A "new" alliance!

(Scuttle Town, outside the lighthouse, 10 p.m.)

Miguel and Shantae ran to Scuttle Town, 'cause it was in flames. Shantae did not have the opportunity to tell Miguel that she loved him. On their way to the main square, they met Bolo, Rottytops, Sky and Wrench.

Sky : Shantae!! Miguel!!

Shantae : Are you all right!?

Bolo : Yes, we're fine.

Rottytops : (Worried.) A lot of people and aninals needs help!

Miguel : Oh no! Come on Shantae! We have to help them!

Shantae : Of course! (Both go to the main square.)

Wrench : Gruack! (Wait!) (Wrench goes to Miguel and Shantae.)

Shantae : (Looks at Wrench, confused.) Huh?

Sky : (Bolo, Rottytops and she heads towards Miguel and Shantae.) It's too dangerous even being two. This fire is bigger than the others that Scuttle Town has suffered. Let us help you.

Bolo : Yes! Let's save people!

Rottytops : All right! I will not allow anyone in my best friend's town to be harmed!

Shantae and Miguel : (At the same time.) Bolo... "Rotty"... Sky... Thank you very much. So, let's go. (They're all heading for the main square.)

When they arrived at the main square, they saw a lot of people in danger. Everyone helped those who could escape. However, they didn't know who set the town on fire.

Sky : We saved 100 people in this area, and a total of 1000 in the whole town.

Bolo : But... (With doubts.) Who could have set the town on fire?

Shantae : I can only think of one person.

Rottytops : Really? Who?

Miguel : (Looks at Shantae.) I think that the person you're thinking is the same as I think...

Miguell and Shantae : (At the same time.) RISKY BOOTS.

Bolo : (Impacted.) Risky? How did she get so much strength in such a short time? The last time she attacked was a week ago! And what she will want?

Shantae : First of all : She has a large army of Tinkerbats. And to the second : The last time she attacked Scuttle Town she said she wanted some blueprints of my Uncle...

Miguel : Damn it! We'd better go to my house...! I mean, to your Uncle's house!

? : (Adult female voice.) You're not going anywhere.

Bolo, Miguel, Rottytops, Shantae and Sky : (At the same time, look at ?) Risky Boots! So it was you!

Risky : In the flesh! And yes, it was me and my faithful Tinkerbats who started the fire!

Shantae : How could you get in!? Miguel and I were in the lighthouse!

Risky : Going by unguarded parts helps a lot! Tinkerbats, attack!

Risky's Tinkerbats moved quickly towards our heroes. Actually, it was a very large amount, usually when Risky attacked, she was accompanied by a fifth of the amount there.

Wrench : (It rises to the sky.) Greack! (Catch me if you can!)

Tinkerbat : Flying won't help you! (Jumps and try to give him a lunge.)

Wrench managed to avoid the sword and hit the Tinkerbat with his beak. Meanwhile, the others were fighting against the other Tinkerbats, but, even at a numerical disadvantage, the battle was very even.

Sky : (Punches a Tinkerbat) Take this! (Another Tinkerbat starts biting her head.) Ouch! You're not "Rotty"! Let me go!

Wrench : (Goes to that Tinkerbat.) Griack!! (Get away from my breeder and best friend!!!) (Hits the Tinkerbat with his beak, and it falls off.) Grick! (Take that!)

Sky : Thank you, Wrench!

Rottytops : (With a dark voice.) If you dare to attack me... I'll eat your brain!

All Tinkerbats : (At the same time, scared.) Oh no!!!

Risky : (Angry.) Idiots! Dispense with their threat! ATTACK!!!

Rottytops : (She's attacked.) Man! (She mutils her right arm and starts using it as a baseball bat.) Get out of my sight!

Bolo : (He uses his ball with spikes to attack.) You're no match for me! Watch me laugh at you! You're pitiful! HAHAHA!

Shantae : Bolo, don't get cocky... (They punch Bolo in the face and Shantae does a Facepalm.) I told you... (A Tinkerbat takes her hair.) Hey you! Get out of there! (She starts to move her hair and the Tinkerbat falls out.) And now... Take this! (Uses her magic hair and hit five Tinkerbats at once.)

Miguel : (Gives a sharp blow to a Tinkerbat.) I dedicate this punch to you! (Kicks another one.) And you too!

Risky : Idiots! Can't you even defeat 5 children!?

Shantae : Risky, you better give up!

Risky : NO WAY! Keep on attacking! (More Tinkerbats appear.)

Sky : (Slightly tired.) Man... There are many Tinkerbats...

Wrench : Gruack!!! (Yes.)

