Chapter 11 - Don't panic

//Hi guys! 1K reads! That is insane! This story has been read 1000 times! I want you to close your eyes, and imagine 1000 M&M's in front of you. Each one of those M&M's represent 1 read on this story. That's many M&M's! It's all thank to you! I won't get too emotional now, so I'll tell you something else. I can already say that this is going to be the 2nd last chapter. You can probably tell what's going to happen in this chapter. I don't have anything else to say besides, ENJOY! (And thank you so very much! I love every single one of you! <3 :3//

Mari's POV.

I flipped a page in my book. I was actually reading a book. A book! I'd never felt more like an adult in my entire life. The book I was reading was about babies and parenting. I was so scared to have the baby. I skimmed through the page, and just as I was about to flip it, I felt the baby kick.

''You're a little jumpy today.'' I said to the little creature living inside of me. I gently rubbed my belly, feeling her kick.

''You need anything?'' I heard Matt shout from the other room. He was doing something in the baby's room, which I couldn't know of.

''No thanks. I'm good. You just keep doing whatever you are doing right now.'' I shouted back. I got up from the couch, which was nearly impossible with this melon sized stomach. I started sneaking towards the baby's room, to see what Matt was doing. When I was about 2 meters away from the door, I felt something on my foot, and shortly after I heard some bells ring. Matt stormed out of the room.

''I KNEW IT!'' He shouted. I shook my head while laughing.

''You're smarter than you look.'' I said with a huge grin on my face.

''Oh. What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying I look stupid?'' Matt asked in a funny, offended tony. I smiled.

''Maybe.'' I teased him.

''Come here you.'' I said while dragging him into a kiss. Matt smiled as our lips met in a short kiss.
After we had pulled away from each other, I asked him,

''What are you doing in there?'' Matt looked at the closed door behind him, then back at me.

''I'll show you. Close your eyes.'' He said. I did as he told me, then I felt his hand grab mine, and slowly drag me after him.

''No peeking!'' He said.

'' I won't.'' I replied. I heard him open the door, and drag me into the room, which was well lid. I could tell that mush. Matt then walked behind me, and dragged my hands in front of my eyes.

''That's a little late for that, isn't it?' I asked him, while laughing.

''Shhh.'' He said.

''Open your eyes.'' Matt said, while removing my hands from my eyes. He had painted the wall. The only white wall was painted with the Smosh Games logo, and around it was pictures. Lots and lots of pictures, and they were all of us. The Smosh Games family. I walked over to the wall to take a closer look at them. Some of them were of all of us, while some of them only were of a few people. Each picture brought back so many memories. There was a picture of Ian and Lasercorn dancing, and there was one of Matt, Ian, Joven and I stuffing our mouths with marshmallows. I took one of the pictures off the wall, to look at it. I felt the tears forming in my eyes. It was a picture of all of us bent over Joven's bare chest, ripping his hair out of his skin. I felt a tear forming in my eye. I turned around to look at Matt. His facial expression was priceless, his eyes filled with joy. I loved every single bit of him.

''I love yo-'' I was about to say,  when I suddenly felt a shooting pain in my stomach, which made me drop the picture, whch caused the frame to break into tiny fragments of glass. I leaned against the wall, while holding a hand on my stomach. I looked down and saw that my pants were wet.

''Mari! Are you okay?'' Matt asked with a worried look on his face. I looked at him, and made him see the pain I was in.

''I think she's coming.'' I said. Matt's eyes got huge, and he put his hands to his head.

Matt's POV.

''I think she's coming.'' Mari said. I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know if I was able to say something. What should I do? 

''Okay.. okay... don't panic... okay. okay. okay.'' I studdered. I paced up and forward in front of Mari.  

''Okay. We.. uhmmm.. we need to go to the hospital.. Yea... Oh god what do we do?!'' I was freaking out. I had never tried this before, I didn't know what to do!

''Shut up and call an ambulance!'' Mari shouted. I stood still for a moment and then tried to fish my phone out of my back pocket. 

''Uhmm... Who do I call?'' I asked Mari, holding the phone in my hand, as if it was an alien.

''Jesus fucking Christ.'' Mari said through gritted teeth, and pulled the phone out of my hand. She dialed a number and handed me the phone. I took it up to my ear. It was a lady who picked up the phone asking, 

''Hello, this is 911. What's your emergency?''

''Uhm.. Hi, It's m-my g-g-girlfriend. She is having a baby, ri-right now. Oh dear god, help me! i'm not ready for this!'' I screamed. The lady sighed and said,

''Okay, we will send an ambulance. What's your address?'' I stopped. What was our address? Oh dear god. Before I could say anything, Mari too the phone out of my hand, and told the lad what our address is. It didn't last long before Mari threw the phone in the Crib.

''Oh fuuuck.'' She said through gritted teeth.

''Are you okay?'' I asked her. 

