The start of the travel.

(Outside Scuttle Town, 10:30 a.m.)

Our heroes met at Sky's house, because they were there to go for the fearsome Risky and retrieve Uncle Mimic's blueprints.

Shantae : Well... (She takes her
backpack, which is on the floor.) Ready?

Miguel : (He takes his backpack and his tent, which are on the floor.) I'm ready!

Sky : (Takes her backpack.) I'm ready too! And I've already breeded my birds. But my dearest Wrench is coming! I never go out without him! And here in the backpack I have food for him...

Wrench : (He leans on the right shoulder of his breeder.) Greack! (Let's go for the adventure!)

Bolo : (He takes his backpack and a new ball with spikes, which are on the floor.) I'm ready!

Rottytops : (Grabs her backpack.) Here we go!

Shantae : We're Ret-2-Go! (Everyone but Miguel looks at her with a bad face.) WHAT?

Bolo : It's a ridiculous phrase. (He stays looking at Shantae.)

Shantae : Bolo! Hey! (Bolo doesn't react.)

Miguel : Don't worry, with my method, it will "move"... (Slap Bolo.) Don't stay like this, you look stupid!

Bolo : (Angry.) Hey! That hurt!

Sky : Hahahaha! (She cries a little, because she's laughing a lot.)

Rottytops : Oh my, what a spectacle! Hahahahaha!

Shantae : Bolo! You'll never change hahahahaha!

Bolo : (With a little shame.) Why are you laughing!?

Miguel : We laugh because it's a funny situation.

Sky : Anyway, we didn't want to offend you...

Rottytops : I'm sorry if we offended you...

Bolo : You haven't offended me...

Rottytops : Well... Here we go! I would like to know how the brains of people from other villages will taste...

The others (Less Wrench.) : (At the same time.) "Rotty"!

Rottytops : What? I'm a zombie! I eat brains, human flesh...! Everything that a zombie eats!

Shantae : "Rotty", you know perfectly well that you don't just eat... Those things. You also eat what (Emphasizing "we".) WE humans eat. Don't you remember what happened the day before yesterday? You ate rice!

Rottytops : But I have to eat things that zombies eat!

Sky : Yeah... But... Corpses, nothing alive... Will you promise us?

Rottytops : (Resigned.) OK....

Miguel : By the way, how many gems do we have? (Looks in a bag next to him, and he takes it.) I have 150 gems. And you?

Shantae : (Looks in a bag next to her, and she takes it.) I have 350 gems.

Sky : (Looks in a bag next to her, and she takes it.) I have 166 gems.

Bolo : (Looks in a bag next to him, and he takes it.) I have 167 gems.

Rottytops : (Looks in a bag next to her and she takes it.) I also have 167 gems.

Wrench : Greack! Gruack... (I don't have money! I'm a bird...)

Miguel : (Calculating.) Okay, we have 1000 of them all. I think that will be enough. At least for a few days.

Shantae : So... Let's go!

Rottytops : (Excited.) I'm ready!! Let's explore!

Our heroes headed for the nearby mountains. Actually, the views were pretty nice. They could see the fire in Scuttle Town, and they could see firefighters trying to put out the fire.

Rottytops : (She turns around, impressed.) Wow... Look. (Points to the fire.) It's impressive...

Bolo : (The others turn around.) It's really impressive. I've never seen Scuttle Town burn like this before.

Sky : Me neither. Risky has become much more dangerous and powerful during all this time.

Miguel : (Looks at Sky.) That's why yesterday we created our group, "Sequin Land Guardians".

Shantae : Exactly! (She thinks it.) I love being by your side, Miguel...

Rottytops : (In a very low voice.) Hehe... She is very much in love with him. I just hope it's reciprocated...

Miguel : (Looks at Rottytops.) "Rotty", did you say something?

Rottytops : (Looks at Miguel.) Well, Sh...

Shantae : (Interrupts her.) She didn't say anything!

Miguel : (Without understanding anything.) Okay... (He thinks it.) Meeting you has been the best thing that has happened to me in my life...

Sky : Hello? Outside world calling Miguel. (Still no reaction.)

Bolo : I'll make react! (He slaps Miguel.) Take this!

Miguel : (Reacts.) That hurted!!

Wrench : Gruaaaack! (Hahahaha!)

Shantae : Hahahahahahahaha! You're very funny, Miguel! I love that about you!

Bolo : (He thinks it.) Oh, no... That look of Shantae... Maybe she...? No, it can't be.

Sky : Hahahahaha!

Rottytops : You look like a clown! Hahahahahaha!

Shantae : (Angry.) Don't call him "clown"!

Rottytops : Oh, sorry!

Miguel : You don't have to apologize either, "Rotty".