Shantae : (Throws fire.) Take this! (She burns 7 Tinkerbats.)

Miguel : (Takes two Tinkerbats, one in each hand.) I see that "you love each other very much"! Take "kiss"! (He makes both Tinkerbats collide with their heads, leaving them K.O.)

Rottytops : (She hits many Tinkerbats with his mutilated right arm, which was held by his left hand.) Let's see where I send the "baseballs"! (Baseballs : Tinkerbats.)

Tinkerbats : (They fly away.) Oh no!!

Bolo : (Uses his ball to hit.) Come closer and you will suffer my fury! Take it! (Hits more Tinkerbats.)

Risky : (Seeing that she has no more troops.) Huh!? I have no more troops!

Shantae : You never learn, Risky... If you want victories,...!

Miguel : Don't give her advice, Shantae!

Sky : Right! If you do, she will become stronger!

Risky : Bah, it doesn't matter! There's something I want to do and I'm GOING to do it!

Rottytops : Huh? (Angry.) What are you going to do!?

Risky : I'll just say that "some papers" will be useful!

Shantae : (Scared.) M-my Uncle Mimic's blueprints!?

Risky : Exactly! And nothing will stop me from getting them!

Bolo : Risky, why do you attack Scuttle Town!? You have already attacked and conquered my heart! I want to see your love!

Risky : (Angry.) Here's my "love", you moron! (She approaches Bolo at great speed.)

Bolo : Oh! (Risky gives him a punch that makes him retreat.)

Shantae : (Worried.) Bolo!! Are you all right!?

Bolo : (He gets up.) Yes... Although that punch hurted.

Wrench : Greack! (I'm ready!)

Sky : Are you ready!?

Bolo : Yes!

Rottytops : Me too!

Miguel : Let's deal blows!

Shantae : I'm Ret-2-Go!

Miguel : (Confused, looks at Shantae.) Huh...?

Shantae : It means something like "I'm ready!"

Rottytops : Shantae, that phrase is ridiculous...

Risky : (Uses her sword.) You brats! You can't do anything against me! I have trained very hard since the last time I attacked this stupid town...

Bolo, Miguel, Rottytops, Shantae and Sky : (At the same time, angry, they interrupt her.) SCUTTLE TOWN IS NOT A STUPID TOWN!!

Risky : Well... I have trained a lot... And now you will see how I'm strong now! (Tries to attack with lunges.)

Shantae : (Everyone avoids the lunges.) Phew! That was close!

Rottytops : (She puts on her right arm, and tries to get close to Risky.) This is what you get for hurting so many innocent people!!

Risky : Bah... (With her sword, she cuts off Rottytops' head.)

Miguel : (Worried.) "ROTTY"!!!

Rottytops : (She takes her head and puts it back on.) Don't worry... Remember that I am a zombie.

Miguel : (Relieved.) It's true...

Sky : Go ahead, Wrench! (Wrench goes to Risky.) Destroy her face!

Wrench : Griawck!!!!!! (Don't attack Scuttle Town anymore!!!)

Risky : (Gets Wrench on the fly.) Say goodbye to your stupid life! (She pulls out an old gun, points at Wrench and he gets nervous.)

Sky : (Terrified.) WRENCH!! (She's heading towards Risky, saving het friend from death, punching the Pirate.) Don't touch my Wrench!

Risky : (Back up a bit.) Damn girl! (She points her gun at Sky.)

Bolo : (Terrified.) SKY!! Get down!

Wrench : Grack! (Don't even think about shooting!!)

Sky : (She gets down, bewildered, and Bolo uses his ball to take Risky's gun away.) Thank you, Bolo! (The gun falls into an open sewer.)

Risky : No!! My gun!!

Shantae : This is your end!

Risky : I've lost my greatest weapon, but that won't stop me!

Miguel : (Risky approaches him, quickly.) Come on, pirate! Come and punch me, if you have "trained so much"!

Risky : (Punching Miguel.) Take that, punching bag!

Miguel : (Back off.) Wow!

Shantae : (Angry.) Nobody calls Miguel "punching bag"! (She uses a ray of White Magic.)

Risky : (As close as she is to heroes, she can't avoid White Magic.) Oh! White Magic! No!

Miguel and Rottytops : (At the same time, they punch Risky.) Scuttle Town doesn't belong to you!! Get away from here!

Risky : (Back off.) Arrgh! Damn it! You'll see I'm going to beat you! (She approaches our heroes.)

Bolo : I won't let you come near me! (He kicks Risky, but this one resists.)

