Bad news.

Desert Town, Hotel, 22:00 p.m.

Shantae and Miguel were contemplating the beautiful desert at the terrace. They lost track of time. The sound of someone knocking on the door caught their attention, and they proceeded to open the door, and realized it was Rottytops.

Rottytops : (Knocks on the door.) Guys! Guys! Come on, get out. The restaurant opens soon!

Miguel : (Opens the door.) Oh, "Rotty"! You've scaried me, man!

Rottytops : (Not understanding what he meant by "man", and not wanting to offend.) I'm a FEMALE ZOMBIE, stupid.

Shantae : I think you misunderstood. By "man" he means something like "wow".

Rottytops : Ahh, okay. Well, that's it, I came to warn you that the restaurant is about to open.

Miguel : Wait a minute, we didn't take a shower.

Rottytops : Oh, come on, what did you do during these 45 minutes you were in the bridal suite!?

Shantae : Seeing the desert.

Rottytops : Oh my.... I'll give you an hour to take a shower and then you must go to the restaurant!

Miguel : Hey, relax.

Rottytops : We'll wait for you in the hall! (Rottytops is leaving.)

Miguel : (Looks at Shantae.) I've never seen "Rotty" with that humor.

Shantae : And I rarely do. Well, shall we take a shower?

Miguel : Of course! Besides, I'll wash my shirt. I've sweated a lot and it smells very bad.

Shantae went to the bathroom, which is small, white and has a small picture on the wall, and took a shower. Later, after Shantae finished taking a shower and leaving the bathroom dressed in the same clothes and with her jewels on, Miguel went into the bathroom to take a shower. Then he washed his T-shirt manually (they didn't have a washing machine.) and put it to dry on the terrace, and put on a short black T-shirt. Going down to the restaurant, which was almost full, and which is large, cream-colored, with pillars and drawings of different types of food, were Rottytops, Sky and Bolo, who instead of wearing their normal clothes, wore an orange shirt.

Shantae : Hi, guys! Sorry to keep you waiting.

Sky : Hallelujah! You've finally come!

Miguel : It taked me a long time to do the laundry! It's normal that it takes so long!

Bolo : Who cares if they've been late, Sky? The important thing is that they've come!

Sky : (Sighs.) You're right.

Shantae : And Wrench? Where is he?

Sky : In my room! I feeded him. You can't bring animals to the restaurant.

Shantae : How could I not have thought of that? Haha!

Rottytops : Well, we'd better see if there's a table for five free.

Bolo : Sure, "Rotty".

The five sat on a table of five that had an orange tablecloth, and the chairs were brown. There came a man with white skin, tall, eyes and black hair, who wore a jacket and white trousers and black shoes. He was the waiter.

Waiter : (He gives them five papers.) Good night. Here is the menu.

Rottytops : (She covers her face with the paper, embarrassed.) Everyone is looking at me...!

Bolo : Maybe because they haven't seen a zombie before.

Waiter : Well, what are you going to ask for?

Sky : (Looks at the paper.)... I'd like a salad with broccoli, please.

Shantae : (Looks at the paper.) ... What would you guys like? I'll have a salad with broccoli too.

Miguel : (Looks at the paper.) I don't see anything I'd like to eat, except that salad.

Rotytops : (Looks at the paper.) ... I will also order salad with broccoli, please.

Bolo : (Looks at the paper.) Me too.

Waiter : (Writes it down on a note.) Noted! I'll get the salads right away. (He's leaving.)

Bolo : Well, what's your room like? Mine is big, honey-coloured, with a small bed, some brown furniture, a small white bathroom, overlooks the desert, and other insignificant things...

Rottytops : Mine is green, like me, big, with brown furniture, a big yellow bed, a small white bathroom, among other things.

Sky : Mine is blue, big, with brown furniture, a big red bed, a small white bathroom, and some other things... (Looks at Shantae and Miguel.) What about yours? What's it like?

Shantae : (Looks at Miguel.) Who says it? You or me?

Miguel : I'll say. Our suite is big, with hearts everywhere, big, pink, had a big bed for two pink people, a terrace overlooking the desert, yellow bathroom, brown wardrobes, red chairs, lots of pictures, flowers, and more... Sorry, I'll drink some water... I am very thirsty. (He takes a bottle of water, puts water in his glass and drinks it.) Ah, much better.

Sky : It seems that your suite is very decorated.

Shantae : Yes.

Bolo :...Why don't they bring the dinner already...? They are taking a long time...

Rottytops : Don't be impatient! It hasn't even been two minutes, and you're saying "they're taking a long time"!?

Shantae : Wow, "Rotty", why do you get angry so easily lately?

Rottytops : (Calms down.) Excuse me guys, I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe Sky infected me with the virus that makes feel so angry.

Sky : (Looks at her, with irony.) Very funny.

Rottytops : It was just a joke! Sorry!

Miguel : Well, tell me, what have you done in your rooms?

Bolo : The first thing I did was take a shower. And then I washed my T-shirt and my mini-jacket and dried them.

Sky : You must have done something else.

Bolo : Rest, lying in bed.

Rottytops : Wow, you didn't do any exercise? You impress me, Bolo. (Shantae, Miguel, Sky and Bolo looks at her.) What? I'm not kidding this time.

Sky : Well, I took a shower, feeded Wrench, lay down a bit and then got off.

Rottytops : Summary of what's mine : The same as Sky except feeding an animal and I've combed my hair. And you? (Points to Shantae and Miguel.) Oh wait, you already told me.

Bolo : I want to know.

Shantae : We've just been on the terrace, looking at the desert.

Miguel : You forgot a few things! We took a shower, I washed my shirt and put it to dry.

Shantae : That's right, I forgot!

Sky : Well, then, is there a plan for tomorrow?

Miguel : I thought that tomorrow we could get up early, have breakfast and look for information.

Bolo : If you mean to look for information about Risky, it's a good idea.

Sky : Mmm... It could be interesting. I also vote for the idea. What do you say, "Rotty"?

Rottytops : Yes, I think it's a good idea too. Besides, maybe we'll meet my brothers' Zombie Caravan!

Bolo : Well... I wouldn't mind that. As long as they don't make jokes.

Rottytops : (Looks at Bolo.) Are you insinuating that they like to make jokes?

Bolo : Of course, you don't have to be very smart to know that.

Sky : (No offense.) You're not the best example of an "intelligent person", Bolo.

Shantae : Well, you don't have to tell him that either, Sky. He's a great ally.

Bolo : Finally, someone who supports me.

Miguel : You know perfectly well that we all support you! If we tell you a joke, you know it's a joke. (Looks at Sky, Rottytops and Shantae.) Right?

Sky : Sure.

Rottytops : I'll be a joker, but I never make jokes with the intention of offending.

Shantae : Same. Now that I'm talking, I'll say that Miguel's idea also catches my eye.

Miguel : Well then, decided, tomorrow we'll get up early, have breakfast and look for information.

Bolo : Good!...And when do they bring dinner...? I'm starving...

Sky : (The waiter comes out of the kitchen, with two plates.) There it is.

Waiter : (He approaches, and leaves the dishes in front of Bolo and Sky.) Here you go. (Enters the kitchen again.)

Shantae : (Bolo eats at great speed.) Oh my, you eat a lot...

Bolo : (He swallows the food in his mouth.) Okay, yes, I eat a lot.

Sky : Well, the important thing is that you recognize it. (Eats a little.) It's very good!

