The Treasure Island.

'Opening' of this episode : 'Your Adventure' (Pokémon Sun And Moon.), English Cover by Silver Storm.

Our heroes were quietly sailing at night on the sea when they saw a mysterious island and decided to spend the night there. However, they did not know that on that island there was an object that could be of great help. Just after getting off the ship, they were on a beach where nothing could be seen. Miguel turned on his mobile phone flashlight so they could see something.

Miguel : Well, you anchored the ship, didn't you?

Sky : Yes, I anchored it, Captain. Don't worry, it won't move.

Miguel : Please Sky, don't call me 'Captain' when we're not on the shi.

Sky : Oh, okay. I don't see anything... Could you see if 'Rotty', Shantae, and Bolo are around?

Bolo: I'm near you, I can hear you.

Shantae: Me too.

Rottytops: So am I.

Miguel : But where are you...? (Miguel turns, and lights up everyone.)

The others (except Wrench.): (At the same time, they cover their eyes with their hands.) AAAH! FOR ALL GENIES' SAKE, HOW MUCH LIGHT!

Wrench : (At the same time as Bolo, Sky, Shantae and Rottytops, he covers his eyes with his wings.) GRUAAAAACK, GRUAACK!! (AAAAH, FOR ALL GENIES' SAKE, MY EYES HURTS!!)

Miguel : Sorry, sorry! (Reduces the intensity of the flashlight.) Does the flashlight disturb you now?

Shantae: (She, Bolo, Sky, Rottytops and Wrench stop covering their eyes.) Nope.

Miguel : Well, since we are going to spend the night here, why don't we look for some branches to light?

Bolo : I think it's a good idea. What about you?

Sky : I think so too. (Look at Wrench, he's on his right shoulder.) What do you think, Wrench?

Wrench: Gruack! (I think it's a great idea!)

Shantae: Fine with me. (Looks at Rottytops.) What do you think, 'Rotty'?

Rottytops: Well... I think it's a good idea.

Miguel : Well, are we going now or what?

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) Sure! You just have to light us up with your... (Points to Miguel's mobile phone.) ...thing.

Miguel : Mobile phone.

Shantae : Whatever it's called.

Miguel : (Shines forward.) Okay, here we go.

The group went to look for branches to light, but first they had to find a place to camp. To do that, they went into the jungle on the island, and soon they found a perfect spot for the occasion, there was almost no weeds, the sky looked great, you could only hear the fireflies...

Miguel : (Lighting towards the ground.) How nice, we found a field!

Rottytops : Miguel, the moonlight is so bright now that we don't need the light from your... thing.

Miguel : (Turns off the flashlight.) Mobile phone.

Rottytops : Whatever it's called!

Sky : (Points to some branches nearby.) Guys, there are branches here, do you think we can use them?

Bolo : (Looks at the branches.) I think so, but I don't think they'll last long...

Shantae: (She puts her right hand on her chin.) Mmm... What if we cut branches from the trees?

Rottytops : (Looks at Shantae.) Those branches are very big. I doubt very much that without tools we can cut them off.

They decided to light a fire with the few branches they had available and so, they lit it, sat around it and started talking, but the fire was short-lived.

Sky : (She drinks some water from a bottle she takes out of her backpack.) Ah! It's so fresh!

Rottytops : (Looks at Sky.) Sky, don't drink so much water! Who knows when we'll need it.

Miguel : (Looks at Rottytops.) Don't worry about that, 'Rotty'. There are more water supplies on the boat.

Bolo : Um, guys... The fire's about to go out...

Shantae: (Looks at the branches.) And I doubt they'll do if it goes out.

Miguel : Well... We have to look for more branches, even if we have to leave the field.

Sky : (Looks at Miguel.) You must be joking! We won't see anything! The trees block the moonlight!

Miguel : (Looks at Sky with a face like "Are you serious?") Think a little bit, Sky. The three branches still have fire. It won't last long, but we can use them as torches.

Sky : (Facepalm.) You're right...

Rottytops : Well, shall we split up? That way there's a better chance of finding firewood.

Shantae : Sounds good to me. (Smiles.) In that case... (Grabs Miguel's right arm.) I choose Miguel!

Miguel : Wo-Wow! (He blushes a little, but nobody notices.) O-OK...

