The Journey continues.

Our heroes were continuing their journey towards Water Town, and when they left Scuttle Town, they went to the Scarecrow Field, which, as its name suggests, is a field full of scarecrows, where holes and tall grass were everywhere. However, they would come across something unwanted.

Miguel : (Walking.) So this is the Scarecrow Field...

Bolo : (Walking.) Yep, this is it.

Sky : (Walking.) You have to be careful with the holes, there are a lot of them.

Miguel : (Looks at Sky.) Yeah, I've noticed...

Shantae: (Walking.) Come on, don't argue...

Miguel : (Sighs.) We're not arguing... (Looks forward and notices a cold hand on his back.) 'Rotty' please, you're bothering me, don't touch my back.

Rottytops : (Walking, to Miguel's right, looks at Miguel.) I'm on your right, Miguel.

Miguel: Then... (With a little fear.) Who is touching my back? (Slowly, turns his head.)

Miguel didn't believe what they told him about the Scarecrow Field, nor could he believe what he saw. He was a scarecrow in yellow clothes, and... He could move. The scarecrow was black, he wore a very long yellow hat and a slightly torn shirt, his eyes were a strange golden color, while the inside of his mouth was black.

Miguel : (Terrified.) ...AAAAH!

Scarecrow : (Opens its mouth wide.) IT'S TIME TO EAT! (Grabs Miguel.)

Miguel : (Tries to free himself.) AAAH, HELP!

Shantae: (Everyone turns, and sees, in horror, the scene.) Let him go right now!

Scarecrow : (Looks at Shantae, threatening.) And if not, what you're going to do?

Shantae : You'll have to deal with me! (She uses her magic hair to attack.)

Scarecrow: (Blocks the attack by using Miguel as a shield.) Hahahaha! It's no use!

Miguel : (At the same time as the scarecrow, with a face of pain.) Ouch, be more careful!

Shantae: (With a face of regret.) Oh no! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

Sky, Rottytops and Bolo : (At the same time.) Shantae...

Shantae: (Looks at Sky, Bolo and Rottytops, and obviously, interrupting them.) No, guys, I don't need any help. I can do this on my own. (She looks at the scarecrow again, and the next thing she thinks it.) How can I attack it without him using Miguel as a shield...?Think, Shantae, THINK!

Shantae looked to her left, and saw a small piece of wood, and came up with an idea. All she had to do was wait for the scarecrow to attack...

Shantae: (She looks at the piece of wood, and the next thing she thinks it.) I have one idea! (Grabs the piece of wood.) Sky, Bolo and 'Rotty', when I say 'Now!', get out of the way! Got it?

Sky: I-I got it!

Rottytops: O-Okay!

Bolo : O-OK! (Next thing, he thinks it.) Shantae, what are you thinking...?

Scarecrow : (Confident.) So, you're not gonna fight?

Shantae : Yeah, but I'm giving you the turn.

Scarecrow : Well then, thank you! (It approaches Shantae.)

Rottytops : Watch out!

Shantae : Guys... NOW!! (Sky, Rottytops and Bolo get out of the way.)

Shantae avoided the Scarecrow's attack and managed to execute her plan : What she did was to hit the Scarecrow in what would be its spine, with the tip of the piece in a way, so that she split the Scarecrow in two but didn't hit Miguel.

Shantae : Next time, be more careful, these scarecrows are very dangerous!

Miguel : Yo-You... You saved me! (Hugs Shantae.)

Shantae : O-Oh! (Hugs back and gets a little red.) Come on, relax...

Miguel : (No longer hugs Shantae.) Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel bad...

Shantae: (Blushing even more.) Y-Y-You didn't make me feel bad...

Rottytops : (Looking at Shantae, a little worried,) Hey, are you okay? Do you have a fever or something?

Shantae: (Looks at Rottytops, and she's no longer blushing.) W-What?! (She denies with her head repeatedly.) Of course not!

Sky : (Looks at Shantae, a little worried.) Is there really nothing wrong with you?

Shantae: (Looks at Sky.) No, damnit!

Bolo : (Looks at Shantae, a little worried.) Really?

Miguel : (Looks at Bolo.) She said NO!

Bolo : (Looks at Miguel.) Okay, okay! No need to get angry!

Miguel : (Breathes deeply.) You're right.

Sky : Well, that's the way I like it! No fighting!

Shantae: (Looks at Sky, and next thing she thinks it, with irony.) Of course, you're a person who never fights...

Rottytops : Well, guys, it's too late now, we must go on! (They continue forward.)

