At breakfast Riki was sitting right next to you and the other two opposite, so you couldn't exactly look at him all the time but at the couple who was constantly smiling.

Jay started: "Okay, since it's raining today... How about we go to a museum? It think the museum right at the harbour would be great. What do you guys think?", he looked at Belle and then Riki and you, low-key with a smirk.

"Yes, I'd love that!", Belle was excited and already started talking about it. You and Riki exchanged the same type of disinterested look.

So you started: "I think I might pass this one..." And so you didn't even have to wait for an answer from him, since he immediately answered right after you: "Yes, me too. I'd rather stay here."

Belle just smiled: "Oh no worries, guys! Jay and I can enjoy that by ourselves, you can just do something here, isn't that right, baby?"

Jay quickly nodded: "Damn right she is! How about you guys use the playroom downstairs and make yourselves feel at home, hm?"

"Oh I'm always down for games!", Riki smiled at then looked at you, so you also smiled, were more than glad the plan worked.

"Me too.", you added and Riki kept his eyes on you for a little longer until he turned his head back and sipped a few sips of his hot chocolate.

Well and so the couple was gone and you and Riki left in the playroom.

"Hmm, what type of game do you want to play?", he asked as he sat down with the controllers in his hand.

"Oh uh...", you sat down too, "maybe some racing game?"

"I'd love that!", he smiled at you and chose one on the screen.

Then he reached out his hand with the second controller, looked at you in the eyes as you did the same, so you took it and as your hands touched, you quickly looked away and smiled to yourself.

You smiled even more as you saw what game he chose: "Mario Kart?"

He smiled at you too: "Yes! I know you used to always play that when you were a kid, so I wanted to cherish this memory with you."

You couldn't believe he just said that and already got tears in your eyes, he was the sweetest person ever.

"Riki...", you had to pout and felt your tears coming.

"Hm?", he turned to you and had to pout too at the sight of you, "what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" He put his hands around yours and didn't take his eyes off you.


"No, no, you didn't, you said something even better.", you looked at your hands together and then back at him.

"Then why do you have teary eyes, hm?", he softly asked and continued to have a pouting face too, as his eyes started to get teary too.

You took a deep breath and slowly pulled away one hand and carefully took his lock into your hand, then looked at him again.

"Riki... I've got teary eyes because- because you really are the sweetest and kindest person ever... with the biggest heart which is locked up but I- I've got the key to open it and it's never rusty, it's never stuck, it's never lost."

He just looked at you with these patient eyes and a slight smile, yet serious expression.

"I mean, what I'm trying to say is... I always want to be this key, I always want to be the one to open up your lock and to make sure your heart isn't hurt..."

Riki also lost a few tears but had to smile: "Y/n, be with me... I mean, let's be together, okay? Official and all that. I really don't want to ever let you go. Everyday I just want to hug you, hold you close and tell you how great you are!... how you are such a good person and give second chances, trust people and whenever I see you I have to smile because I am so blessed to be so close to you and get to see you...!"

Now you really had to hold back your tears, at the same time you had to smile yet let out a sigh. You quickly nodded: "Yes, yes, yes! I want to be with you too, officially!" And so you both got off your seats and rushed into a hug, really tight and intimate.

You loved it.

You started sobbing, so he held you closer and patted your back, slightly had to chuckle but then pout again: "Why are you crying?"

"Because!... I've been wanting to confess for soo long. I've been liking you since day one that I met you!... I've always had this crush but never the courage to tell you... and now you're liking me back and now we're together... I can't even believe this is real..."

He slightly let go off you just to look at you but then after also hearing what you said, he also got emotional. "Y/n..." and so got teary eyes again too, held you close again and sobbed too. "I can relate so much... I've always had this crush on you too... even before meeting you. I've always knew you're the one..."

And so you just stayed like this for a while, forgot about the game or pretty much everything around you. You just enjoyed finally being in each other's arms like that, finally confessed your feelings for one another and most importantly, finally being together.


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