A tour of nature.

'Opening' of this chapter: 'Alola! (Pokémon Sun and Moon.), by Miura Jam and Veronica Huang. I want to make it clear that you should ignore things that refer directly to Pokémon and that cannot be seen from any other perspective (Such as say 'Pikachu' or the 'My name is Ash...' thing for example.), but do not ignore the things that, even making direct reference to Pokémon, can be seen from another perspective, as 'Who are you gonna choose!?' (Although it is a direct reference to Pokémon, you can take this way : 'Who are you going to fight with, Bolo, Rotty,...?' (Considerating that with 'partner' you can refer to any being, I think I have explained myself well...)), now yes, let the chapter begin.

Our heroes, unfortunately, lost again. Risky, the Ammo Baron, the Techno Baron and Nega-Shantae stole the last Magic Stone they needed, the Water Stone, and left the Dribble Fountain. As Shantae and the others thought that Risky and the others were after the fourth Magic Stone, which was far away from the Dribble Fountain. Just after getting up, they got dressed, had breakfast and continued walking, but nothing interesting happened until the next day, when they reached a quite beautiful beach, which is next to some waterfalls.

Rottytops : (Sighs.) This is going to be hard...

Shantae : (Looks at Rottytops.) Come on, be more positive. We're going to make it!

Bolo : Shantae's right, we're gonna make it!

Miguel : By the way... Where's that fourth Magic Stone you guys told me about?

Sky : Mmm... If I remember correctly.. It's on Cackle Mound.

Miguel : (Looking at Sky a little bit strange.) On what?

Sky : Cackle Mound. The Cackle are a type of skeleton they wear...

Miguel : (Interrupts her.) Let me guess! Blue hoodies and black shorts, maybe?

Sky : What? No! They're wearing a kind of headscarf... Why do you think they're wearing what you said?

Miguel : Oh nevermind, it's the first thing that came to my mind.

Rottytops : Wait, wait, wait... Did you say 'Cackle Mound'? I know where that is! It's in Zombie Swamp!

Miguel : Wait wait wait, (Horrified, looks at Rottytops.) You said Zombie Swamp?! I hope they're like you!

Rottytops : Some do... Some aren't. Hehe...

Bolo : Please, don't say any more things about that swamp! I don't want to... Let's just say, 'throw up'.

Rottytops : Okay... Well I'll tell you one thing, the Magic Stone that's there is called 'Sizzle Stone', and it can create fire at will. If we can get hold of it, Shantae's pyrokinetic powers will increase, and we can easily destroy those tanks.

Shantae : Yes, we know...

Miguel: Mmm? (With his right index finger, he points to a beach.)Look! A beach!

Bolo : Huh? That's right!

Sky : Maybe we should relax a little. A bath wouldn't be bad. (Looks at Wrench, which he's on her right shoulder.) What do you think, Wrench?

Wrench: Grouch gruack! (I think that's a good idea!)

Rottytops : I think he thinks it's a good idea. I think it's a good idea too... We should relax.

Bolo : It'll do us good, actually...

Our heroes went to the beach, passing by the nearby waterfalls, which are very beautiful. Miguel approached, very curious, the waterfalls, since their beauty was incredible.

Michael : (He comes very close to one of the waterfalls.) Oh, how beautiful!

Rottytops: (A little worried.) Watch out!

The others grabbed Miguel by his right arm, and pulled him back. A kind of dragonfish came out of the waterfall, but only its head showed up, which has small white horns, fairly sharp teeth, blue scales, purple eyebrows, and yellow eyeballs.

Miguel : (The Dragon Fish hides in the waterfall.) Damn it! What was that?

Shantae : That was a Dragon Fish, they live in these waterfalls, so you have to be very careful.

Miguel : Oh, uh... Thanks for saying that, I guess.

Shantae: You should have been careful.

Miguel: I didn't know that was going to happen...

Bolo : (Points to Miguel with his left index finger.) That's a good argument.

Rottytops : Come on... Are we going to the beach now or what?

Sky : (Looks at Rottytops, angry, but she doesn't show.) Yes, 'Rotty'... Yes.

Wrench : Gruack, gruack! (Come on, I want to go now!)

Shantae : (Looks at Wrench.) Wow, I think Wrench wants to get out of here.

Bolo: What are we waiting for?! (Bolo starts running towards the beach.)

Rottytops : Wait for us! (Facepalm.) Bolo will never change!

Shantae : (Facepalm.) How right you are, 'Rotty'... How right!

Sky : Come on guys! Let's not waste any more time and let's follow Bolo! (They follow Bolo.)