Sky : Well, (Points forward.) Shall we continue?

Wrench : (With his right wing, he points forward.) Griaaaawk! (Here we go!!!)

Miguel : I think Wrench wants to go now.

Sky : Yes, it does.

Rottytops : Well... Here we go!

Bolo and Shantae : (At the same time.) Let's go for the adventure! (Everyone continues climbing the mountain.)

Our heroes kept climbing the mountain. When they reached the top, they could see a nearby desert, and they came down from the mountain to enter the torrid desert.

Miguel : (Looks at the desert.) Wow! Look, a desert!

Sky : Wow, I hope we have enough water!

Shantae : What worries me is that we can have illusions.

Miguel : (Confused.) Wait... Is it possible to have illusions in a desert?

Rottytops : Of course! The heat can do that.

Bolo : And I think it will be very hot...

Wrench : Griaack!! Grruack!? (Of course it will be hot!! Do you think we are stupid!?) (He pecks Bolo's head.)

Sky : Wrench, stop! (Wrench stops pecking Bolo's head.)

Miguel : (Sighs.) Let's go. (Everyone comes down from the mountain.)

Shantae : Hey ... Does anyone know which is the nearest town?

Bolo : There's a sign. (He goes towards the sign.) According to this, the nearest town is Scuttle Town.

Rottytops : (No offense.) Thank you for giving us information we already knew, you knucklehead! She was referring to a town that is not on fire!

Bolo : Okay okay! According to this, the nearest Town is Desert Town.

Shantae : Wait... I think I heared that name in other place... I think I heard it's a town near Oasis Town, isn't it? You lived for a while in Oasis Town...

Sky : Exactly! Next destination : Desert Town! There we will be able to look for information of the possible location of Risky.

Miguel : Let's go! (They go down the mountain.)

Our heroes descended the mountain, and entered the dangerous and torrid desert. Miguel played on his mobile the theme "Gerudo Valley", from the video game "The Legend Of Zelda : Ocarina Of Time". Hours and hours went by and they didn't see any sign of any town. However, they were lucky : They found an oasis. This one had a small lake of water, surrounded by big palms that had very big coconuts.

Miguel : (Tired, very thirsty, hungry and very hot.) H-how long have we been walking...?

Shantae : (Tired, very thirsty, hungry and very hot.) F-five hours...

Bolo : (Tired, very thirsty, hungry and very hot.) I-I would eat even human flesh...

Rottytops : (Tired, very thirsty, hungry, very hot, looks at Bolo.) H-hey! Wh-who eats humans here is me!

Sky : (Tired, very thirsty, hungry and very hot.) "R-Rotty"... Remember what I to-told you...

Rottytops : Y-you don't have to repeat it to me...

Wrench : (Looks at the oasis and point with his right wing.) Gruaack!! Gruaack!! (Look!! An oasis!!)

Miguel : What's wrong with him...? (Looks towards the oasis.) Guys, look!! An oasis!

Shantae : (Look at the lake.) And it has a lake! We can swim!!

Bolo : Good!! Let's go for a swim! (See that there's a sign.) Look!

Sky : What does it has written?

Bolo : (It's coming.) Let's see... There's a drinking water fountain here!

Wrench : Grack!? (Really!?)

Rottytops : Great! I'm VERY thirsty...

Miguel : We are ALL VERY thirsty.

Shantae : It seems that we were lucky!

Sky : Exactly! And we can eat there...

They entered the oasis, seeing that it had even more things than at first sight. There were beautiful flowers in some shrubs, like roses and orchids, and there were even some trees with bird nests, with which Wrench played.

Rottytops : It's beautiful!

Sky : It's still very hot, but having a lake to bathe in and drinking water makes up for it.

Miguel : True... (Without anyone seeing him, he takes an orchid and gives it to Shantae, and speaks in a low voice.) Look, take this beautiful orchid, it is almost as beautiful as you.

Shantae : (She blushes a little, because she didn't expected that.) Thank you... (She puts it behind her right ear.)

Bolo : Can we eat now? I'm starving!

Sky : I'm hungry too! But let's look for that fountain first.

Shantae : Okay!

Rottytops : (After a while.) Did you found it?

Sky : No...

Shantae : Neither do I...

Bolo : Nope...

Wrench : (Everyone looks at him.) Grack? Grack gruack gruack? (What? Why are you looking at me like that?)

Miguel : (He looks at a rock, from which water comes out through a hole.) Could it be...? (Drinks water from there.) YES, IT IS HERE! BOYS, COME HERE!

Rottytops : (The others go.) Great! (Drinks water.) It's so fresh!

Sky : Let me drink. (Drinks water.) It's true! I was expecting everything. Knowing "Rotty", who plays a lot of jokes...

