Visiting Valencia (Part 2) (Final)

'Opening': 'Mirai Connection' ('Future Connection'.) Of Pokémon Sun and Moon.

Our heroes were visiting the Miguelete, and they were really enjoying its views, and then they decided to go to the Virgin Square, and in the end, they decided to go. This square is quite large, full of buildings around, full of pigeons, in the center, there is a water fountain, and the ground is brown and yellow, and there were already more people, so Rottytops had to say what is a hallucination.

Shantae: (She turns her head from left to right) Wow! This is beautiful!

Sky: (She turns her head from left to right.) How many birds! Wrench is going to have a lot of fun! (She looks at Wrench, who is on his right shoulder.) Right?

Wrench: (He looks at Sky.) Gruack! (Of course!) (Starts to fly, and heads toward the pigeons.)

Sky: Wrench, be careful, don't get lost!

Wrench: Gruack! (Do not worry!)

Rottytops: (She turns her head from left to right.) Wow!

Bolo: (He turns his head from left to right.) It looks amazing! (He looks at the ground.) Wait ...! Here's something written!

Rottytops: (She looks at Bolo, curious.) Oh really?

Bolo: Yes, but I have no idea what it says. (He looks at Miguel.) Do you know what it says?

Miguel: (He looks at Bolo, and lifts his shoulders.) No idea! I have never known.

Shantae: I see. And, hey, what are we going to eat?

Miguel: (He looks at Shantae.) Don't tell me you're like Bolo now...

Shantae: (She looks at Miguel.) Pfff, what? Hahaha! Do not make me laugh! Of course not!

Bolo: (He looks at Miguel and Shantae.) In fact, and believe it or not ... I'm not hungry.

Sky: (She looks at Bolo, impressed.) Wait, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!? Bolo, without being hungry? Seeing is believing!

Bolo: (He looks at Sky.) Haha, indeed!

Rottytops: Guys, do we sit on the steps around here?

Shantae: (She looks at Rottytops.) Good idea, 'Rotty'. (They all sit on the steps, and some pigeons approach.)

Miguel: Aw, I wish we had food for the pigeons ... It is customary to feed them here.

Sky: Let me try one thing. (She takes the bird food out of her backpack.)

Bolo: (He looks at Sky.) Why did you take the bird food?

Sky: (She looks at Bolo.) I always take it with me, just in case.

Bolo: Ah ... Good, I guess ...

Rottytops: (She looks at Sky.) What are you going to do with that?

Sky: (She looks at Rottytops.) Well, I'm going to feed the pigeons! What else am I going to do?

Rottytops: I don't know, maybe you could give that food to Bolo.

Bolo: (He looks at Rottytops, a little pissed off.) Hey, I'm here, you know?

Rottytops: (She looks at Bolo.) Calm down Bolo, caaaaaaalm dooooooown. Its just a joke!

Bolo: Okay ...

Sky: (In a very low voice.) Oh my Genie...

Bolo: (He looks at Shantae and Miguel.) Hello? You haven't said anything.

Shantae: (She looks at Bolo.) I was just looking at the Square.

Miguel: (He looks at Bolo.) Me too.

Sky: Well ... I think we should keep looking at this Square, surely there are interesting places around.

Rottytops: I agree with Sky. Wait, (She looks at Sky.) you should call Wrench.

Sky: Wrench, come here! (She puts the bird food in her backpack.)

Wrench: (He goes to Sky.) Gruack! (I'm here!) (He leans on Sky's right shoulder.) Gruack? Gruack, gruack ...! (Shall we go now? Aw, I was having so much fun with the pigeons ...!)

Rottytops: (He looks at Wrench.) It seems Wrench doesn't want to leave.

Sky: Well, he will not! We have come here to visit the city, not to stay in one place!

Bolo: (He looks at Sky.) You don't have to get like that either ...

Sky: (She looks at Bolo, and sighs.) You're right.

Miguel: So ... what do we do? Do we get up to see the surroundings or do we stay a little longer around here?