Waiter : (Gives then the three remaining dishes.) Here you go. (He's leaving.)

Shantae : (She takes the fork.) Let's start eating! (Starts eating.) Yum! I love it!

Rottytops : (Eats a little.) I love it!

Miguel : (Eats a little.) It's pretty good.

They had quite a good dinner. Afterwards, everyone went to their respective rooms, it was almost Midnight and everyone had put on their pajamas (Shantae had taken off her jewels.). Shantae, seeing Miguel with his mobile phone, was curious to see what he was doing.

Shantae : What are you doing?

Miguel : Oh, well... I'm composing music.

Shantae : (Curious.) How?

Miguel : With my mobile. Look, with this game, or whatever you want to call it, I can compose music. Look. (Touches the screen and a flute "C" sounds.) Do you understand?

Shantae : Let me try! (Touches the screen a few times and a guitar, a piano, among other instruments sounds.) Amazing!

Miguel : You can also record your voice. (Holds down on the screen.) Hello! (Stop holding down the screen.) Now, just touch it here (Points to a specific part of the screen.) and it will be heard. (Pressess the screen again and Miguel's "Hello!" sounds.) If you want to put it with music, you have to touch this other part (Points to another part of the screen.) and select the music you want, as long as it is saved. It's saved like this. (Touches the screen three times and "C", "D" and "E" on flute sounds, and clicks on a part of the screen.) Get it?

Shantae : (Impressed.) Yes! Wait, I just thought on an idea... Can you borrow me your mobile, please?

Miguel : (Gives the mobile to Shantae.) Of course, but give it back to me as soon as possible.

Shantae : Don't worry, I'll give it back to you right away. (She leaves the room and knocks on Sky's door.) Sky, are you there?

Sky : (Opens the door.) What do you want?

Shantae : I want to surprise Miguel and Bolo, and I want you and "Rotty" to participate.

Sky : And what is this "surprise"?

Shantae : You'll see... (Sky closes its door and Shantae knocks on Rottytops' door.) "Rotty"?

Rottytops : (Opens the door.) I was sleeping! What do you want?

Shantae : I want to surprise Miguel and Bolo, and I need your help.

Rottytops : And what kind of "surprise" is it?

Shantae : You'll see. We will need a place where there's no one..

Sky : What do you think about the ballroom?

Rottytops : Good idea! (She closes her door and the three of them leave.)

On the way down, they prepared their surprise, which after about 30 minutes, they had completed. When they got back up, Shantae returned Miguel's mobile phone, and they went to sleep. The next morning, when they were already dressed (everyone was wearing their normal clothes and Shantae had their jewelry), they were going to have breakfast, but the girls took the opportunity to show the surprise...

Bolo : (Yawns.) Well, let's have breakfast...

Sky : Yes, but before...

Michael : (Curious.) "Before" what?

Rottytops : We would like to show you something.

Shantae : Miguel, could you give me your mobile phone?

Miguel : Of course. (Gives to her the mobile phone.)

Sky : You're going to like this, I'm sure! (Shantae plays on the mobile phone the opening of "Shantae And The Seven Sirens".)

Bolo : (Unbelieving.) Wow! Did you created that!?

Shantae : Yes!

Rottytops : I still don't know how Shantae convinced us to say that phrase.

Miguel : Which one?

Sky : (She points to Shantae with her right index finger.) Her phrase.

Miguel : Ohhh... Ret-2-Go?

Rottytops : Yes, that one.

Shantae : Hehehe... You know, Miguel? What you just heard is a song I used to listen to. We just added our voices to it.

Miguel : Well, it's amazing!

Bolo : Guys, we'd better go down and have breakfast if we want to look for information.

Rottytops : Right. We'd better go to the restaurant. (Everyone leaves.)

After breakfast, our heroes picked up the things they left in charge of the receptionist, went up to Wrench, and finally, they started asking those living in Desert Town about Risky's whereabouts. Curiously, most said the same thing: According to a rumor coming from Oasis Town, Risky was heading for the abandoned mine on the outskirts of Oasis Town.

Sky : ...Well, we seem to have a possible place where Risky might be. According to most citizens of Desert Town, there is a rumor. According to the rumor, Risky could be in the abandoned mine on the outskirts of Oasis Town.

Miguel : Okay, I know I might be there, about 80% of those we asked have said that. But can anyone explain to me why a pirate would want to be there?

Shantae : There is a magic stone hidden in it. You know what she wants to do with it, don't you?

Miguel : Mmm... I think I know what you mean. She wants to use the power of that magic stone to enhance those Tanks, right?

Bolo : Exactly. You know what we have to do, right?

Rottytops : Take that stone before she does. Right, Bolo?

Bolo : Exactly. However, it won't be easy at all. There is a Golem who, if we manage to get hold of the stone, will get out of control and we will have to calm him down. So there's going to see a guaranteed fight.

Shantae : Don't worry! I know that together, "The Sequin Land Guardians", we will win!

Wrench : (On the right shoulder of his owner.) Gruaaaack! (Yes!)

All (Except Wrench.) : (Everyone puts their right hand in the air, one on top of the other, and Wrench puts himself on top of the hand above.) Let's protect Sequin Land! (Everyone raises their hand, and Wrench flies out.)

Rottytops : And well... How we will go to that mine?

Sky : We have to leave Desert Town and then head towards Oasis Town.

Miguel : OK. (Everyone leaves.)

It took them a few hours to get to that mine. This one has a rather peculiar entrance : it looks like a yellow castle, with four towers of the same colour, except for the entrance, because this one is more golden, next to a door of the same colour. However, the fearsome Risky Boots, the enigmatic Ammo Baron and his assistant, the Techno Baron, who is an anthropomorphic crocodile who knows how to talk, wears a purple T-shirt, a black jacket and trousers and a grey helmet with slits covering the part of the eyes that has small decorative cannons, had already arrived at the entrance, and was slightly smaller than our heroes, and has small legs and arms. They were accompanied by lackeys, 10 Tinkerbats (Risky Lackeys.), 2 men wearing the same clothes as the Ammo Baron, but they are smaller, have no beard, have two eyes and carry an old gun each (Ammo Baron Lackeys.) and anthropomorphic crocodiles with yellow helmets, white T-shirts and blue suspenders (Techno Baron Lackeys.).

Ammo Baron : Well... (He offers his hand to Risky.) The archifamous pirate Risky Boots... It's a pleasure to meet you again.

Risky : (Shakes hands with Ammo Baron.) The pleasure is mine, Ammo Baron. (Looks at Techno Baron.) And well, how are you?

Techno Baron : I'm fine, but please tell us your plan! We are waiting!

Risky : OK, OK! I'll tell you. Come closer. (Both Ammo Baron and Techno Baron approach.) Blah, blah, blah, blah... What do you think? Do you like it?

Ammo Baron : As always Risky, it's a great plan!

Techno Baron : Hehe... It's interesting to me...

Risky : (Sees Bolo, Miguel, Rottytops, Shantae and Sky in the distance, and speak softly.) What!? Those idiots are here!? Let's hide here!! (She, Ammo Baron, Techno Baron and their lackeys hide behind some big stones nearby.)

Bolo : (They arrive at the entrance of the mine.) Well, this is the mine I've heard so much about...

Rottytops : Well, it doesn't look like a mine...

Miguel : Well, shall we go in or not?