Rottytops : Hahahaha!

Bolo : I want to drink a little. (Drinks water.)

Shantae : I want some too! (Drinks water.) For all the Genie's Sake! It's very cold!

Sky : Wrench will also be thirsty... (Grabs some water with her hands.) Hope you like it!

Wrench : (He puts himself on the ground and Sky ducks.) Greack! (Let's drink!!!) (Drinks a little.) Gruawk!! (It was delicious!!!)

Sky : He seems to like it!

Bolo : Come on, now, let's go to eat!

Shantae : We will eat now, so shut up! (Everyone leaves their things on the floor and takes out some vegetables, like lettuce.) First, let's wash them in the fountain... (Everyone washes their vegetables.)

Rottytops : I insist that now I should eat a brain...

Miguel : Do you see anyone dead around here? Don't you? Sorry, no brains then.

Rottytops : Oh, man..!

Bolo : Hey hey, relax. Well, let's start eating...

Shantae : I'm already starving... (Everyone (Except Wrench.) takes knives, forks and plates, sit on the floor and start eating.) Yum! This lettuce is great!

Rottytops : (Eats a carrot.) This carrot it's delicious!

Sky : (She takes bird food out of her backpack, and leaves it on the ground.) Hope you enjoy it, Wrench!

Wrench : (He approaches the food.) Gruack! (It looks good!) (Eat some.) Gruack! (It's so good!!)

Sky : (Cheerful.) I see you like it!

Bolo : (Eats a tomato.) It's delicious!

Miguel : Same here! (Eats a lettuce.) Yum!

Sky : (Eats a tomato.) I love it! They taste great! (They finish eating and wait a while.)

Shantae : Hey, why don't we take a bath now? It's really hot!

Miguel : I will!

Sky : Me too! Wrench, would you like to take a bath?

Wrench : Gruack, gruack... (No, I'll go play with the other birds...) (Wrench starts to fly.)

Sky : Come back soon!

Wrench : Greack! (Of course!)

Rottytops : Well, let's change... (Looks at the boys.) He-hey! There's something called "intimacy"!

Bolo : OK, OK, we're turning around! (Boys turn around and girls put on their bathing suit, Sky's is blue and pink, Rottytops' is orange and Shantae's is white.)

Miguel : Can we turn around?

Shantae : (Taking off her jewelry and the orchid Miguel gave her.) Wait a little bit! (She removes all her jewels : Bracalets, tiara,...) You can turn around!

Bolo : (The boys turn around.) Wow!

Sky : Do you like this?

Miguel : You're beautiful!

Bolo : (Without the girls listening to him.) Although I'd like to see your boo...

Miguel : (Interrupts him, in a low voice.) Don't be a pervert!

Rottytops : Did you say something?

Miguel : Oh no, nothing!

Shantae : We're going to bathe. Don't take too long! (She, Sky and Rottytops go into the lake and start swimming.)

Bolo : Of course not!

Miguel : (He thinks it.) Ha! Bolo seems bipolar. When there's a pretty girl around, it gets very funny, and when there isn't, it's much more serious.

Bolo : (Looks at Miguel, serious.) What's wrong with you? You look like you're looking at nothingness.

Miguel : (Reacts.) Oops! Sorry.

Sky : (Swimming in the middle of the lake.) Guys! Are you coming?

Miguel and Bolo : (At the same time.) Yes! (Both leave their things on the floor, put on their bathing suit, Miguel's, blue, and Bolo's, orange, Miguel plays on his mobile the song "Dire, Dire Docks", from the video game "Super Mario 64" and Miguel and Bolo get into the water.)

Rottytops : (With irony.) Isn't the water warm?

Bolo : Oh man!! It's very cool!!

Rottytops : Hahaha! You should watch your face, Bolo! It's quite funny!

Bolo : Hey you, don't say that again!

Rottytops : (She goes up to Bolo, swimming.) And if I don't want to, what are you going to do to me?

Bolo : (Threatening, closes his right hand.) I'll...!

Miguel : (He gets in the middle.) Hey hey! Are you really going to fight for that stupid thing?

Bolo : (Thinks about it.) Better not. What a stupid thing to do!

Rottytops : Sorry Bolo...

Bolo : Apologies accepted.

Sky : (She approaches, swimming.) As you can see, "Rotty" loves playing jokes..

Miguel : Yes, I've already noticed... And I've only been in this world for a week and a half...

Shantae : (She approaches, swimming.) Em... And that music?  Where does it come from?

Sky : Yeah, where does it come from?

Miguel : Oh, I forgot to explain it. My mobile is playing a song called "Dire, Dire Docks".

Rottytops : Your what?

Miguel : Well my mobi...