Sky : I'll go (Looks at Wrench.) with Wrench.

Wrench : Gruaaack ! (Great!)

Rottytops : (Looks at Bolo.) It's just you and me.

Bolo : (Sighs.) Okay... But first, we have to leave a mark here, or point the way somehow, so we don't get lost...

Miguel : Mmm... What if we put... (Looks at some big stones nearby.)... those stones in the centre?

Shantae: I think it's a great idea. What about you?

The others (except Wrench and Miguel.) : (At the same time.) Me too.

Wrench: Gruack... Gruack... (Mmm... Interesting idea...) (Shantae, Sky and Rottytops take the branches, Miguel and Bolo take the stones and put them in the center, they separate and go their separate ways).

Everyone was lucky, they found a little more wood, however, Miguel and Shantae took a little longer to return, they stopped sometimes to see a little bit of the beautiful jungle, and they saw something that impressed them a lot...

Shantae: (She and Miguel continue walking.) It does not seem that this island is populated by humans.

Miguel : No, we have only seen chimpanzees, monkeys...

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel with a slight smile.) Which by the way... Their reaction when they saw me transforming myself into a monkey was just epic! Hehehe...

Miguel : (Looks at Shantae.) Hehehehe, it's true!

Shantae: (Looks forward, and sees that there is a little light.) Look!

Miguel: (Looks at the place where the light comes from.) Damn it! Is there another field nearby?

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) There's only one way to find out!

They both went to the light, to see what was happening in that place. When they arrived, they could see it: it was indeed another open field. When they arrived, they looked at the sky, it was more beautiful than before, the Moon looked giant.

Shantae: (Looking up and pointing at the sky.) Look at the Moon!

Miguel : (Looking up.) Oh! It looks beautiful!

Shantae: (Looking at a pile of wood near them.) Look! There's more branches here.

Miguel: (Looking at the wood.) Oh, that's right!

Shantae: (She's heading towards the wood.) Well, let's go get some branches...

Miguel : (Grabs Shantae's arm that doesn't have the torch, that is, the left one.) Wait a moment.

Shantae: (Turns her head so she can look at Miguel.) Wh-What are you doing? (With a sore face, but at the same time, blushing a little.) You're hurting me!

Miguel : (Pulling Shantae, she stands right in front of Miguel and Miguel lets her go.) Wouldn't you rather stay a little longer and admire the sky and the Moon? Look, (Both look up.) this view can't compare to anything. There is nothing more beautiful than that.

Shantae : Do you really believe that?

Miguel : Oh...! Wait, I made a mistake. There is one thing more beautiful than that.

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) What?

Miguel: That thing... (Looks at Shantae and blushes.) ...Is you.

Shantae: (With a surprised look on her face.) Wh-What?! You've got to be kidding me!

Miguel : No, I'm not kidding...

? : (Teenage female voice.) Miguel! Shantae! Where are you?

Shantae : (No longer blushing, she separates from Miguel and looks at the road they came from.) Mmm? That voice... It's Sky, isn't it?

Miguel : (He is no longer blushing and looks towards the path from where they came.) Well, yes, I think so... Sky! We're close to you! What do you want?

Sky : We want to know if you have found some branches.

Miguel : Yes, we found some! And you?

Sky : Wrench and I have found a good quantity ! I don't know if 'Rotty' and Bolo found some!

Miguel : We're coming! (Looks at Shantae.) I'll take the branches, because if you take it, it might get burned...

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) Yes... You'd better take it. (Miguel takes the branches and they both leave.)

It didn't take long for them to meet Sky and Wrench, they had more or less the same amount of branches as Shantae and Miguel (Obviously, the one carrying the wood was Sky.), and they returned in a short time to where they had camped. Rottytops and Bolo were already there, with more firewood than Sky and Miguel together, and Sky was very surprised, and not only because of their amount of branches, but because when she had gone before (To see if the others had arrived.) they (Rottytops and Bolo.) were not there.

Sky : Oh! Hi, guys! I didn't know you guys had arrived yet.

Rottytops : Finally you're here!

Bolo : (Looks at Rottytops.) 'Rotty', we just got here... We 've waited like 5 minutes...

Rottytops : (Looks at Bolo, incredulous.) Oh yeah? Well, it seemed like 20 to me.

