Since the semester holidays started, you actually wanted to leave your dorm. You actually had plans with Jay as he invited you to come with him to the states.

But now you didn't know what to do because of Naohiro. You already packed your stuff but you sighed as you looked to her.

She looked back at you: "What? I won't steal your plants, I'll take care of them, I promise."

You nodded but continued to look at her: "Are you sure you can manage these holidays? Do you have anywhere you can go to?"

"I'll stay here and I'll manage, I'm sure.", she smiled at you.

You still didn't exactly like her but you didn't have a good feeling about leaving her alone back into her dorm or in general, you didn't trust her yet.

Someone knocked on your door, it was Jay: "Do you need some help?"

Him and the others still didn't know about Naohiro staying at your dorm, you had no idea how you continued to master these lies... but apparently you had no problem lying like that... It was awful though.

You quickly went to the door and opened it just a little bit, to stick out your head: "Nope, I'll be right there." You smiled at him and quickly closed the door again.

"Okay, I'll be waiting at the campus.", you heard Jay say before he left again.

You turned around and looked back into your room and at her, then sighed. "Bye Naohiro... Take care of yourself and don't do anything stupid, okay...?"

"I won't. Have fun!" And so you took your suitcase, put on your backpack and left your room, making your way outside.

As you left the building, Jay immediately smiled at you as you made eye contact.

As you stood right in front of him, he said: "A little bit of change in plans, someone is coming with us~"

But before you could react or see anyone coming, Naohiro came out of the building and shouted: "Y/n! You forgot your headphones!"

Quickly you turned around and walked towards her as she ran to you. You slightly panicked inside, now all your lies literally unravelled...

"Oh shit... thank you but you could've texted me? You know, the uhm... lies?"

"Y/n, what's going on??", Jay was confused but before you could turn around, Naohiro put on your headphones around your neck and pulled you closer.

What was she doing? She kept her hands at your headphones and pulled you into a kiss. She kissed you!

What the hell??


You quickly pushed her away, looking at her in confusion: "What was that??"

"Y/n... can't you see??"

"See wha-"

Now you heard someone else say: "What the actual fuck??" It was Riki. Fuck.

You looked at Naohiro: "See what??"

She sounded pathetic: "That I'm better than them! Better than Riki and all your friends! Couldn't you see that earlier? It was so easy to take them away from you, they let go off you so easily. I wanted to show you that they never cared about you! Come on-"

"Nao, this is just sick! And I'm not into girls, I'm sorry!"

"Oh come on, y/n! These past weeks, couldn't you feel the connection we have??"

"No? There was no connection, I was only nice to you because I felt sorry for you."

"Ugh! You're literally like the rest of them!", she pushed you very harshly, so you landed on the ground and she stormed away.

What the hell?? You groaned and sighed, then you literally felt so overwhelmed, you stayed on the ground. You couldn't help but to start crying. You never wanted things to go like this, to lie to your friends like this or to hurt anyone...

"Y/n...", Jay came to you, "yo, what the hell is going on?"

"Yeah, I'd like to know that too.", you heard Riki say in such annoyance, it made you cry just more.

You hated it.

You hated to just ever let Naohiro in your place and then all these lies... you should never had done that...


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