Reaching Water Town

As our heroes continued their adventures, they met the Queen of Sirens, Giga Mermaid, and a translator siren, who took them to see a beautiful cave. After the visit, our heroes continued their journey, and finally, the next day, they were very close to Water Town. Happy to be so close, they started running like crazy towards the town's gate.

Bolo : (Running.) Let's see if you can reach!

Rottytops : (Running.) You started running earlier, that's not fair!

Bolo : (Looks at Rottytops.) And who said I couldn't do that?

Sky : (Running, looks at Bolo.) Dude, if you start running earlier you're more likely to be first...

Miguel : (Running, looks at Bolo.) That's right, Bolo! That's cheating!

Shantae: (Running, looks at Bolo.) Next time don't cheat!

Bolo : Okay okay, I won't do it again!

Finally, they made it to the gate. This one is quite big, it's gold, it has a representation of a tower at the top, a few floors and a few fountains around the portico, it has a little ring on the right side (Simple decoration.), and they went straight into Water Town. This one has a lot of little old buildings of different colors, however, on a hill, there's a little gray house, and in front of it, a path made of stones and what looks like an entrance (Like a temple entrance.), with two gray pillars.

Rottytops : Finally, we arrived to Water Town!

Bolo : Oh, my dear Water Town, my hometown!

Miguel : (Moves his head back and forth.) So this is Water Town... Very nice, wow. So much vegetation, so many water fountains, so many...

Sky : (Looks at Miguel.) You don't have to say all that, we have eyes, I don't know if you know, hehe.

Miguel : (Looks at Sky.) Haha, you're right.

Shantae: (Sigh.) It's been a while since I've been to Water Town! I remembered it like this!

Miguel : Wait a moment... (Looks at the house on the hill.) That's a house? Why is it so far away?

Bolo : (Looks at Miguel.) I'm glad you asked! That's my house!

Miguel : (Looks at Bolo.) And why is it so far away?

Bolo : (Raises his shoulders.) No idea! I only remember that when I was born I already lived there, and when my parents abandoned me, I kept the house! (Lowers his shoulders.) Besides, it's also where I train when I'm here!

Miguel : Hmm?

Bolo : It's also a gym...

Miguel : Oh, interesting...

Shantae : Hey (Looks at Bolo.) Bolo, do you have a key to your house?

Bolo : I think so... (Searches in his backpack, and finds a key.) Here it is!

Sky : (Looks at Miguel.) Ready to see Bolo's house?

Miguel : (Looks at Sky.) Ready!

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel.) You're gonna love Bolo's house!

Rottytops : Yeah! It's full of cool exercise stuff!

Miguel : Well, we could do some exercise...

Sky :Well, actually... You're right.

Shantae : So, shall we go?

Miguel : That's fine with me!

Wrench : Gruack, gruack! (No, I don't want to go!)

Bolo : (Looks at Wrench.) I'd say he doesn't want to go.

Sky : (Looks at Wrench.) You don't want to go? I'm sorry, but this time you have to suck it up, we could use the training.

Wrench : Gruack, gruack...! (Agh, okay...!)

Miguel : Well... (Looks at everyone.) Shall we go now?

Shantae : Yes! I'm Ret-2-Go!

Our heroes headed for Bolo's house. Just like on the outside, inside it is gold, although a less intense gold, it is decorated with many plants, and some paintings that are a little strange, but not ugly, however, what they were interested in was the gym. Next to the door there are some stairs that went down to the gym. The gym was yellow, there were many things, obviously, to do exercise, such as bars (From which you hang and you have to get as high as possible.), weights, etc... And they looked a little bit at the exercise stuff.

Miguel : I see that your parents not only liked to exercise, but also liked to paint, (Looks at Bolo.) Right?

Bolo : (Looks at Miguel.) Well, yes, I remember once that my father was painting one of the paintings in the entrance... Although one thing is that they liked to paint and another thing is that they were professionals. Don't get me wrong, they weren't bad but they could have been much better.

Rottytops : Well, guys... I'm going to start working out now. (Leaves her stuff on the floor, and heads for one of the dumbbell.) I'll choose this one!

Sky: (Looks at Rottytops.) Are you sure you can raise it? That dumbbell's pretty big.

Rottytops: (Looks at Sky, confident.) Bah, watch and learn! (Grabs the dumbbell with both hands and tries to raise it but she can't.) ...Aaargh...! ...AAAAARGH...! (Because she has done too much strength, her hands separate from her arms.)

