It was Nao. You sighed, you should've known it wouldn't come from your ex friends.

Jake looked at her in confusion: "How did you even know my password?"

Naohiro just laughed: "Come on. Layla? That was way too easy." She passed by them and walked towards you.

"And why would you text me that? And the emoji??"

She smirked and came closer to you. "Aw, well because I've always wanted to do this~ and as you walked backwards to avoid being so close, she took the last steps and pushed you into the pool. What the fuck??

As you got your head back out of the water you could hear everyone laughing.

You felt like crying. You got back out of the water, completely drenched in water. Everything was ruined. Your phone was broken, your shoes completely soaked and you just hurt and shocked.

You looked at the seven of them, they weren't laughing, so at least about that you were glad but they hurt you, so you just looked at them in disappointment and quickly ran away from that place.

It was awful, everyone else was laughing at you, taking photos or videos, you couldn't stand it anymore.

As you were far away enough from everyone, you started crying and ran back to your room.

Why did she have to do that??

Now your phone was ruined and with that all the memories you had on it.

As you were back in your room, you quickly put off your clothes, dried yourself and hung up your clothes in the bathroom. You changed into different clothes and got in your bed.

You just got even more emotional but you didn't want anyone to know, so you held your hands at your mouth and stomach.


You didn't want to get into your courses because you surely were the laughing stock of the whole uni.

You just laid in your bed and stared holes into your ceiling.

A sudden loud knock on your door ripped you out of your thoughts, you looked at the door but didn't say anything.

It knocked again. "Y/n, I know you're in there. Please open...", it was Jay.

You didn't want to see him or any of them.

Now you heard Jungwon say: "Please... now we really want to talk..."

And Riki said: "Yes, please. We were so stupid to trust in Naohiro and completely ban you away from us..."

You just started sobbing even more but stayed in your bed. They hurt you too much to just let them in now.

As they kept on knocking and talking, you just choked on your words. "Go away!", you could say before more tears left your eyes and you let out another sob.

"We won't go anywhere.", Sunghoon said.

"Yes, we'll stay until you open this door.", Sunoo said.

You just sighed.

"I don't want to talk to you.", you sobbed and then blew your nose.

"We get that... we really hurt you and we're really sorry about that...", Heeseung said, "and that I called you a bitch... I'm truly sorry... I was so focused on her, I didn't care what I said to anyone who didn't like her... I know this doesn't justify anything but I wanted to let you know that I really am sorry... you're not even near to that word..."

Riki continued: "Yes, he's right! Especially the last thing she did made me realise who the real bitch is. She really is a big fat bitch with an ugly personality. You're the complete opposite of that. Really! I don't know why I didn't see that before or didn't appreciate you enough. You're always part of our friend group and no one else deserves your place."

You wiped away your tears and put your hands on your face and leaned on your knees.

You sighed but stayed in your bed.


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