Our heroes, while crossing the Scarecrow Field, obviously came across more scarecrows, and fortunately, they were all destroyed. After a few hours of walking, they saw the following location in the distance : The Spider's Forest. As it was already late (13:00-14:00) and there were no scarecrows, they decided to eat there, Miguel took a red tablecloth out of his backpack and left it on the ground, and everyone sat down.

Bolo : (From his backpack he takes out a few carrots.) We finally eat! I'm starving!

Miguel : (The next thing he thinks.)  Will there be a day when Bolo won't be starving?

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) Hello? Hey! (Moves her right hand in front of Miguel.) World calling Miguel! Are you there?

Miguel : (Reacts.) Oops! Excuse me.

Shantae: (Moves her hand away from in front of Miguel.) Haha! Don't worry.

Sky : Come on, hurry up, we're leaving right away and if you keep up that speed, it'll take forever to reach the Dribble Fountain!

Miguel : Okay, you don't have to say that again! (From his backpack he takes out some carrots and eats them.) Yum! It's great!

Rottytops : (From her backpack she takes out an apple and eats it.) Yum! It's quite delicious! (She grabs Bolo's right ear.) 

Bolo : Hey, let me go! My ear hurts! Why are you doing this to me!?

Rottytops : Hehe, because I want to! (She no longer grabs Bolo's ear.)

Sky : (Swallows what she has in her mouth.) Really, can't you be quiet for a second? I'm trying to eat!

Bolo : Speaking of eating... You forgot to feed Wrench.

Sky : Damn right! (From her backpack she takes out bird food and a feeder.) Wrench, let's eat! (She puts the food in the trough.) Enjoy!

Wrench: (Eats a little.) Bruack! Bruack! (Yum! It's really good!)

Miguel : Well... The next area is that one, (Points to the Spider's Forest.) Right?

Shantae : Yep. (Looks at Miguel with a 'Uh, are you afraid?' face) Are you afraid of spiders?

Miguel: (Looks at Shantae.) Of course not!The thing is that I had an experience... Let's say, 'bad', with spiders.

Bolo: (Looks at Miguel.) You had a traumatic experience, did you?

Miguel : (Looks at Bolo.) Well, yes, but I have overcome that fear.

Sky : (Looks at Wrench.) I see you're enjoying it, right, Wrench?

Wrench : Groack ! (Yes!)

Rottytops : (Looks at Wrench.) Haha, he's looking good. That means he liked it.

Sky : (Looks at Rottytops.) Hehe, it's true.

Miguel : Come on, hurry up, eat quickly. We have to leave right away.

Our heroes continued to eat for a little while, and after finishing the meal, they picked up everything and went to the Spider's Forest. Obviously, it was full of trees, but they gave a sinister touch to the forest, and soon after entering, they saw a spider : This one, unlike the other species, has only one eye and can throw a small ball of energy. Seeing that, our heroes stepped aside to dodge it and defeat the spider with one blow.

Shantae: (Looks at the spider, which is flat on the ground, looking disgusting.) Ugh...

Miguel : (Looks at Shantae, and tries to imitate her voice.) Are you afraid of spiders?

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel, a little pissed off.) Haha, very funny...

Miguel: Oh, uh... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... Offend you or anything.

Shantae: (Sighs.) You're forgiven. Just try not to say things like that.

However, they saw something that surprised them : A small Siamese cat and a very big brown dog, helping each other.

Bolo : A dog and a cat helping each other? Seeing is believing!

Miguel : (Look at the cat, excited.) A CAT!? Aww, I LOVE CATS! (He approaches the cat.)

Shantae: (Grabs Miguel by the shirt.) Hey hey hey, relax! You know it can have fleas and shit like that!

Sky: (Looks at Shantae.) Hey, watch your language!

Rottytops: Oh, come on, don't be like that, Sky. It's okay to say words like that, too. Everyone, absolutely EVERYONE, has said a swear word, some are 'softer', like 'fool', 'imbecile', or 'idiot', and some are more 'serious', like assh...

Sky : (Interrupts her.) Yes yes yes, I know what you mean. Ah, I forgot that, we all say swear words, sorry.

Shantae : Haha, it's okay.

Miguel : Emm, if you let me go, I would be very grateful... (Shantae lets him go.) Thank you...

Shantae : Hehe, you're welcome.

Bolo : Hey, come on, we have to keep going. The Dribble Fountain can't be too far.

Sky : Bolo, you're kidding, right? This forest is not as small as it looks. As the saying goes, 'never judge a book by its cover'. Although this isn't exactly a book... But a forest.

Bolo : I'm not so dumb that I don't know that.