Shantae: (Looks at Rottytops, worried.) 'Rotty'! Are you okay?

Rottytops : ...Yes, but it will be hard for me to put my hands back where they were... Could you...

Bolo : Don't say that.

Rottytops : ...lend me a hand? (They look at her with an  "Are you serious?" face.) Haha, just kidding! This will be quite easy. (Puts her hands and arms together.)

Miguel : (Speaks in a low voice, in Shantae's ear.) Then you will say that I'm the one who tells the bad jokes, puns,...

Shantae: (Speaks in a low voice.) Your jokes are unbeatable, they're worse than Rotty's.

Miguel : Okay, let's see what the others think. (Speaks loudly, and pulls away from Shantae's ear.) Guys, who do you think tells worse jokes: Rotty or me? When you have an answer, you need to point out who... (Everyone points to him.)... I get it, I get it... (They don't point at him anymore.) I see that his jokes make you laugh more.

Sky : It's just that, even without being funny, they're better than yours.

Bolo : Yeah... 

Rottyops : Yes! I agree with them!

Wrench : Gruack, gruack! (Me too!)

Miguel : Well, I'll try to improve my jokes in the future.

Shantae : Uhh, that's going to be difficult.

Bolo : Yes.

Miguel : Okay okay, I get it.

Bolo : Well, (Turns his head to the side.) Let's see what we have here... (Searching through the boxes and stuff, he finds an old stationary bicycle.) Oh, look what I found! (The others approach Bolo.)

Rottytops : (Shocked.)Is that what I think it is? An old stationary bicycle?

Bolo : (Looks at Rottytops.) Yep, 'Rotty'. Look at this beauty!

Miguel : To be honest, bikes don't really appeal to me. The few times I rode one, I always fell off because riding a bike is quite dificult for me.

Shantae : Well... (Looks at Miguel.) You could have practiced more too. I guess you know the saying: 'Practice makes perfect'.

Miguel : (Looks at Shantae.) Yeah, I guess...

Sky : Hm, it looks like it's in a bad condition, (Looks at Bolo.) are you sure it's working right?

Bolo : (Looks at Sky.) Absolutely sure! (He gets on the stationary bicycle, and starts pedaling.) See? It's not in a bad condition, and it's very comfortable. And although if you do this you won't get stronger, you will lose some weight, and you will be faster. Hey, that's an advantage, even though it doesn't look like it. (He gets off the stationary bicycle.)

Sky : Mmmm... Let me try. (Looks at Wrench, who's on her right shoulder.) Wrench, get off my shoulder, please.

Wrench : Gruack, gruack... (Ah, okay...) (He gets off Sky's shoulder.)

Sky: (Leaves her things on the floor and gets on the stationary bicycle, and starts pedalling.) Hey, that's not so bad.

Bolo : I told you, Sky.

Shantae: (Looks at Bolo.) And there's nothing for us?

Bolo : (Looks at Shantae.) I'm sure there's something around here. See if you can find anything.

They searched and searched, but all they found were dumbbells, they left their stuff on the floor, Miguel, Shantae and Bolo each took two small ones, while 'Rotty' just went around the gym and Wrench...Wrench just watched the others work out. They were working out all morning, and ended up completely exhausted, and lay down on the floor, all together, to get some rest.

Wrench : Gruack, gruack! Gruack... (You do get tired right away! I would have held out longer...)

Rottytops : (Looks at Wrench.) I would say... That... He says something like... That we haven't... We haven't been able to held out for a long time... That he would have held out much more...

Bolo : (Look at Rottytops.) Well, next time... He will see... He will also exercise... And we'll see if he can hold out that long...

Wrench : (Looks at Bolo.) Gruack, gruack...! (Ugh, Bolo never shuts up...!) (He pecks at Bolo.)

Bolo : Ouch!

Sky : (Everyone raises their back.) Wrench, don't peck him! You should have done some exercise too! (Wrench stops pecking Bolo.)

Wrench: (Looks at Sky.) Gruack... (Okay..)

Sky : Now, (Points to his right shoulder.) Get over here! (Wrench stands on her right shoulder.)

Bolo : Phew, thanks all Genies he stopped...

Shantae : Yeah, thank all Genies...

Rottytops : Ugh, I'm so tired...

Miguel : (Look at Rottytops.) Me too...

Shantae: (They get up completely, with a sore face.) Oh, my arms hurt a lot...