Miguel : Well, we'd better start up again... Our branches, that is, Sky's and mine, have just had their fires put out, and they're no longer useful... Besides, we don't want to freeze to death... (Shantae and Sky throw the useless branches back and the useful branches are gathered on the ground) Let's see... (Takes two branches and starts rubbing them.) Mm, no fire comes out...

Bolo : Bring those branches here! (He snatches the two sticks.) THAT'S HOW you make a fire! (He starts rubbing the branches, and fire comes out.)

After lighting the fire, they stayed a little longer talking, but immediately they took out their tents, put on their pyjamas and went to sleep. They slept well. However, when they woke up, something happened that they didn't expect...

Shantae: (She leaves Miguel's tent, already dressed, and stretches out.) Good morning, guys! (Yawns.)

Rottytops : (Leaves her tent, already dressed.) Good morning.

Sky : (Leaves, along with Wrench, her tent, already dressed.) Good morning.

Wrench: Gruack! (Good morning!)

Miguel : (Leaves his tent, already dressed.) Good morning...

Shantae: (Turns her head from side to side.) Where's Bolo?

Rottytops : Where do you think he is? (Points at Bolo's tent with her right index finger.)

Shantae : Oh, he's sleeping...

Miguel : (Facepalm.) Oh man...!

Sky : Don't worry... I'll wake him up... And I know a 'very non-violent' method! (She enters Bolo's tent and a loud slap is heard)

Rottytops : (She, Shantae and Miguel make a scary face when they hear the slap.) Wow!

Shantae : That... That was a slap?

Miguel: Uh, yes... And she called it a 'very non-violent method'! It's better not to know what she calls 'Kick'...

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) Yes, it's better that we don't know...

Sky : (Leaving Bolo's tent.) There, that's it.

Bolo : (He leaves his tent, covering his left cheek with his right hand.) Great. What a 'non-violent' method...

Shantae: (She covers her mouth with her right hand.) Hehehehe...

Miguel : (Looks at Bolo.) Bolo... Are you going to get dressed, right?

Bolo : (He uncovers his cheek.) Of course! First, I'll have breakfast... (He enters his tent, gets dressed and leaves.) I'm...

Rottytops : (She interrupts him.) Yes yes yes, we know.

Miguel : (Pulls out an apple from his backpack.) Yum! It looks so good! But first... (He lies down on the grass.) Ah, now much better! (On his mobile he plays the song 'Angel Island Zone: Act 1', from the video game 'Sonic The Hedgehog 3', but at a very low volume, so that only he can hear it, and bites into the apple).

However, our heroes didn't know who was near them. Yes, unluckily for them, Risky and the others were also on the island, they were hiding behind some bushes, but they didn't know that Shantae and the others were also around.

Risky : (In a low voice.) Mmm...

Tinkerbat 1 : (In a low voice.) Madam, do you think what we're looking for is around here?

Risky : (Looks at the Tinkerbat.) I don't think so, I know it's here, on this island.

Nega-Shantae: (In a low voice.) Let's see if we can find it soon... (Yawns.) This island bores me to death.

Ammo Baron: (Looks at Nega-Shantae, in a low voice.) I'm sure we'll find it. (Looks at two soldiers he has on the left.) Right?

Soldiers : (At the same time, in a low voice.) Of course, sir!

Techno Baron: (In a low voice.) Hehe... This will be a piece of cake, for sure! (Looks at the two soldiers on his right.) Right?

Soldiers: (Techno Baron.): (At the same time, in a low voice.) Yes, sir!

Nega-Shantae: (Looks at Risky.) Risky, I think you should have forced the Tinkerbats on the ship to come...

Risky: (Looks at Nega-Shantae.) Their being on the boat is very valuable, if they weren't, we could be robbed. As the saying says : 'Prevention is better than cure'! (Looks at Tinkerbat 1.) Take a look around.

Tinkerbat 1 : As you wish, madam! (He pokes his head out, sees Shantae and the others and swallows his spit.) Oh no!

Risky: So, anything interesting?

Tinkerbat 1 : (Looks at Risky, very nervous.) Well... Madam... There they are... (Starts dancing.) ...Well, I think you know who I mean... (Stops dancing.)

Ammo Baron: NO! IT CAN'T BE!


Techno Baron : NO WAY!

