The Mud Bog

Bolo, Miguel, Nega-Shantae, Sky, Rottytops and Wrench were sleeping peacefully in the desert, in their sleeping bags, while the fearsome Risky Boots, the enigmatic Ammo Baron and the strange Techno Baron were still at sea. As soon as dawn broke, Bolo, Miguel, Nega-Shantae, Sky, Rottytops and Wrench were already awake, and they had some tomatoes in their backpacks for breakfast, with the exception of Wrench, who, as always, had bird food for breakfast. At the end of breakfast, they picked up their things, and continued their search for Risky, Ammo Baron and Techno Baron. A few hours went by, and finally they came out of the desert, and saw that what was in front of them was not very pretty in sight: The Mud Bog, a somewhat depressing place, unlike in the desert, the sky in the Bog is dark, as if it were going to rain suddenly. The mud is very black, the floor is purple, and there are strange pillars (which do not support any roof.) also purple. However, what is most disgusting is that in this Cienega there are some creatures that are formed by compact mud, creatures that are called "Mud Bog Creatures". These are of three types: One of these types is a set of heads but does not have a concrete shape, and these multiple heads have yellow ocular eyes, another type is similar, only that instead of many heads, they are only one, and has a more human shape, and are normally hung from ceilings, and the last type is more like an anthropomorphic frog, but having yellow ocular globes than the other types. When seeing one of these creatures, the group worried, except Nega-Shantae.

Bolo : (Looking at the Bog with a disgusting face.) Yuck... I had been told that this place was disgusting, but I didn't think it was SO disgusting...

Migul : I'm sorry for the word I'm going to say, but... (He covers his nose and makes a disgusting face.) It smells like shit in here.

Sky : (She covers her nose, and slaps Miguel on the right cheek.) Hey, don't be foul-mouthed!

Miguel : (With his free hand, he covers his right cheek.) Ow! Okay, okay, sorry, I'll try not to say any more swear words!

Rottytops : (She sees one of the creatures of type three, and points at it with her right index finger, worried.) Oh, no! Is it...!?

Bolo : (Looks at the creature, worried.) Yes, it is, a Mud Bog Creature!

Miguel : (Looks at Bolo.) A what?

Sky : (Looks at Miguel, worried.) A Mud Bog Creature, they are creatures formed from compact mud, they are very dangerous!

Nega-Shantae* : (In a very low voice.) Well, well... This gets interesting. If that thing kills these idiots, and hits the zombie's head very hard, killing her, it would be perfect. Now that I can't hurt them, maybe they'll die here... And if so... The plan will be perfect.

Miguel : (Looks at Nega-Shantae.) Did you say something?

Nega-Shantae* : (Looks at Miguel, with a "I didn't say anything" face, and obviously lying.) Meee? (Moves her head from side to side.) I didn't say anything!

Miguel : Mmmm...

M.B.C (M.B.C. : Mud Bog Creature.) : Grarrr.... Gruar... Groan... (Hmmm... They look... delicious...) (It quickly approaches them and tries to punch Miguel.)

Miguel : (He avoids it.) Damn!

The Mud Bog Creature, seeing that Miguel avoided the punch, tried to punch him again. However, it retreated, as it received a punch from Rottytops, although Rottytops stained her hand for hitting the monster, as the monster is formed from compact mud. The creature tried to hit Rottytops, but Rottytops punched it again, pushing the creature back, and the creature broke into pieces.

Sky : Thank you, "Rotty"!

Rottytops : You're welcome, Sky. By the way... Does anyone have anything to clean me up? Look, I'm really dirty.

Bolo : I think I have a wipe here... (He gets a wipe out of his backpack, and gives the wipe to Rottytops.) Here you go, "Rotty".

Rottytops : Thank you, Bolo. (She cleans her hand with the wipe.) Thank you, take i...

Bolo : (Interrupts her.) No no no no no, keep it. Who knows if you'll need it again...

Rottytops : OK...

Bolo : Now that I think about it... Why did this Mud Bog Creature attacked us? They don't attack humans, and much less, zombies...

Sky : (Looks at Bolo, and no offense.) I didn't knew you could get to that level of stupidity, Bolo. These creatures attack humans and zombies.