Shantae: Well ... (She looks at Miguel.) I think the answer is pretty obvious, right? We want to see as much of the city as we can!

Miguel: Well in that case, let's get up! (Everyone gets up, and leaves.)

After seeing a bit of the surroundings of the fountain, they decided on their next destination: The Silk Market, a very famous place in Valencia. While they were going to The Silk Market, they were talking about some interesting things.

Shantae: (Everyone is walking, and Shantae looks at Sky.) ... Well, for the moment, what I liked the most was the Miguelete.

Sky: (She looks at Shantae.) I think the Miguelete has been what we all liked the most at the moment.

Miguel: If we had come in March, you would have had a great time!

Rottytops: (She looks at Miguel, curious.) And why is that?

Miguel: (He looks at Rottytops.) Because in March, there is a festivity here called 'Fallas'. People build monuments, or as they are called around here, 'ninots'. You would be stunned if you saw them!

Bolo: (He looks at Miguel.) Ow, now I want to see one of those monuments!

Miguel: (He looks at Bolo.) I'm sorry, Bolo, you can't.

Bolo: (Crestfallen, a little disappointed.) Oh...

Shantae: (ooks at Bolo.) Bolo .... Do you think the rest of us are happy to hear that? I too would have liked to see those ... things!

Miguel: (He looks at Shantae.) They are called 'Ninots'.

Shantae: (She looks at Miguel.) Whatever they're called!

Sky: Calm down, calm down! (She looks at Miguel.) Hey, if we go this way, we'll get ... to that place, right?

Miguel: (She looks at Sky.) The Silk Market?

Sky: Yes, yes, whatever it's called.

Miguel: Ehm, yes.

Sky: Ah, okay.

Rottytops: I really want to get there! I'm sure I'm going to like it!

Miguel: (He looks at Rottytops.) That's the spirit!

Rottytops: (Looks at Miguel.) And ... Is there a long way to go to The Silk Marke

Miguel: Nah, not much left, why do you ask?

Rottytops: Uhm, just curious.

Miguel: Curious, huh? I get it.

Shantae: And, uh ... how much do we have to see?

Miguel: (She looks at Shantae.) Wow, we have a lot of places to visit!

Shantae: I really want to visit every possible monument in this city!

Sky: (She looks at Shantae.) We are all really looking forward to seeing what this city has to offer.

Bolo: (He looks ahead.) Wait ... (He points to a building with his right index finger.) What's that?

Miguel: (He looks where Bolo is pointing.) It's The Silk Market!

The Silk Market is a very large building, light brown in color, Gothic in style, on the outside it has many windows, a few gargoyles, and above, on the terrace, there is a flag of the Valencian Community.

Bolo: (A little confused.) Is this The Silk Market...?

Miguel: (He looks at Bolo.) Of course ... Why do you doubt it ...?

Bolo: (He looks at Miguel.) Eh ...? Of course I do not question it! It's just ... It's a strange building!

Shantae: (She looks at Bolo.) Well ... 'Weird' doesn't have to mean 'bad' or 'ugly'.

Bolo: (He looks at Shantae.) E-Eh ... Of course not!

Rottytops: (She looks at The Silk Market.) ... Hey, this building, uhm, looks good!

Miguel: (He looks at Rottytops.) Is something wrong?

Rottytops: (She looks at Miguel.) Huh ...? Of course not! Just ... Like Bolo said, this building looks a bit... Strange.

Sky: (She looks at Rottytops.) Well, I like it. (She looks at Wrench, who is on his right shoulder.) And you?

Wrench: (He looks at Sky.) Gruack, gruack, gruack ... (Hey, it doesn't appeal to me, if I'm honest ...)

Sky: Well, you don't seem that convinced, Wrench ... But hey, I'm sure you're going to love it!

Wrench: Gruack, gruack ... (Well, if you say so ...)

Shantae: Well, are we going in now or what?

Miguel: (He looks at Shantae.) Ehm, of course!