Nega-Shantae: (In an even lower voice, and with a great smile.) Well, well... Fate has wanted us to meet again...

Tinkerbat 2 : (Looks at Risky, worried.) What do we do, ma'am?

Risky : I don't know, I don't know, I DON'T KNOW!

Wrench : (Starts to fly.) Gruack, gruack ! (Guys, I'm gonna go stand over there, on a branch or something like that!)

Sky : Wrench, get back here right away, we're almost done packing!

Wrench : Groack ! (Okay!) (He gets on top of Risky's hat, not knowing he's on top of it.) Gruack, gruack... (Mmm, this place is ideal...)

Risky : Mmm? I've noticed something...

Ammo Baron : Ri-Risky, in your hat... There's the... (He moves his arms like a bird.)

Risky: (Raising her voice very high.) WHAT?! I HAVE THE BIRD ON MY HAT?! (She moves her hat.) GET OUT, GET OUT!

Techno Baron: SHHHH! They'll hear you!

Wrench: Bruack!? Bruack!? (Why is this moving?! Who shouted?!)

Sky : (They finish picking up.) WRENCH!? WHAT'S HAPPENING!? WHERE ARE YOU!?

Miguel : (Points to a bush.) I think Wrench is over there! And I think those screams are too!

Rottytops : I don't like this at all! (Everyone is heading into the bush.)

Shantae: (Removing the bushes.) Well, well, well, look who we have here!

Risky : (Looks at Shantae, worried.) ...Shit.

Nega-Shantae: (Looks at Shantae.) Hello again, loathsome copy.

Risky, Ammo Baron and Techno Baron: (At the same time, they look at Nega-Shantae, worried.) DON'T PROVOKE THEM!!

Bolo, Miguel, Sky and Rottytops : (At the same time Risky, Ammo Baron and Techno Baron look at Nega-Shantae, furious.) WHAT DID YOU CALL HER!?

Wrench : (At the same time as Risky, Ammo Baron the Techno Baron, Bolo, Miguel, Sky and Rottytops, looks at Nega-Shantae, furious.) GRUAACK, GRUACK! (YOU SAY THAT AGAIN AND I'LL BREAK YOUR NECK!)

Shantae : (At the same time that Risky, the Ammo Baron, the Techno Baron, Bolo, Miguel, Sky, Rottytops and Wrench, looks at Nega-Shantae, furious.) WELL, YOU ARE THE COPY!! YOU CALL ME THAT AGAIN AND I'LL...!!

Nega-Shantae: (She interrupts her, in a mocking voice.) Loathsome copy. (Sticks out her tongue.) Mmmmm...!

Shantae: I'LL KICK YOUR ASS RIGHT NOW!!! (She goes to Nega-Shantae.)

Nega-Shantae: (She grabs her arms and they start to struggle.) Hehe... It's not going to be that easy to beat me.

Risky: Stop, they're not our priority now, you know.

Shantae: (Confused.) Huh...? (She stops making force.)

Nega-Shantae: (Looks at Risky.) Oh, that's right. First, we have to do that. (She takes the opportunity to kick Shantae in the stomach, which makes her back up.) So long, suckers! (She, the Ammo Baron, the Techno Baron, Risky, the Tinkerbats and the soldiers leave.)

Rottytops : (Approaches Shantae.) Are you all right?

Shantae: (Looks at Rottytops with a sore face.) Y-Yes, 'Rotty'...

Sky : (Looks at Shantae.) What do we do now?

Shantae: (Looks at Sky, determined.) That question offends me, Sky! I think it's obvious what we're going to do! Chase them away from doing what they want to do here!

Sky : Wow, don't take it like that.

Bolo : Okay, guys... (Extends his right arm.)

Everyone (except Wrench.) : (At the same time, they extend their right arms, bringing them together, and Wrench gets on top of the right hands, they raise their arms and Wrench starts flying) Let'sprotect Sequin Land! (Wrench stands on Sky's right shoulder and they start chasing Nega-Shantae, the Ammo Baron, the Techno Baron, the Tinkerbats and the soldiers)

Our heroes followed Risky, the Ammo Baron, the Techno Baron, the Tinkerbats, the soldiers and Nega-Shantae for quite a while, about 15 minutes, however, just after those 15 minutes, they lost track of them, but didn't stop looking for them. An hour later, they came out of the jungle, and they could see a big golden temple with many pillars, a porch that is also very big, a roof also golden, among other things.