Rottytops : (A little scared.) Attack... in what way?

Sky : (Looks at Rottytops.) They knock out their opponents and then they eat them.

Rottytops : (With a disgusting face.) Ugh... That's disgusting, even for me.

Miguel : (Looks at Rottytops, incredulous.) You, feeling the sensation of disgust? I thought I wouldn't live to see that.

Rottytops : (Looks at Miguel, angry.) That was really "funny".

Miguel : Hey hey, you know perfectly that I'm kidding.....

Rottytops : (Sighs.) You're right. I'm sorry.

Miguel : No no no no, it is I who must ask for forgiveness. I was the one who made the joke, and since I made you feel bad, I am the one who asks for forgiveness.

Rottytops : Apologies accepted.

Sky : (She uncovers her nose and hugs both of them.) That's the way I like it, no stupid fights! (Stops hugging them, and rshe covers her nose again.) Damn, I had forgotten the pestilence of the Bog... (Looks at Wrench, who's on her right shoulder.) It smells bad, right?

Wrench : Gruack, gruaaaaaaaaaack! (Yes! It smells really bad!)

Bolo : Okay, I think he thinks the same as us : This Bog smells really bad. Something on which Wrench and I agree, who would say...

Sky : (Looks at Bolo.) True... Wrench and you almost always think completely different things...

Miguel : Umm... I don't like to interrupt conversations, but I think we should continue... If we are here for a long time, we could become the food of those creatures.

Bolo : (With a disgusting face.) Don't even remind me. Let's get the hell out of this dreadful place.

Nega-Shantae* : (Very quietly.) Too bad you didn't eat them, it would have been a pretty nice scene for my eyesight. But, I will stay here, thanks to my Black Magic I can prevent you from getting away from me... And that's perfect... (It doesn't move.)

Sky : (Looks at Nega-Shantae, something pissed off.) Hey you, move your ass.

Nega-Shantae* : (Look at Sky, mocker.) And if not, what?

Sky : (Grabs Nega-Shantae on the right arm.) I'll grab you. (Everyone leaves.)

Nega-Shantae* : Aargh! You don't have to hurt me!

Sky : You put up with it, that's what you get for putting up resistance.

They left the place, although they didn't leave the Bog, because it's a big one. Meanwhile, Shantae was lying in "her" mind, since she had not yet awakened. Seeing Nega-Shantae, she was enraged, and she explained to him about the Creature Mud Bog. When she heard that her friends were almost dead, Shantae, enraged, punched Nega-Shantae.

Nega-Shanntae : (Enters through a door.) Good morning, "princess"... (With irony.) Did you sleep well?

Shantae : (He gets up.) Today yes. Although I haven't stopped thinking about my friends...

Nega-Shantae : Now that I remember... (She approaches Shantae.) Did you see what just happened?

Shantae : ...No.

Nega-Shantae : (She stops in front of Shantae.) We have reached the Mud Bog... And a Mud Bog Creature has attacked us. (Shantae looks worried, and Nega-Shantae smiles malevolently.) He almost devours us, and almost hits your zombie friend in the head. Your friends could have died... (With irony.) That would have been fatal...

Shantae : (Horrified.) That my friends could have WHAT!?

Nega-Shantae : (With a bigger smile.) As you have heard, they almost died, and I almost died, although that last one didn't really matter. It doesn't matter if I died or not, your friends, if they had died, you would have died, too. It would have gone perfectly... If your stupid zombie friend hadn't defeated the Mud Bog Creature..

Shantae : (Even more enraged, she points to Nega-Shantae with her right index finger.) Don't call again "Rotty" "stupid"!!

Nega-Shantae : (In a mocking tone.) Stupid.

Shantae : AAAAARGH! TAKE THIS! (She punches Nega-Shantae in the left cheek with her right hand.)

Nega-Shantae : (She retreats, and covers the affected area with her left hand.) How dare you attack ME!?

Shantae : You don't intimidate me! And now be ready!! (Tries to hit Nega-Shantae.)