Sky : My legs are killing me... Not litterally, of course. (Looks at Rottytops.) And you?

Rottytops : (Looks at Sky, with irony.) No, not me. (No irony.) Who am I kidding...? I'm exhausted.

Miguel : (Looks at Bolo.) We all are exhausted.

Bolo : (Looks at Miguel.) Well, Wr... (Sky looks at him with a bad face.) I mean, nobody...

Miguel : Uhm, I see...

Bolo : Come on, we have to pick all this up. Look how is the gym! It's very messy!

Shantae: (Turns her head from right to left.) Well, yes, it's all very messy. We'd better tidy up.

Rottytops : Come on, what are we waiting for?

Sky: Come on, let's clean this up! (They start to clean up.)

While the gym was very messy, our heroes were surprised to see that it was TOO messy. It took them a long time to clean up, and in the meantime, they sang a little. Some sang better, some sang worse. After a long time, the gym was very clean, and our heroes lay down again to rest.

Shantae : Agh, for all Genies' Sake... Now I'm really exhausted.

Rottytops : (Looks at Shantae.) You say that like you're the only one who's ever done anything. I've done more than you.

Bolo :  Girls, don't fight. As the saying goes: 'Strength comes from unity'!

Shantae: (Looks at Bolo.) You're right, Bolo...

Miguel : Ah... I'm completely EXHAUSTED...

Sky : Agh, I'm really tired...

Rottytops : (She gets up.) Hey, guys, it's almost time to have lunch...

Bolo : (He gets up, and looks at Rottytops.) Did you say 'to have lunch'?

Rottytops : (Looks at Bolo, a little confused.) Eh... Yes, why?

Bolo : Because my appetite strikes again! (He takes his things and leaves.)

Sky : (Shee gets up.) Oh my Genie... (Facepalm.) Bolo will never change...

Shantae: (She stands up, and looks at Sky.) How right, Sky... How right!

Miguel : (Stands up.) Ugh... Shouldn't we go eat now? I'm really hungry...

Wrench : Grusck !  Gruack!? (I want to eat too! What are we waiting for!?)

Sky : (Looks at Wrench, he's flying over them.) Ugh, Wrench, you're really annoying today.

Wrench: (Looks at Sky, with an aggressive tone.) Gruack!? Gruack! (What do you want me to do?! I just want to eat!)

Sky : (With an aggressive tone.) Hey. You don't talk to me like that! I may be your best friend, but I'm also your owner, so lower that tone right now!

Shantae : Whoa, whoa, whoa! Relax a little bit! There's no need to fight!

Wrench : Guack, gruack... (Okay, okay...)

Sky : (Sighs, and looks at Shantae.) You're right, let's not fight... (Looks at Wrench.) But you, be more careful and relax your tone!

Wrench : Gruack, gruack! (Okay, I got it!)

Rottytops : Well... We should get going.

Michael : Right... If we continue here, and knowing Bolo, (Looks at the stairs.) Maybe he's already eaten all the food around here! (Everyone leaves the gym.)

After leaving the gym, they went to the dining room, which was very big, the walls, floor and ceiling were also golden, there were a few pillars, in the dining room there was some brown furniture, a few chairs, two tables and a sofa (The sofa is near one of the tables.) white (The chairs were whiter.), a few long plants also decorated the dining room, and Miguel, when he saw all this, was shocked, few times in his life he had seen houses this beautiful.

Miguel : (Looks around.) Are my eyes deceiving me? (Rubs his eyes.) No, they are not!

Sky : We know, this house is beautiful. (Looks at Bolo.) And next time you want to eat, wait for us. Good thing we saw you just as you started eating. I'm sure you were going to eat all the food around here.

Bolo: (Looks at Sky.) Okay...

Shantae : Mmm, I have an idea!

Rottytops : (All look at Shantae.) Hmmm? What 'idea'?

Shantae : This afternoon we can go to the hot springs.

Miguel : (Blushes a little bit.) To the ho-ho-hot springs?

Shantae : (Looks at Miguel.) Yes, (Blushes a little bit.) Don't you like the idea?

Miguel : No no no, it's not that, it's just that... I would feel a little... Embarrassed.

Shantae :  Embarrassed? Why?

Miguel : Because... We'd see you in your swimsuit!

Sky : (Looks at Miguel.) Oh, come on, don't be silly! You've already seen us in our swimsuits a few times, and nothing has happened, so that's no excuse! Hahaha!