Risky : (Taking advantage that Bolo's leg is in the air, she catches it.) HA! (She turns on herself and throws Bolo towards our heroes, and he hit them.)

Bolo : (He gets up.) ...Are you all right?

Sky : (She gets up.) Yes...

Shantae : (She gets up.) Same...

Rottytops : (She gets up.) I almost split into many pieces...

Miguel : (He gets up.) Ouch! You hurt me...

Wrench : Greack! Gruack... (Great, you didn't crush me! With your weight, I would have been crashed...)

Risky : (Slightly tired.) You are tenacious. Even with my training, you are giving me problems... But... That won't be an obstacle for me!

Sky : (Our heroes are a little tired.) Ugh.... (Risky approaches them.)

Shantae : Oh no! (They avoid Risky's lunges and she takes her sword.) Come on, fight me!

Risky : Don't think you won! (Uses another sword.) I still have another ace up my sleeve!

Rottytops : Another sword!?

Shantae : Don't worry! Risky taught me how to use the sword when we allied once!

Miguel : (Impacted.) What?!

Shantae : It's a long story!

Risky : I prefer to forget that! (She attacks with a lunge.)

Shantae : (Blocks the lunge with "her" sword.) Risky, show me how much you've learned from fencing! So you'll see that, even when you trained a lot, a teenager can beat you!

Risky : I'd rather be humiliated than defeated! (Attacks with another lunge.)

Shantae : (Blocks the lunge.) Ha! That's all you have?

Bolo : (Stealthily, he gets behind Risky, and, in a low voice, tries to attack her with his ball with spikes.) Here we go!

Risky : Do you think I haven't noticed? (With the sword, she makes Shantae retreat, and with the sword, she cuts off the chain of the spiked ball, which flies out to the right.) What a useless weapon, your ball!

Bolo : (Impressed.) M-my ball...!

Sky : (She approaches Risky, trying to punch her.) Take this!

Risky : (She avoids it and attacks with a lunge.) Bah! Take this!

Sky : (She tries to avoid the attack, but the sword touches her skin, creating a cut in his right arm.) OUCH!!

Rottytops : (Worried.) Sky!! Are you okay!?

Sky : It was like when a cat scratches you... It hurts, but I put up with it. (She cover the cut with her left hand.)

Miguel : (Behind, get Risky.) Give up NOW!

Risky : No way! (She tries to hit Miguel with her sword, but Shantae blocks her with "her" sword.)

Shantae : No one... (Get Risky back.) ... intimidates us!

Risky : (Back off.) You drive me crazy!

Rottytops : (Punchs Risky.) Get out of here!!

Risky : (Back up.) Ouch!

Bolo : (He sneaks up on Risky.) Don't do any more harm! You've already done it to me with your simple presence!

Risky : Do you think I'm going to stop just because YOU are HERE!? (He punches Bolo.) Bah!

Shantae : (Attack with a lunge.) Take this!

Risky : (Blocks the attack with her sword.) Ha! It's no use!

Sky and Rottytops : (At the same time.) I'll use all my power! (Both hit Risky with a punch from behind.)

Risky : (Back up.) Ouch! Don't force me to use my true power!

Miguel : (Hits Risky from behind.) Get out of here, you monster!

Risky : (Angry.) NO ONE CALLS ME "MONSTER"!! (She punches Miguel.)

Miguel : (Back up.) Phew!

Shantae : (Attacks with the sword.) Why don't you get tired!?

Risky : (She blocks the lunge with her sword.) Because I have to defeat you!

Wrench : Greack! (Now you'll see!!) (He approaches Risky.)

Risky : (It's pecked by Wrench.) Agh! Damn bird! (She punched him.)

Sky : Nobody punches my Wrench!

Risky : You don't command me!

Rottytops : (She mutils her left arm, and throws it at Risky.) Take that!

Risky : (Receives the blow.) That's disgusting! (She retreats, and Rottytops picks up her arm and puts it back on.)

Shantae : (She drops her sword.) Now, I'll give the "final touch"! (Throw a ray of White Magic.)

Risky : (Confident.) This is the moment! (She takes the Magic Lamp out of his hat, and uncovers it.) Black Magic, create a portal to a place where these fools will be locked up forever!

Shantae : Not again! (Both Magic collide, creating a portal.)

Risky : YES! (Hits everyone, so that they enter the portal.)

Miguel : (Without Risky noticing it, it is held at the edge of the portal, Shantae is held at Miguel, Rottytops at Shantae, Bolo at Rottytops, and Sky at Bolo, while Wrench flies, and Miguel speaks softly.) Hold on!