The water of the beach was crystalline, even more so than Scuttle Town. When Sky and the others got to where Bolo's things were, they realized one thing : Bolo was already swimming. Bolo, upon noticing their presence, moved his right hand, inciting them to take a bath.

Bolo : Come on, guys, take a bath, the water is very fresh!

Rottytops : First, we'll have to leave our things! (From their backpacks they take out their swimsuits.) Oh damn, we don't have any towels...

Bolo : Don't worry! (He points with his right index finger at some big rocks, which are close to the sand.) There we can dry off!

Sky : (The others look at the rocks.) Great! And now... Let's find a place to put our swimsuits. (Very quietly, looks at Rottytops and Shantae.) I'm not putting on my swimsuit here.

Shantae: (Very quietly.) Me neither. How am I going to put on my swimsuit in front of Miguel? (She blushes a lot.) I would be very embarrassed!

Rottytops : (Very quietly.) I won't either. I don't want them to see me in my swimsuit.

Miguel : (Looks at the girls.) Did you say something?

Shantae : (No longer blushing, and looks at Miguel.) Oh, we're just deciding where to put our swimsuits.

Miguel : Okay, I guess.

Sky : (Looks at Wrench.) Wrench, stay with them, okay?

Wrench : (Resigned.) Gruack... Gruack... (All right... If there's no other option...)

Bolo : Come on, Wrench, come here! (Wrench goes where Bolo and Miguel are, and Bolo throws water at Wrench.) Take this!

Wrench : (With a cheerful tone.) Gruack!? Gruack... ! (How dare you!? You little...!) (Pecks at Bolo.)

Bolo: Oh, oh! You want more, do you?! Take this! (He throws water at Wrench.) Hahaha! (Wrench keeps pecking at Bolo.)

Shantae: Wrench is pecking at Bolo! I'm sure he's not enjoying it!

Sky : Nah, look at them... They're having fun!

Rottytops : (Looks at Sky, a little confused.) You think so?

Sky : (Looks at Rottytops.) Are you not listening or what? They're laughing!

Rottytops : Okay, okay, you don't have to say it in that way! Hehe.

Shantae: (Looks at Sky and Rottytops.) Girls, girls, relax... (Both relax a little.) Well, now we just need to find a place to put our swimsuits.

Sky : Right! We have to find somewhere, I don't want to waste any more time. (They leave.)

Bolo : (Sees how the girls are leaving.) Where are they going?

Miguel : They're probably looking for a more private place to put on their swimsuits.

Bolo : (Looks at Miguel.) Ah, I see.

Miguel : Come on, let's play  more.

Bolo : Okay. (Throws some water to Miguel.) Take this, hehe!

Miguel : Haha, take this, too! (Throws some water to Bolo.)

Shantae, Sky and Rottytops didn't take long to come (Shantae had taken off her jewelry and put it in her backpack.), and obviously, they left Wrench, Miguel and Bolo stunned, especially these last two. The girls approached where the sea began, the water was very fresh, and they looked at the sea for a few moments.

Sky : The sea is beautiful... Don't you think so?

Rottytops : I couldn't agree more.

Shantae: (A little surprised.) These waters are more crystalline than those of Scuttle Town...

Bolo : (Throws some water at the girls.) Come on, girls, come here and have some fun!

Sky : (With a 'wow, I didn't expect that' tone.) Hey Bolo, at least warn us before you throw the water!

Shantae : Same here, you scared us!

Rottytops : Yeah!

Miguel : (Throws some water to the girls.) Come on, come here, the water is very fresh!

Sky : Grrr... You little...! (She, Rottytops and Shantae enter the water.) Take this! (Throws some water to Miguel and Bolo.) Hahaha!

Shantae: (Throws some water to Miguel and Bolo.) As the saying goes, tit for tat! Heh heh!

Rottytops : (Throws some water to Miguel and Bolo.) We could say you tasted your own medicine! Hahaha!

They continued playing, and lost track of time. Hours and hours passed and they didn't stop playing, while they went into deeper waters. Everything was going well, they kept playing tag, throwing water at each other, etc... Until Miguel noticed something.

Miguel : Mmm? Guys...

Bolo : (Looks at Miguel.) What's going on?

Miguel : (With a little fear.) I have the feeling that someone or something is looking at us. Don't you?

Rottytops: (Looks at Miguel.) Well, no.

Sky : (Looks at Miguel.) I don't have that feeling either.

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) I don't either.

Wrench : Groack ! (Nor do I!)

Miguel : Well... (For a moment, Miguel sees a bright red flash in the water and a giant body and a small body, and speaks even more frightened.) ...AAAAH! (He points to the water, where he has seen the bodies, and they go away.) A-A-AH! Down there! I saw something!

