Chapter 5 - It's a girl!

Hey Guys! Finally I got this part out! I have tried to write it in a nother way than the other chapters, and I would love it, if you gave me feedback on the new style I am trying out. I have nothing more to say. ENJOY! :3 Also please leave baby-names in the comment section.

Mari's pov.

I woke up that morning, by the sunlight seeping through the drapes and shining me right in the face. Slightly opening my eyes, I looked around in the room to see if Matt was there. His side of the bed wasn't made yet, but I could hear some noise coming from the kitchen. After some struggle with getting up from the bed, I finally was in position to sit on the edge of the bed. My belly is getting so big, and I am only 19 weeks pregnant. As I am sitting on the edge of the bed, trying to wake up, I can hear footsteps coming from the kitchen into the bedroom. The door opens and Matt is standing there with a kitchen towel over his shoulder, smiling.

''Oh, you're awake. I thought you was still sleeping.'' He says.

''How could I sleep, with all that noise you're making.'' I replied, teasing him.

''Oh.'' Matt says, trying to act offended, ''So now I am noisy? Come here you.'' He continues, as he comes towards me. He starts tickling me, so I instantly turn into a killer machine. He knew that I am ticklish, and I knew for a fact that he was too, so I started to tickle him as well. Immediately as I started to tickle Matt, he pulled away from me, and said,

''All right! I give up. You win. There is pancakes in the kitchen. '' He walker up to me, this time it is to give me kiss on my cheek, before he leaved the room. I kissed his cheek back, and walked into the kitchen, which smells like pancakes. If there was one thing I especially liked about Matt, it is that I can be 100% myself, when I am around him. As I was at that moment. I could just walk into the kitchen with tousled hair, baggy clothes and no makeup, and he could still look at me with shining eyes and tell me that I am beautiful. A big plate of pancakes was standing on the table, and Matt told me to eat up. As I ate a bite of pancake, the sweetness from the syrup instantly hit my tongue. Matt walked up behind me, and gentle kissed my lips, then he knees, to talk to my stomach.

Matt's POV.

I just made Mari pancakes, and this time I did not burn them. I know I am not the best cook, but that doesn't mean that I can't cook at all. These pancakes were probably the best thing I have ever made. As Mari was eating, I walked up behind her and gentle kissed her soft lips. After kissing her, I got down on my knees to take a look at her belly. It was getting getting so big. I lifted her shirt up a little, and put my ear up to it. I could hear our baby's heartbeat. It was hard to hear, but it was definitely there. It was amazing how a human being could grow inside of Mari. Holding my hands around her stomach, I kissed the middle part of it, where I guessed the baby's head was. Mari giggled.

''It's tickling.'' I kept on kissing her stomach, which resulted in her giggling even harder.

''Stop it.'' She saud, still giggling.

''Okay, babe. I will. '' I stopped kissing her stomach, and instead I kissed her lips.

After cleaning the table, and taking care of the dishes, I saw Mari walk out of the bedroom, fully dressed. Her hair was in a ponytail, and she was wearing her new t-shirt, which I bought for her yesterday.

''The color compliments your eyes. '' I said, looking directly into her eyes.

''Thanks.'' She said, kissing my cheek.

''Are you ready to leave? '' I asked her, as I swung with my car keys. She walked over to the couch and took her brown purse.

''All ready. '' She said after swinging the purse over her shoulder.

In the car, I could feel my heart pound, as we got closer to the doctor. That Day was the day when we finally get to find out our baby's gender. Mari wassitting in the passenger seat, holding her hands on her stomach. With one hand on the steering wheel, I took my other hand and found Mari's. We held hands for a moment, and I look at her and asked,

''Are you nervous? ''

''I would lie if I said I wasn't.'' Mari replied, forcing a smile.

''I am too babe.... I am too. ''

I parked my car on the side of the road, and Mari and entered the big white building. Mari took a seat in one of the blue chairs, and I walked up and check her in. The receptionist was the same one as when we had first been there, which was kind of funny.

''Hello. I am here to check in, Mari Takahashi.'' The receptionist looked at me, and then at her PC.

''Yes, I can see you have an ultrasound appointment at 11 am. Is that correct?'' The receptionist asksed, changing between looking at the screen and at me.