Bolo : (Looks at the temple.) Wow... Isn't this island not supposed to be inhabited by humans?

Shantae: (Looks at Bolo.) You said it yourself : It's not. But, apparently, it was long ago.

Sky : (Looks at the temple.) Amazing... (Looks at Wrench.) Right?

Wrench : (Looks at Sky.) Gruack! (Yep!)

Rottytops : (Looks at the temple.) Fascinating... I didn't know humans built buildings so big...

Miguel : (Looks at Rottytops.) 'Rotty', many buildings in my world would 'laugh' at this temple.

The others (except Wrench.) : (At the same time, they look at Miguel, surprised.) What do you mean they would 'laugh'?

Miguel: It is a way of expressing oneself... I wanted to say that they are much taller than this temple.

Sky : Wait... You say there are many buildings higher (Pointing to the temple.) than this temple!?

Miguel : Yep.

Shantae: (Points to the temple.) Mmm... It looks like it was a temple dedicated to the Genies...

Miguel : (Looks at Shantae.) Mmm? How do you know that?

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) My Uncle Mimic studied this kind of temple.

Sky : Wait... (Points to a small inscription next to the portico.) What does it say there...?

Bolo : (Everyone approaches the inscription, and Bolo scratches his head with his right hand.) No idea... It's in a language I don't know.

Shantae : Hehehe... You're going to freak out...

Rottytops : (Everyone looks at Shantae with a 'I don't understand you' face.) What?

Shantae : It says : (She points to the inscription in such a way that she points at the part she's reading with her right index finger). 'A long, long time ago, this temple held the relics known as 'Magic Stones'. However, on one fateful day, the Stones were stolen by the most dangerous pirate in all of Sequin Land : (Shantae looks surprised.) The Pirate Master, who, fortunately, lost the Stones on one of his trips, and died. Afterwards, the Genies found the Stones, and decided to store them in different places in Sequin Land. Today, the temple holds many things from that time'...

Bolo : Does it really say 'The Pirate Master'?

Miguel : Who was it?

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) As the inscription says, the Pirate Master was the most dangerous pirate in all of Sequin Land .Although he died, there were some who, with Black Magic, resurrected him... (Miguel looks at her with a face like 'I know who you are talking about') ... And no, ithey weren't Risky, the Ammo Baron, the Techno Baron and Nega-Shantae... (Proudly.) And guess who killed him... (She points to herself with her left thumb.)

Rottytops : (Looks at Shantae.) That's partly a lie, Risky helped you.

Shantae: (Looks at Rottytops.) Well... That's true... But I did most of the work! Besides, I delivered the final blow!

Sky : Well, that's true...

Miguel : (Looks at Shantae.) So, that 'Pirate Master' was the reason why you and Risky had to ally yourselves that time... Right?

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) Yep.

Miguel : Wait wait wait, I still have a question, (looks at Shantae.) How did you know what it says here?

Shantae: Well... (Scratches her head with her right hand.) My uncle, when he started investigating this kind of temples, thought it would be a good idea to teach me that language...

Rottytops : Okay, okay, we're going to beat around the bush. We're looking for Risky and the others.

Sky : Right... Do you think they could have gotten into the temple?

Bolo : (Looks at Rottytops.) Man... If they said they had to do something, and according to the inscription, there are things from that time... It's likely they're going to steal something.

Miguel : However, there is something I don't understand. If the Magic Stones are not here, what will they want to steal? I don't think there's anything of value left...

Shantae: I can't think of anything either... (Sighs.) The only way to find out is to go inside... (They enter the temple.)

Inside, as well as outside, the temple is golden, there are some very big and thick pillars spread all over the temple, however, they could not see the end of the road. After a few minutes, finally, they could see the end of the path: a golden portico, in which, there was a small inscription.

Miguel : Here is another inscription...

Shantae: (Sighs.) I'll translate it for you... (She points at the inscription in such a way that she points at the part she is reading with her right index finger) 'You have the golden door in front of you. Whoever wants to open it, must solve the following riddle: 'What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon and on three legs at night?' When you find the solution that you think is correct, look for a stone in the shape of that animal and place it next to the inscription so that you can continue moving forward.'