Shantae : (Interrupts him.) Miguel, they still don't know what it is. I know because you explained it to me the first day you were here, in our world. Don't you remember?

Miguel : Ah, it's true! You see, in my world a device called a mobile phone was created, and it serves, among other things, to call distant people, to listen to songs...

Sky : (Incredulous.) Wait, did you say "call distant people"?

Miguel : Yes.

Sky : So, if I use one of those things, could I call Shantae, no matter how far away we are?

Miguel : As long as Shantae has another one, and there are communication antennas, I will explain to you later what that is, yes.

Sky : Tell me you have a lot of those things!

Miguel : ... I only have one, and it's mine.

Bolo : Oh wow... I would have liked to have one of those...

Rottytops : Yes, of course, to contact other girls... I would also like to contact handsome zombies...!

Sky : Hey, hey, relax...

Miguel : (He approaches Shantae, and speaks in a low voice.) Are these two almost always like this?

Shantae : (In a low voice.) Unfortunately, yes.

Bolo : If I had that thing, I could do what I want!

Rottytops : Oh yeah? Sure you'd call girls to try to flirt with them!

Sky : STOP NOW! (The others get scared.)

Miguel : Wow, what a scare!

Rottytops : Sky, what happened to you?

Sky : I'm fed up of watching you fight for stupid things like that!

Miguel : Are you really going to be fighting like this every day?

Shantae : Well, it's quite likely, and I don't want to see them fighting...

Miguel : Damn...

Sky : Apologize NOW!

Bolo : (Resigned.) I'm sorry... Again.

Rottytops : Same here.

Miguel : Well, since you're not fighting anymore, why don't we play a game?

Shantae : Like what?

Miguel : Like... (He's approaching Sky.) Catch! (It touches Sky.) Haha! (He's away from Sky.)

Sky : Don't think I'll make it easy for you! (Everyone swims away from Sky, and this one chases Miguel.)

Miguel : (Swimming.) You won't catch me!

Sky : No way! I will catch you!! (Gets Miguel.) Take that!

Miguel : ...You little...! Hahahahahaha! (Starts chasing everyone.)

Our heroes didn't stop playing for a long time. After about 2 hours swimming, playing tag and that sort of thing, they decided to get out of the lake, get dressed again (Shantae put on her jewels : her bracelets, her tiara,...) and dry in the sun. After that, they decided to take some bottles they had and fill them with the water from the fountain mentioned above, and continued their journey, in which Miguel explained what a communication antenna is. After a few hours of traveling, and at nightfall, they had dinner, and began to tell stories...

Miguel : (The flashlight of his mobile points to him.) And then, Mr. Arthur, when he opened the door of the room... He saw his beloved dead on the bed!

The others (Less Rottytops and Wrench.) : (At the same time, terrified.) What!?

Rottytops : Guys, (Eats a carrot.) that wasn't scary...

Bolo : (Looks at Rottytops.) Do you think so?

Rottytops : That story is NOT scary! (With irony.) I'm not afraid of anything!

Sky : (Looks at Rottytops.) I did get scared!

Wrench : Gruack! Grick... (Same! I've imagined everything...)

Shantae : Although I was scared, I admit that I liked that there was a small earthquake shortly before each murder. Very original on your part.

Miguel : Thank y... (There is a slight earthquake.) An earthquake!?

Bolo : (Scared, he crouches, hands on his head.) IT'S THE KILLER! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!

? : (He comes out of the ground.) Roar!!

Miguel illuminated the thing with the flashlight of his mobile. They could see a big worm (3 meters long), which was purple and had extremities, only one eye and one mouth. When everyone saw it, they were shocked, but a few seconds later, one of them had the courage to face such a monstrosity.

Miguel : A-a-a giant worm!?

Worm : Roar! Roar! (Indeed! Whoever wants to pass by here, has to defeat me!)

Sky : Er... Hello, little bug...

Rottytops : I didn't know there were such big worms!

Shantae : (Sighs.) I see that I have to be the one to face this thing...

Worm : Roar! (Yes!)

Shantae : I am ready! (Start dancing.)

Miguel : B-but don't dance now!

Shantae : Just look! (Keeps dancing.) And now... TRANSFORM! (Shantae transforms into a small elephant.)

Miguel : (Unbelieving.) Are my eyes deceiving me or has Shantae become an elephant?

Sky : Yes, you will see Shantae transforming into many things...

Worm : Roar..!? Roar!? (What the...!? That girl has turned into an elephant!?)

Shantae : (She hits the worm with a tackle.) Take this!

Worm : Roar!! (Here I go!!) (He approaches Shantae, trying to bite her.)

Shantae : (She avoids it.) You missed! (Strikes again with a tackle.)

Worm : Roar!! (No!!) (Throws sand.)