Shantae : (Looks at where Miguel points.) Are you sure? I don't see anything. (She looks back at Miguel.)

Sky : (Looks at where Miguel points.) I don't see anything either. (She looks back at Miguel.)

Rottytops : (Looks at where Miguel points.) Are you sure you saw something? (Looks at Miguel again.)

Miguel : Y-Yes! I saw SOMETHING underneath us! However, they went so fast that I couldn't see what they were!

Bolus : (Looks where Miguel points, just when both beings are passing underneath again.) Oh, no... I've seen them too. They just passed underneath us, but they went so fast I didn't see them.

Sky : (Looks at Bolo.) Really?

Bolo : (Looks at Sky.) Yes!

Shantae: (Looks down, a little scared.) ...Now I've seen it too. I haven't been able to see them either.

Rottytops : You too!?

Sky : (Looks down, a little scared.) ...And me. They went so fast, I didn't see them.

Rottytops : (Looks down, a little scared.) Oh, no... I've seen them too. And I haven't been able to see them either.

Wrench: (Looks down, a little scared.) Gruack, gruack! (And I haven't seen them either!)

Miguel : (They hear a noise from behind.) I have... I heard something... (They turn around.)

When they turned around, they all looked at what was in front of them with surprise (Miguel was also afraid. ) : Two mermaids, one giant, has very long hair, blue, on her head has many jewels, the most prominent is a red jewel that has in her hair, behind she has some jewelry shaped like light blue jellyfish, mermaid ears, light green scales, especially on the tail and the breast area are covered by blue clams, and a small mermaid that looks similar to the giant mermaid, only her scales are darker than the other mermaid's.

Rottytops : No-No way!

Sky : I-It's her!

Miguel : That-that siren is huge!

Shantae: I-It's... GIGA MERMAID!

Miguel : (Looks at Shantae, a little confused.) Giga what?

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) 'Mermaid' means 'siren'.

Miguel: Oh, I see. Well, to be honest, that thing is pretty awesome.

Shantae : (With an angry tone.) Hey, she's the Queen of Sirens, talk to her properly!

Miguel : Oh, okay. (Looks at Giga Mermaid.) Forgive me, Your Majesty. I didn't know that.

Giga Mermaid : Gruar, gruar.

Siren : Sorry for not introducing myself properly, I am the official translator, and as you are now checking, I know how to speak human language perfectly. Your Majesty has just said that she forgives you.

Bolo : (Starts swimming towards Giga Mermaid.) Giga Mermaid, I love you!

Mermaid : (Grabs Bolo by one arm.) I'm sorry, but the Queen kindly declines your idea of loving companionship. (She slaps Bolo.)

Sky : (Looks at Bolo.) Bolo, how dare you address a queen like that!

Bolus : (Goes back to where he was.) You're right... (Looks at Giga Mermaid.) I'm so sorry!

Giga Mermaid : Gruar, gruar.. (She points to Rottytops, Sky, Wrench and Miguel with her right index finger.) ...Gruar...? Gruar...

Siren : The Queen says that she forgives you, Bolo, and that she doesn't know who they are. (She points to Miguel, Sky, Rottytops and Wrench.)

Rottytops : I am Rottytops, although my friends call me 'Rotty', I am a zombie. (The translator siren is scared.) Don't worry, I won't eat you! Hehehe! It's a pleasure to finally meet the Queen of Sirens.

Sky : I am Sky, and he (Points to Wrench, who is in her head.), is Wrench, my best war bird. I'm a bird breeder. It's a pleasure to finally meet the Queen of Sirens! Wrench, say hello!

Wrench : Gruack, gruack (Greetings, Your Majesty!)

Miguel : My name is Miguel. It's a pleasure, Your Majesty.

Siren : Okay. (She looks at Giga Mermaid, and makes strange noises.)

Giga Mermaid : (With a surprised face.) Gruar... Gruar...

Siren : (Looks at Shantae and the others.) She says it's a pleasure to meet your new friends.

Shantae: (She scratches her head with her right hand.) Well, 'new'... They're not. In fact, I knew Rotty, Sky and Wrench a long time before I met you, Giga Mermaid. The only one I met after meeting you was Miguel. (The siren looks at Giga Mermaid and makes strange noises.)

Giga Mermaid : Gruar...

Siren : (Looks at Shantae.) She says she understands perfectly, in the sense that she has grasped what you have said through my translation.

Sky : Hey, why are you here?

Siren : (Looks at Sky.) You see, we're taking a little walk. Well, we are not walking but you know what I mean. (Giga Mermaid looks at the siren, as if she had sensed what they were saying.)