Rottytops: (She looks at Shantae.) Of course! It is always good to see new things. Eh, if they are positive, of course.

Bolo: (He looks at Shantae.) Of course we're going in now! I want to see this inside!

Miguel: (He looks at Bolo.) That's the spirit, Bolo!

Sky: (She looks at Shantae.) I hope that question is a joke! My answer is more than obvious! We will enter! (She looks at Wrench.) Right?

Wrench: (He looks at Sky.) Gruack! Gruack! (I think the same as you! Let's go in!)

Miguel: Decided then! We will enter! (They enter.)

The Silk Market, inside, is white, on the ceiling there are a few vaults, there are many pillars and many windows, which allow you to see the beautiful garden of the Lonja.

Miguel: How strange, there are almost no people.

Rottytops: (The people look at her strangely, and whispers to Miguel.) I think I'll have to use 'that' trick ...

Miguel: (He whispers to Rottytops.) I know ...

Shantae: (She looks side to side.) So, the merchants meet here?

Miguel: (He looks at Shantae.) Or rather, they used to meet here.

Shantae: (She looks at Miguel.) ... Ah.

Bolo: (He looks side to side.) Well ... I know I said it looks a bit strange ... But, it doesn't look bad at all.

Sky: (She looks side to side.) This looks great! (She looks at Wrench.) What do you think?

Wrench: (He looks at Sky.) Gruack, gruack ...! (Well, it doesn't look too bad ...!)

Rottytops: (She looks at Sky.) I think he's liking it!

Wrench: (He looks at Rottytops.) Gruack! (You're right!)

Shantae: Hey, Miguel ... (She looks at Miguel.) I guess we can go outside to the garden, right?

Miguel: (He looks at Shantae.) Of course! Do you want to see it?

Shantae: But how can you ask that!? Of course I want to see it!

Miguel: Ok, ok!

Rottytops : (She looks at Miguel.) Can we go? Can we go? Pleaseeeeeeeeeee!

Bolo: (He looks at Miguel.) I want to go too!

Sky: (She looks at Miguel.) Me too!

Miguel: (He looks at everyone.) Guys, guys, calm down! Yes, we will go!

Shantae: Yay!

Rottytops: Great!

Sky: Good!

Bolo: Yahoo!

Wrench: Gruack, gruack! (Great, great!)

Shantae: And where is it going?

Miguel: No idea, we'd better find a way to get to the garden.

Rottytops: (With Irony.) Wow, I didn't know!

Bolo: (He looks at Rottytops.) The irony is very noticeable.

Rottytops: (She looks at Bolo.) Of course it was irony!

Sky: Calm down, calm down. We just have to find a way to get to the garden.

Bolo: (He looks at Sky.) So what are we waiting for !? (He starts runnig.)

Sky: B-But Bolo, wait for us! (Everyone starts to follow Bolo running, and Sky does a Facepalm.) This Bolo is never going to change! (Everyone leaves.)

When they found the entrance to the garden, they saw that the garden was full of orange trees, and everyone looked at the trees, dumbfounded.

Shantae: (She looks at the trees, dumbfounded.) Oh my! I have never seen such beautiful orange trees!

Miguel: (He looks at Shantae.) Ha. I'm not surprised ... These orange trees are exceptionally cared for!

Shantae: (She looks at Miguel.) Well yeah, they look great!

Sky: (She looks at the trees, dumbfounded.) Is it possible to get the oranges?

Miguel: (He looks at Sky.) Sorry to disappoint you, but no.

Sky: (She looks at Miguel.) Oh ... I wanted to take some oranges to give to my birds ...!

Bolo: (He looks at Sky.)Uhm, if you can't, you can't.

Rottytops: (She looks at the trees, dumbfounded) Wow! This is worth seeing!

Bolo: (He looks at Rottytops.) Yep, 'Rotty'. Yep.

Miguel: With good reason this garden is called 'Courtyard of the Orange trees'.

Shantae: How right!

Bolo: And tell me, Miguel ... (He looks at Miguel.) Is there something you DON'T like about this city?