Bolo : Hehe, I'm for it.

Miguel : (The next thing he thinks it.) Of course you're for it... You'll do anything to see them in their swimsuits...

Rottytops : Then, after lunch, we'll go to the hot springs! Great!

Shantae: (Sighs and looks at Rottytops.) NO, after we have lunch, NO, our digestion can be cut off. I said, AFTERNOON.

Rottytops : Okay, okay, you don't have to get mad.

Sky : That's a great idea! (Looks at Wrench.) Although I don't know if they'll admit Wrench...

Shantae: (Looks at Sky.) Well, I'm sure he can get in. Maybe not to the waters, but I'm sure they'll let him in...

Bolo : So what, we're going to the hot springs?

Rottytops : (Looks at Bolo, and sighs.) YES, Bolo. We'll go in the afternoon.

Bolo : I can't wait to go there! I haven't been there in a long time.

Miguel : (The following thinks it.) Okay, Bolo...

Shantae : Well... (They leave their things in the sofa.) Shall we have lunch now?

Bolo : (Looks at Shantae.) Of course! I'll help out a little bit, I want to cook.

Sky : (Looks at Bolo.) Nope! You cook really bad.

Bolo : (Looks at Sky.) Okay, okay! You didn't have to tell me like that.

Miguel : ...I'm in. Although, cooking is not my strong point, I think I know enough to cook salad.

Rottytops : Yum... (Sticks out his tongue.) I want to taste it already!

Miguel : Hehe, I hope I get it right! (He, Sky, and Shantae go into the kitchen.)

It didn't take them long to cook something to eat, since a salad is cooked in a very short time, and when they took it out to the dining room, they all ate it in one go... Well, Wrench ate bird food. When they finished eating, they got up, cleaned themselves up, cleared the table and other things, and besides, Bolo got ahead of the others and lay down on the sofa, and the others had to put up with it because they wanted to too.

Bolo : Ah! How soft... Although I would like to have a bigger sofa... A lot wider...

Sky : That would be very expensive, you don't have that much money.

Bolo : (Quietly.) Party pooper.

Sky : You were saying something?

Bolo : Nothing nothing...

Shantae : Come on, now we have to wait for the digestion and then... (She blushes and looks at Miguel.) Hehe, you know.

Miguel : (Confusedly.) Well... I don't know.

Shantae : What I said before.

Michael : Ahhh, (Blushes.) 'That'!

Shantae : Hehe, that's right!

Rottytops : Haha! (Rubs her hands.) I can't wait to go!

Bolo : (Sighs, and looks at Rottytops.) Okay.

Rottytops : (Looks at Bolo.) Something wrong?

Bolo : Oh, nothing.

Rottytops : Mmm...

Sky : And well... (Looks at everyone.) What are we going to do while we wait for the digestion to take place?

Shantae: (Puts her left hand on her chin.) Mmm... Hey, Miguel... You have a deck of cards, right?

Michael : Of course. (He pulls out his Spanish deck.)

Sky : Come to think of it, Miguel... You're the first person I've seen use that deck.

Miguel : Haha, it's a type of deck from my world, it's called a 'Spanish deck', and as its name indicates, it's from Spain. (Rottytops, Sky, Bolo and Wrench look like 'I don't understand'.) Spain : My country of origin.

Sky : Ah, I get it...

Bolo : Interesting...

Miguel : Well, Bolo... If you want to play, you have to stop being so lazy and not lie down.

Bolo : (Looks at Miguel.) Okay, you don't have to tell me like that. (He stands up and sits down.)

Miguel : Okay. (Gets the chairs.) Ready?

Rottytops : (She, Sky, and Shantae sit on the chairs.) I am.

They started playing and lost track of time, and when they realized that many hours had passed, it was almost night, so they had dinner, and didn't go to sleep, but waited for them to digest as they still wanted to go to the hot springs. The hot springs were outdoors, in an enclosure surrounded by candles and a small wooden fence. Next to the entrance, which is a few red pillars, there were two very small wooden enclosures for changing clothes.

Miguel : (Looks at the hot springs.) Wow... They look great!

Bolo : Ah, these hot springs are excellent!

Shantae: (Speaks to a person.) Hello, we would like to take a bath in the hot springs...

