As you realised your friends were only at the hospital, you decided to buy them something to eat and visit them, not her.

You took a deep breath, held a package of food in your hands and entered the hospital. Shortly after you saw your friends and slowly approached them.

Jay smiled a little at you and greeted you, you greeted him back and patted his shoulder.

As the others noticed you too, you held up the package and put up a smile: "I bought some food for you... I assumed you haven't really eaten yet..."

"Thanks.", Sunghoon said, snatched it out of your hands and immediately opened it.

You just nodded and saw Naohiro with Riki and Jungwon through the glass door of her room and sighed. They saw you but didn't acknowledge you, they just looked back at her.

You sighed and looked back at the others. "Enjoy, I guess."

You just turned around, you felt like you were literally losing them if not, you already did... it was so weird, you never felt this uncomfortable around them.

Quickly you said bye and left again.

You felt like crying, it really was like through this whole obsession with Naohiro and your comment the other day, they were like sand trickling through your fingers.


You couldn't really concentrate at all. These seven boys had you worried, you sighed and after this eternity of a course you quickly left and made your way to them.

But as soon as you made eye contact with them, Sunghoon said: "Yeah no, we don't want you here. In fact, you're not really part of this friendship anymore, so you should leave."

Shocked you looked at him and then them, you felt your tears coming. "So you all share that opinion?"

"Yeah, now go.", Riki said and you looked at Jay but he didn't move a muscle, so you just nodded.

You bit your lip, turned around, walked slowly to the elevator and as the doors opened, you quickly entered and started crying.

What the fuck was happening?? Why were they like this? Why? All of that because of this girl?? But literally all of them?? How could they be so blind? Or were you just not good enough for them anymore...?

You had enough.

But now that you guys apparently weren't friends anymore you had no one you could turn to. They were your only friends, the only people you let in so closely in your life and now they hurt you, left you.

You felt so betrayed.


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