The real plan of Risky and her allies.

Our heroes got the precious Sizzle Stone, and when they left Cackle Mound they went into the Zombie Caravan, and there they decided that they would go down in the Sequin Land Palace.

Rottytops: (Standing up.) Well ... (Looks at Abner.) Do you know how long it will take to get to the Sequin Land Palace?

Abner: (Looks at Rottytops.) No idea.

Rottytops: (Sits on the bed, and sighs.) How long have we been in this Caravan?

Abner: (Sits on the bed.) We haven't been here for a day.

Rottytops: Oh, I know. But the thing is ... We have to stop them somehow ... I don't know if we'll have the support of the King ... I can't even imagine what could happen to us if he didn't help us.

Abner: Easy, sister! I'm sure you will have his help!

Rottytops: (Sighs) Sure.

Abner: That's the spirit!

Rottytops: Heh, I guess.

Abner: Now that I think about it, this Miguel ... He's been pretty quiet lately ... Is something wrong?

Rottytops: No idea. But there is something that I do know that relates to him.

Abner: I am all ears.

Rottytops: (With a great smile.) Bring your ear close. (Abner puts his right ear close, and Rottytops speaks quietly.) Shantae is completely in love with him!

Abner: Oh!

Rottytops: Yes, it is something very interesting!

Abner: I think so! And has he told you something? Do you think he can feel the same?

Rottytops: Unfortunately, I don't know. (Abner walks away and Rottytops speaks loudly.) What I know is that we might know soon enough!

Shantae: (She's out.) Know what, 'Rotty'?

Rottytops: (Looks at the bedroom door.) Ah! That we will soon know if we have the support of the King!

Shantae: I hope we do, because if we don't, we're going to have a hard time!

Rottytops: Uh, yeah.

Miguel: What are you talking about?

Shantae: Oh, nothing, about the King.

Miguel: Ah, I understand.

Abner: (Very quietly.) Wow, she almost hear you say that!

Rottytops: (Very quietly) Yes! But she haven't!

Poe: Guys, there is little left to get there! Are you excited!?

Sky: (She's outside.) Yes! I want to informing the King of what is going on with Risky and the others!

Bolo: (He's out.) Exactly! You will see how he will help us!

Wrench: Gruack, gruack ... (Heh, I hope so ...)

Shantae: 'Rotty', why don't you leave the room for a bit? Since there is so little left, at least be here.

Rottytops: Very good idea. (Exits the room.) I'm here!

Bolo: (Looks at Rottytops.) What have you and Abner been talking about?

Rottytops: (Looks at Bolo.) Bolo, (With an angry tone.) Isn't it rude to ask about someone else's conversation!?

Bolo: He-Hey! Relax!

Sky: Oh My Genie ... (Looks at Rottytops.) Are you already fighting?

Shantae: ... Don't yell so much.

Miguel: Come on, don't fight ...

Wrench: Gruack, gruack! Gruack gruack, gruack! (Yeah, shut up now! If you don't shut up, I'll peck you in the face!)

Sky: (Looks at Wrench.) Wrench, relax! (Wrench relaxes.)

Shantae: Well ... What shall we tell him? Because I doubt that you are thinking of going without having something prepared.

Rottytops: I had thought something like 'Hey, Mr. King! Could you help us? We have a problem.'

Shantae: (Looks at Rottytops, pissed off.) Hey! Do you think you have to talk to a King like that? The King is not just any guy! He is a SOVEREIGN!

Rottytops: (Looks at Shantae, and scratches her head with her right hand.) Wow, you don't have to be like this. I have only proposed one idea.

Sky: Sigh.... (Facepalm.) 'Rotty', obviously your idea has been rejected.

Rottytops: (Looks at Sky.) Uh...

Bolo: Uh, 'Rotty'! You CAN'T address the KING of Sequin Land that way! You don't have to be very smart to know that!

Rottytops: (Looks at Bolo, and stops scratching her head.) Let's not talk about intelligence, we definitely know who the most idiot is here. Hehehe.

Bolo: Oh, no...

Rottytops: Come on, Bolo, don't be offended, I was just kidding!

Miguel: (Looks at Bolo.) See, Bolo? At least this time I didn't want to offend you.

Bolo: (Looks at Miguel, and sighs.) Well, I suppose you're right this time.

Sky: (No longer does Facepalm.) I think something like this might be the perfect way to speak to her: First, we would kneel down, and then we would start talking: 'Good morning, Your Majesty. We come to warn you of something very dangerous. The infamous Pirate Risky Boots and her allies are devising something, and we need a lot of help so we can stop them. '

Bolo: Hm, I think it might work!