Person : Of course, if it's five people, it will cost 200 gems. (They all take a few gems out of their backpacks, and give them to the person.) Thank you very much. (He puts the gems in a bag.) They are lucky, they are completely alone. The animal (Referring to Wrench.) can be with you, it just has to be out of the water. (He lets them in.) I hope you have a pleasant evening.

Bolo : Thank you very much. (They enter.) Well... Who changes clother first?

Miguel : Me. (He enters one of the enclosures, and as he leaves, he wears his swimsuit, doesn't have his glasses on, and begins to shiver.) Brrr, it's cold!

Shantae : Miguel, (She covers her mouth with her right hand.) You look so cute! Hehehehe! (She uncovers her mouth.)

Sky : (She covers her mouth with her right hand.) I think the same, hehe! (Uncovers her mouth.)

Rottytops : (She covers her mouth with her right hand.) I think I don't need to say my opinion, haha! (She uncovers her mouth.)

Miguel : Oh, uh... Thank you...

Bolo : Miguel, get in now, we'll catch up with you. (Miguel leaves, leaves his things next to the water and gets in.)

Miguel : (Looks pleased.) Oooh... This is great... (Bolo enters one of the enclosures, and when he comes out, he wears his swimsuit, leaves his things next to the water and goes in).

Bolo : (With a face of pleasure.) Oooh... For all Genies' Sake... How nice it is... (Both close their eyes, and meanwhile, the girls change their clothes.)

Rottytops : (They leave their things next to the water.) Shhh, three...

Sky : Two...

Shantae : One...

Rottytops, Sky and Shantae: (At the same time.) SURPRISE!

Miguel and Bolo : (At the same time, they wake up, startled, and look at the girls.) Ah, DON'T SCARE US LIKE THAT!

Shantae: Haha! You should have seen your faces.

Miguel : You're... You're...

Rottytops : Beautiful? We know.

Bolo : Hey, where's Wrench?

Wrench : (Who is standing next to the stuff they left.) Gruack, gruack! Gruack! (I'm here, you idiot! You look like you're blind!)

Bolo : (Looks at Wrench.) Oh...

Sky : (The girls enter the hot springs, Shantae stands next to Miguel and look pleased.) Oh... This is great...

Rottytops : I completely agree.

Shantae : THIS is what I needed... (Looks at Miguel, and blushes, but only Miguel sees that) Hey... Would you mind if I leaned on you...

Miguel : (He blushes a lot, but only Shantae sees that.) Oh, uh... Of course not!

Shantae : Thank you... (Shee leans on Miguel's right shoulder, and they're not blushing anymore)

Rottytops : (Looks at Shantae.) What, are you comfortable? Hehehe.

Shantae: (Looks at Rottytops.) Huh? Of course I'm comfortable... This is glory!

Rottytops : (Very quietly.) Especially if you're next to the one you like, hehe.

Shantae: (In a very low voice.) Don't say that, he'll hear you!

Miguel: Hear what?

Shantae: (The next thing she thinks, and looks at Miguel.) Oh, no! Now what do I tell him? Mmm, I know! (The next thing she says it aloud.) Rottytops told me a pun!

Miguel : Let's see, which one?

Shantae : The thing is that it's so bad, so bad, so bad, that it's even worse than yours! It's so bad that it doesn't even deserve to be told!

Miguel : Mmm, okay... (Looks at the sky.)

Shantae: (Even lower voice than before.) Next time, say it when we are alone!

Rottytops : (Even lower voice than before.) Ok, ok!

Sky : (Bolo moves his right arm under the water towards Sky, she sees him and slaps his arm, and speaks in a low voice) Don't even think about doing that.

Wrench : (Looks at Bolo.) Gruack, gruack! (Yes, yes!)

Bolo : (Speaks quietly, with a face of pain.) Eh... I don't know what you mean, Sky.

Sky : (Looks at Bolo.) Look Bolo, I don't want to offend you, but you know perfectly well that I'm not an idiot. I've seen you move your arm to try and touch my leg in a... Let's just say, 'adult' way. If I ever see you do that again...

Bolo: Okay, I get it... I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Sky : This time, I forgive you, but next time I'm gonna kick your ass.

Bolo : Okay, okay! And by the way, watch your language!

Sky : Okay okay, I'll relax.

Rottytops : (Looks up.) Ah, what a beautiful night...

Bolo : (Looks up.) I couldn't agree more.

Shantae: (Looks up.) Right, it's beautiful tonight.

Micguel: (Grabs Shantae's left hand with his right hand.) Right, it's beautiful.

