After a while as you calmed down, you took a deep breath and looked to Jay who was sitting next to you in his bed. He looked back at you and smiled a little.

"Riki kissed Naohiro...", you sighed and looked away again. Jay's smile dropped and his forehead turned into a big frown.

"What the hell??"

"How could I be so stupid and think we'd actually have a connection??", you tried to hold in your tears again and closed your eyes for a few seconds and took another deep breath.

Jake, who was sitting on his bed, joined in: "Because you did!... or at least it looked like it..."

You just sighed: "Like one minute he says he's so damn sorry about how he treated me and ignored me because of her for no good reason and gives me the biggest butterflies in my stomach and the next minute he's with her again and kissing her... ugh."

"How could he do that??", Jay was angry and sighed too, then took a deep breath and made eye contact with the others and looked back at you, "there's some things you should know..."

"Yes? Are you finally telling me about that shitty situation?"

"Yeah... look... I hate to say this but I've had a crush on Nao... it's stupid, I know... I couldn't help it..."

"What?? On that bi-"

"Yep, on that girl... I don't know how or why it happened, it just did... now I know better... but I was so blinded by the crush I had, I got manipulated by her... I really wanted to be with her, as much as I hate the thought of it now, I really did..."

"But what does that have to do with ignoring me?"

"Well... I was so blinded, she somehow got information out of me I'd never tell anyone as long as I live... but she did and used that against most of us... so the other guys just followed along to not make her spill the secrets to everyone else... but the deal was never to hurt you... really, I and the others are really truly sorry about that...", Jay sighed and looked at his hands.

You just sighed too. "She literally snapped you guys away from me with just two fingers, you know that?"

Sunghoon joined in: "We know that... but the things she knows..."

You were a little confused: "What exactly does she even know and what makes you think she won't spill it now that you guys don't hang out with her anymore?"

Jay said again: "I don't know... we just hope she won't..."

You nodded and turned to Jay: "I really hope your taste in women is going to change." He just chuckled and nodded: "I really hope so..."


Jay continued: "And well... I guess I didn't make it hard for her to tell hat I had a crush on her, so she used that against me... she knew about this actually good friendship we have with you and probably wanted to take advantage of that... as she did... she also knew..." he looked at Jake and he nodded, "she also knew that Jake has an affair with someone he technically shouldn't have..."

"Eh what?? With whom??", you were so confused and looked at Jake as he just bit his lip, chuckled and looked away.

"Okay??", you looked back at Jay.

"Well... she also knew that Riki had a crush on- well, that he had a crush on someone but I think she herself had a crush on him, so maybe that could be why this uhm earlier happened..."

"But why would he just let her??"

"No idea...", he continued, "and she once caught Jungwon making out with someone at the uni but they wanted to keep it a secret and as she knows all these things and we didn't want her to tell anyone, we had to be with her..."

"Damn it... what a ho-"

Heeseung finally said something too by interrupting you: "Holy cow. Watch your language." You had to chuckle a little as he and the others did too.

"Okay, mother Teresa.", you shook your head and he just grinned, "but how come I didn't know these things? I thought we'd tell each other that kind of stuff...?"

Heeseung sat on Jay's bed as well and looked at you: "We would have told you eventually... some things take time to tell... like we obviously would never want anyone to know, especially not her but she then did. No idea how we could actually ever see her as a cool person not so long ago... like, we finally get it more than ever why you could never stand her..."

"Well, at least that you do now...", you gave him a quick smile and leaned against Jay's arm.


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