Wrench: Gruack? Gruack? Gruack! (What the fuck? 'What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs at night?' I'm telling you, a bird is not the right answer! )

Sky : (With a face like 'What the fuck did I just hear?') What the fuck did I just hear? (Everyone except Wrench look at her with a 'Don't say those type of words!' face, and Sky covers her mouth with her right hand.) Oops! Sorry... I didn't want to say 'that' word...It just slipped out of my mouth. (Everyone looks at her with a 'I forgive you' face, and Sky uncovers her mouth.) Well... What it will mean by 'What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon and on three legs at night'?' That question makes no sense!

Bolo : (Scratches his head with his right hand.) Phew... I have no idea.

Shantae: Same with me... I don't know what animal can spend a day doing that!

Rottytops : I don't know the answer... For all Genies' Sake, this is too complicated.

Miguel : (Placing his right hand on his chin.) The irony is that I think I've heard that riddle before... But what will be the answer?

They were thinking for a long time about the answer, but they couldn't think of anything. They went on and on, but they couldn't find the answer. However, after about 20 minutes, one of them found the right answer.

Miguel : Wait... (Removes his right hand from his chin.) Yes, I know the answer! (Facepalm.) How could I not have thought of that?

Shantae: (Everyone looks at Michael.) What is it?

Miguel: (No longer making Facepalm.) The human being!

The rest (except Wrench.): (At the same time, with a surprised look on his face.) What?

Miguel : It's as clear as day! The word 'day' is a metaphor! It refers to life!

The others (Less Wrench.) : (At the same time.) I still don't get it.

Miguel : (Sighs.) Well, I'll explain. When a human being is born, crawls, when it grows up, it uses just the two legs, and when it is old, it uses a cane.

The rest (except Wrench.) : (At the same time.) Aaah, now I get it!

Rottytops : Although... Ahem, ahem...

Miguel : Well... Zombies who are babies do it too, but... Well, you know what I mean!

Rottytops : Yes, yes, yes...

Sky : Well... Now we have to look for a stone in the shape of a human being, right?

Bolo : Yep.

Shantae: (Turns her head to the right and to the left.) Okay, there's two ways to the right and one way to the left... (She runs to the left path.)

The  others (Minus Wrench.) : (At the same time.) W-Wait for us...! (They follow Shantae.)

However, what our heroes didn't know is that Risky, the Ammo Baron, the Techno Baron, the Tinkerbats, Nega-Shantae and the soldiers were very close, specifically, they were coming out of one of the roads on the right.

 Risky : Ugh... Where will there be a stone in the shape of a human being?!

Techno Baron: Don't worry, Risky. I'm sure we'll find it.

Nega-Shantae: I hope so. I can't hold out much longer on this island! It's getting on my nerves... (They're heading for the other road on the right.)

Our heroes found the precious stone, and returned as fast as they could to the golden door to put it next to the inscription.

Sky : Well, here we go... (Places the stone next to the inscription.)

Miguel : (The door opens by itself, and makes a surprised face.) What the...?

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) I'm surprised that you react like that! You know that magic exists in this world!

Miguel : (Looks at Shantae.) Oh, right... (Sky hides the stone behind another, they leave and the door closes by itself.)

Our heroes arrived at a room in which the ceiling, the floor and the walls are golden, but one was missing : Where there was no wall, you could see the jungle of the island, below, there was a small ravine, and at the bottom, the sea. Also, in the center of the room, there was a pedestal with a paper.

Bolo : Eh? What's that paper? (They came a little closer.)

? : (Adult female voice.) You! Don't go near that paper!

Shantae: (Scared.) Who-who said that?! (Turns around and sees Risky and the others.) You!

Risky: That's right! We found the human stone behind another one! Don't come any closer to that paper, (Draws her sword.) or you'll suffer the consequences!

Miguel : Don't you dare come any closer!

Risky : In that case... Tinkerbats!

Techno Baron and Ammo Baron: (At the same time.) Soldiers!

Risky, Techno Baron and Ammo Baron: (At once.) ATTACK!

Tinkerbats and soldiers: (At the same time, they approach our heroes.) Get ready! (Our heroes avoid the attacks.)

Miguel : Phew! 

Nega-Shantae: (Approaches our heroes.) I think you've forgotten me! (She punches to our heroes.)