Shantae : Of course we're going in. I once came here, but I don't remember the way anymore... (They go in.)

Sky : (They see some lighted torches on the wall.) Let's take these torches. We'll need them. (They take 5 torches and go deeper.)

Risky : (They come out of hiding.) How is this possible!? I sent them to a place they wouldn't come out of!

Ammo Baron : Well, you've just seen that it's possible to escape from that place.

Techno Baron : And what can we do? I'm sure they want the Golem Stone!

Risky : There's only one way to stop them!! Tinkerbats!! Follow me! (Risky goes into the mine, picks up a torch and is followed by the Tinkerbats, who also pick up torches.)

Ammo Baron : Risky, wait!! Soldiers, go ahead! (The Ammo Baron enters the mine, picks up a torch and is followed by his subjects, who also pick up torches.)

Techno Baron : Wait for us!! Soldiers, go ahead!! (Techno Baron enters the mine and his subjects follow him, who take torches.)

The mine was really big. Our heroes reached an area where the road was divided into five, full of stalactites and stalagmites.

Sky : Be careful, guys, don't hit each other with stalactites and stalagmites.

Shantae : (Avoiding stalagmites and stalactites.) Ugh, they are a lot!

Wrench : Gruack! Gruack! (Hell yeah! There are so many!)

Bolo : Oh, five different paths. Which do we choose?

Rottyops : Let's see...

Bolo : Huh...?

Miguel : We'll split up, won't we?

Rottytops : Exactly!

Sky : Well, if so, Wrench will accompany me. (Looks at Wrench.) Okay, Wrench?

Wrench : Gruack! (Of course!)

Shantae : Well, in that case... Good luck, guys. (They separate, they go inside and the next thing they think.) If something bad happens to them, especially to Miguel... I wouldn't like it at all...

Miguel : (The following thinks so.) If something bad happens to them, especially to Shantae... I wouldn't like it at all... (They go even deeper.)

Risky : (She, Ammo Baron, Techno Baron and their subjects come to the area of stalagmites and stalactites.) Mmm.... Five different paths... I have already been here. Too bad I don't remember the way.

Ammo Baron : Which one should we take...?

Techno Baron : Ammo Baron, let me tell you one thing: If we try one by one, it could take a lot of time. On the other hand, if we split up, it will be much faster.

Ammo Baron : (Looks at Techno Baron.) It's true, I'm so stupid!

Risky : That's fine with me. I'll go this way, (Points a way.) while my Tinkerbats will go that way. (Points out another way.)

All Tinkerbats : (At the same time.) Are you sure? You never know if you might need us.

Risky : (Looks at the Tinkerbats, threatening.) DO YOU THINK THAT I NEED HELP IN MY PART, IDIOTS!?

All Tinkerbats : (At the same time, with fear.) N-no!

Risky : Then, OBEY MY ORDERS IMMEDIATELY!!!! (The Tinkerbats go into the path pointed out by Risky.)

Ammo Baron : Well, I think I'll go that way, (Points out one way.) while my soldiers will go that way. (He points out another way, and addresses his soldiers.) I know you can do it!

Soldiers : (At the same time.) Don't worry, sir! (The soldiers enter the path indicated by Ammo Baron.)

Techno Baron : Well, shall we go now? My soldiers will go with me. (Looks at his soldiers.) Are you ready!?

Soldiers (Techno Baron.) : (At the same time.) Yes, sir!

Risky : Well then, here we go! (They split up and go in.)

They each walked for about 30 minutes. Sky and Wrench ended up in a dead end, without finding the Golem Stone. They turned around, but saw something that would surprise them...

Sky : (Leaves the torch on the wall, and leaves her things on the floor.) Wow. Here's not that Stone ne..... It was called... I don't remember well...! Shantae has told me the name before...! Oh, yes, it was called the Golem Stone! Well, I think so.

Wrench : Grack! (Yep!!)

Sky : I think we'd better go back, right, Wrench?

Wrench : Greack! (Yes!)

Sky : I'll take it as a "yes". (They both turn around, and see Techno Baron and his soldiers.) Techno Baron!? What are you doing here!?

Techno Baron : I'm looking for something brilliant... Hehehe...

Sky : (Guessing what he wants is the Golem Stone.) You're not going to make it! I swear on my dear Wrench!

Wrench : Greackk! (Don't you ever say that again or I'll peck you in the arm!!)

Sky : (Angry.) Take that away right now!

Techno Baron : No! Soldiers, ATTACK (Techno Baron's soldiers are approaching Sky.)

Sky : You asked for it!!!

Wrench : (He approaches one of the soldiers, pecking him in the arm.) Gruack! (Take this!)

Soldier 1 (Techno Baron.) : Ouch! Let's see if you like this! (Punches Wrench.)

Wrench : Gruack! (Ouch!!)

Sky : Nobody hurts my Wrench! (She punches the soldier who punched Wrench.)

Techno Baron : No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to defeat us! A girl without powers like you will never defeat us.

Sky : (More angry.) ARE YOU CALLING ME "WEAK"!?

Techno Baron : You're right, girl. Yes, indirectly I have called you "weak".

Sky : You will regret having called me "scum" and "weak"!!

Techno Baron : Attack!

Soldier 2 (Techno Baron.) : (He hits Sky in the right arm.) Take this!

Sky : (She covers the wound with her left arm.) Damn... (She removes her hand from the wound.) At least I don't get any blood...

Wrench : (Sese that the other soldier is approaching.) Grack! (Don't even think about it!!) (He pecks him in the mouth.)

Sky : Thank you, Wrench! (She punches the Techno Baron's soldiers a few times, and they are K.O.) Look!!! Your lackeys are K.O.!! Do you think I'm weak!? Huh!? HUH!?

Techno Baron : Wow, you've managed to defeat them almost effortlessly...

Sky : (Pointing to Wrench.) WE HAVE defeated them.

Wrench : Gruack!!! (That's right!!!)

Techno Baron : Really impressive. You two make a good battle team. However, it's no use! (He tries to bite Sky, but she avoids it.)

Sky : (She grabs it from his helmet.) Nice try, Techno Baron. (She hits him using an Uppercut, sending him flying.)

Techno Baron : (He falls to the ground.) Ouch!

Sky : Well, a last word before being defeated?

Techno Baron : (He gets up.) Yes, take this! (From his sleeve he throws sleep powder at Sky and Wrench.) Byeeee! Hehehehe! (He leaves that room.)

Wrench : Gru... Gruack... (I have... A lot of sleep...)

Sky : (Yawning.) But, what was...? (Both fall to the ground, asleep.)

Wrench : (After a while, he wakes up.) Gruack... Gruack!? Gruack!? (Uf... What!? Where's Techno Baron!?) (He pecks at Sky.) Grack, gruack! (Come on, wake up!!)

Sky : (Wakes up.) Ugh... (Wrench stops pecking her.) Huh!? Techno Baron's gone!? We'd better follow him! (She takes her things and the torch and they leave that room, Sky, running.)

Shortly after Sky and Wrench started their fight against Techno Baron and his henchmen, Rottytops had also reached a cul-de-sac very similar to Sky's, without finding the Golem Stone. When she was about to leave, she heard something she didn't like at all, and hid behind a rock.

Rottytops : (Leaves the torch on the wall.) Oh, wow. So much walking has been useless. (Liste to a strange sound.) Huh? That sound is familiar... And I don't like it at all! (She hides, and leaves her things on the floor.)

