Author's note - Exciting news and apology

Hey guys!

I know it had been a long time since I last updated this story, but there's a reason for that. I usually don't tell people this the way I'm going to, but I want you guys to know why I have been gone for so long. I am sick, and I have been for the past 7 months. It's nothing too serious, but it is effecting my school work, social life and yeah, life in general. I won't go into too much detail, because I also have some VERY exciting news! 

I am planning on adding some more chapters to this story. I was looking back at the story the other day, and it made me realize how rushed everything seemed. I didn't take time to work Mari and Sohinki into this story. I just made new characters with the same names and them. Therefor I am going to add some more chapters in between the ones that are already there, BUT I won't change the story. So if you don't want to go back and read it all again (even though I really think you should) you won't miss any big events in the story. 

Thank you all so much for everything! I don't think I can thank you all enough!