Miguel: (He looks at Bolo.) I really doubt that there is something in this city that I don't like, if I'm honest.

Bolo: Ah ... I understand.

Rottytops: (She looks at a very big orange on a tree.) Aaaah, how big is that orange!

Shantae: (She looks at the orange Rottytops is looking at, surprised.) Wow, that's big!

Bolo: Let me see...! (He looks at the orange Rottytops and Shantae are looking at, surprised.) Wow! How great!

Sky: (She looks at the orange Rottytops, Shantae and Bolo are looking at, surprised.) Wow, how big! (She looks at Wrench.) Yeah?

Wrench: (He looks at Sky.) Gruack, gruack! (Well yes, it is very big!)

Miguel: (Looks at the orange Rottytops, Shantae, Bolo, Sky and Wrench are looking at, surprised.) Wow, this was not what I expected.

Shantae: Hey, (She looks at Miguel.) Miguel ...

Miguel: (He looks at Shantae.) Yes?

Shantae: Have you thought about what we are going to visit next?

Miguel: Of course! However, if we want to go to a specific place, we would have to wait until tomorrow.

Shantae: Why?

Miguel: Because we would have to do a few things before ... But hey, in the meantime, we can see the other places.

As they left The Silk, they visited more monuments, such as the Plaza Redonda, the Torres de Quart, etc ... And many more (Obviously, they ate in restaurants, and Rottytops had to say about the hallucinations.). At dusk, they all returned home, but before dinner, Miguel turned on his white laptop.

Rottytops: (She sees Miguel sitting on one of the sofas, and walks over, curious.) What are you doing with your 'Magic Looker'?

Miguel: (He looks at Rottytops, pissed off.) For the fortieth time, it's not called 'Magic Looker'! It's called 'laptop'!

Rottytops: Hey, you don't have to be like that either!

Miguel: ... I'm sorry.

Rottytops: What are you doing?

Miguel: I'm looking at the price of the tickets to be able to enter a place that I have in mind ... Do you want to see what place it is?

Rottytops: Of course!

Miguel: It's okay. (He googles 'Oceanogràfic', and shows Rottytops the images.) Look!


Miguel: 'Oceanogràfic'. (He goes back to the web page from before, and starts typing.) And that's it! Tomorrow we will go to the Oceanogràfic!


Miguel: Although it cost me a lot of money, imagine that a ticket for a seventeen-year-old is worth 45.50 Euros! And then multiply that by five!

Rottytops: 45.50 Euros? That's very cheap for a 17-year-old, although (She does the math.) 227.5 euros for five 17-year-olds doesn't seem so cheap.

Miguel: It is NOT. I had to use my parents' money! And ... Yes, I paid here. Don't ask me how, I couldn't explain it to you. I used my Laptop.

Rottytops: (She scratches her head with her right hand) Ehhh, okay ... When are we going to have dinner?

Miguel: I hope you're not like Bolo now...

Rottytops: Haha! What!? Of course not! I just want to know when we're going to have dinner.

Miguel: Well ... (He turns off his Laptop, and puts it on the sofa.) I guess we'll have dinner right away. (He gets up.) I'll see what we have. (He goes to the kitchen, and takes the cookbook.)

Miguel cooked some sausages for dinner, something simple but effective. As they were brought into the combined dining and living room, everyone but Wrench looked at the food curiously, and Miguel explained what they were. After putting on a satisfied face, they started to eat dinner, and went to bed. However, Miguel and Shantae took a little longer to sleep.

Shantae: (Both lying on the bed.) Hey, (She looks at Miguel.) Miguel ...

Miguel: (He looks at Shantae.) Yes?

Shantae: What did you say is the name of that place that we are going to visit?

Miguel: 'Oceanogràfic'.

Shantae: What did you say ...? I didn't hear you right.

Miguel: 'Oceanogràfic'.

Shantae: Ahhh ... That name sounds great!

Miguel: Well, if you like animals, you will like it very much, there are many species of marine animals.