Nega-Shantae : (Paralyzes Shantae with her gaze.) Idiot... Now you'll see what happens when someone messes with me!

Nega-Shantae, with her powers, created a wall of brown bricks, and, grabbing her by the back, threw Shantae towards that wall, and Shantae was badly wounded. After this, Nega-Shantae again paralyzed Shantae with her gaze, left and Shantae was no longer paralyzed.

Nega-Shantae : HAHAHAHAHA!!

Shantae : O-ooof... My back... It hurts a little...

Nega-Shantae : (She paralyzes Shantae again with her gaze.) Now you know what happens if you mess with me!

Shantae : (She can barely move his lips.) You... won't... be... able... to win... TO MY FRIENDS! I KNOW... THAT... THEY'LL... MAKE YOU... COME OUT... OF MY BODY!!

Nega-Shantae : (With irony.) Oh, what fear! It's going to be impossible for me to defeat them...! Bah... When we get very close to Risky... I'll be able to unleash my full fury!


Nega-Shantae : You keep saying things that are not true. "My friends will manage to stop you", (She makes as if her right hand "speaks".) Blah, blah, blah... And if you will excuse me, I must go. (She goes out the door, locks it, and Shantae is no longer paralyzed.)

Shantae : For all Genies' Sake... My back hurts... And someday that idiot will know that what she says is not true...

Bolo, Miguel, Nega-Shantae, Sky, Rottytops and Wrench continued with the march in the Mud Bog, since there were a kind of wooden bridges similar to the docks of a port, so that the Bog could be crossed directly and go faster. On one of those bridges, the group decided to sit down to eat, although the good taste of the food counteracted the pestilent smell of the Bog.

Bolo : (He covers his belly with his right hand.) Ugh... I am hungry...

Wrench : Gruack, gruack... (Bolo already wants to eat, for all Genies' Sake, he eats a lot...)

Nega-Shantae* : (Looks at Bolo.) What's up with you and the food? Every day you eat a barbarity.

Sky : He eats a huge amount of food every day.

Rottytops : I have a question, does anyone know what day is today?

Miguel : (Looks at the date on his mobile.) December 8, my birthday. Too bad we almost died on such a special day...

Bolo : (Looks at Miguel, happy.) Today is your birthday? Congratulations! 

Miguel : (Look at Bolo.) From today, I will be 17 years old. (Sky is slowly approaching Miguel.) Oh no, Sky, don't even think about doing "that"!

Sky : It's your birthday, I have to stretch your ear seventeen times! (Stretchs Miguel's right ear seventeen times.) See? It's no big deal.

Miguel : Yes, "it's not that big a deal"... Tell me, when do you celebrate your birthday?

Sky : I'll celebrate mine in a week.

Bolo : I'll celebrate mine in three days.

Rottytops : I'll celebrate mine in 5 days. (She scratches her head with her right hand.) Of my human life I remember only my name, that is, Rottytops, and that I was born on December 13, almost 17 years ago. And I think that Shantae also celebrates her birthday today. Too bad she's locked up.

Nega-Shantae* : (Looks at everyone.) What, (With irony.) Do you want a gift or what?

Miguel : (Looks at Nega-Shantae.) I notice the irony, you don't want to give us anything.

Nega-Shantae* : Right, you got me.

Sky : Well, well, let's relax... Shall we eat now?

Bolo : I think you know my answer.

The others (Less Wrench.) : (At the same time, they look at Bolo.) YES, we know.

Miguel : I want to eat. (He covers his belly with his right hand.) I'm starving...

Sky : Well, I want to eat some. (Sky's guts sounds.) Can you hear it? 

Bolo : (With his open mouth.) Oh, wow. That really sounded strong.

Rottytops : Ough... (She covers her belly with her right hand.) I'm really hungry.

Wrench : Gruack, gruack, gruack. (I'm not that hungry, but I'll eat something.)

Nega-Shantae* : Mmmm... I'm not very hungry. But I will eat something... (Everyone sits on the wood they were standing on, and takes out a little food.)

Bolo : (Eats a tomato.) Yum, it's very good. (He covers his nose.) But the pestilence of the Bog is almost unbearable...

