Chapter 13 - Home

//Ayye! I'm back! Missed me? (Don't answer, just go with it.) Before this chapter starts, I'll have to say a few things. First of all, some of you who have bee around for quite a while, may have noticed that this story now has a new cover. I personally really like it, and the credit goes to Lauren! (I know you're reading... XD) Second of all, I am so thankful for 1,3 K reads! That's an insane amounts of reads. IMAGINE HAVING THAT MANY COOKIES!!! Ahem, sorry about that. I just really like cookies. I know that there was a third thing I wanted to say, but I forgot. GOD DAMMIT! Well, anyhoo, enjoy this chapter that might be the last one :3 OH WAIT NO, I REMEMBER! Ahem. Third of all, the names for Matt and Mari's little girls are from a reader named Zivaleh. If you're still reading this story, I'd like to thank you for your suggestion! I don't think I could have come up with names that didn't involve cake or something. I really like cake. I'm getting off topic.. *sigh*. Okay, I'll let you read the actual story now XD//

Mari's POV

I wasn't used to carrying a baby on my arm. It felt strange, yet normal. The thought of having become a mother was still insane to me. I was now responsible for not only my own life and health, but also two beautiful girls. I turned around and looked at Matt. He was holding Marianna in his arms. She was our first born. Shortly after, Morgan arrived. She was in my arms. I admired Matt snuggling the little girl.

''I would not be surprised if you became father of the year.'' I said. Matt looked up. The happiness tat could be seen in his face was priceless.

''You really think so?'' He asked me while bouncing Marianna in his arms. I looked at her, then back at him,

''I know.'' His face was glowing. I wanted to ask him something, but I forgot. (A/N: I was feeling a little forgetful while writing this, so I took it out on Mari XD) I was admiring the girls. Their eyes looked just like their dad's. I turned back around and saw the front door to our apartment. Now I remembered. I turned back around and asked Matt for the house key. His facial expression immediately changed.

''I knew we forgot something.'' He said. I mentally facepalmed. How could we be so forgetful?
That was when I remembered our extra key. With a baby in one arm, I carefully used my other arm to lift the plant on top of the extra key. It was gone. The extra key was gone.

''Shit.'' I mumbled.

''What do we do now?'' Matt asked me. I shook my head,

''I don't know. It's Sunday so we can't call the landlord.'' I said. I started to bite my bottom lip. It was cold that day, so we had to find a way in. I did one desperate attempt, and that was to see if we forgot to lock the door after us. This was the one time I was hoping for it. I pulled down the door handle. The door wasn't locked. It felt like an instant relief to see the door open. I looked back at Matt and smiled at him. I stepped inside, showing Morgan her new home. I walked towards the babies room. We would have to buy more clothes and another crib. I heard Matt show Marianna around. I couldn't help but smile. I opened the door to the baby room and saw to my surprise all of the guys. They were all standing next to a brand new white crib with a giant bow tied onto one of the bars. Above the crib there was a banner that said 'Welcome Home!'.

''Oh my god.'' I said. The others were smiling at me. Their smiles rubbed off on me. I looked around the room. I looked at all of the people I held close, and in between all of the guys, I saw two very familiar faces. My parents. My dad had his arm wrapped around my mom's waist. Just as he always did. I walked over to them. They both hugged me, carefully, so they wouldn't squish Morgan.

''Mom, dad.'' I said, not knowing which words I had to use. I called Matt's name, and he quickly entered the room, still with Marianna in his arms.

''What is it-'' He stopped talking when he saw everyone. Just as I had done, he smiled.

''Did you plan all of this?'' He asked me,

''Yes, while I was in labor, I planned all of this.''

''Oh, so we don't get any credit. I see how it is.'' David said. Everyone laughed. I took a look back at everyone, then the cribs.

''I can't believe you guys did all of this. You even took care of the broken picture frame on the floor.'' I said.

''You guys are like family to us,'' Wes said,

''That was the least we could do.'' Joven added. The others nodded and agreed with him.

''I- I don't know what to say.'' I said,

''Don't say anything, just let me hold the god damn babies!'' Ian said. I laughed and carefully handed him Morgan. She smiled at Ian,

''Why, hello there, Morgan. I'm uncle Ian,'' he introduced himself. Ian turned to David, ''And this is auntie David.'' he added. David scoffed.

''Someone's not going to get it tonight.'' David joked. Ian handed me Morgan back. I was kind of scared to hold her. Not scared of holding her, but I was scared of dropping her. I was aware of how clumsy I was. But despite being scared to hold her, it felt natural and right.

''You wanna say hi to grandma and grandpa?'' Matt asked Marianna. I looked over at the little smiling baby girl, being handed over to her grandparents. They looked so happy and comfortable with that baby in their arms. I was wondering if they held me the same way, when I was a baby. I walked over to the new crib. It had a white bag in it.

''What's this?'' I asked Anthony who was standing right next to me.

''Open it.'' He told me. I asked him if he wanted to hold Morgan. When I asked the question he almost shouted that he'd love to. It was funny to see how people changed when they were around babies. I took the bag out of the crib and looked in it. It was like a goodie bag for parents. Lots of baby clothes, cute baby clothes, even more toys, as if we didn't have enough of them, pacifiers with video game characters on them such as, Link, Zelda, Frisk and Mario. Then there was a picture frame with a picture in it. The picture was of all of us. Our family. Looking at that picture brought back so many memories. It was taken the day we recorded the video '8 player Super Smash Bros'. I looked up to see everyone standing around me.

''Thank you all so much.'' I said, nearly drowning in tears. Flitz patted me on my back. I hugged him. That one hug lead to a big group hug. A gentle one. Anthony handed me back my baby after we broke the hug.

The guys and my parents stayed for a few more hours, until it had gotten dark. It was time for them so go home, sadly. That was probably one of the last times we all would be together like that in a long time. We hugged everyone goodbye after we had put the girls to bed. I closed the door after David who was the last person to leave the apartment. It felt so empty without all of the guys. I walked into the bedroom, where Matt already had tucked himself under the covers. I was exhausted. I joined him in bed.

''These nights are going to be hell.'' I said. He silently agreed with me. 

''Several months of babies crying in the middle of the night,'' He said, ''But it will all be worth it.'' I added. He looked at me and kissed my forehead.

''I love you.'' He said. I looked up at him,

''I love you too.'' That was the last thing any of us said, before we fell asleep.

Having babies in the house made me realize how much I had taken sleep for granted in the past.

//I know it's a weird note to end this story on. As you might have figured already, this story is almost over. Sadly. But as I've said many times before, I really love writing this, and it make me happy to see that you guys are reading it! I also love seeing that there's a new comment on one of my stories. Feel free to comment if you like it, it really brightens my day! I don't think i have anything else to say. So, bye for now! I love you guys! AAAAAAAAAND I'M OUT! :3//