Shantae: I can't wait to see them!

Miguel: Hey! Just relax!

Shantae: Huh? Why?

Miguel: You must sleep, if you don't stop thinking about that, you won't sleep the whole night.

Shantae: Ah, I admit you're right ... So ... Good night?

Miguel: Uh, uhm, yeah, good night. (They both rub their noses, and blush a little.)

Shantae: (They no longer rub their noses.) ... I admit I missed doing that.

Miguel: I also missed doing this.

Shantae: Oh ... So, did we fall asleep yet? It seems that we are going to sleep but we do not stop talking, haha.

Miguel: Of course, we already fell asleep. Good night.

Shantae: Likewise. (Both are no longer blushing, they fall asleep, Miguel's cat climbs on the bed and they fall asleep.)

They all slept peacefully. They all dreamed of the Oceanogràfic, they really wanted to go. The night seemed eternal for them. However, the moment everyone expected came: eight in the morning. They got up as fast as they could, had breakfast, put on their clothes and left the house, and stood at the door of the building.

Shantae: Let's see, do we have everything?

Miguel: (He opens his backpack.) Let's see ... We have money, my mobile, .... Yes, I carry everything. What about you?

Sky: I have everything.

The others (Except for Wrench and Miguel.): (At the same time.) Me too!

Miguel: Perfect, here we go!

Shantae: Yeah! I'm Ret-2-Go! (They leave.)

They took a while to arrive, but finally, they arrived at the Oceanogràfic. It consists of a building with a roof that forms white arches, and blue glass walls. It is surrounded by water, however, there is a small bridge that allows access, among other places. This building is part of the 'Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències' ('City of Arts and Sciences') complex, which is made up of other buildings. The funny thing is that there were hardly any people, other than the people who take care of the facilities, so Rottytops had to use his trick of hallucinations again.

Miguel: Well ... (He looks at the others.) Are you ready!?

The others (Except Wrench.): (At the same time, they look at Miguel.) Of course!

Miguel: Heh, well in that case ... Go ahead! (They enter, and see that there are a lot of fish tanks.)

Rottytops: (Everyone looks at the tanks, impressed.) How many fish! They are very beautiful to see!

Shantae: I wish we had this kind of things in Sequin Land!

Bolo: Right! It would look pretty good!

Sky: Wow ... this looks amazing! (She looks at Wrench.) What do you think?

Wrench: Gruack, gruack! Gruack! Gruack! (Well, I have the same opinion as you! This looks great! I'm glad I came!)

Miguel: Hey, are you liking it?

Bolo: (He looks at Miguel.) Are you kidding? We are loving it!

Sky: (She looks at Miguel.) This is great! I have never seen so many marine animals together!

Shantae: (She looks at Miguel.) I wonder how they would react when they saw a mermaid next to them ... Hehehe ...

Miguel: (She looks at Shantae.) Don't do that.

Shantae: Do what? Hehehe ...

Miguel: You were going to transform into a mermaid, right?

Shantae: Haha, you got me!

Miguel: (Facepalm.) Sigh...

Bolo: (He looks at Shantae.) Shantae, that would have been a bad idea ...

Shantae: (She looks at Bolo.) Okay, okay, I get it!

Rottytops: (Facepalm.) Oh my Genie...

Miguel: Come on, come on. Stop fighting and admire what you have around you.

Shantae: (She looks around, and sees a strange fish.) I've never seen this fish!

Sky: (Everyone looks at the fish Shantae is looking at.) Me neither!

The others (Except Wrench and Miguel.): (At the same time.) It looks strange!

Wrench: Gruack! (I agree with you!)

Miguel: Ah! That fish is called 'Samarugo'. It is a fish that only lives in the Albufera of Valencia.

Shantae: (She looks at Miguel, with a doubtful face.) Ehhhh .... What is an 'Albufera'?

Miguel: Ehhh ... It's like a small lagoon near the sea, and it is separated from the sea by a heap of sand. I think ... I think I explained well.