Tinkerbat 1 : (All Tinkerbats enter the room.) Oh. That stone is not here.

Tinkerbat 2 : What impresses me is that we haven't seen any of the brats.

Rottytops : (She comes out a little, unseen, and thinks the following.) Are there Tinkerbats here? So, Risky must also be in the mine! I don't like this at all!

Tinkerbat 3 : Bah, there's nothing interesting here. Let's go.

Rottytops : (She thinks the following.) No way!! (She comes out of hiding and says the following.) Hey, you!

Tinkerbat 4 : (All Tinkerbats look at her.) I-i-it's the zombie!

Rottytops : As Risky would say... In the flesh!

Tinkerbat 5 : Don't let her escape! (They approach Rottytops.)

Rottytops : (Avoids the attacks.) Hey, I'm just one and you're ten! That's not fair!

Tinkerbat 6 : Shut up! (He punches Rottytops.)

Rottytops : Ow! Take this! (She punches the Tinkerbat that hit her.)

Tinkerbat 7 : (He cuts Rottytops head off with his sword.) HA! One less brat.

Rottytops : I think you've forgotten one thing. I'm a zombie, and, like any zombie, (Puts her head in its place.) I can put my body together if it's broken into pieces!

Tinkerbat 8 : That won't be an obstacle for us either! (He punches her.)

Rottytops : (She is hit, but she hardly suffers any damage.) Is that the most you can do? Now you'll see which is the real power of a hit! (She mutils her right leg, uses it as a baseball bat and hits two Tinkerbats.) Byeee! (She puts her right leg where it was.)

Tinkerbats 5 and 6 : (At the same time, they fall to the ground.) Ouch!

Tinkerbat 9 : (Approaching Rottytops.) Get ready!

Rottytops : (Avoids the punch.) Nice try! (Punches that Tinkerbat.)

Tinkerbat 9 : Ow!

Tinkerbat 10 : Now you'll see, you idiot brat! (Tryies to attack her with a lunge.)

Rottytops : (Avoids the lunge, angry.) NO ONE CALLS ME "IDIOT"! (She kicks him.)

Tinkerbat 10 : Ugh!

Tinkerbats : (At the same time.) Let's attack!! (They approach Rottytops.)

Rottytops : (Avoids the attacks and hit the Tinkerbats, who are badly wounded.) It has been "funny" to play with you, but that's enough! (Grabs Tinkerbat 1.) You look like the leader. (Threatening.) WHERE IS RISKY!?

Tinkerbat 1 : I... I don't know... I swear...

Rottytops : (She frees Tinkerbat 1.) Uhm! I should have destroyed you. (Looks at a stalactite.) How can such a thing be so enigmatic...?

Tinkerbat 2 : Now! (The Tinkerbats run away.)

Rottytops : (Turns around.) They're gone!! I must find them as soon as possible!! (She takes her things and the torch, and runs away.)

Bolo was also unlucky. Arriving at a dead end, similar to those mentioned, and without Golem Stone, he turned around, and was surprised to see what was behind him.

Bolo : (Leaves the torch on the wall, and leaves his things except the ball with spikes on the floor.) There's nothing here. I hope my friends will soon find the Golem Stone, it could be of great help to us. Well, I don't have anything to do in this room anymore. I'll go and... (He turns and sees Ammo Baron's soldiers.) What are you doing here!?

Soldier 1 (Ammo Baron.) : Actually, kid, that's none of your business.

Bolo : (The next thing thinks it.) This can't be good! If they're here, Ammo Baron will be here also! And I know why he's here! He wants the Golem Stone! I won't let him!

Soldier 2 (Ammo Baron) : Well, boy, if you're not going to resist, we'll kill you.

Bolo : Oh, yeah? (Mocking.) How?

Soldier 1 (Ammo Baron.) : With this. (He points his old gun at him.)

Bolo : (Very frightened.) Wow!

Soldier 2 (Ammo Baron.) : (He points his old gun at him.) Five...

Bolo : Oh no...

Soldier 1 (Ammo Baron.) : ...Four...Three...Two...One...

Bolo : (He thinks about it.) Now! (Jumps to the right.)

Soldiers : (At the same time.) Zero! (They squeeze the trigger, closing their eyes, but Bolo manages to avoid the two bullets, Bolo hides behind a rock and the soldiers open their eyes.) What the...!? Where is he!?

Bolo : (He thinks it.) Ugh! Thank to all the Genies I've managed to avoid them! Quick, think something, Bolo! (He comes out, unseen, and sees that the soldiers are near.) I know! (He comes out of hiding, takes away their guns with his ball of spikes and they fall, opening and losing the bullets in the act, and he speaks.) Don't be cowards! A teenager with a ball of spikes against two adults with firearms, it's unfair!

Soldier 1 (Ammo Baron.) : We are not cowards! (They try to take the guns.)

Bolo : (Threatening.) Try to get them and I'll hit you on the head with my ball.

Soldier 2 (Ammo Baron.) : (Soldiers get closer to the guns.) C'mon...

Bolo : (He hits both of them with his ball.) Then don't tell me that I didn't warn you.

Soldier 1 (Ammo Baron.) : (Angry.) That's enough! Child, if you're looking for a fight, you've found it! (Both soldiers approach Bolo.)

Bolo : (Avoids them both.) Wow, Ammo Baron doesn't seem to have trained you in terms of speed... (He hits them with his ball.)

Soldier 2 (Ammo Baron.) : Here I come! (He approaches Bolo, punching him.)

Bolo : Not bad, not bad. Are you ready to receive a powerful kick? (He kicks both of them in the knee.)

Soldiers : (At the same time.) Oh, my knee! It hurts!

Bolo : And now, (He punches both of them.) Take this!

Soldier 1 (Ammo Baron.) : Wow!

Soldier 2 (Ammo Baron.) : I know! Follow me! (He's heading for Bolo.)

Soldier 1 (Ammo Baron.) : (He's heading for Bolo.) OK!

Soldier 2 (Ammo Baron.) : (Grabs Bolo's right arm with his left hand.) Haha! You're already ours.

Soldier 1 (Ammo Baron.) : (Takes Bolo's left arm with his right hand.) Haha! Ready to suffer?

Bolo : (He tries to escape by moving.) Aargh! Let me go!

Soldier 2 (Ammo Baron.) : (Punches Bolo in his balls.) That's it. That should be enough. (Bolo is released.)

Bolo : (He covers his balls, in pain.) Ouch.... That... It hurts a lot...

Soldier 1 (Ammo Baron.) : We'd better go. I doubt that the child will give us more problems.

Bolo : (Angry.) This boy will give you trouble, and he will beat you in combat! I swear by all my friends!

Soldier 2 (Ammo Baron.) : So you want more fight, huh?

Bolo : Yes... (Punches Soldier 2.) Take that!!

Soldier 1 (Ammo Baron.) : (He holds the other soldier, who retreats a bit.) Are you all right?

Soldier 2 (Ammo Baron.) That punch hurted...

Bolo : I'm ready to finish! (He hits many times with his ball, and gives many punches, making both soldiers fall.) Wow, that was close, I almost got killed. But, the Ammo Baron will be around, I'm sure. I'd better go back if others need me. (He takes his things and the torch, and runs away.)

While the three heroes mentioned were arriving at the respective dead ends, Shantae was walking in a corridor that led to a similar dead end, but there was a big difference: There, embedded in the wall, was the Golem Stone, a stone in the shape of a purple board, which emitted a great glow.