''Yes, that is right. '' I replied. The receptionist asked for my phone number, and I willingly gave it to her. After some questions she finally said,

''All right. You can take a seat, and Doctor Rose will come out and call you in.'' She finished her sentence off with a smile. I smiled and nodded at her, then I turned around and walked over to Mari, who nervously was biting her bottom lip. I sat down next to her, and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, while kissing her cheek.

''Hey. Everything is going to be alright. Don't you worry. '' I said, in an attempt to comfort her. She smiled at me and leaned her head up against my shoulder, slightly closing her eyes.

''Mari Takahashi. '' says a doctor coming out of a room. The doctor had reddish-brown hair, and wears glasses on her nose. Her face looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

''Yes. Right over here. '' Mari saud, as she was getting up from the soft couch.

"Very well. I am Doctor Rose. Follow me. '' Doctor Rose! That was her name. The Doctor who was here when we came for the first time. Doctor Rose was leading us inside of a room with a big screen, a bed and some chairs. Doctor Rose took a seat in a blue chair, right in front of a machine. Mari laid down on the bed and I took a seat right next to her. Mari pulled up her shirt, as she had done the last time. Doctor Rose applied some blue gel to Mari's stomach, and started running some device over it.

Mari's POV.

I laid down in the bed, and started to pull up my shirt. Doctor Rose moved over to me with a tube filled with some blue gel. When she squirted out the blue gel on my stomach, it felt cold, but I choosed not to bother. As she had done before, Doctor Rose ran some sort of device across my stomach. It tickled a little. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I could feel the blood rush through my body. I looked at the big screen, which was in constant motion, until Doctor Rose held the device still.

''Do you see that? '' She asksed, and points at the screen.

''Yes, I see it. '' Matt said.

''That is your baby. Would you like to know the gender? '' Doctor Rose asked, looking at me. I looked at Matt, who was nodding.

''Yes, please. Tell us! '' I said in an enthusiastic voice.

''Congratulations, it's a girl!'' Matt jumped a little in his chair, and I could feel his hand grab mine. I looked over at him, and saw that he was crying. I gave him a kiss, and the taste of the salty tears was in my mouth.

''Wow. '' I  heard him whisper. ''She is beautiful. '' He said.

''I know. '' I replied. Doctor Rose quickly dried the remaining gel off my stomach, and we returned home.

Our apartment was a little cold, and it wouldn't last long, before we were headed out to the Smosh Games HQ. I stood in front of the mirror, looking at my own reflection. I also looked at my belly. It was so big, I couldn't believe it. It was hard to believe that there was a little girl in there. As I was standing there, looking at my own belly, Matt opened the door, swinging his car keys around his pointer.

''Are you ready to leave? '' Matt asked me.

''Ready. '' I replied.

At the HQ, we walked in the gaming room, where we had told everyone to meet us at. We were going to record a video, where we explained what is actually going on. This, ''Mari and Sohinki are having a baby together''- thing is something which we had held a secret for our fans.  Anthony, Ian, David, Joshua, Flitz and Wes were all sitting in the room, waiting for us. David was sitting on Ian's lap, holding his hand. They all looked at us as we were walking inside of the room.

''Oh my god. Mari you are so fat. '' Ian said in a funny way.

''Hey. Don't bully her. '' Flitz said, as he gets up to rub my belly. I laughed.

''Are you guys ready to shoot this s*it? '' Anthony asked us.

''We sure are. '' Matt replied. And before any of us could say anything, Joshua had already pressed 'Start'.

''Hey what is up you guys? This video is a little special. '' Anthony started out the video.

'' Mari and Shhinki are having a baby together.'' David continued,

''And today we are going to find out the baby's gender.''Ian finished it off.

''So? '' Wes asked.

''Is it a boy or a girl? '' Joshua continued.

Both Matt and I looked at each other, and made a silent countdown,

''IT'S A GIRL! '' We said in unison, while the other guys cheered and clapped.

''Congratulations. '' Flitz, Wes, Joshua, David, Ian and Anthony end the video.

After recording, Matt and I were headed home, where we came home to see the unexpected.


To be continued.