Shantae : (She avoids it again.) You have also failed this one! (She hits him again, with another tackle.)

Worm : Roar!? (Why don't I hit you!?) (Tryies to bite her again.)

Shantae : (She avoids it again.) You're too slow! (She hits it with another tackle, and the giant worm surrenders.)

Worm : Roar, roar!! (I give up, you can go through here!!) (It goes through the hole it created before.)

Shantae : (Returns to her normal form.) He was protecting the desert? That was easy...

Miguel : How did you do that, Shantae?

Shantae : Transform me? I know how to dance some special types of dances, called "belly dances", and each one of those dances allows me to transform myself into a different animal. I practice them often, and I use them if I am or we are in danger, or if the situation requires it. Besides, I love to dance through danger!

Miguel : I understand, I think.

Sky : Well guys, I'm sleepy...

Bolo : Me too, we'd better go to sleep...

Rottytops : Good night...

Miguel : (Points to the sky.) Look! A Shooting Stars Shower!

Shantae : (She, Bolo, Rottytops and Sky look at the sky.) It's true! Guys, make a wish! (Everyone puts their hands together.) ... Finish!

Rottytops : (Wonderful.) They look beautiful...

Miguel : ... This reminds me of Reach For The Stars.

Sky : What's that?

Miguel : It's a song. (He plays in his mobile phone "Reach For The Stars", from the video game "Sonic Colours".)

Rottytops : It's a bit... Strange.

Bolo : It's true. But at least the voice is good.

Miguel : Yeah! (At the same time as the song.) I'm running wild, living fast, and free... Got no regrets inside of me...

Shantae : "I'm running wild, living fast and free... Got no regrets inside of me"? I don't know what that particular part refers to.

Miguel : It's about a being that can go super fast.

Shantae : Oh, I understand.

Sky : I recognize that the lyrics are catchy.

Miguel : The best part is coming! (At the same time as the song.) I'm gonna reach for the stars...
Although they look pretty far...

Bolo : (Sigh.) I would like to  reach the stars...

Rottytops : Me too... (Yawning.) Wouldn't it be better if we went to sleep?

Miguel : (It doesn't sound "Reach For The Stars" anymore.) Yes, we'd better go to sleep...

Sky : (She leaves her stuff on the floor, and out of his backpack she gets her sleeping bag.) Good night, guys. (From her backpack he takes out a blue pyjama.) Turn around, please. (The others turn around, Sky puts on her pyjama and puts her clothes in the backpack.) That's it. Wrench, if you notice anything strange, let us know.

Wrench : Gruack! (Don't worry, I will!)

Bolo : (He leaves his stuff on the floor, and out of his backpack he gets a white pyjama and a sleeping bag.) Good night, guys. (He turns to put on his pajamas and puts his clothes in his backpack.)

Rottytops : (She leaves her things on the floor and out of her backpack she takes out a green pyjama and a sleeping bag.) Good night. (She turns around to put on her pyjama, puts her clothes in her backpack and Sky, she and Bolo get into their sleeping bags and go to sleep.)

Shantae : Well... (She leaves her things on the floor, and takes out her pyjama.) Oh no, I don't have a sleeping bag!!

Miguel : (He leaves his things on the floor, and takes out his pajamas.) Neither do I!!

Shantae : And in the sand we can't camp with tents!

Sky : (She wakes up.) There are more sleeping bags in my backpack.
It's always good to carry more than one. Take them if you like. (She goes back to sleep.)

Miguel : Really? Thanks, Sky! (Shantae and Miguel take two sleeping bags.)

Shantae : (She blushes.) Do you mind if you turn around?

Miguel : No.

Shantae : Ok. (Miguel turns around and Shantae puts on her pyjama, takes off her jewelry and leaves the jewelry, her clothes and the orchid that Miguel gave her in her backpack.) Now, I've finished.

Miguel : Okay, if you don't mind, I'll put on my pyjama. (He puts on his pyjama, puts his clothes in his backpack and turns around.) I must admit it, you look beautiful wearing that pyjama. I love that bra, and it's not because it's a bra, but because its color is beautiful.

Shantae : (She blushes more.) Thank you... (It's not blushed anymore and both of them get into the sleeping bags.)

Miguel : (In a low voice, they both look at the shooting star shower.) Look at that... They are beautiful. Almost as beauiful as you.

Shantae : (In a low voice) Are you serious?

Miguel : Of course. Besides... Wouldn't you like to Reach For The Stars?

Shantae : (Gets the reference.) Haha! I would love to.

Bolo : (Everyone wakes up, and although they haven't listened to what they have said, they have heard their voices.) Hey, we want to sleep!

Sky : Yeah! Tomorrow we'll get up early!

Rottytops : Come on, shut up!