Rottytops : (In a low voice.) But you'll always be a complete fool.

Bolo : (Looks at Rottytops.) Hmm? Did you say something, 'Rotty'?

Rottytops : (Loudly.) Huh? Of course not, Bolo.

Bolo : Mmmmm...

Sky : ...Does anyone know what time it is?

Shantae : I don't know, I don't have a watch.

Bolo : Sorry, I don't know either.

Rottytops : I know! It's the same time as yesterday at this hour!

Miguel : (Facepalm.) Let's see what time it is... (He doesn't do Facepalm anymore, he takes his mobile out of his right pocket, and turns it on.) It's 17:00.

Bolo : (Looks at Miguel.) Five o'clock in the afternoon? Damn! We have to hurry! Who knows if Risky and the others are already around!

Shantae: (Looks at Bolo, with face of disgust.) You are a pessimist, Bolo... For all Genies' Sake, be more positive!

Sky : Well... (Turns her head from right to left.) Which way to the Dribble Fountain?

Bolo : Well... (He scratches his head.) I don't remember very well... I think... (He points further.) ...We have to keep going.

Miguel : (Looks at Bolo.) Are you sure?

Bolo : Mmmm... Not at all.

Miguel : (The next thing he thinks it.) Great...

Bolo : (Looks at Miguel.) Mmm? Is something wrong?

Miguel : Mmm? Oh, nothing.

Shantae: Come on, we don't have all day.

Rottytops: (Looks at Shantae.) Yeah! We only have part of the afternoon and night.

Sky : (The next things she thinks it.) For all Genies' Sake... (Facepalm.) When will she stop making bad jokes?

Rottytops : (Looks at Sky.) Huh? Something wrong, Sky?

Sky : (She doesn't do Facepalm anymore, looks at Rottytops and talks out loud.) Huh? Ah, no, nothing, 'Rotty'.

Miguel : Come on, move your ass. If we go on like this, it'll take us an eternity to reach the Dribble Fountain!

Shantae: Just shut up! (The following thinks it.) Oh, really... I love being with Miguel...

Although our heroes continued with the trip, it was night and they still didn't arrive to the Dribble Fountain, so they decided to stop in the middle of the way, to light a fire, to have dinner and to camp, although they went late to sleep, and since they were not sleepy, they decided to play cards, and they played many games, until...

Miguel : (Holding a card in his hands, he looks at it carefully.) Mmmm... (Looks at Sky.) Give me another one. (He uncovers his card, leaving it on the floor, and discovers that he is a King (12) of Cups*.)

Sky : (Gives another card to Miguel.) Take it.

Miguel : (Looks at the card carefully.) Mmm... (Leaves the card on the floor, but without uncovering it, and puts three gems on top of it) I'll stand my ground.

Sky : (Looks at Miguel.) So you're standing on your ground, huh? (Miguel affirms and Sky looks at Shantae.) It's your turn.

Shantae : Oh? Uh... Okay! (Holding a card in her hands, she looks at it carefully.) Give me more.

Sky : (Gives another card to Shantae.) Here it is.

Shantae: (Uncovers the other card, which is a three of Gold, and looks at the one Sky gave her.) Give me another one.

Sky : (Gives another card.) Here you go.

Shantae : (Uncovers the card that is not covered, which is a 3 of 'Bastos', and looks at the card that Sky gave her.) I'll stand my ground. (Leaves the card, but without uncovering it, and puts 2 gems on top of it.)

Sky : (Looks at Rottytops.) 'Rotty', your turn.

Rottytops : (Holding a card in her hands, she looks at it carefully.) Give me more.

Sky : (Gives another card to Rottytops.) Here you go.

Rottytops : (Uncovers the other card, which is a two of Swords, and look at the card Sky gave her.) I'll stand my ground. (Leaves the card, but without uncovering it, and puts two gems on top of it.)

Sky : (Looks at Bolo.) Your turn, Bolo.

Bolo : (Holding a card in his hands, he looks at it carefully.) Give me more.

Sky : (Gives another card to Bolo.) Take it.

Bolo : (Uncovers the other card, which is a three of Swords, and looking at the card given to him by Sky.) I'll stand my ground. (Leaves the card on the floor and puts two gems on top of it.)

Wrench: (He's on Sky's right shoulder, and pecks her head a little.) Gruack, gruack! (Come on, it's your turn!)

Sky : Wrench, stop! (Wrench stops pecking her head.) Okay, (Looks at a card.) A two of Gold... (Takes another card and sees it.) Damn, I've lost!. (Uncovers the card, which is a 7 of 'Bastos'.)