They ate well, although the joy would not last long. When they finished eating, they saw three Mud Bog Creatures, two of type 3 and one of type 1. The three approached the group, but this time, they decided to attack without fear, counteracting the power of the Mud Bog Creatures' punches.

Miguel : (They get up.) Well, I've enjoyed the food a lot and we'd better keep going!

Bolo : (Touches Miguel's right shoulder with his right hand.) Wait, Miguel. I notice something in the ambience that I don't like.

Sky : (Listen to a strange noise.) What's that?

Rottytops : (The three Mud Bog Creatures appear under the bridge.) Hmmm... I don't like this at all.

Nega-Shantae* : (The three Mud Bog Creatures appear in front of them, and Nega-Shantae points at them with her right index finger.) Wow... (With a great smile.) We have company.

Miguel : (Looks at the Mud Bog Creatures.) It's those things again!


Rottytops : (Everyone leaves their stuff on the floor, except Bolo, who doesn't leave his ball of skewers.) We're ready!

M.B.C. 1 (Type 3.) : (Approaching at high speed towards Sky.) Groar, groar! (Come here, kid!)

M.B.C. 2 (Type 1.) : (Approaching at high speed towards Rottytops.) Groar, groar, groar! (You, zombie, take this!)

M.B.C. 3 (Type 3.) : (Approaching at great speed towards Miguel and Bolo.) Groar, groar! (Now take this!)

Sky : (Her right fist collides with the left fist of the Mud Bog Creayure, and counteracts the power of the Mud Bog Creature's punch.) Wrench, help!

Wrench : Gruack! (Here I go!) (Picking at the Mud Bog Creature, making it retreat.) Gruack, gruack! (Take that one!)

Sky : Thank you, Wrench! (She punches the Mud Bog Creature.)

Rottytops : (Avoids Mud Bog Creature's attack.) Ugh, that was close!

M.B.C. 2 : (Tries to punch Rottytops again.) Groar! (Take this, zombie!!)

Rottytops : (Blocks the attack with another punch.) Let's see if you can beat me! (Rottytops pushes back the Mud Bog Creature.)

Miguel : (Avoids the Mud Bog Creature's attack.) That was close!

Bolo : (A Mud Bog Creature tries to punch Miguel.) Oh no, I won't let you! (He punches that Mud Bog Creature.)

However, the Mud Bog Creatures still had strength. They tried to attack the group again, but Sky managed to punch one, Rottytops mutilated her right leg to hit another Mud Bog Creature, which she did, and Miguel managed to punch the last Mud Bog Creature, and then Bolo managed to hit it with his ball of spikes. After this, the three Mud Bog Creatures broke into pieces.

Sky : (Avoids Mud Bog Creature's punch.) You missed! (She punches it and the Mud Bog Creature breaks into pieces.) One less!

Rottytops : (Her right leg is mutilated.) Take this, monster! (She hits the Mud Bog Creature, it breaks into pieces and Rottytops puts her right leg in place.) There's only one left!

Miguel : (Avoids the punch of the Mud Bog Creature.) Damn...! (Punches the last Mud Bog Creature.) Take that one!

Bolo : (He hits the Mud Bog Creature with his ball of spikes, and it breaks into pieces.) Finally.. (Looks at the others.) For all Genies' Sake, your hands and "Rotty"'s leg are so dirty!

Sky : What did you expect? We just fought mud monsters. Come on, lend us some of your wipes so we can clean up.

Bolo : (Gives wipes to them, except Rottytops.) Ok, here you go. (Looks at Rottytops.) Hey, do you think you still need the wipe I gave you earlier?

Rottytops : ...I would say yes... (She takes it out of her backpack, and cleans hersefl.) Well, yes, it was still good for me. (She keeps the wipe in her backpack.)

Sky : (She cleans her hands with the wipe.) Now I'm clean. (She keeps the wipe in her backpack.) It's disgusting to have mud in my hands! (Cleans Wrench with another wipe.) Don't you feel much cleaner now? (Wrench leans on Sky's right shoulder.)

Wrench : Grack, gruaaack! (Not only that, but I am too!!)