Shantae : (Excited, she leaves the torch on the wall and her things on the floor.) Great! (She approaches the Golem Stone, puts her fingers on the sides of the stone and does strength.) Come with Mommy! (She makes more strength.) Come... with... MOMMY!!! (She gets the stone out.) Uf, it was well embedded, the damned one. (She goes to her backpack, which is on the floor.)
Well, now I'm going to put the Golem Stone in my...

Ammo Baron : You won't put anything anywhere.

Shantae : Ammo Baron!?

Ammo Baron : Hahaha! Yes! Give me that Golem Stone or you'll regret it!

Shantae : (Keeps the Golem Stone in her backpack.) No way!

Ammo Baron : You leave me no choice. (He approaches Shantae, and slaps her.)

Shantae : Ha! Take this! (Hits the Ammo Baron with her magical hair.)

Ammo Baron : Ow! That hurt!

Shantae : Prepare yourself then for what is to come! (She kicks him in the ass, which pushes him forward.)

Ammo Baron : Grr! Let's see if you like this! (He punches Shantae on the right shoulder.)

Shantae : Oh, that was strong!

Ammo Baron : And that's not all! (He punches again Shantae.)

Shantae : For All Genie's Sake! Take this! (She hits him with her magic hair.)

Ammo Baron : You are strong, girl. However...

Shantae : (Takes the opportunity to punch him in the face.) However, I WON YOU!

Ammo Baron : Hahaha... I still have strength, and for a while!

Shantae : Let's see if you really have so much strength left. A lot to say "I'm strong", but the strength goes out of your mouth... (Yawns.) I'm even bored with this fight.

Ammo Baron : HAVE YOU CALLED ME "WEAK"!? TAKE THIS! (He punches Shantae.)

Shantae : Arghh.... Prepare to be finished! (Throws a ray of White Magic.)

Ammo Baron : No, no, NO...! (He is beaten, and retreats.)

Shantae : Yes, yes, YES!

Ammo Baron : Oof... I still have some strength... But I can't win against you... But I can... Run away! (He runs away.)

Shantae : Hey you, come back here! (She takes all her things and the torch, and runs away.)

The villains mentioned (Except the soldiers of Techno Baron and Ammo Baron.) ran as fast as they could. When they arrived at the place where the five roads meet, they crossed each other.

Ammo Baron : Techno Baron! Are you all right?

Techno Baron : This girl and her bird have managed to defeat my troops.

Ammo Baron : Mine was worse! The girl with the purple hair defeated me, and she has the Golem Stone!

Tinkerbats : (At the same time.) Whaaaaat!?

Techno Baron : Impossible! !

Ammo Baron : You have to believe me! We have to look for Risky and inform her of the situation!

Techno Baron : Where is she?

Tinkerbat 1 : (Points out a path.) She said she would go that way! Maybe she is at the end!

Ammo Baron : Quick! (They go that way.)

Shantae and the others (Except Miguel.) came to the area where the roads met. When they arrived, they told of their fights, and when they realized that Miguel was not with them, they began to look for him.

Rottytops : Did you found the Golem Stone, guys?

Shantae : Yes. (Pulls the Golem Stone out of her backpack.) Look!

Sky : Wow!

Bolo : How brilliant!

Shantae : However, it wasn't that easy. Ammo Baron tried to take it away from me.

Sky : (Scared.) Did you said "Ammo Baron"?

Shantae : Yes, he ran away and I couldn't catch him. By the way, why do you look like you're sleepy, Sky and Wrench?

Wrench : Gruack! (I don't know what that crocodile threw at us, but it made us sleep!)

Sky : (Yawning.) Techno Baron has thrown something like sleepy dust at us.

Bolo : Is Techno Baron here too!?

Sky : Yes, Bolo.

Rottytops : I don't want to alarm you guys, but mine has been worse. I've faced some weak enemies, but it's worse for what they are. There are Tinkerbats in the mine.

The others (Less Wrench.) : (At the same time, horrified.) WHAT!? Tinkerbats!?

Rottytops : Exactly! That means Risky is here too!

Wrench : Grack gruack? (Is it me or is someone missing?)

Bolo : Now that I think about it... Where is Miguel? I don't see it.

Sky : I have no idea.

Shantae : (More horrified.) Risky is in the mine and Miguel may be lost... Oh my...

Rottytops : Relax. I'm sure we'll find him.

Shantae : (Takes a deep breath.) You're right. Which way did he go?

Sky : I think that way. (Points out a path.)

Bolo : There's no time to waste! (Everyone goes that way.)

Miguel's path was longer. When Miguel reached the end, it was possible to see a dead end, but there wasn't a wall, the road ended there. If you looked down, you could see a lot of lava. Miguel went to see what was underneat.

Miguel : (Leaves the torch on the wall, and his things on the floor.) Of.... It's hotter here... (Looks over the cliff.) Note to myself: Don't look down. (Looks back.) Too bad that this Stone is not here. Actually, that Risky is very powerful, and it will do everything possible to get that Stone.

Risky : (Comes.) Hoho! Of course I will!

Miguel : (The next thing he thinks it.) Huh...? What she has in her right hand? Wait.... It's that Magic Lamp! I have to be very careful.

Risky : (Slowly approaching Miguel.) Don't worry, it will be quick.

Miguel : Don't come any closer!

Risky : (Goes to Miguel and leaves the Magic Lamp on the floor.) Don't worry. You only have to answer one question.

Miguel : (Distrustful.) Which one?

Risky : Where is the Golem Stone?

Miguel : I don't know where it is.

Risky : (She sheaths her gun and draws her sword.) Do you think I'm stupid? Where is the Golem Stone?

Miguel : I don't know, I swear!

Risky : (With her right hand, she takes Miguel's hands, immobilizing him, and puts the sword in his throat.) Tell me the truth right now, you moron!

Miguel : (Very nervous.) I don't know, I swear! (She tryies to free himself.) Set me free, you motherfucker!

Risky : One more insult to me... And I wouldn't like to be you.

Ammo Baron : (He, the Techno Baron and the Tinkerbats arrive.) Risky!

Risky : What?

Ammo Baron : The girl with the purple hair has found the Golem Stone!

Risky : WHAT!?

Miguel : YEAH!

Techno Baron : What can we do? We're a little tired!

Risky : Haha! We'll crush them! (She stops pointing her sword at Miguel and takes off her hat, letting herself see a potion.) Take a sip. You will recover 100% (Ammo Baron, Techno Baron and Tinkerbats drink a little, Risky puts on her hat and points her sword at Miguel again.)

Tinkerbat 1 : (Leaves the potion on the floor.) Ah!

Risky : (Looks at Miguel.) Well... I will return with my work...

Miguel : (Swallow saliva.) Goodbye, world...

Rottytops : (She, Shantae, Sky, Bolo and Wrench arrive, and leave everything on the floor.) Here you are!

Bolo: Risky Boots!

Risky : In the flesh!

Rottytops, Sky, Shantae and Bolo : (They look at Miguel, terrified.) Oh, NO!

Shantae : Let him go now, you motherfucker!

Risky : (Notices a little glow in Shantae's backpack.) ...OK. But, one condition!

Sky : (Distrustful.) Which one?

Risky : Give me the Golem Stone.

Rottytops : NO WAY!!

Bolo : NO!!