Miguel: (Facepalm.) Of course it could work.

Shantae: Guys, guys, relax.

Miguel: (He no longer does Facepalm, and looks at Shantae.) But I'm super relaxed.

Shantae: (Sighs) Ok ...

Rottytops: Well, since we're talking about the King ... I'll say ... Sky's idea is a lot better than mine!

Bolo: I think exactly the same!

Shantae: Me too!

Miguel: Well ... I think it's also a good idea.

Wrench: Gruack! Gruack! (You don't have to be very smart to know my opinion! Of course I think the same as you!)

Sky: Wow ... I thought some of you would not agree ... But I'm flattered to know that you do like the idea!

Poe: Guys! I hope you are ready! I can see the Sequin Land Palace in the distance!

Shantae: (Excited.) Really!?

Poe: Yes! Look out, to see it!

Our heroes came closer to see the Palace. This, obviously, is a huge building, light brown in color, with very large entrances, many towers, and those towers have many domes, all of different colors.

Poe: Well ... Stop, horse! (The horse stops.) Well, we have arrived! Guys, it's time for you to come down!

Shantae: (Gets out of the Caravan, and looks at the Palace, impressed.) Wow ... I remembered it less beautiful.

Miguel: (Rottytops, Sky, Bolo and Wrench get out of the Caravan, and Miguel looks at the Palace, impressed.) Wow ... I was hoping to see something like that, but not so pretty.

Rottytops: (Looks at the Palace, impressed.) For All Genies' Sake! This is just beautiful!

Sky: (Looks at Rottytops.) Indeed, 'Rotty'! (Looks at the Palace.) Just look at this work of art! I've never seen anything even close in beauty!

Bolo: (Looks at the Palace, impressed.) I can't agree more, this Palace is beautiful!

Wrench: Gruack, gruack! Gruack ... (I think the same, this is beautiful! And to think that Bolo and I agree on something ...)

Bolo: Well, do we go in or what?

Shantae: (Looks at Bolo.) Of course!

They all entered the Palace. This one, as expected, is very luxurious, it looks even more beautiful than the outside, since inside the walls are painted in a color very similar to gold, there are quite a few statues of different people (Some even with animals.), there are also quite a few paintings, some stairs with a gold handrail ... And that's only in one room!

Miguel: (Impressed, he looks around the room.) Wow ... HOW LUXURIOUS!

Shantae: Well ... (Looks at Miguel.) What did you expect? It is a Palace, after all!

Sky. Hm ... The King is not around.

Rottytops: Eh, what if we split up? So we will find the King sooner!

Bolo: (Looks at Rottytops.) Sounds like a good idea!

Shantae: I support 'Rotty'. As she said, so we will find the King faster.

Sky: I also support 'Rotty'. Honestly, it seems like a good idea.

Miguel: I also support her.

Wrench: Gruack, gruack! (Heh, I think you know what I think!)

Sky: (Looks at Wrench.) Wow, I think Wrench agrees.

Wrench: (Looks at Sky.) Gruack, gruack! (Sep, you hit the nail on the head!)

Shantae: OK. If that's okay with you, we'll meet here later. Do you agree?

The others (Except Wrench.): (At the same time.) Yes!

Wrench: (At the same time as Miguel and the others.) Gruack, gruack! (Yes I agree!)

Shantae: In that case ... Here we go! (They go up the stairs, and part, except for Sky and Wrench.)

They all searched for different parts of the Palace, but they did not find the King, there were hardly any soldiers who did not know where the King was. They searched and searched, and in the end, Miguel was in a room that, like the previously mentioned room, is full of paintings, but there are neither statues nor stairs, as it is the King's bedroom, and like any bedroom, it has a A large gold-colored bed and wardrobe, and a red carpet.

Miguel: (Closes the bedroom door.) Wow ... He's not here either ...

Shantae: (Opens the bedroom door.) Oh! I wasn't expecting you here.

Miguel: (Turns around) Oh? Me neither. You have had lucky?

Shantae: (Scratches her head with her left hand) Uhm, no. And from what I see, neither do you.

Miguel: (He sits on the bed.) Damn it ... Where can he be?

Shantae: (She sits next to Miguel.) No idea. (Looks at Miguel.) Where did you look ...?

Miguel: (Looks at Shantae.) I've looked around the garden and the dining room ... And you?

Shantae: (Stops scratching her head.) I ... Well ... I've looked around the basement and the throne room.

Miguel: Ugh, well, the only thing I can think of ... is that he is outside the Palace.

Shantae: Well ... That's possible ...

Miguel: (He grabs Shantae's right hand, and blushes.) Hey ... This room ... Isn't it beautiful?

