After you parted yourself from each other, you suggested to still play the game and he agreed, so you started playing and had to smile from ear to ear.

Riki was about to win but as he noticed you being behind, he slowed down and waited in front of the finish line.

You were so focused on passing the other players, you didn't even notice it.

As you quickly made it through as third player, you started to celebrate and stupidly dancing through the room.

"Hah, I beat you!", you stuck out your tongue. Riki just chuckled and watched you with a big smile, being absolutely adored by your behaviour.

You quickly stopped though but then Riki got up and looked at you, "why did you stop?"

"Because I'm done celebrating.", you slightly laughed but he just reached out his hand to you: "May I ask you out for a dance?~"

"You may~", you smiled at him, took his hand and he pulled you closer.

He started humming a melody and danced some old school steps with you, keeping you close and lead the way.

You just went with his flow and had to laugh now and then as you didn't know the steps but Riki just gave you a soft smile every time you stepped on his feet or did something else.

A sudden opening of the door got the two of you out of your own world. "Hah, I knew it!", Jay said and smiled at the two of you, "Finally together now?~"

You looked at each other and then at the two of them. "Yes!", you said synchronised.

"Aww, I knew you couldn't resist confessing to one another being alone~", Belle said and cheered.

Riki and you separated from each other and got hugged by the others. After Jay hugged you, he said: "How does it feel, huh? Finally, after all these years and months?"

You just shook your head: "I still can't believe it..." you both smiled at each other.

"Me neither...", Riki joined the conversation with Belle and took your hand into his and smiled at you which you returned.

"Aww, our two little baby chicks finally being together~", Jay smiled too and held Belle close.


"Ay, we should tell the others!!", Jay suggested.

"Already?", you slightly laughed but as Riki agreed, you just nodded then too: "Right, they probably already saw the sparks between us before we could even think about the other one possible seeing them too."

"So right.", Riki chuckled too and Jay just laughed even more: "You guys don't even knooow! The way it was so obvious you'd get together someday, just not sure when, especially not when neither of you did something about their crush."

You and Riki just jokingly rolled your eyes but then smiled. "Okay okay, let's call them!"

"Wait, how late is it for them right now?", Belle asked.

"Uhh...", Jay looked at his phone, "like 8 am..."

"Eh, will be fine.", Niki chuckled, "they're all together anyways."

"Okay, so let's call them~", Jay said.

"Wait, have you told them about you guys yet?", you asked.

Jay just shook his head: "I guess they'll get greeted with two news then~"

"Okay okay~"

And so he called them via video call through your guys' group chat.

Sunghoon was the first one to answer: "Yo hey." He yawned and Jay smiled at him: "Long time no see, bro!"

"Yeah, is it urgent? Shall I wake up the others? It's like eight am or something..."

"Oh yeah, please do that and it's very urgent~"

"Hm, okay, wait.", and so he woke up and gathered everyone.

And so you guys told them everything about you and Riki and Jay and Belle. It was great, really but you also just really missed them.

Your friends cheered and clapped.

Heeseung shouted: "Finally!! It's been a tough one with the two of you, watching you I mean.", he laughed as the others and you guys joined in. He wasn't wrong.

You just laughed, smiled at Riki and then into the camera.

You were so relieved, finally this was really happening.

The call kept on going for a while, having quite a bit catching up to do but then you went on with your schedules.

So, Jay suggested to play games together and that you did, had hell lots of fun.


In the evening you couldn't exactly fall asleep, you had to smile so much once again but now because you were officially together with Riki.

You really wanted to be with him, so you got up and quietly rushed to his room and slightly opened the door but to your surprise he also was still awake.

"Oh, hey you~", Riki looked to you while laying in his bed, having his tv on.

"Hey~", you smiled, "I can't really sleep... can I sleep next to you?"

He smiled too: "Of course, come here!" You quickly closed the door and rushed to him and laid next to him.

Riki turned off the tv and looked at you again: "Do you... do you want to cuddle?"

You had to smile more and also look at him: "I'd love to."

So he lifted his arm a little, so you got closer, put an arm around his torso and your leg slightly on his and he put his one arm around you and with his other hand he cupped yours.

You both smiled like crazy.

"I love this~", you both said at the same time, making you both chuckle.

"It's really comfortable and comforting~", you said.

"I agree~ it feels so warm~"

Like this you kept on talking and eventually fell asleep.

You woke up by him cuddling you though and you laid on your back, his head at your neck, feeling his breath tickle your skin, you just had to smile.

The relationship between you and Riki was so strong, so loving, so sweet, spontaneous and thoughtful. You loved every second you were with him and he with you.

Your guys' first kiss was still at Jay's place.

How it happened is up to your imagination but remember, both of you were tempted so many times before but the time it actually happened, it was sweet yet hungry, slow yet passionate, just like you guys were - the perfect first kiss.

And so many more 'firsts' happened and were about to come and many more in the future.

The love and care you held for one another was invincible.


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