Risky : ...Either you give me the Golem Stone, (Brings the sword closer to Miguel.) or your friend will die.

Miguel : Run... Run with the stone...

Shantae : (She thinks the following.) If I give him the Stone, he will be at an advantage, or rather, "they will be", I am sure they have allied. But if I don't give it to them, I will lose an important person! WHAT DO I DO! (After a little thought, makes a decision, and speak.) OK, I've been meditating on it... (Pulls out the Golem Stone.) I accept.

Sky : WHAT!? Are you nuts!?

Shantae : I don't want to lose a friend, Sky. (She approaches Risky.) Now, let him go!

Risky : (Let him go, pushing him.) Here's your friend. Give me that! (Takes the Golem Stone.) Hohohoho! Keep it very carefully. (She gives it to a Tinkerbat.)

Shantae : (Gives Miguel a hug.) Thank all the Genies we have found you! (A tear leaks from her.)

Miguel : (He blushes.) Hey, hey I'm fine. (Shantae separates from Miguel, she dries her face with her hand and Miguel is no longer blushing.)

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble. Everyone, fearful, saw something coming out of the magma: a giant stone Golem who had a blue gem on his head, which was so high that it reached the platform where everyone was.

Bolo : That... It is... THE GOLEM!!

Golem : Whoever dares to snatch the almost indestructible Golem Stone, will suffer my wrath! (Throws fire trhough his mouth.)

Sky : (Everyone dodges it.) Wrench, peck him!!

Wrench : (He pecks at his face, but since it's made of stone, he doesn't hurt the Golem. Gruawk... (For All Genies' sake... my beak hurts...)

Ammo Baron : (Stealthily, he, the Techno Baron, Risky and the Tinkerbats try to escape.) Shhhh...

Rottytops : Hey, you! You won't get out of here so easily!

Techno Baron : Damn, they saw us!

Risky : Well then, we will crush them!! (She approaches Miguel.)

Miguel : (He manages to stop her with his two hands, and both begin to struggle.) Shantae, we take care of Risky, the Cyclops, the Crocodile and the Tinkerbats! You will fight the Golem! We know you are the only person with enough strength to hurt him! You know what I mean!

Shantae : Leave it to me! (She starts dancing, and becomes a monkey.) Come here, Golem!

Golem : Aargh! (Tryies to hit her with his right arm, but Shantae avoids it and climbs through the Golem.)

Shantae : (She transforms into her human form.) Be ready! (She hits the stone the Golem has on his head with her magical hair.) Yeah! I think I've found his weak spot!

Rottytops : Keep it up, Shantae! (She slaps Ammo Baron, and Shantae continues beating the Golem.)

Ammo Baron : How dare you slap me!? (He punches Rottytops.) Take this!

Miguel : "Rotty"!

Risky : (Taking advantage that he is distracted, she makes more strength.) Aaaaargh! Now you'll see my power! (She manages to push Miguel, and he falls to the ground.)

Miguel : Ouch!

Tinkerbats : (Almost everyone attacks Sky.) Go!

Sky : Ouch! Ouch! (She kicks a Tinkerbat.) Wrench, help me!

Wrench : Gruawk! (Leave it to me!) (He gets to beat some Tinkerbats with his wings, making them retreat.)

Sky : (Punches a Tinkerbat.) I dedicate this punch to you! (Kicks another Tinkerbat.)

Tinkerbat 3 : Ugh! That hurt!

Bolo : (He punches Techno Baron.) Take this!

Techno Baron : Damned kid! (He takes a small bite on the right arm.)

Bolo : (Sore.) For All Genies' Sake, that hurts! (Techno Baron lets go of his arm.) Ugh.... There is no blood, thank All Genies.

Risky : (She punches Miguel.) This is what you get for meddling in my plans!

Miguel : Ouch!

Ammo Baron : (He gets close to Miguel, quickly.) Are you ready, kid?

Miguel : (Avoids Ammo Baron's punch.) Yes! Shantae, how it's going?!

Shantae : (She keeps hitting the Golem's stone.)I'm doing fine! And you!?

Rottytops : We are having some difficulties! (Techno Baron scratches her, and Rottytops punches Techno Baron.) Take that!

Shantae : Cheer up, guys! (The Golem moves violently.) What's going on!?

Gólem : Get out of there, stupid!

Shantae : (Furious.) Nobody calls me "stupid"! (Due to the movement of the Golem, she falls down the front of the Golem.) No!

Miguel : SHANTAE!

Shantae : (She falls on the ground, badly wounded.) Ouch... I'm fine, don't worry... (Shantae dances and becomes a monkey.) You don't have to help me, I can do it alone.

Bolo : (The Golem prepares a punch.) Be careful, Shantae!!

Shantae : Huh...? (She turns.) Oh, no! (She takes the punch and flies away.)

Sky, Bolo, Rottytops and Miguel : (At the same time.) SHANTAE!

Shantae : (She falls, very weakened and she transforms into her human form.) O-ouch.. That punch was very powerful... (She realizes that her nose is bleeding a little, due to the punch.) My nose is bleeding..... (She dries her face with her right hand, and there's no more blood.)

Bolo : (He, Miguel, Sky, Rottytops and Wrench approach Shantae, and Bolo takes the potion left by the Tinkerbat.) Drink this! It's a magic potion that restores your health! (Put some of the liquid in Shantae's mouth.) Come on! Drink it! (Shantae drinks.)

Shantae : (The potion takes effect, and she rises with energy.) Ah, that's what I needed!

Sky : (She, Rottytops, Bolo and Miguel drink from the potion.) SAME! Wrench, (Pours into her hand what's left of potion.) drink!

Wrench : (Drinks what's left.) Grack! (I'm ready!!)

Rottytops : Ready to kick ass!?

Bolo : Get ready!

Sky : I'm ready!

Miguel : Me too!

Wrench : Gruack! (Let's go!)

Shantae : I'm Ret-2-Go! (They're heading for the villains.)

Techno Baron : Oh no... They've regained their energy! What we can do!?

Ammo Baron : Well... (Sky kicks him.) Oh! Damn girl...!

Risky : (Rottytops punches her.) Aaagh! Stupid zombie! You'll regret it! (She punches Rottytops.)

Rottytops : You want another punch, don't you? (Angry.) I'll make your wish come true, even if I'm not a Genie! (She punches Risky.)

Miguel : (He punches Techno Baron.) Do you only know how to use your mouth and arms to attack?

Techno Baron : Hehehehehehe.... No... I also use THIS! (He realizes he's out of sleep powder.) Oh, shit, I'm out of sleep powder!

Miguel : So you pretended to put me to sleep, huh? (He gives him another punch.)

Shantae : (Transformed into a monkey, she climbs back on the head of the Golem.) Ready for more?

Golem : You should be ready! (Tryies to punch Shantae.)

Shantae : (Avoids the punch and the Golem hits the stone in his head.) You missed! You hurted yourself in your confusion.

Golem : Noooo!!

Shantae : (She transforms into her human form, and starts hitting the stone on the head of the Golem with her magic hair.) Take this...!

Golem : Ouch!

Miguel : Let me show you what I'm made of! (He punches a Tinkerbat, and knocks out him.) Do you want more? Take this! (Hits three other Tinkerbats, knocking them out.)

Risky : (Angry.) Take this! (She attacks with her sword.)

Bolo : (Blocks the sword with his ball of spikes.) Sorry, dear, but we have to stop you!