Rottytops: (She looks at Miguel.) Ehhhhh ... Yes, you have.

Shantae: Well, I think I understand.

Miguel: That's good.

Bolo: And tell me ... (He looks at Miguel.) How many species of animals are there here?

Miguel: (He looks at Bolo.) Oh, there are so many!

Bolo: Really!?

Miguel: Yup!

Bolo: Oh great! I already want to see them all!

Rottytops: (She looks at Bolo.) Bolo, calm down!

Bolo: (He looks at Rottytops.) But I'm very calm!

Rottytops: Well, if you call that 'calm' ...

Sky: Calm down, caaaaaalm doooooooooooown....

Wrench: Gruack, gruack! Gruack! (You really have to calm down! Don't make me peck you in your face!)

Sky: (She looks at Wrench, pissed off.) Wrench, I don't like it when you speak in that tone either! You relax a bit too!

Wrench: (He looks at Sky, in a calmer tone.) Gruack, gruack! (Agh, okay!)

Sky: This is better. (She looks at Rottytops and Bolo.) As for you two, calm down.

Rottytops: (She looks at Sky.) But I'm very calm.

Bolo: (He looks at Sky.) I'm calm too, can't you tell?

Sky: Ehm, well I guess ... Yeah?

Shantae: (She looks at Miguel, he approaches Miguel's right ear and speaks in a very low voice.) Good thing there is no one here ... If not, they would have made a big mess!

Miguel: (He looks at Shantae, and speaks in a very low voice.) Haha, you're absolutely right. I don't want to imagine how people would have reacted.

Shantae: Haha, how right!

Sky: Ok ... I see that you are much calmer.

Rottytops: But, we were already calm from the beginning!

Sky: Argh, OK...

Bolo: Come on, come on. No need to argue. Come on, let's keep looking. (They leave.)

They kept looking around the different areas of the Oceanogràfic, however, there is one that surprised them quite a bit.

Rottytops: Hm? This is a ... Transparent tunnel?

Miguel: (He looks at Rottytops.) Ehhhh, yeah. If you thought that seeing the animals where we have been before is amazing, you'll see when a shark peeks out here!

Shantae: (She looks at Miguel, terrified) A-A-A shark!?

Sky: (She looks at Miguel, terrified.) Did-did you say 'a shark'!?

Bolo: (He looks at Miguel, terrified.) A shark !? Oh no!

Rottytops: (She looks at Miguel, terrified) A shark ... Just thinking about it scares me!

Wrench: Gruack, gruack! Gruack !? (Hey Miguel! Why did you bring us here if you know there are sharks!?)

Miguel: Calm down, calm down! Do not worry. This tunnel is almost unbreakable. We will be safe!

Shantae: (Everyone is relieved.) Ugh! Phew...

Sky: If it weren't nearly unbreakable ... I don't even want to imagine what could have happened to us!

Bolo: Well, at least it's almost unbreakable.

Wrench: Gruack, gruack! (Indeed, Bolo!)

Miguel: Well, I see you more relieved, what do you think if we wait a bit to see if we see any animals around here?

Shantae: Uhm, why not?

Miguel: Well then, let's wait.

Rottytops: And in the meantime, why don't we talk a bit?

Bolo: (He looks at Rottytops.) Talk about what?

Rottytops: (She looks at Bolo.) I don't know! Surely a topic occurs to you.

Bolo: Oh, uhm ...

Rottytops: Come on .... Say something!

Bolo: You don't have to be like that, 'Rotty'!

Rottytops: So, did you though on a topic?

Bolus: ... No.

Rottytops: Sigh...

In the end, they saw a few fish, however, they soon left that area. Later, they went to other areas of the Oceanogràfic. In the end, they really enjoyed the Oceanogràfic, and the rest in the city too. Days passed and they visited different places. In the end, they went to a place on the outskirts of the city, in the afternoon, where no one would see them, to return to Sequin Land.

Miguel: (She looks at Shantae.) Ready?

