
                      MADHULIKA POV
I was getting ready in Hrudaya's room since Navadeep had some work with Manas. I pat my hair down and check myself out in the mirror. The outfit is really pretty and its blue, his favourite colour.

"You look good." I say to Hrudaya looking at her flared pants nd top.
"Thanks, you look cute too."
I grab my bag and we walk to elevators where Maukthika and Mokshitha are waiting for it.

"Hey." Maukthika says as she moves her hair off her shoulder.
"Heyy you guys look good." I compliment.
"Thanks you too." Mokshitha says as we enter the lift.
"I'm so happy we all are finally on a trip together" Mokshitha exclaims.
We all nod in unison.

I decide to take some mirror selfies so I take out my phone from my bag and click some pictures. Its gonna look cool on my insta page lol.
I walk to the lobby area where I see the guys just chilling on the couches.
I wave to them and walk up to Manas who's glued to his phone for some reason.

"Ahm" I clear my throat. He looks up at me with surprised looking eyes.
"Hi." He says looking at me from top to bottom.
"You look really pretty" he finally says.
"Thank you~" I say as I reach my hand out to him, and we walk out of the hotel holding hands.

We walk together seeing the place around us. Its really nice and the streets are rustling with life. We walk across a bridge and stop by for a while to admire the view. Manas takes out his camera.
"Madhu." He calls out softly.
"Yeah." I turn to look at him.
"Pose for me, willl you?"
I nod and pose as he takes many pictures of me walking on the bridge, near the flowers, of the sunset, us holding hands.
We spent almost more than hour walking around the area and stop  to sit on a bench for a while.

"Wow its really good" I say going through the pictures he took in his camera.
"Yeah, the view is really perfect."
"But not as perfect as you."
I immediately blush, "Aaaahh Manass."
"Yes babe." He says making me blush further.
I  drop a kiss on his hand. He blushes. Cute

I get a text from Navadeep saying we should return back to the hotel for dinner.
"Dear lets go back."
"Ok, its dinner time anyway" he says as he gets up and we walk together back to the hotel.

After eating we all chill around on the couches of the hotel and then move into our respective rooms. I notice Harshit looking tensed for some reason before entering his room. I think of going and asking him but i feel a hand on my shoulder, "hey you coming?" Asks Manas opening  the door of our room.
I shrug it aside and enter.
As I pull the blanket over me I can't help but have this nagging feeling that something might happen and we might have no clue who does it.
"Madhu, you okay?" Says Manas scooting closer to hug me while we fall asleep.
I simply nod and hug him back and we fall deep asleep

Harshit POV.

I walked  down to the area under the bridge, it was absolutely deserted and only dust particles rained down every few seconds a vehicle passed by on the bridge.
I spot a table, with two chairs. A candle was lit on the base surface of the table, the only light source available in the dark and deserted area. I slowly turned around and made my way to the table, watching ym feet for any traps. I reach out my hand and touch the candles surface. I feel the warm wax pour onto my index finger. The candle didn’t melt much wax, it seemed like it was just lit. And the surface of the wax was rock solid, no trace of wax pouring down. That means…

“Enough hiding. You can come out now.”

I grin.


Before I can even turn around, I feel the edge of a metallic object on my back. I stay silent and calm, not trying to panic, I felt the presence of someone behind me, and I knew who it was. The person grabbed my shoulder, I felt their hot breath on my ears as much as I felt the gunpoint pressing onto my back.

“Oh Helel… My sweetheart… you haven’t changed a damn bit..”

I heard the young women chuckle, I felt the gun pull away, I turn around and smile, my eyes dead as ever.

“Scarlet… It sure has been quite a while. How have you bee-“

Before I could continue, Scarlet motioned the gun towards the chair.

“Sit down darling. I have a lot to tell something.. to a traitor like you.”

I sigh and do what she says. I raise my hand in the air and sit in the table, being cautious of my actions. She smiles and sits down, still pointing the gun at me.

“My darling, my love. I have a small request if you don’t mind. Would you help me?

I sigh, grinning.

“Not like I ever had a choice here, now did I?”

She smiles and chuckles, but making sure to keep the gun steady. She leans in and presses the gun against my chest.

“Darling. Remember how you made a promise to help me when the time comes? Well, I think nows the perfect time. I want you, to help me steal some private documents.  Of course, you had this coming. Traitor.”

I frown, looking at her  with disappointment.

“If your plan is to steal  documents that Voron has, then why didn’t you go to people like Tambo, Bakugou or even Manas, who have much more influence than me?”

I look surprised as Scarlet pulls the gun away and laughs, looking at me with a crazed smile.

“Because you, my dear Helel. Possess an power, an gift that none can defeat or counter. The ability you have been hiding from your so called ‘Friends’. Besides, you were Voron’s right hand person back in the day.”

I frown in disgust, fidgeting in my chair. Looking at Scarlet with disgust.

“You… Do you want THAT EVENT to happen again?! Now in Norway? Do you have any idea what happens if I and Voron activate our abilities now?!”

Scarlet grins and gets up, looking at me at content and excitement as she throws a file infront of me.

“Well, I sure would enjoy such chaos. After all, this isn’t the first time I have seen chaos caused by your ability. The file has the important details. Show it to your friends, but. Your gonna act alone, and then meet me here once you have the documents.”

She frowns and glares at me.

“Unless.. you want that girl named ‘Sarah’ dead.”

I get irritated, watching as she walks away, waving her hand.

I sit silently, recollecting my thoughts. I have to do this… For Sarah’s sake..



I scream out as my inner voice becons for violence and destruction. I have to discuss this.