Risky : (Look up at the sky, not realizing our heroes have held on.) First step completed : Eliminate the brats! Second step... (Locks up the Black Magic and leaves.)

Sky : (Tries to climb.) I'm going to make it...! (She exits from the portal.)

Rottytops : Come on Bolo! Try to climb! My legs start to separate from my body...!

Sky : OK! (He exits from the portal.) Yeah!

Miguel : Quick! I won't last much longer...!

Rottytops : OK! (She exits from the portal.)

Shantae : (She exits from the portal.) Great!

Miguel : (He exists from the portal.) Ugh!

Wrench : Greack! (Wait for me!!) (Wrench leaves the portal and it disappears.)

Shantae : We managed to escape!

Miguel : (Worried.) But now he's going to your Uncle's house!

Shantae : (Worried.) OH NO!

Sky : We'd better go!

Rottytops : Let's hurry!

Bolo : Let's go! (Everyone leaves.)

They all went to Uncle Mimic's house. This one, unlike the other time, was on fire even some tears came to Shantae and Miguel. Outside was Uncle Mimic, who seemed K.O., as his head kept spinning.

Shantae : (Shaking her Uncle.) Uncle Mimic!! UNCLE MIMIC!!

Uncle Mimic : (Reacts.) My blueprints! My dear blueprints! That Risky has taken them from me!

Miguel : What did they contain?

Sky : Yeah, what did they contain?

Uncle Mimic : Something dangerous! That's what they contain!

Bolo : But what?

Rottytops : Say it!

Uncle Mimic : TANKS!

Wrench : Grack!? (What?!)

The others (Except Uncle Mimic.) : TANKS!?

Uncle Mimic : Exactly! I was going to build them to help Sequin Land's army!

Shantae : (Worried.) And what we should do!? If Risky has these blueprints, it can't be good!

Uncle Mimic : Luckily, there is a small ray of hope to defeat Risky!

Rottytops : Oh yeah? Why?

Uncle Mimic : Those Tanks are weak TO THE FIRE!

Miguel : To the fire!? (Looks at Shantae.) With your magic, you can create fire, can't you?

Shantae : Exactly! We already know what to do! To burn those Tanks!

Sky : And where is Risky? We have to stop her!

Uncle Mimic : Unfortunately, she will have left the village by now.

Bolo : Damn it!

Uncle Mimic : The only thing we can do is try to save the remaining people and rescue our things. Help me!

They entered Uncle Mimic's house and took out the most important things: The food, the clothes, the jewels,... . Then they went out to help others and took their things out. The next day, the town was still burning, but the habitants who survived were displaced. For the time being, Shantae (with her normal clothes, i.e. with the jewellery and the bra and the long red trousers that barely reach her waist) and the others moved to little houses near the town, of different colours. In the case of Uncle Mimic's house, it was small and blue. Shantae, Miguel, and Uncle Mimic were in the dining room, which is yellow with brown furniture, and they were playing a strange card game...

Shantae : (She throws a card at the center of the table.) I won! Come with mommy! (Takes all the gems in the center of the table.)

Uncle Mimic : Congratulations, Shantae!

Miguel : You learned to play this game fast!

Shantae : Haha! Yes!

Uncle Mimic : Well... (Looks out the window.) It will be six o'clock in the afternoon... Weren't you going to try to stop Risky?

Miguel : "Try to stop her", no! Let's STOP her!

Shantae : (With energy.) That's the attitude, Miguel! (They knock on the door.) Huh...? Who will it be? (Open the door and go to Sky.) Sky! What do you want?

Sky : I'll tell you it's necessary for you and Miguel to come to my new house. Take everything that's important, like tents, food supplies, swimsuit...!

Miguel : (He's approaching Sky, strange.) Swimsuit? What for?

Sky : You'll see! Well... I'll wait for you there! (She's leaving.)

Shantae : (Confused.) Sky...! (She doesn't hear it.)

Miguel : What does she want...?

Shantae : No idea... Well, if it has to be done... (Closes the door and they both go to Uncle Mimic.) Uncle Mimic! Do you have a tent?

Uncle Mimic : I have one! Wait... (He comes out of the dining room and comes back with a big red tent.) Here it is!

Miguel and Shantae : (At the same time, they think about it and they blush.)... Do I have to sleep next to...? (Both sigh and they are no blushed anymore.)

Uncle Mimic : I know that sometimes it can be annoying to sleep with another person, but...

Shantae : (Interrupts him.) It's fine... (Grabs a backpack.) Let's see... Swimsuit, (Put in her swimsuit.) pyjama, (Put in her pyjama.) food, (Put in a lot of tomatoes and other things.) and some magic potions. (Put in magical potions in.) That's it!