Shantae: (She blushes.) O-Of course! We-Well ... What did you expect? We are in a Palace ...

Miguel: I can't deny it, this Palace is beautiful ... But ... You ... You are even more so.

Shantae: Wh-what!? You-You must be kidding me!

Miguel: Me? Don't be silly, huh! What I am telling you is true!

Shantae: O-Oh ...

Miguel: Eh ... And ... (He is no longer blushing.) Have you met the others?

Shantae: (She is no longer blushing.) Well ... Before, in the Throne room, I saw Bolo in the garden, through a window ... He was looking behind the trees.

Miguel: (Facepalm.) This Bolo...!

Shantae: Hehe, yeah...

Miguel: Uh, and well ... why don't we keep looking?

Shantae: Sure! (They get up.)

Miguel: So, let's get to work! (They go.)

They kept looking, but they still didn't find the King. Soon after, they all gathered (Except Bolo.) in the first room (The reception.), and they did not find the King either.

Shantae: Any luck?

Sky: For my part ... No. (Sigh.) Where has he been?

Rottytops: No idea. (She scratches her head with her right hand.) I haven't found him either. (Looks at Miguel.) And you?

Miguel: (Looks at Rottytops.) I haven't found him either.

Wrench: Gruack, gruack! (Well, that King is either very good at hiding or he's not here!)

Sky: Now that I think about it ... (She looks from side to side.) Where is Bolo?

Shantae: (Looks at Sky.) The last time I saw him was looking for the King behind the trees.

Sky: (Facepalm.) Oh my Genie... This Bolo is never going to change ...

Rottytops: (Looks at Sky.) How right, Sky ... How right ...

Miguel: So ... what do we do?

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) No idea ...

Rottytops: I propose to keep looking.

Sky: (Looks at Rottytops.) We've looked around most of the Palace. I really doubt that we have left an area unexplored.

Wrench: Gruack, gruack! Gruack! (Yes, yes! Sky is right!)

Miguel: Well ... (Horse footprints are heard.) Eh?

Shantae: I think they come from the garden! (They go to the garden.)

Upon reaching the garden, they realized three things: 1.- Bolo was no longer there. 2.- There was a back entrance in the garden. And 3.- That just through that rear entrance a carriage had entered drawn by seven light brown horses, the carriage is very large, it is golden in color and looked like a carriage for royalty, and the road was full of soldiers. When one of the doors opened, what they were thinking was confirmed: The King was in the carriage. He is a young man of medium height, he wears a Golden and Red crown (Obviously.), he wears a red cape, a gold-colored shirt and black pants. The King has white skin (Not literally.), and his eyes are blue.

Miguel, Shantae, Sky and Rottytops: (At the same time, they kneel.) Greetings, Your Majesty.

Wrench: (Leans on Sky's right shoulder, and lifts his right wing.) Gruack, gruack! (Greetings, Your Majesty!)

King: Greetings. Who do I have the pleasure to talk to?

Shantae: My name is Shantae, you may have heard of me.

King: Oh Shantae, the Half-Genie! It's a pleasure talking to you!

Shantae: T-The pleasure is mine.

King: (Looks at Sky and Rottytops.) And may I know your names?

Sky: My name is Sky, I am a bird breeder, and the bird on my shoulder is my best warbird, and at the same time, my best friend, Wrench.

Rottytops: My name is Rottytops, Your Majesty. Don't worry, I won't eat your brain.

King: (Nervous.) Hehe, thank you, I guess ... My pleasure, ladies. (Looks at Miguel.) And what is your name?

Miguel: My name is Miguel, Your Majesty, I am friends with Shantae, Sky, Wrench and Rottytops, or, as we call her, 'Rotty'.

King: Nice to meet you, Miguel.

Bolo: (Reaches the garden.) Guys, I heard the footprints of horses! What happened?

Shantae: (Looks at Bolo.) You idiot! You're in front of the King of Sequin Land!

Bolo: (Looks at the King.) Oh, my apologies! (Kneels.) Greetings, Your Majesty. My name is Bolo, and I am a friend of Sh ...

Miguel: (Looks at Bolo.) We have already introduced ourselves.

Shantae: (Looks at the King.) Hehe, sorry for his stupidity ...

King: Don't worry. (Looks at Bolo.) Nice to meet you, Bolo. Tell me, what have you come for?

Shantae: (They are no longer kneeling.) We came to warn you of something very dangerous.  The infamous Pirate Risky Boots and her allies are devising something, and we need a lot of help so we can stop them.

King: I understand, why don't we talk about this inside? I don't think the garden is the right place to talk about sensitive topics like this.