Shantae: (She looks at Miguel.) Ready. (Miguel takes the White Stone from his backpack, and Shantae throws a Ray of White Magic.) Create a portal that leads us to Scuttle Town! (Both types of Magic collide, and a portal is created.) Well ... (She looks at Miguel.) Thank you very much for serving as our guide in Valencia. It has been a pleasure to see the city.

Miguel: No, the pleasure is mine. It has been a pleasure to be your guide.

Shantae: (She makes a sad face.) However ...

Sky: (Everyone looks at Shantae, concerned.) Huh? Something wrong?

Shantae: ... I think you better stay here, Miguel.

The others (Except Wrench.): (At the same time, impressed.) Wha-Wha-What the...!?

Shantae: This is your world, Miguel. Here you have your family, a large part of your friends ... And really, I swear I don't want to get you into more trouble in the future.

Miguel: Look. Ever since I wanted to be a Guardian of Scuttle Town, I knew I would face a lot of problems. However, the reason why I wanted to be a Guardian of Scuttle Town is this: It is not to offend you, but, as you have said many times, 'Union makes force'. It's always good to have help, and I saw that you couldn't defend Scuttle Town alone. And as for family and friends ... Let's just say, I don't care. (Everyone looks at him in disbelief.) Throughout this trip, I realized one thing: I consider you my real family. Nothing interesting had happened, until, by accident, I came to your world. And if I'm honest, I'm glad this happened to me. Because if it weren't for that, I wouldn't have met my 'real' family, that is, you guys and Uncle Mimic. However, there is one thing I want to say. Helping protect Scuttle Town is not the only reason why I not only go to your world, but also stay and live there. There is another reason.

Rottytops: And what is that other reason?

Miguel was filled with courage. He grabbed Shantae's right hand, and they both blushed a lot. Suddenly, Miguel did what he wanted since he saw Shantae for the first time: He brought his lips to Shantae's, and kissed her. The others could not believe it.

Miguel: (He stops kissing Shantae.) That is the second reason. Shantae, when I first saw you, it felt like an arrow had been shot through my heart.

Shantae: (Very nervous.) Eh-Eh, well, if I'm honest, I wasn't expecting this ... And ...

Shantae was also filled with courage. She brought her lips to Miguel's, and kissed him. Miguel felt a sensation of happiness throughout his body.

Shantae: (She stops kissing Miguel.) ... Yes. As you may have already guessed, I love you, too.

Miguel: Uh, uh ...

Rottytops: Oh, how nice! (She looks at Sky, and speaks in a low voice.) In the end she was reciprocated!

Sky: (She looks at Rottytops, and speaks in a low voice.) Yep!

Bolo: Guys ... Congratulations.

Miguel: (He looks at Bolo.) Thank you very much, Bolo.

Shantae (At the same time as Miguel, she looks at Bolo.) Thank you very much.

Miguel: (He looks at Shantae.) Hey, would you like to be my ...? Hey, well, you know.

Shantae: (She looks at Miguel.) Your girlfriend? Of course I want to be your girlfriend! (She kisses Miguel on the lips.)

Miguel: (Shantae no longer kisses him on the lips.) Oh, great!

Sky: (She speaks out loud.) Well, are we going in now or what?

Shantae: (She looks at Sky.) Of course! (They enter the portal, and it disappears.)

When they got to Scuttle Town, the first thing they did was go to Uncle Mimic's house so they could deliver the good news to him. They arrived as soon as they could.

Shantae: (She knocks on the door) Uncle Mimic? Are you there?

Uncle Mimic: (He opens the door, and rejoices.) For all Genies' Sake, it's you! (He hugs everyone.) I've already heard! Risky and the others have been arrested! (He realizes that Miguel and Shantae are holding hands.) Huh? Why are you holding hands?

Shantae: You see, now he is... Ahem, my boyfriend.

Uncle Mimic: (With an incredulous face) Really!? (The others nod.) This must be celebrated!

Rottytops: I can already imagine a future family. I would love to have a child!