Miguel : (Looks at Giga Mermaid.) Hmmm? Is something wrong, Your Majesty?

Siren : Leave it to me. (She looks at Giga Mermaid, and makes strange noises.)

Giga Mermaid : (Denies with her head.) Gruar, gruar...

Siren : (Looks at Miguel.) The Queen says that everything is OK.

Miguel : Oh, interesting...

Siren : Oh?

Miguel : Nevermind.

Sky : Well, I hope you enjoy your... 'walk'.

Siren : Okay, thank you. (She looks at Giga Mermaid and makes some strange noises.)

Giga Mermaid : Gruar... Gruar! Gruar! Gruar! Gruar!

Siren : (Looks at Shantae and the others.) The Queen says she knows a place nearby that we are sure you will like.

Rottytops: Really?! Take us there, please! I want to see that place!

Sky : (Looks at Rottytops.) 'Rotty', you're forgetting something.

Rottytops : (Looks at Sky.) Excuse me?

Shantae: (Looks at Rottytops.) We have to get our stuff. Maybe someone will steal from us!

Miguel : (Looks at Rottytops.) Shantae is right, we should go get our stuff. (Look at Giga Mermaid.) Your Majesty, if we go to that place you spoke of, we should first go get our things and dry off...

Siren : Okay, I get it. (She looks at Giga Mermaid and makes some strange noises.)

Giga Mermaid : Gruar, gruar.

Siren : (Looks at Shantae and the others.) She says it's okay, we have time. If you want, we'll go with you.

Bolo : Great! (Everyone goes to the shore.)

When Shantae and the others picked up their things and dried them (and put on their clothes again, and Shantae put on her jewellery again.), they climbed on top of Giga Mermaid and went to a very big cave, which was partly flooded, there were many cave paintings and torches (where there was no water.), Shantae and the others were fascinated because they had never seen anything like it, not even Bolo, and the beach is very close to Water Town.

Bolo : (Impressed, looks around.) Wow, I've never seen this cave before, and it's so close to Water Town!

Miguel : (Turns his head, looks around, impressed.) Incredible... I don't remember seeing anything like this before.

Shantae: (She turns her head, looking around, impressed.) I've never seen this cave before. Wow...

Sky : (Turns her head, looking around, impressed.) Are my eyes deceiving me? (She rubs her eyes.) No, they're not... This is true!

Wrench : (He leans on Sky's head, impressed.) Gruack, gruack! (Wow, this is amazing!)

Rottytops : (Turns her head, looks around, impressed.) Wow... I can't believe what I'm seeing!

Siren : (Looks at Rottytops.) Well you have to believe it, this is as real as you and me! (She looks at Giga Mermaid, and makes some weird noises.)

Giga Mermaid : (Looks at the mermaid.) Gruar, gruar, gruar...

Miguel : What does she say?

Siren : (Looks at Miguel.) She says that if she remembers correctly, the way to get where we are going is this.

Sky : (Looks at the mermaid.) So the cave is not where we were headed?

Mermaid : (Looks at Sky.) Exactly.

Shantae: I can't wait to see what that place is!

Miguel : (Looks at Shantae.) Me too!

Rottytops : I also want to see what they want to show us.

Bolo : What will be...?

Sky : (Looks at Bolo.) I have no idea, but I can't wait to see that. (Look at Wrench, who's on his right shoulder.) Don't you feel like it too, Wrench?

Wrench : (Looks at Sky.) Grack, grack! (Of course I feel like it!)

Mermaid : (Looks at Wrench.) Hehe, I'd say he feel it like!

Sky : (Looks at the mermaid.) Of course he does! His face says it all!

Siren : Hahaha, I see it! (She looks at Giga Mermaid, and makes some strange noises.)

Giga Mermaid : (Looks at the mermaid.) Gruar, (Looks for a moment at a hole, which is giant.) Gruar!

Siren: (Looks at Shantae.) She says it's that way.

Shantae: (Looks at the water.) I think there's very little water. Do you really think she's going to pass?

Siren : The water is deep, so we can pass through without any problem!

Giga Mermaid : (Looks at the mermaid.) Gruar, gruar gruar!

Bolo : (Looks at the siren.) What does it say?

Siren : (Looks at Bolo.) She says we're about to arrive, but the hole, although it's giant, is almost completely covered by water. And since you are above the Queen and cannot breathe under water, you will have to bend down. And as for Wrench... Try to stay as low as possible.

Shantae: Oh, I understand... (Next thing she thinks it.) Although if I turned into a mermaid, that wouldn't be a problem...