Miguel: Of course ... (A nearby explosion is heard, and Miguel jumps with fright.) WO-WOW! WH-WHERE HAS THAT BEEN!?

Rottytops: I would say it was on the facade of the Palace! Let's see what it is! (Everyone, including the King and the soldiers, leaves.)

Upon arrival, they saw a horrible scene: About twenty tanks and a huge number of Tinkerbats were on the facade of the Palace.

Miguel: (Terrified.) Oh no ...

Risky: (She leans out of the hatch of one of the Tanks.) Greetings, Your Majesty!

King: Risky Boots!

Risky: Hahaha! IN THE FLESH!

King: So now you're using tanks ...

Risky: Indeed! And I have a lot of space, because the Magic of the Magic Stones has served to serve as fuel!

King: I won't let you do any more damage to Sequin Land! Soldiers, attack!

Tinkerbat 1: (Without anyone noticing, and while the King has his 'talk' with Risky, he and five other Tinkerbats, carrying ropes, head towards Miguel and the others.) Sh... Don't say anything, until I tell you ... (They get very close to Miguel and the others.) NOW! (They attack them.)

Sky: Ow! Get off me!

Shantae: Aaargh! (The Tinkerbats tie them, both by the arms and feet, (Wrench's wings are tied.) And they fall to the ground.) Ow!

Ammo Baron: (He leans out of the hatch of one of the Tanks.) I'm ready! Too bad we couldn't build more tanks due to the rush ...

Techno Baron: (He leans out of the hatch of one of the Tanks.) Same here.

Nega-Shantae: (She leans out of the hatch of one of the Tanks.) Hehehe ... (Looks at Shantae.) Hello, loathsome copy.

Shantae: (Looks at Nega-Shantae, with hatred.) You ...!

Nega-Shantae: Let the fun begin. (They re-enter the Tanks.)

They did not stop shooting. While quite a few Tinkerbats were defeated and our heroes were not shot, Risky and the others had no mercy on either the soldiers or the King himself, as in the end, all the soldiers and the King were killed in combat.

Rottytops: (Terrified.) Oh no ...

Risky: (She leans out of the hatch of his tank.) Brats, look at this! (She takes out a small White Rock from the tank.)

Shantae: What is that?

Risky: It is a White Stone that contains White Magic. Let me show you what is going to happen! Nega-Shantae, look out!

Nega-Shantae: (She leans out of the hatch of her tank.) Here I am!

Bolo: (Terrified.) Wha-What are you going to do?

Risky: You'll see! Nega-Shantae, NOW!

Nega-Shantae: (She throws a ray of Black Magic.) HAHAHAHA!

Risky: (The White Rock shoots a Ray of White Magic.) White Magic and Black Magic, create a portal that will take us to ... (Points to Miguel.) HIS WORLD!!!!

Sky, Miguel, Shantae, Bolo and Rottytops: (At the same time.) WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?

Risky: (Both types of Magic collide, and a very large portal is created.) As you heard! Knowing that there is not just one world, but TWO, it would be stupid not to conquer both!

Miguel: B-But ...!

Risky: (Looks at Nega-Shantae.) NOW!

Nega-Shantae: It will be a pleasure. (With her Magic, she creates an invisible field of Black Magic.)

Risky: Yes, YES! Now we are INVINCIBLE!!!! (Looks at Miguel.) I'm sorry, but now your world will be OURS! Come on, we have to go! (They enter the portal, and it disappears.)

Sky: (Without the others noticing, she begins to rub the rope against a piece of metal on the ground.) Come on, come on ... (She manages to free her arms.) Yes! (She breaks free, and stands up.) I'll help you! (She unties Miguel and the others, and they stand up.)

Miguel: (Terrified.) Now what do we do!?

Rottytops: (Terrified.) I don't know, I don't know, I DON'T KNOW!

Shantae: (She sees that there is a small Black Rock on the ground.) That's it ...! (She takes it.) What we can do is create a portal with the Black Magic from this Rock, enter it, use my White Magic to counteract that effect of Nega-Shantae's Black Magic and with my fire, powered by the Sizzle Stone, take down those tanks!

Bolo: Sounds like a good idea to me! (Shantae hands the black stone to Miguel.)

Shantae: (Throws a Ray of White Magic.) AH!

Miguel: (The Black Rock shoots a Ray of Black Magic.) Create a portal that leads us to my world! (Both types of Magic collide, and create a portal.) Quick, get in! The future of TWO worlds depends on us! (They go into the portal, and it disappears.)

End of the twenty-second chapter. I hope you liked it :D