Bolo : Oh, oh...! (He sees Risky, the Ammo Baron and the Techno Baron trying to get the part.) I won't allow it! (Gets Nega-Shantae back and approaches Risky.) Take this! (He attacks her with his spiked ball.)

Risky : (Avoids the attack.) Idiot! Take this! (She tries to stab him, but Bolo avoids it.)

Ammo Baron: Take this, boy! (He punches Bolo.)

Techno Baron : This is a gift! (Scratches Bolo.)

Bolo : Ow!

Tinkerbat 1 : Madam! We're having trouble! (He gets punched by Miguel.) Ow!

Risky: Don't worry! We're coming! (Bolo punches her.) Ow! (They go to the Tinkerbats and so on.)

Shantae: (She struggles with Nega-Shantae.) Damned copy!

Nega-Shantae: (Furious.) How dare you call me THAT?! (Makes stronger and pushes Shantae back.) Take this! (She hits her with her magic hair.)

Shantae: Oh! Take this! (She punches Nega-Shantae.)

Sky : (Takes a lot of hits from the Tinkerbats.) Oh, oh! Wrench, help me!

Wrench : (Pokes at the Tinkerbats.) Bruack! (Take that!)

Sky : Thank you! (She punches a soldier from the Ammo Baron.) Take this!

They kept fighting for a long time, about 25 minutes, however, after that time, everyone was much more tired, they were panting.

Techno Baron : You are tenacious...

Rottytops : Exactly, but you're not going to beat us!

Ammo Baron : Ha-ha-ha! Please don't make us laugh!

Miguel : Grrr... You're going to eat your own words! (Ammo Baron approaches, but Miguel stops him with a punch.) Take that!

Shantae: (Throws a ray of White Magic.) Get ready! This is going to be the end of you!

Nega-Shantae: (Receives the ray of White Magic.) AAAH!! NOOO!!

Bolo : (Kicks Techno Baron.) Damn reptile! Let's see if you can resist this!

Techno Baron : Grrr...! That's not gonna happen! (Bites Bolo.) TAKE THAT!

Bolo: Ow!

Rottytops : (Punches Risky.) Take that! (She hits a few Tinkerbats and some soldiers.) And this is for you!

Risky : Agggh... (Cuts Rottytops head off.) Haha!

Rottytops : You never remember... (Takes her head and puts it back on.) I'm a zombie! (She mutilates her right leg and hits Risky with it.) Take this! She puts her leg back where it was.)

Risky : Yuck!

Sky : (Punches Ammo Baron.) Take this! (Kicks Techno Baron.) And you get this!

Ammo Baron : Ugh...

Techno Baron : Ouch...

Shantae : And now... (She and the others kick Risky and the others so that they don't see them and fall into the ravine.)

Risky, Ammo Baron, Techno Baron, the Tinkerbats, the soldiers and Nega-Shantae : (At the same time.) NOOOO...!

Miguel: (Peering out, pulling out his right middle finger.) Screw you!

Shantae: Well... We've stopped them from stealing that paper...

Sky : By the way, what does it say on that paper?

Bolo : No idea. Shall we look at it?

Rottytops : I think that's a good idea. (Everyone heads for the paper.)

Miguel : (Everyone looks surprised.) Huh?

Bolo : It looks like... It looks like a map of a labyrinth.

Sky : Look... (Points to a stone on the map.) That must be... The Water Stone!

Bolo : Really?!

Shantae : Wait a moment! (Looks carefully at the map.) It's inside the DribbleFountain! So we're not on the wrong track! We have to get off this island as soon as possible! (Everyone leaves the room.)

They took them quite a while to get to the boat, but they didn't find Risky or the others, since they were in the ravine, but they survived because they were able to hold on to some branches.

Risky : Ughh... Come on! There's no time to waste! We've got to catch up with them and get that map!

Ammo Baron : We'll have to get out of this very carefully first! One wrong move and... (Looks down.) ...I'd rather not say what could happen to us!

Techno Baron : Oh! Please, Ammo Baron, don't say that again,  I'll faint if you say it again!

Nega-Shantae : ...SHUT UP AND MOVE YOUR ASS!

End of the twelfth chapter. I hope you liked it. :D

Song mentioned in the chapter:

Angel Island Zone : Act 1', (Sonic The Hedgehog 3) :