Siren : Now, get down! (She hides in the water.)

Miguel : (The others bend down a little, and enter the hole.) Wow, there's less space than I thought!

Rottytops : Poor Giga Mermaid... You're not understanding us...

Sky : (Looks at Rottytops.) Yeah, it's a shame.

Wrench : Groack ! Gruack... (Right! If she doesn't understand you, then she can't communicate with you...)

Shantae : Shut up! I want to enjoy this silence!

Miguel : Me too!

Sky : Okay okay, we'll shut up !

When they finally reached the end of the tunnel, they could not believe what they were seeing: you could see very old paintings on the walls, of ancient humans. There were many kinds: paintings in which you could see people planting vegetables, eating them, talking... Anyway, they were in shock, and could not stop looking at the walls, and Shantae, Rottytops, Miguel, Bolo and Sky got off Giga Mermaid and put their feet on a small piece of land that was there.

Miguel : Did you really discover this?

Siren : Yep.

Bolo : Wow... (He hits his foot with a stone.) Shit, I hurt myself!

Shantae: (Looks at Bolo, a little angry.) Hey! You think that's any way to talk in front of a Queen!?

Bolo : (Looks at Shantae.) But she doesn't understand us!

Siren : Ahem ahem. I'm here.

Bolo : (Looks at the siren.) Oh damn, that's right. I'm so sorry about the swear.

Siren : Don't worry, you're forgiven. (She looks at Giga Mermaid, and makes some strange noises.)

Giga Mermaid : Gruar, Gruar?

Siren : (Looks at Shantae and the others.) She says if you are enjoying the visit.

Rottytops : (Looks at the Mermaid.) Of course! This looks beautiful!

Miguel : (Without anyone seeing him, look at the time on the mobile phone.) Oh oh... (He keeps his mobile phone in his right pocket.) Pss, Shantae.

Shantae: (She looks at Miguel, and speaks softly.) What's wrong?

Miguel : It's lunch time. And we need to get on with the journey.

Shantae: (She covers her mouth with her right hand.) For all Genies' Sake I forgot! (Looks at the siren.) I'm so sorry, but we have to go.

Sky : (Looks at Shantae.) Hey, I...

Shantae: (She looks at Sky, and interrupts her.) It's lunch time.

Rottytops : Come on, why don't we eat here?

Miguel : (Looks at Rottytops.) We must continue our journey.

Bolo : Miguel is right, we should go. (Looks at both sirens.) Thank you so much!

Siren : You're welcome. (She looks at Giga Mermaid and makes some strange noises.)

Giga Mermaid : Gruar, gruar.

Siren: (Looks at Bolo.) She says 'you're welcome'. (Miguel, Sky, Rottytops, Bolo and Sky get on Giga Mermaid, and leave.)

Both sirens left them on the same beach where they met. After a short walk, they sat down to eat, then returned to the march, and nothing interesting happened until they went to sleep. Everyone had put on their pajamas (Shantae had taken off her jewellery.) and were going to sleep.

Miguel : (Already lying on the floor.) What a wonderful cave... (Looks at Shantae, who is also lying on the floor.) Right?

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) Yes, that cave is beautiful. I'm surprised Bolo didn't know anything about it, and it's VERY close to Water Town.

Miguel: Speaking of Water Town... It's not going to be long now, is it?

Shantae : Indeed, we only have to pass by the hill nearby and we will have arrived.

Miguel : Okay. (He takes off his glasses, and puts them aside.) Good night.

Shantae : Likewise. (Both rub their noses for a few moments, blush, separate them, they are no longer blushing, go to sleep and Miguel turns around).

Miguel : Ugh... I'm not very sleepy... (Without realizing it, he turns, and heads towards Shantae.)

Shantae :  (She wakes up just as Miguel is about to touch her lips, and steps aside) ...AH! FOR ALL GENIES' SAKE, DON'T GIVE ME THAT SCARE!

Miguel : (Waking up.) Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It was an involuntary act, I swear!

Shantae: (Even with the fear in her body.) Okay, I forgive you...

Sky : (Wakes up.) Is (Yawns.) something wrong?

Rottytops : (Wakes up.) I think I heard a (Yawn.) scream...!

Bolo : (Wakes up.) Will you shut up?! I'm trying to sleep!

Shantae: Emm... No, nothing happened! (Quietly.) Try not to give me those scares, please.

Miguel : I swear I won't...

Shantae: Okay. Good night.

Miguel : Likewise. (Both rub their noses for a few moments, blush, separate them, they are no longer blushing and go to sleep).

End of chapter sixteen. I hope you liked it.
