or what I said. After a lot of pushing, I felt some sort of relief. I raised my head and saw one of the nurses holding a new born. my new born. She was beautiful. While admiring my daughter, I realized that I had another one coming, and even though I was tired, I kept pushing. I pushed right until I felt relief. I looked up and saw another baby. My baby. She was so beautiful, I felt a tear coming. I looked over at Matt who had tears running down his entire face. It made me smile to see him this happy. My lips met his in a quick kiss. It didn't last long before the nurses came over with two crying baby girls. She handed me the first born and Matt the second. My instinct was to feed her, so I did. It all felt natural. I had a family. My own family. This is what it feels like to be happy.

I really am happy.

//End of chapter 12! I hope you enjoyed reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it! I always enjoy writing these chapters, and it makes me happy to see even 10 reads on a new chapter! If you liked this chapter, please leave a comment! It always makes me so happy to see a comment on a chapter! Anyways, too many words XD. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I'M OUT! :3//