''Do I look like I'm fucking okay?!'' She snarled back at me. I chose not to reply, and instead I asked her,

''Can I get you something until the ambulance gets here?''

'A pair of pants.'' Mari said. 

'' I'm on it.'' I said, running into the bedroom. I opened the drawer and threw out all of the clothes, spreading it all over the floor, in an attempt to find Mari a pair of pants. I finally found some blue jeans that looked good enough. I stormed back into the baby's room, where Mari still stood. I threw the pants at her, and she got them on right away. There was a few moments of awkwardness, where I just stood and held Mari's hand, while she was in horrible pain. I heard the sirens, and I helped Mari outside, so she could get in the ambulance. 

''Matt! The baby bag!'' Mari said. I spun around and grabbed the brown bag with my shaking hands.

The ride to the hospital felt endless! I could tell that Mari just wanted this to be over, and so did I. My hand was already hurting. She had held onto it tight, really tight. I wouldn't complain. She was clearly in more pain than I were. She had told me to call the other guys, so I did. Joshua said that he was coming over right away with Wes. The others would come later. I told Mari, but she didn't seem to care. After what seemed like forever, I finally saw the hospital and the ambulance stopped.

Mari's POV

The ambulance folks quickly got me into a room where I could give birth to this pain in the vag. [A/N: See what I did there? ;)] I couldn't wait for this nightmare to be over. I watched as Matt followed me with a panicked look on his face. The nurses made me change into their weird hospital clothes. I didn't really mind. No, I lied, I did mind. This shit hurt like hell. Luckily I had Matt with me. 

The nurses got me in a hospital bed, and strapped some sort of device around my belly. Presumably to check the baby's heartbeat. 

''When is this going to be over?'' I grunted. Matt looked at me while he took my hand,

''Hopefully soon.'' He replied and kissed my hand. That helped a little, but i was still in an awful lot of pain. I kept looking at the clock. It had been an hour. Only an hour? It felt like several days. While I was staring at the clock and squeezing Matt's hand, someone walked into the room. Someone I knew. Joshua and Wes. For a few seconds, I forgot about the pain, then it reminded me. I wanted to say hi to them, but all I could do was grunt. 

''Hey Mari. How are you feeling?'' Joshua asked me, placing bouquet of flowers on the bedside table. I was just about to answer him, when I got a contraction. The pain was shooting right up my belly, down my legs and up my back.

''You try to squeeze a watermelon out of your butthole.'' I said when my contraction was over.

''Ouchie.'' Wes said,

''Very.'' I said, looking at him. Joshua and Wes each got a chair and sat besides me. For a long time they were silent, and it was killing me,

''Speak dammit! Distract me!'' I ordered them. The guys exchanged a few looks, then looked back at me.

''How?'' Wes asked. I looked at the ceiling, then back at him. His usually friendly face had a worried look to it.

''Tell me stories! About us.'' I said. Their faced lid up. 

''Okay, let me start!'' Joshua said, sounding really enthusiastic. I loved it! It made me feel a little better.

''Remember the time you and Ian had to be rolled into a pokéball? How much we laughed?'' Joshua said,

''Yeah, I remember.'' I said, half chuckling, half grunting. 

We continued telling stories like that, as the contractions had shorter space between them. I knew it was almost time, but I didn't want that moment to end. I knew that we all wouldn't see each other as often as we do now. I just hoped that we wouldn't lose contact. 

After hours of talking, laughing and pain, I couldn't bear it anymore, and we had to stop. I couldn't concentrate. A nurse walked in to check how much I had opened, and she made a quick ultrasound to check if everything was alright. She had done that a few times now, but this time she reacted differently. She put the device away and said,

''I'll be rigt back Ms. Takahashi.'' Matt gave me a worried look, and I gave him one back. All there crazy thought crossed my mind, was she dead? Does she have an extra limb we didn't know of? Was she laying the wrong way? I snapped out of it when I saw the nurse enter the room, followed by a doctor. He didn't even bother to look at me, he was heading right towards the ultrasound machine, and gave me another ultrasound.

''Is everything alright?'' Matt asked the doctor,

''She's not dead, is she?'' I added. The doctor looked at the ultrasound scan, then at me. His glasses were slightly foggy.

''Everything is alright. but we have made an unusual discovery.'' He said.

''Then tell us, what is it?'' I asked. I felt that I was shaking.

''I hope that you have an extra crib, because you will be having twins.''

//Well, that was that chapter. I really hope that you enjoyed it! I'm also sorry that it has been a while, but I haven't been feeling the best at the moment. I have gotten sick, so I'm in a lot of pain. I won't go into details, but I figured that you should know. I know that I'm not the best writer, but I really enjoy doing this, and I am really doing my best. I really do hope that you are enjoying this, and if you are, please let me know! You have n idea how much it means to me, and how happy it makes me to see that I have a new message or comment! I think that's all for now. Bye! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I'M OUT! :3//