Miguel: (He looks at Rottytops.) Ha ha ha ... Zombies can't have children.

Rottytops: Party pooper.

Shantae: (She looks at Rottytops.) Heh heh heh ...

Uncle Mimic: I think what you have to do next, or tomorrow, is visit the Mayor. I think Miguel deserves to be paid to help stop Risky and the others!

Miguel: In case you don't know, they wanted to take over not only this world, but also mine.

Uncle Mimic: Wow! Then even better! (He looks at Shantae.) Shantae, I'm sure if your mother had seen everything you've done, she would be very proud of you.

Shantae: Ehm ... you think so, Uncle?

Uncle Mimic: Of course!

Shantae: ... Ah ... I wish I could meet my parents sometime ...

Uncle Mimic: I hope that moment will come soon ... Well, why don't we go in and celebrate all this? (Everyone enters.)

The next day, everything was normal. Miguel and Shantae went to speak with the Mayor, who agreed to pay Miguel, and Rottytops, Bolo, Sky and Wrench decided to live together at Sky's house in Scuttle Town. Miguel grabbed his things and went to the Scuttle Town Lighthouse, deciding to move there. Upon entering, he could see that the lighthouse inside is light brown, with two floors, and that to go up to the top one you have to use a rope, the first floor is full of small furniture, a table, a few chairs for sit and a small antique fireplace for when it was cold. It took him a while, but Miguel managed to finish the move by himself, and when he got upstairs, he saw that there was a small rope hammock, a round window, and a small desk with a candle next to it. Miguel took out a paper and a pencil that he brought from Valencia and began to draw.

Shantae: (She climbs up.) Oh hi!

Miguel: Hi.

Shantae: Sorry about the hammock, tomorrow they will bring a hammock for two. You can sleep in one of the chairs tonight.

Miguel: It's fine.

Shantae: Hey, what are you doing?

Miguel: I'm drawing .... That's it, I've finished drawing!

Shantae: Can I see it?

Miguel: Of course! (He shows the drawing to Shantae.)

Shantae: (Shocked.) It looks great! That's 'Rotty', Sky, Wrench, Bolo, you and me! And you have drawn a heart! Oh, and you and me say 'Ret-2-Go' in the drawing!

Miguel: Aha. By the way .... How is everything in Sky's House?

Shantae: Everything is fine.

Miguel: Ah. Hey, you know what?

Shantae: What?

Miguel: If we ever go back to my world, I know a perfect place to visit. It is a city called 'Paris', and it is commonly called 'The City of Love'.

Shantae: Aw, what a beautiful name! Let's see if Mayor Scuttlebutt ever gives us a vacation so we can all go visit it!

Miguel: Hehe, yeah, I guess ...

Shantae: Well, did you like the vegetables my Uncle brought?

Miguel: Yes, they were very good.

Shantae: Ah. Well, I want to tell you one thing. It still amazes me that, even having all those advantages in your world, you wanted to come live here, to mine.

Miguel: I don't care that my world has many more things than yours. What matters is that I feel more comfortable in one or the other. And in this case, I chose to be in yours because otherwise, I couldn't be with you.

Shantae: (She blushes.) Aw, thank you very much!

Miguel: You're welcome. Ehm, if you don't mind, I'll go to sleep, it's too late. I will go to sleep.

Shantae: Good night. (They kiss on the mouth, and they separate their lips.) Rest well!

Miguel: Likewise. (He goes to the floor below, Shantaese takes off her clothes and jewelry, puts on her pajamas, blows out the candle, lies down in her hammock, and falls asleep.)

The End.

I can't believe it.... I'VE FINISHED MY FIRST STORY! I am very happy with myself. I don't even believe it. Well guys, it's been a pleasure writing this story, it has taken me almost a year and a half, but to be honest, it doesn't matter how long it took me. What I mean is, as I said, I feel very happy with myself. 

Thank you for supporting me <3

Greetings, Miguel.

(I couldn't find a better quality photo of my drawing, okay? I'm so sorry.)
