And so, together with Belle, Jay gave you a tour around Seattle, it was quite fun and also lovely since most of the time they'd stop and talk about their memories together.

You walked behind them with Riki which also made you smile, just this whole thing was quite romantic in a way.

You guys went to the tv tower and got all the way up to the top to then enjoy the view. At first Jay told you a little bit about the history but soon again he and Belle would talk about some memories again, already starting to hold hands again and be even closer. You kinda pouted since they were really cute together, making you a little lonely since you really wanted to be with someone too and not just anyone, Riki. You wanted to be with Riki.

He got you out of your thoughts: "What is this pretty brain of yours thinking, huh?", he smiled at you, so you quickly smiled too and looked at the city.

"Just about relationships, you know? These two make me feel very lonely.", you awkwardly laughed but he just smiled softly which you saw as you glanced at him again.

Then he added: "I feel that though. Having someone who's hand you could hold, cuddle with at night and just share everything with... I'd love to have that special someone..."

You turned to him as he said that and you guys couldn't stop the eye contact until Jay got you back into reality: "Guys, our visit is soon over, shall we get a souvenir before we leave?"

Riki smiled at you again, then looked at Jay and nodded: "I'd love that." So he followed the two of them and you also quickly walked behind them. Riki bought a lock and a key while you bought a small keychain.


In the evening you sat around a campfire, well Belle and Jay on one side and you and Riki on the other side. You guys were eating so many marshmallows, eventually feeling like you were done eating for the rest of the year.

Jay and Belle kept on talking and talking until they eventually kissed, making Riki and you cheer in excitement. You were so happy for Jay, really, he deserved this so much!

It did make you feel lonely, so tears were forming in your eyes but you played it off with a smile. You really wished you could just finally tell Riki how you felt...

As these two kept making out and were focused on themselves, Riki used this chance and started talking again: "y/n?"

"Hm?", you faced him and smiled genuinely.

He continued: "I uh, I made something for you."

Your heart started beating like crazy. What did he do??

He took out a string with the key on it he bought today and you looked at him with excitement. Before you could say anything, he added: "I've kept the lock. So... you're the key to my lock, kinda like the only thing that can open my heart..."

You felt so touched, you placed your hand on your mouth and lost a few tears: "this is literally the cutest thing ever! Thank you so much!"

He smiled at you and asked: "Can I put it on for you?" You quickly nodded, so he got up, stood behind you and put it on for you, making your heart flutter so much.

Before he could get back to his seat, you quickly got up and hugged him really tightly. "Thank you, really!" He wrapped his arms around you and just stayed like this with you for a while until you let go of each other and sat back down.

Was now a good time to confess? Your heart was beating so fast, you couldn't even get any more words out. You held onto the key around your neck and smiled to yourself.

Belle and Jay continued talking and laughed but you and Riki got tired, so you said good night and went inside.

Before going into your rooms, the two of you faced at each other, staring at one another. He walked towards you, kissed your forehead and then said good night too but before you could react, he was already in his room.


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