Shantae and Miguel : (At the same time.) Sorry, sorry! (Everyone goes to sleep.)

However, there was another group that, unlike Shantae's group, and even at night, was working. This group, led by Risky Boots, was on their ship, arriving at a port, and they had to go to a specific place...

Tinkerbat : (Above the mast, land currency.) Land in sight!

Tinkerbat 2 : Is this the port we are looking for?

Tinkerbat : Yes!

Tinkerbat 3 : (He approaches Risky.) Have you heard it, madam?

Risky : I'm not deaf, you moron.

Tinkerbat 3 : Madam, can I ask you a question?

Risky : You've already asked one question.

Tinkerbat : I mean another one.

Risky : Mmm... Go ahead.

Tinkerbat 3 : Why haven't you recently tried to raid the Sequin Land Palace?

Risky : (Threatening, looks at Tinkerbat 3.) IDIOT!! How do you think I would do that with so few troops!? I would need at least 10 times the amount of Tinkerbats here! If I don't have that, they'd win us easily! And now, GO SCREAM THE COVER!

Tinkerbat 3 : (Scared.) OK!

Risky : Oh, don't forget to give this letter to our carrier pigeon! It's very important, and it's for the AMMO BARON! (She gives him a letter.)

Tinkerbat 3 : OK!

Risky : Well, I'll go for a bath... (She gets into a room in which there is an old bathtub.)

Tinkerbat 3 : (He sneaks up to that room.) Hehe...

Tinkerbat 2 : (Quietly.) What are you doing!?

Tinkerbat 3 : (Softly.) I try to see Risky naked...

Tinkerbat 2 : (Interrupts him.) I get it. But...

Risky : (Sees a mosquito.) Oh! What are you doing here, looking at me like this? (Kills the mosquito with her sword.)

Tinkerbat 2 : Are you still convinced that seeing her naked is a good idea? If she said to you "you moron" and "idiot" for asking, and she did that with the mosquito, imagine what she would do if she knows you were watching her without clothes. She would decapitate you, for sure!

Tinkerbat 2 : (Thinks about it.) Right, I better not. Besides, I have to give this letter to the carrier pigeon. (He rolls the letter with a rubber band and ties it to the pigeon on its right leg.) You have to givr this letter to the Ammo Baron! (The pigeon leaves.)

It took the pigeon a few hours to reach its destination. It was after one o'clock in the morning when he arrived at Ammo Baron's house. This is a medium height cyclops (bigger than our heroes.), black eyes, beard and short hair, brown skin, he wears a blue jacket and hat, a red shirt, long cream pants, a golden belt and brown shoes. He has his own army, although he was not part of the Sequin Land Armed Forces. The Ammo Baron was in his large, white office in front of his brown desk, sitting on a brown chair, looking at some maps, when the dove arrived.

Ammo Baron : Let's see... (Takes a map, and points to a specific point.) Here, on the mountain near Bandit Town, I could put a few troops. Thus, I would have guarded a mountain with exceptional natural resources that I could use for my own benefit... (The pigeon arrives.) Huh...? A carrier pigeon? It must be important. (Takes the letter.) Let's see... (Starts reading the letter.) "Dear Ammo Baron, I hope I'm not disturbing you. I am pleased to write to you again. I'd like to tell you something that might interest you. I recently made an incredible discovery, and I have a plan. However, in order to make it happen, I need your help. As you know, you and the Sequin Land Armed Forces are the only ones capable of creating tanks, because they have everything necessary to create them, but I prefer that only you know... "Why?",you might ask. And I reply: "You'll see". I ask you to please call Techno Baron to inform them of this situation. The three of us (I include Techno Baron.) we'll meet at the mine near Oasis Town in two days.
Sincerely, Risky Boots, Queen of the Seven Seas." (Stops reading.) Wow, this is getting interesting! I wonder what Risky Boots wants... Although, obviously, I will go to the agreed point. (Finds a paper and a pen.) Where are...? Oh, here. (Starts writing.) "Dear Risky Boots, it's a pleasure for me to write to you. As for what was mentioned in your letter, yes, it is interesting! Rest assured that I will contact Techno Baron and go to the Oasis Town mine. Sincerely, Ammo Baron." (He rolls the letter with a rubber band and ties it to the dove on the right leg, and it flies away.) Techno Baron, come on, I have to tell you something!

Techno Baron : (Without entering the office.) Coming.

The Ammo Baron and the Techno Baron talked about it for about ten minutes, and then the Techno Baron went to sleep, while the Ammo Baron spent another three hours deciding where to put more troops. In the morning, the Ammo Baron and the Techno Baron went to the agreed point, while our heroes (Obviously, they were wearing their normal clothes, and Shantae was wearing her jewelry), still in the desert, continued their search, but they didn't finf nothing significant during the day. They had run out of water, and were walking very tired, until, almost at dinner time, they saw something that would surprise them quite a bit...