Risky : I AM NOT YOUR "DEAR", IDIOT! (She punches Bolo.)

Rottytops : Bolo! Are you okay?

Bolo : Yes... I'm fine.

Ammo Baron : (He's coming to Rottytops.) Here I come!

Techno Baron : (Also approaching Rottytops.) Get ready, zombie girl!

Sky and Bolo : (At the same time.) "Rotty", watch out!

Rottytops : Ah! (She avoids Ammo Baron and Techno Baron.) You wanted to hit me from behind, huh? (Kicks Techno Baron and tries to punch Ammo Baron, but he avoids her.)

Techno Baron : (Back up.) Damn you! Prepare yourself! (He's approaching Rottytops.)

Wrench : (Going to Techno Baron.) Grack! (Don't even think about hurting him!!) (Hits the Techno Baron with his wings.)

Rottytops : Thank you!

Ammo Baron : Get ready for a good one, zombie! (Punches Rottytops in the stomach.)

Rottytops : (Aching.) OUCH!

Bolus : Take this one, uniocular monster! (Punches Ammo Baron.)

Ammo Baron : You call me "uniocular" again and I'll break your head!

Bolo : (Mocking.) Uniocular.


Miguel : Nobody threatens my friend Bolo! (Miguel punches Ammo Baron.)

Risky : Men! Help them! (Tinkerbats approach Ammo Baron and Techno Baron.) Meanwhile, I'll take care of you.

Miguel : (Confident.) Come on, let's see if you are so brave as hit me again.

Risky : (Angry.) Of course I am! (She punches Miguel.) See?

Miguel : I see you weren't lying.

Shantae : (She continues hitting the stone that the Golem has on his head with her magic hair.) Aaaargh!! Why don't I defeat you!?

Golem : Simple : Even if you hit my weak spot, I can hold it long enough. And now... (The stone in his head begins to shine brightly.) Here comes my characteristic attack.

Shantae : (Amazed.) What the hell is this!? (More, smaller, floating stones come out of the stone.) A Golem using magic!?

Golem : Exactly! (The small stones go towards Shantae.)

Shantae : (She can't avoid the stones.) Oh, that hurted! (She continues to be beaten.) Leave me alone, damn it! (With her magical hair, she manages to throw the little stones into the lava, and the big stone stops shining.)

Golem : Don't say those type of things!

Shantae : I will say what I WANT!!! (Continues hitting the stone.)

Golem : Ow! (He moves violently but Shantae doesn't fall.) Fall now!

Shantae : I don't want to! (Keepa hitting the stone.)

Miguel : (Slightly tired.) Wow.... You are tenacious...!

Risky : (Slightly tired.) And you too... Last time you were weaker.

Sky : (Slightly tired.) But we are not anymore... Prepare for your defeat!

Techno Baron : (Slightly tired.) Hahahahahaha.... I'd like to see that.

Ammo Baron : (Slightly tired.) Yes, me too, because... Don't make us laugh.

Rottytops : (Slightly tired.) You are going to... Be defeated...

Bolo : (Slightly tired.) Uf... If I were one of you... I would surrender....

Risky : NO! NEVER! WE WILL NEVER SURREND! ATTACK! (Shee approaches Bolo, punching him.) Here!

Bolo : Ouch! (He hits hes back.) Take that!

Risky : Aagh! Help me! (5 Tinkerbats attend.)

Tinkerbat 6 : (He is fast approaching Rottytops.) Come here!

Rottytops : (He dodges the punch and hits the Tinkerbat 6, knocking out him.) That was fast.....

Tinkerbats 5, 4, 3 and 2 : (At the same time, Tinkerbat 5 goes towards Rottytops, 4 towards Bolo, 3 towards Sky and 2 towards Miguel.) This will be your end!

Sky : (She avoid the Tinkerbat and kicks him.) Take this! Wrench, finish him off!

Wrench : Gruawk! (Here I go!!) (Beats the Tinkerbat with his wings, knocking out him.)

Miguel : (Avoids the Tinkerbat, hits him and he knocks out him.) Pathetic.

Bolo : (He avoids the Tinkerbat and grabs him by the neck.) I got you! (He punches him and he knocks out him.)

Rottytops : (Avoids the Tinkerbat.) Ha! (She kicks him and she knocks out him.) Wow... I thought it was going to last longer...

Ammo Baron : This isn't over! (He's approaching Sky at great speed.)

Techno Baron : (It's approaching Rottytops at high speed.) Of course it's not over, it's still the best part!

Risky : (Approaching Miguel, quickly.) Hohoho! Now you'll see what a thrust hurts!

Sky : (Receives the attack of Ammo Baron.) Wow!

Rottytops : (Get the scratch from Techno Baron.) Ow!

Miguel : (Risky gets closer and closer.) Oof, here she comes...

Bolo : (He gets to hit Risky with his ball of spikes, stopping it.) Stop right now!

Risky : Ahh... Damned kid! (She punches Bolo.) Take this!

Bolo : (Backs up.) Ugh!

Risky : Well, now I will continue with my task... (Throws a lunge at Miguel.)

Miguel : (He avoids it.) OOF!

Wrench : Gruaaack! (Let's see if you canhit me!) (Pecks up Risky.)

Sky : Well done, Wrench!

Risky : Aaaargh... DON'T TOUCH ME! (She punches Wrench.)


Risky : You? Don't make me laugh.

Sky : Yes, me! (Techno Baron scratches her.) And you leave me alone! (She punches him.)

Techno Baron : Idiot girl...

Rottytops : (Hit the Techno Baron with an Uppercut .) Take this! (Punch Ammo Baron.) And you too, this is a gift!

Ammo Baron : You wanted it. (Hit Bolo, Sky, Miguel, Rottytops and Wrench.) Do you want more?

Bolo : ... We will never surrender.

Ammo Baron : Wow, you seem to want more. Well, we'll have more fun. (He approaches Bolo.)

Bolo : (Receives the blow.) Uf... (He gets to hit Ammo Baron, giving him a punch.) Here you have "fun"!

Ammo Baron : Your strength is incredible for your age. Impressive.

Techno Baron : No time to be impressed.

Risky : Right, it's time to finish them off. (She and Techno Baron gets close to Miguel and Bolo quickly.)

Bolo and Miguel : (At the same time, they are hit by Risky and Techno Baron.) WOW!

Rottytops : (He punches Ammo Baron.) Here! And don't steal any more!

Ammo Baron : HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (With irony.) That was a good one.

Sky : SHUT UP! (She punches Techno Baron.)

Techno Baron : (He scratches Sky.) Take that!

Sky : For All Genies' Sake!

Risky : (Amazed.) Unbelievable. Not only do you have an enormous strength for your age, but you also have a resistance to admire. But that will be futile, you will not be able with us. (She approaches Bolo.)

Miguel : Bolo, watch out!

Bolo : (Avoids Risky's punch.) Thank you for warning, Miguel!

Miguel : (Hits Risky.) This is what you get for trying to hit Bolo!

Risky : Idiots.... BE READY FOR MY ATTACKS!!

Ammo Baron : (He's getting closer to Sky.) Now you're done, it's your end!

Sky : (Gets the punch.) Ouch! (Ammo Baron tries to punch her again, but she avoids it.) Oof! (She kicks him.) Take that! Wrench, finish him!

Wrench : Grack! (Get ready, Ammo Baron!!) (Beats him with his wings.)

Ammo Baron : This stupid bird is bothering me...!