Miguel : (He cleans his hands with the wipe.) Yuck, that's disgusting! (He keeps the wipe in his backpack.) It's a good thing we had the wipes. 

Bolo : (He cleans his hands with the wipe.) Ugh, what a mess... (He cleans his ball with spikes with the wipe and keeps the wipe in his backpack.) Well... (He takes his stuff.) Shall we continue? I want to get out of this damn Bog.

Sky : (She takes her stuff.) Me too. (Looks at Wrench.) And you?

Wrench : Gruack, gruack. (I think you know the answer, Sky, I mean, yes.)

Sky : I'll take that as a yes.

Miguel : (Takes his stuff.) I want to go too.

Rottytops : (Takes her stuff.) I want to go too.

Nega-Shantae* : (She crosses her arms.) I don't.

Sky : (Takes Nega-Shantae by the arm, and makes her take her stuff.) You're coming too!

Nega-Shantae* : He-hey, that hurts! (They leave.)

The group went on with the journey. They met some Mud Bog Creatures, but they also had no trouble defeating them. As they continued on their way, Shanntae was sad, did not want to see her friends in situations where they could die. So when Nega-Shantae came in, she did something that even Nega-Shantae herself did not expect...

Shantae : (Looking at the magic mirror.) Why? WHY? WHY MY FRIENDS HAVE TO LIVE THESE SITUATIONS? (Cries a little.)

Nega-Shantae : (Comes in.) Hello... So today is your birthday, and you're 17 years old now, huh? I didn't know. (With irony, and with a great smile.) I hope you get older... (She approaches Shantae.)

Shantae : (Without looking at Nega-Shantae.) Don't come any closer.

Nega-Shantae : (She gets closer to Shantae.) No.

Shantae : (Still does not look at Nega-Shantae, but speaks in a more threatening tone of voice.) Don't come any closer.

Nega-Shantae : (Keep approaching Shantae, which is already very close to Nega-Shantae.) No.

Shantae : (Shee turns and holds Nega-Shantae tightly by the neck.) I HAVE SAID TO YOU : "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER", YOU IDIOT!

Nega-Shantae : (Surprised, she tries to free herself, but she doesn't succeed.) Whoa, whoa, relax!


Nega-Shantae : I only have to follow orders.


Nega-Shantae : Hehehehe... Well, that's true.

Shantae : I KNEW IT!!! (Turns her head to the right.)

Nega-Shantae : Now! (Paralyzes Shantae with her gaze, and gets free.) Even if I can't kill you, I can hurt you! (She takes her by the back, creates a wall and pulls her towards that wall, and Shantae is no longer paralyzed.)

Shantae : Ough... My back... It hurts. (Without seeing her, Nega-Shantae goes out the door, locking it.)

A few hours later, the group finally reached the end of the Bog. They had in front of them a beautiful hill of green grass, with a blue sky, and Miguel lay down on the grass, as he was very tired. In the distance, they could see a snowy mountain in which on the peak they could see what looked like a palace that shone brightly, and on the lower part of the mountain you could see a city called Bandit Town. Yes... that mountain was Mount Pointy, and that palace was the Twinkle Palace.

Sky : Finally, we got out of that pestilent Bog!

Miguel : (Leaves his stuff on the ground.) If you don't mind, I'll lie on the grasd, I'm very tired... (He lies down, and on his mobile he plays "Green Hill Zone", from the video game "Sonic The Hedgehog 1"/"Sonic The Hedgehog (1991)").

Bolo : Wait... (Pointing to Mount Pointy with his right index finger, excited.) Is that...!?

Rottytops : (Looks where Bolo points, also excited.) Yes, it's Mount Pointy! (Pointing to the Twinkle Palace.) And that must be the Twinkle Palace!

Sky : (She points to Bandit Town with her right index finger, also excited.) That must be Bandit Town! Come on guys, let's hurry!

Miguel : (He gets up, and takes his stuff.) He-e-ey, wait for meeeee! (They all run away.)

ED OF THE 7TH EPISODE. I hope you enjoyed it :D

Song mentioned in the chapter : Green Hill Zone (Sonic The Hedgehog 1/Sonic The Hedgehog (1991)) : 
