You guys didn't have time to talk about that right now, you had to get to the airport, so the three of you sat in the back of a cab. Jay in the middle and you and Riki looking out of the windows, completely ignoring one another. You hated it, you wished you could just turn back time, tell Riki how you really felt and wished Naohiro was never part of your lives - but that sadly wasn't happening and you weren't sure whether you completely fucked it up with Riki now or not.

All three of you put on headphones and blasted music but it was obvious you all had a lot to say but said absolutely nothing.

The one hour drive was hell, you were anxious about the waiting and flying time... how that would go...

After you arrived at the airport, Jay got one of these luggage trolleys and put his stuff on it, then helped you and Riki. "Thank you...", you quietly said and he just nodded: "It's fine."

You went inside and got your luggage to the place it had to be at and did all the things you had to do. Then you had to wait and it was a long wait since the flight got delayed. You sighed. The two of them fell asleep and you glanced at them now and then. The damage was bad, all the lies and betrayal... you hated to lie in the first place yet you did it so shamelessly...

Jay woke up before Riki, looked around and then right at you as you were sitting on a bench opposite of them. You quickly put off your headphones and started talking: "Jay, listen... I am so sorry... I was so stupid for all these lies... I never should have-"

He interrupted you: "Stop stop... I get it, okay? I know what it's like to get manipulated by her and-"

"But it wasn't on her, I did the lying part, I chose to not tell you the truth and hide all this from you..."

He sighed: "Yeah, I know... but believe me, I know how vulnerable she can pretend to be, so you'd feel like you needed to protect her and make sure nothing bad ever happens to her, as if that excuses any of her behaviour though."

You nodded: "But I don't think it's much of an act though, I truly think she's not doing well and actually needs someone and help..."

"Well, you're not wrong but some of it also is just a pretend act which she truly masters but still-"

"But I don't think she lied about the last things she said and did... I mean, this whole crush thing on me and uhm, you know?"


"Yes, I know... and it does make sense though but just the whole way she handled all that and played with people's feelings as these never mattered...", he tilted his head a little and then continued: "I swear, I have no idea how I even started crushing on her but as soon as she knew... I hate the way she used me... like, the amount of times I almost got to kiss her, these moments felt intense but she'd always tease me because, well, sometimes your body reacts in a way you don't even want it to react..." He pressed his lips together but before you could react, you saw Niki waking up, making your heart start pumping a little faster.

You wanted to say something but Riki looked at Jay and started talking: "So how long?"

"Uh, about thirty more minutes from now on."

He nodded and looked at you, you couldn't help but literally have your eyes glued at his: "Riki... I'm so sorry... I want to apologise for all the lies that-"

He interrupted you too: "Are you really sorry or do you just feel bad you got caught?"

"What? No, I really am sorry, really! I hate that I lied-"

"Well, then why did you do it?"

"I don't know... I didn't want you guys to know that she was at my place."

"And why not? Why did you even let her in?"

"Oh please, I wasn't the only one ignoring my fiends because of her."

Riki sighed and looked at Jay who just gave him a look you couldn't really identify, then replied: "Fine, you're right... I guess I also know what that's like..."

You pressed your lips together, then continued: "Will you- can you forgive me...?"

He bit his lip and looked at you, then away and back at you: "Of course..."

"Really??", you felt like a weight had been lifted off your heart and had to smile a little.

Riki took a breath and continued to look at you: "Yes, really...!"

Jay interrupted the two of you: "So come on, finally hug."

You both smiled a little at each other, got up and rushed into your arms, holding each other so tightly.

He whispered: "I will always forgive you... I can't be without you any longer..."


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