"Ayy, what the hell??", the guy complained and looked at his opponent and you also looked at him.

It was Jay. Shit...

"Yeah, what the hell? Get lost!", he just pulled you off the couch and outside the venue.

"Yah, let go off me and leave me alone.", you were frustrated.

He let go off you and looked at you in disappointment and concern: "Now what was that in there, huh?"

"What was what?"

"The making out? That's not like you."


"So?? What about Riki?"

"What about him?? He is the one to just go on and kiss that bitch! And kissing is meaningless to him, so why should I care, huh?? And why are you even here??"

"Let's get you back to your dorm first."


"What do you mean 'no'? You wanna stay here?"


"Fine. Do whatever you want then, I'll get going then.", so he just turned around and started walking, making you give in.

"Ugh, fine, I'm coming... wait!", you quickly caught up with him and crossed your arms as you were walking next to him.

"And I was there because I saw some posts and in one of them I saw you, so I wanted to get you out of there."

"But I didn't want to be saved!"

"So you rather wanted to make out and have sex with a random guy other than talking to Riki?"

"Well- no... but-"

"No, come on. Just talk to him, he's really desperate."

"Well, that is his problem. He didn't have a problem just kissing her and saying it was a misunderstanding.", you rolled your eyes.

"And you rather handle it like that?"

"Well, yes, exactly like that."

"Oh come on, y/n... can't you just give in and talk to him?"

"No. He is the one who fucked it up, not me."


As you wanted to stand up the next morning, you tripped over something, well, rather someone and since Jay was the last person you talked to, you assumed it was him.

"Ah shit-", you fell over him but quickly sat up.

"Uhm- y/n?"

Your heart started beating like crazy. It wasn't Jay, it was Riki.

With quick movement you stood up and looked down at him: "What the hell are you doing here??... Get out."

He sighed and looked at you with puppy eyes, you bit your lip and looked away, you didn't want to fall for that. "Y/n... Jay told me where you were last night... so we switched places... I came in here at night..."

"Well great, now go..."

You continued to not look at him.

He got up and took your hands into his, so you tried to pull away but his grip was stronger. "Please..."

"Don't.", you continued to try getting out of his grip and to not look at him but as he kept on holding you, your tears started to form in your eyes. "Let go off me, you're hurting me."

He immediately let go and also had tears in his eyes.

"Y/n... I was so stupid... if you want to shout at me, slap me.. whatever... I know I deserve it..."

A sigh left your mouth: "Why would you do that?? You could've kissed anyone but you kissed HER??"

"I know I should never have listend to her... but she said like this she'd leave us alone..."

"Great.", you crossed your arms and looked at him quickly and then away again.

He took a few steps towards you and laid his hands on your shoulders. "Tell me what to do and I'll do it... really! Please... just finally look at me again and let me in..."

You sighed again and looked up to him.

As your eyes met, you could feel your tears coming again, you quickly looked away but the tears already made their way down your face.

Riki softly wiped them away with his thumbs and looked at you so deeply.


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