Shantae : Hehe! (She uncovers her card, which is a one of Cups.)

Miguel : Look at this! (He uncovers his card, which is a seven of Cups.)

Rottytops : Haha! (She uncovers her card, which is a four of Gold.)

Bolo : Take this! (He uncovers his card, which is a four of 'Bastos'.)

Sky : Let's see... Miguel has bet 3 gems, Shantae, 2, Rottytops, 2, and Bolo, 2... I have to give you the same amount that you have bet each one, (Looks at Miguel.) Right?

Miguel : Yep.

Sky : Okay... (Look at her side, where she has a few gems.) I only have nine left! (She gives 3 gems to Miguel, 2 to Shantae, 2 to Rottytops and 2 to Bolo.) Look at me! I'm run out of gems!

Miguel : Hehe, that's what can happen if you're the dealer in this game. Either you win, or you go bankrupt. By the way, I see you've learned to play quickly to the Seven and a Half* ! And it's a good thing I had another deck!

Shantae: Heh heh, yeah.

Sky : Hey, let's go to sleep.

Miguel : (Looks at the time on his mobile phone.) That's right, it's past midnight. (Everyone enters the tents.)

Everyone put on their pyjamas (Miguel turned around while Shantae put them on and vice versa.), Miguel and Shantae decided to sleep in the same sheet (as if they shared a bed.), and everyone went to sleep... Well, Shantae and Miguel took a little while.

Miguel : (Lying down, and without his glasses, he looks at Shantae.) Do you think that the Dribble Fountain will be very far away?

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) Nah, I don't think so...

Miguel : I don't think so either. Come on, I mean, this forest will not be very big I guess...

Shantae: A long time ago, I passed by here, although... My bad memory attacks again, I don't remember anything!

Miguel : Hahaha! How funny you are sometimes, Shantae.

Shantae: (She blushes a little.) You-you think so?

Miguel: (He blushes a little.) Of course! Would it make sense for me to lie to you?

Shantae : Mmm... No...

Miguel : Now that I remember... (He takes his cell phone, which is next to him, and puts it on as if he were going to make a selfie.) Do this (He raises his right middle and index fingers.) when I tell you! Okay?

Shantae: (With a confused look on her face.) Wh-Why would I do that?

Miguel: Just do it, you will like the result, I assure you. Now, look at the (Referring to the mobile phone.) 'little bird'!

Shantae: (More confused.) 'Little bird'? What do you mean by 'little bird'?

Miguel : I mean the mobile phone.

Shantae: (With a face like "I get it!") Aaaah, okay! (Looks at the mobile phone.)

Miguel : Now!  (He raises his right middle and index fingers.)

Shantae: (At the same time that Miguel raises the two mentioned fingers, Shantae does the same.) I'm ready! (Miguel clicks the mobile phone screen, the mobile phone flash appears and Shantae closes her eyes.) Ah, MY EYES! Oh, for all Genies' Sake! (The photo is taken, there's no flash anymore, she opens her eyes and looks at Miguel, a little pissed of.) What was that?!

Miguel : (Looks at Shantae.) Wow, relax! Let's try again. You'll like the result. And this time, don't close your eyes!

Shantae: (Breathes deeply.) Okay. (Both look at the cell phone.)

Michael : Ready?

Shantae : Ready.

Michael and Shantae: (At the same time, they raise their middle and index fingers.) I'm ready! (Miguel clicks the mobile phone screen, the mobile phone flash appears, disappears and the photo is taken)

Shantae : Okay, (Looks at Miguel.) Now, explain to me what you did!

Miguel : What I did is called "photo". (Shows the photo to Shantae.)

Shantae: (Looks at the photo, shocked.) WHA-What the...!? That's us! How did you do that?! Because that thing...!

Miguel : (Interrupts her.) Mobile phone.

Shantae: Whatever! What I was saying... That comes from your world, and things and people from your world can't do magic! How did you...?!

Miguel : It's a little complicated to explain... I'll explain it tomorrow.

Shantae: Well, then, good night.

Miguel: Good night. (Leaves the mobile phone where it was, both rub their noses, they blush even more, stop rubbing their noses, they are no longer reddened and go to sleep)

End of the fourteenth chapter. I hope you liked it :D

*In this story, the deck used is the Spanish deck (Oros ('Gold'), Bastos (That does not have a litteral translation, but is something like a 'club'), Espadas ('Swords) and Copas ('Cups').)

*Seven and a half is a card game in which the cards of the Spanish deck are used. Unfortunately, I haven't found a website where appear the Seven and a half rules in English, sorry :/