Shantae : (Very tired.) I-I am very tired...

Miguel : (Very tired.) Me too... Shall we stay here and have dinner?

Rottytops : (Surprised.) Boys... (Points to a building far away.) Look at this.

Bolo : (Look where Rottytops is pointing.) Wait... Is that...!?

Sky : (Excited.) Yes! It's DESERT TOWN!

Wrench : Grack! (That's good!!)

Shantae : (Surprised.) Are we there yet? I thought it would take longer. We haven't been in the desert two days...

Miguel : (Looks at Shantae.) Well, if you like the heat, stay here, while we go to Desert Town.

Shantae : (Look at Michael.) No, of course not! I just thought we were going to take about 4 days...

Bolo : Well, let's go on. Who wants to get to Desert Town?

Rottytops : We're all looking forward to it. (They're heading for Desert Town.)

Everyone thought it would be a big city, but in the end it was a small city with few buildings. But there were some big buildings (5-6 floors.) like the one Rottytops saw. They discovered that the same building was a hotel. Upon entering, you could see that the hall is white, large, with brown chairs and tables, with two pillars, and you could see at the end the receptionist who is tall, white leather, who has white hair and eyes, who wore a red jacket and pants, and brown shoes. He was sitting behind the reception.

Receptionist : Good afternoon, what can I do for you?

Miguel : Good afternoon. Well, we've just arrived to the town and we were wondering if there are any rooms available for tonight.

Receptionist : Of course there are! Four more : Three single rooms and a bridal suite, all on the fifth floor. (Takes out a pen and a piece of paper.) Sign and write your name here. (Points out part of the paper.)

Sky : I'll start. (Leaves hrr things on the floor, takes the pen, she write "Sky" and she signs.) Finish.

Rottytops : Now it's my turn! (Leaves her things on the floor, takes the pen, she writes "Rottytops" and she signs.) Finish.

Bolo : If you don't mind, I'll do it now. (Leaves his things on the floor, take the pen, he write "Bolo" and he sign.) Finish.

Shantae : Now me. (Leaves her things on the floor, takes the pen, she writes "Shantae" and she  signs.) Finish.

Miguel : Well, it's my turn. (Leaves his things on the floor, takes the pen, he writes "Miguel" and he signs.) Finish.

Wrench : (Looks at the paper.) Gruack? Gruack! (Huh? Miguel, you have a pitiful calligraphy!)

Sky : Do you really write like that? Your calligraphy is pitiful.

Miguel : Yes, I know, I write very bad.

Receptionist : Sorry to bother you, but have you decided which rooms you'll be in during the night?

Sky : Yes. I would like an individual, please.

Shantae and Miguel : (At the same time.) I...

Rottytops and Bolo : (At the same time, they interrupte Shantae and Miguel.) I would like another single room, please.

Shantae and Miguel : (At the same time, they look at Bolo and Rottytops, furious, and they think it.) You little...!

Rottytops : Hey! What's up?

Miguel and Shantae : (At the same time, they react.) Nevermind.

Receptionist : (Writing down what they told to him.) ...You two, Shantae and Miguel, will have to sleep in the bridal suite.

Michael : (Resigned.) All right...

Shantae : (Resigned.) Ok...

Sky : Hey, are animals allowed?

Receptionist : Of course!

Bolo : We're traveling all over Sequin Land, and of course, we need food. Can we bring food to the rooms?

Receptionist : Unfortunately, no, the only exception would be pet food. But we can keep your food until tomorrow.

Bolo : I think it's great. (Everyone gives him the bags where they take the food.) There they are.

Rottytops : One last thing. Do we take the luggage or...?

Receptionist : (Interrupts her.) Of course not. Bellboys, take this luggage to rooms 40, 41, 42 and 43!!

Bellboys : (All at once.) Yes sir! Which luggage goes in each room?

Receptionist : Take this one (points out Sky's luggage.) to room 40, this one(point out Bolo's luggage.) to room 41, this one (point out Rottytops' luggage.) to room 42, and these (point out Shantae and Miguel's luggage.) to room 43, you know, the bridal suite. (The buttons take the luggage.)

Rottytops : Wait, we take our gems there! (They take the bags where they have the gems.) Thank you! (The bellboys are gone.)

Sky : Thank you very much.

Bolo : Is the restaurant open?

Shantae : (In a very low voice.) Really? He wants to eat?

Receptionist : Unfortunately not. It will be open in an hour.

Rottytops : How much does it cost to sleep here one night?