Techno Baron : (He bites Miguel's arm.) Hohoho! That hurted, am I right?

Miguel : (Looking at the wound.) Well, there's no blood, your bites are not very powerful.

Techno Baron : Aren't they powerful? Is it a joke or is it true?

Miguel : Yep. They are weak.

Techno Baron : Now you'll see. (He tries to bite Miguel but he avoids it.) Damn it!

Miguel : (He hits him with an Uppercut.) Damn crocodile, screw you!

Techno Baron : (He falls to the ground.) Ouch!

Risky : (Approaching Bolo.) Come here, you moron!

Bolo : NOBODY CALLS ME "MORON"! (Both punches collide.) You're much stronger than the other times I've fought you, but that strength isn't enough! (Punches Risky.)

Risky : Wow!

Miguel : Take this one, Risky! (He punches her.)

Risky : Aaaah!

Rottytops : (Hits the Ammo Baron.) Take this!

Ammo Baron : (He falls backwards.) Ugh.... I can't take it anymore...

Rottytops : One out.

Sky : (Hits the Techno Baron.) You, take this!

Wrench : (He pecks at Techno Baron.) Bruack! (Take this!!) (Techno Baron falls backwards.)

Techno Baron : It can't be... I've been defeated...

Sky : Well, there are only three "punching bags" left...

Risky : (Annoying.) Don't call me that! (Shee's heading towards Sky, but she avoids the punch.)

Miguel : Shantae, how's it going? We almost defeated them!

Shantae : (She keeps hitting the Golem's stone.) Same here..! C'mon...! (The Golem begins to sink, slowly.) That's it!

Golem : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (Shantae jumps from above the Golem and he sinks into the lava.)

Shantae : Great, one less!

Bolo : Guys, this is not finished.

Shantae : True... There's still that Tinkerbat and Risky.

Risky : (Takes the Magic Lamp.) This will be (Points at Miguel with the Lamp.) his end. (Unplugs the Lamp and Black Magic comes out of it.)

Shantae : (Scared.) NOOOO! (Desperate, she pushes Miguel, receiving the Black Magic.)

Miguel, Bolo, Sky and Rottytops : (At the same time, terrified.) Shantae!

Shantae : The Black Magic... It is... Very powerful... (She falls, as if passing out.)

Suddenly, something strange happened. Shantae's physical appearance changed, and her clothes and jewelry changed color, now her bra and pants were purple, her jewelry was white, her skin was pale gray, and what was scarier: Her hair was now deep red and her eyeballs were yellow, even though her pupils were the same color. The others could not believe what they saw, especially Sky, Rottytops, Bolo and Wrench, since they had seen that before.

Rottytops : (Frightened.) IMPOSSIBLE!

Sky : (Frightened.) NO, IT CAN'T BE!

Bolo : (Frightened.) I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!

Miguel : (Frightened.) What happened to you, Shantae!?

"Shantae" : (She gets up.) Hahahahahaha. I AM NOT SHANTAE.

Miguel : So, who are you!?

Rottytops : It's.... NEGA-SHANTAE.

Nega-Shantae : Well, I see you remember me.

Risky : Yes, YES! DESTROY THEM!! (Big rocks starts to fall from the ceiling.) Well, I'm going. Bye! (She, Ammo Baron, Techno Baron and Tinkerbat are leaving.)

Sky : You will not escape! (She tries to chase them, but a force prevents her from advancing and she retreats.) What the...!?

Nega-Shantae : My Black Magic prevents my enemies from moving away from me, but I can't move away from them. And now, I am going to kill you. (She stands still.)

Miguel : No, you can't. Your magic will fail.

Nega-Shantae : ... That's what you think.

Shantae woke up in a totally white place. Strangely, she got up, and could see Nega-Shantae, who was waiting there.

Shantae : (She rises.) Ugh..... Where am I...?

Nega-Shantae : You are in "your" mind.

Shantae : (Strangely.) In my mind...? (She turns.) YOU!

Nega-Shantae : That's right. I have just taken possession of your physical body. And since your brain is part of your body, I know all your secrets. Now, you are just your feelings and thoughts, but personified. As if your feelings and thoughts had created a "you", with jewels included, but inside your brain. Of course, I have thoughts to direct your brain. Also, I know the dark side of your friends...

Shantae : (Challenging.) Let's see.

Nega-Shantae : Sky is very vindictive, especially if Wrench is attacked.

Shantae : I already know that.

Nega-Shantae : Rottytops, although friendly, is also manipulative.

Shantae : Say something I don't know.

Nega-Shantae : Maybe you will be surprised about Bolo and Miguel.

Shantae : Huh...?

Nega-Shantae : Bolo envies you. Although lately he has participated in heroic actions, he has always wanted to be a hero as recognized as you. As for Miguel, he says a lot of swear words.

Shantae : Wow, I didn't know that.

Nega-Shantae : Now that we are talking about Miguel... You love that boy, don't you?

Shantae : I LOVE him, YES! Is something wrong?

Nega-Shantae : No... Although... I have to kill your friend.

Shantae : I won't let you! (She's heading towards Nega-Shantae.)

Nega-Shantae : (She immobilizes Shantae with her gaze, literally.) Here I have almost full powers. However, your feelings, thoughts and hope prevents me from taking your body completely. But if I kill your friends, all of that will disappear and I will be able to take your body completely, erasing you from existence and removing all obstacles for Risky. (Shantae is no longer immobilized.)

Shantae : That's impossible! Rottytops is a zombie, she can't die!

Nega-Shantae : You're wrong, she can. If a zombie is hit on the organ that keeps him or her "alive", I mean the brain, he or she dies. And here comes the fun part... (She creates a wall on which you can see Miguel, Wrench, Bolo, Sky and Rottytops trying to get out.) Look what they have above...

Shantae : (Sees the stones fall, terrified.) BE CAREFUL, GUYS!

Nega-Shantae : It's completely futile, they can't hear you. (They avoid the stones, but because they have looked up, they try to escape, but Black Magic prevents it.) Look at your stupid friends, trying to escape from their destiny...

Shantae : Let them go...!

Nega-Shantae : (She immobilizes Shantae again with her gaze.) Stay quiet here. Now, if you don't mind, I have work to do. I will tell your friends that it was a pleasure for you to meet them. (Shantae is no longer immobilized, Nega-Shantae creates a black door, goes out of there and locks the door.) (Author's note : From now on, every time Nega-Shantae speaks to the outside world, she will stand * beside her name.)

Shantae : (Runs to the door and try to open it.) LET ME OUT, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!! (She doesn't listen her.) Damn...

Nega-Shantae* : Well, guys, a last word before you die?

Miguel : Yes... (Closing his eyes.) TAKE THAT! (He punches Nega-Shantae.)

Nega-Shantae* : (Bewildered.) Wow....

Sky : (Everybody gets their stuff and she gets a torch.) Guys, now! (Rottytops, Miguel and Bolo grab Nega-Shantae by her hands and legs, immobilizing her, and everyone comes out of the mine.)

However, they couldn't reach Risky, Ammo Baron, Techno Baron or the last remaining Tinkerbat, the one with the Golem Stone. They escaped. Risky had gotten the Golem Stone and Shantae had become... that, it couldn't have been worse.

End of the 4th episode. I hope you liked it :D

Song mentioned in the episode :

"Shantae 5 Opening" (Shantae And The Seven Sirens.)