Miguel : Let's see... (Take a backpack.) Swimsuit, (Put in a blue bathing suit.), pyjama, (He put in his pyjama.) more food (He put in more food.), my mobile (He put in his mobile.), and my deck... (He puts in his Spanish deck.) That's it!

Uncle Mimic : Who will take the tent...?

Miguel : I offer myself. (Take the tent.)

Shantae : Well, Uncle, goodbye!

Uncle Mimic : Goodbye! (Miguel and Shantae leave.)

Both went to Sky's new house. This one is bigger than Uncle Mimic's, and his color was tangerine. They knocked on the door, and Sky opened it to them, which led them to her hatchery, behind her house. This one, though small, was big enough for Sky's birds to fit in. The hatchery is, like the outside of the house, tangerine in color. When they arrived, they saw that Bolo, Rottytops, and, as incredible as it sounds, Mayor Scuttlebut were also there.

Shantae : (Sky, Miguel and she enter to the hatchery.) What's Mayor Scuttlebut doing here?

Mayor : Sky told me you were coming, so I took the opportunity to come and say that even though Scuttle Town is on fire, I can't fire you, for the simple reason that you had your guard down, because it was your day off. For this time, I forgive you, but if it happens again...!

Miguel : Thank you very much.

Bolo : Come on Sky, tell us what you have to say. I've been waiting a long time here and your birds don't stop pecking at my head!

Sky : OK, OK! Well, you'll remember what happened yesterday, won't you?

Rottytops : How can we forget THAT!?

Sky : Wow... Don't get angry... Shantae, of course you and Miguel want to stop Risky, don't you?

Shantae : Of course!

Sky : I've talked to the mayor... And I've decided... Create our own team to stop her!

The others (Less Scuttlebut and Sky birds.) : (At the same time.) What!?

Sky : Risky has become too powerful for two people. What do you think about the idea?

Shantae : I LOVE IT!

Miguel : Risky, GET READY!

Bolo : I think it's a good idea.

Rottytops : I think it's great! So maybe we'll meet my brothers...

Sky : OK! And what name will we give to the group?

Miguel : (After some thought.) ... Maybe "Sequin Land Guardians"?

Sky : I like it! What do you think?

The others (Except Miguel and the birds of Sky.) : I think it's good!

Sky : Mayor Scuttlebut, do the honors.

Mayor : I give permission to the Guardians of Scuttle Town, Miguel and Shantae, to leave for the trip. Besides, who would attack an already ruined town? And I declare the existence... of "Sequin Land Guardians"!

The others (Minus the birds of Sky (Minus Wrench.)) : (They put their right hands, one on top of the other, and Wrench leans on the last hand.) Let's protect Sequin Land! (Everyone except Scuttlebut and Wrench raises their hands.)

Sky : We'll leave tomorrow morning. OK?

The others (Except Sky's birds.) : (At the same time.) OK! (Everyone leaves.)

The rest of the afternoon there was nothing important. Most notably, Shantae and Miguel communicated the news to Uncle Mimic, and to celebrate the farewell, Miguel thought of a dinner with Shantae on a nearby mountain. They could see the great Scuttle Town fire.

Shantae : (From a basket, she pulls out a tablecloth and some tomato sandwiches.) Wow! Look at the fire! It looks bigger and bigger!

Miguel : (They both sit.) True... But... Always positive. Look, the Moon looks like yesterday...

Shantae : True... It is even more beautiful...

Miguel : Yep.

Shantae : Well, let's eat. (No more sandwiches.) They were delicious!

Miguel : Yep.

Shantae : (Yawn.) Do you mind if I put my head on your shoulder? I am "dead"... ("Dead" : "Very tired".)

Miguel : Like "Rotty"?

Shantae : Hahahaha! I mean I'm very tired.

Miguel : Oh, of course not. (Shantae puts her head on Miguel's shoulder, and goes to sleep.) (In a low voice.) Shantae... You are beautiful... However... You have your faults... I don't like when you say a lot : "I'm a Half-Genie! And you not!"

Shantae : (She wakes up.) Huh...? Did you say something?

Miguel : Oh, no, nothing.

Shantae : Oh, OK. (She puts her head back on Miguel's shoulder and goes to sleep.)

Miguel : (Stroking her hair.) Good night.

Shantae : (Still asleep.) Likewise.

Miguel : I'll take you home tonight... Tomorrow we need energy...

Shantae : (Still asleep.) Thank you, and yes, we do.

END OF THE 2nd EPISODE. I hope you liked it :D