Shantae: (Blushes a little, but no one sees her.) Oh? Uh...

Miguel : (Looks at Shantae, and speaks softly.) Oh! (Blushes.) Does it bother you?

Shantae: (Looks at Miguel, and speaks softly.) W-What? Of course not!

Miguel : Hm, I see. If you change your mind, ju-just let me know, okay?

Shantae: (Nods.) O-okay.

Rottytops : (Looks at Miguel.) You were saying something?

Miguel : (Looks at Rottytops.) Huh? Ah, no.

Sky: (They don't look at the sky anymore, and they look at the mountains in the distance.) Those mountains... They look beautiful.

Miguel : True, but... (He looks carefully at some clouds.) It seems that tomorrow it's going to rain. We'll need to buy umbrellas.

Bolo : (Looks at Miguel.) It rains there every day. No, I'm not kidding. I pass by there very often.

Miguel : (Looks at Bolo.) Oh.

Rottytops : (Looks at Bolo.) Where is there a shop? We'll have to buy umbrellas, if we're going to go there...

Bolo : (Looks at Rottytops.) Well... There's a shop near my house.

Rottytops : Great, we'll buy the umbrellas there.

Sky : (Looks at Rottytops and Bolo.) Come on, don't think about it now, enjoy the hot springs.

Bolo: Ah, okay...

Shantae: Oh... Ah... For all Genies' Sake, this is glory...

Miguel: Ahh... (Looks at Shantae.) You're so right...

Our heroes continued to enjoy the hot springs, and they spent hours there, however, they left when it was already more or less 00:00 at night, and when they left, they picked up their things, changed their clothes and went to Bolo's house. Shantae and Miguel went into one of the guests' rooms, this one is brown, with many pictures, beds, shelves, etc..

Bolo : Come on, this is your room. Sweet dreams.

Miguel : Ehh... Thanks...?

Shantae: (At the same time as Miguel.) Ehm, same thing, I guess. (Bolo leaves.)

Miguel : (Sits on one of the beds.) Ugh, honestly, although the hot springs have been great, we need to rest...

Shantae: (Yawns.) You're right... Hey, can you turn around? I have to put on my pajamas...

Miguel : Su-Sure... (Miguel turns around, and Shantae starts to put on her pyjama, and taking off her jewelry, and Miguel blushes.) When will I dare to tell her...?

Shantae: (She just puts on her pyjama.) I finished.

Miguel : (Turns around.) Oh, uh... You look beautiful.

Shantae: (She blushes.) Oh... Thanks for the compliment... Hey, are you okay?

Miguel : Emm, no, nothing's wrong with me.

Shantae : Oh, uh, okay. Do you want to sleep in separate beds or do you want to sleep... together?

Miguel : Well, the second one, obviously...

Shantae : Oh, well... (Turns around, Miguel puts on his pajamas and Shantae turns around again.) Oh, you look so handsome.

Miguel : Oh, uh, okay... Shall we go to bed?

Shantae : Of course, let's go... (Lies down.) Good night.

Mguel : Same to you. (They rub both noses, no longer rub their noses, no longer they blush and fall asleep.)

However, while they were sleeping, Risky and the others were at sea, going to their secret base, however, they were very tired.

Risky : (Yawning, as she drives her ship.) Oh, I'm exhausted...

Ammo Baron: (Looks at Risky.) Don't you think you should rest?

Risky : (Looks at Ammo Baron.) No, No! NO! I have to drive this ship! Even though there are Tinkerbats who know how to drive a ship, they are sleeping!

Techno Baron : Hey hey, Risky. I think you might want to calm down...

Risky : (Looks at Techno Baron.) You're right, though, you can't deny it. I have to drive this ship myself. And tell me, where's Nega-Shantae?

Nega-Shantae: Can't you see me? I'm here, behind the Ammo Baron.

Risky : (Looks at Nega-Shantae.) Oh, I'm sorry.

Nega-Shantae: (With a threatening tone.) Let's see if we execute our plans... (With a great smile.) I can't wait for executing them... HAHAHAHA!

Risky : HAHAHAHAHA, I like that threatening tone! Besides, I'm sure we'll manage to execute our plans! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ammo Baron : How right you are, I'm sure NOTHING will stop us! HAHAHAHAHA!

Techno Baron : Of course we're going to make it, HAHAHA!

End of chapter seventeen. I hope you liked it :D