Receptionist : Let's see... (Takes a paper and pen, and start adding numbers.) Stay for one night, taking into account that there are four rooms, one of them, a bridal suite, plus the all-inclusive, are... 900 gems among all!

Bolo : 900!?

Miguel : (They take 900 gems together, and he speaks in a low voice.) That's not cheap!

Shantae : What else is in the hotel?

Receptionist : If you go that way, (Points to his left.) you will get to the ballroom. If you go that way, (Points to his right.) you will reach the bathrooms and stairs leading to the rooms. I will keep your money in the safe. Enjoy your stay.

Miguel : Thank you very much. (They walk away from the reception.) Well, what do you say we take a look at that ballroom?

Wrench : Greack! (I think it's a good idea!!)

Sky : I like it.

Shantae : Me too. (In a defiant tone.) Let's see who can outdo me by dancing!

Rottytops : Be careful, don't become an animal!

The others (Less Wrench.) : (At the same time.) Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

Miguel : So, are we going or not?

Rottytops : That's fine with me.

Bolo : The same goes for me.

Shantae : So, let's go!

They went to the ballroom. It's all white and a chandelier hangs from the ceiling, but where the orchestra should be, it wasn't there.

Wrench : Gruack! (It's beautiful!)

Sky : Yes! But... And the orchestra?

Rottytops : No orchestra? Wow, I wanted to dance something.

Miguel : I have the solution. (He pulls out his cell phone.)

Bolo : With that thing, you can play music! Right?

Miguel : Exactly! Although I won't play the music you expect...

Rottytops : Okay... I don't get it.

Miguel and Bolo : (At the same time, they approach Shantae.) Do you want to dance with me? (They realize that the other one is next to them.) I said it first!

Shantae : Calm down, boys! (They stop fighting and Shantae blushes.) I choose Miguel.

Miguel : It's a pleasure for me.

Bolo : And what shall we dance? Waltz?

Miguel : No, we will dance THIS! (He plays on his mobile phonr the theme "Fading World", from the video game "Sonic Forces".)

Rottytops : (Curious.) Em, what's the name of this song?

Miguel : Fading World. Well guys, let the fun begin! (Everybody starts dancing.)

Sky : Wow! It has a lot of rythm!

Bolo : Hahaha! And the lyrics incites you to hit another person!

Rottytops : If my brothers were here, they would love this song for sure!

Miguel : Why?

Rottytops : They love music with rhythm!

Shantae : Let's stop talking about zombies, let's enjoy the occasion!

Wrench : Greack! (This song is very catchy!)

Miguel : Shantae! The chorus will sound again in a few seconds! Do you remember him?

Shantae : (With doubts.) I think so...

Miguel : (At the same time as the song.) No, time, time for reason, don't show, show them mercy, go, hard, in each battle, show them what you've got now!

Shantae : (At the same time as the song.) The Sun is falling in the sky beyond, and light is fading from our world, now's the time of reckoning, the final battle has begun! (She stops singing.) Wow! I did really well.

Miguel : (Applause.) Well done!

Sky : Come on, dance more!

Miguel : Yes, yes, we will do that... (Everyone continues dancing.)

Rottytops : (After a few minutes of dancing.) Ugh! I'm tired, but I'm having fun!

Bolo : Me too!

Sky : And me!

Miguel : The song is about to end! (It doesn't sound "Fading World" anymore.)

Shantae : (It's not blushed anymore.) It's over. There's still time for the restaurant to open. How about we take a look at our rooms?

Miguel : I think it's a great idea!

Sky : I can't wait to see mine!

Bolo : Me too! I hope at least I have something to have fun with.

Rottytops : I just hope the bed is soft...

They left the ballroom, took the keys to their respective rooms in the reception and went up to their rooms. The bridal suite was simply beautiful : It had some details : It was big, pink, had a big bed (for two people.) pink, a terrace overlooking the desert, bathroom, even had little hearts drawn on the walls.

Shantae : (She thinks it.) Wow, this is pretty.

Miguel : (He thinks it.) Well, it's not a bad bridal suite.

Shantae : (She goes to the terrace.) Look at this.

Miguel : (Enter the terrace.) Yes?

Shantae : Look at the enormity of the desert. Remember : We are in the middle of it. (She takes his hand.)

Miguel : (Blushed.) Huh...?

Shantae : You know? This desert is as big as our friendship.

Miguel : Yep.

Shantae : You know, when you came to this world and you had to sleep with me, I was very ashamed, because I slept with a stranger.... But that is a thing of the past. That doesn't happen to me anymore.

Miguel : Neither do I. I hope that our friendship will last forever.

Shantae : Me too...

End of the 3rd episode. I hope you liked it :D

Songs mentioned :

"Gerudo Valley"

"Dire, Dire Docks"

"Reach For The Stars".

"Fading World."
