chp 13



I was in my room with Mona and Maukthika , we were talking about whether we should tell Madhulika about the hawks matter and join her into our team but then it would mean risking Hawks identity. 

"Guys I think we should go out, its been a busy week with this digging of information." suggested Mona. Maukthika nodded in agreement. 

I simply shrugged my shoulders and we all decided to go out to a nearby café and chill out. 


Its been 4 days I haven't talked to Manas let alone go near him, I just didn't feel right. I mean I sort of did understand why he did this but it felt too late to make things right so I'm just gonna get things settled after the meeting with Vernon. Although he did try talking to me but I just avoided him and even asked Harshith to help us in this but Harshith simply didn't do much. 

I was getting ready to go out with Hitesh, Vaishnavi and Harshith. We decided to go out and find some inspiration for designs for new dresses. While all this mafia stuff was going the art department aka our dear Vaishnavi didn't give up on making new ideas and arts. So it was basically her idea to go out, and also take our mind off things for a while.

I wore a pretty noice outfit and was walking to the elevators and waiting for it to come. It opened and I saw- Manas. Well just who I kind of wanted to avoid. I stepped in and the door closed leaving us in awkward silence. Its not like our relationship was badly affected or anything we just needed time off and needed to concentrate on the business work first . And I was still kind of mad at him. 

I could tell he was staring at me top to bottom, because well I did dress pretty good. The elevator stopped at 3rd floor and he got off, giving me a simple nod. I sort of wondered why he was going to the 3rd floor in the first place, because I haven't seen him enter that floor many times. 

I reached the first floor and headed outside where the three were waiting for me with the Hitesh's car parked IN front. "Wait- you're driving?" I asked as I opened the door of the passenger seat. 

"Yeah, dont worry I wont kill us." He winked at me and started driving. Oh gosh, one thing about his driving was that he drives fine but then gets distracted easily it scares the shit out of me. As we were on our way to the studio of fine arts and designs, my mind couldn't help but think what Manas was doing. I just felt guilty, I hope he's okay. I simply sighed and unlocked my phone to play some music. 

We soon reached the studio and it was actually kind of smaller of a building than I expected it to be but hey I dont mind. We parked the car and entered the studio to see so many paintings hung on the walls and mannequins dressed in the most beautiful gowns ever seen to the human eye. Harshith started staring at one painting which was a black horse running through grass fields. 

"You like it?" I asked staring at it as well beside him. "No it just reminds me of something." He said moving along. 

We walked through the whole area, it was actually pretty big on the inside and was fun. We played with 3D art and even found really good templates of designs. Our whole time there was enjoyable and pleasant. It really was good to be there and have a peace of mind. We even stopped at a café and bought donuts. 

"Should we take this home? or eat here?" I asked as i paid for my order. 

"Let's eat here." Hitesh said. I nodded and sat at our table which was next to the tall glass window. It was comforting being here. Harshith was dotting something in his diary and Vaishnavi was sipping on her tea. 

We all were chatting while eating our ordered food. I noticed Harshith staring at a man really skeptically and I noticed that the man was staring at us as well since a long time. I nudged Vaishnavi's arm, she looked at me. "Do you see the man across us staring at us?" I pointed not in a obvious manner. "Yeah, I think I saw him in the art studio as well." 

"Do you think he's following us?" I asked sort of scared.

"I dont know." she said concerned. 

Hitesh had come back from answering Rohith's call. "What's up?" he said casually sitting in front of us blocking the view of the man. I groaned. "What?" he said looking back and back at Vaishu and I. 

"A man has been, well it seems that he's following us cuz Vaishnavi saw him in the studio as well." I said finishing off my donut. "Oh."

"Harshith." I called out touching his shoulder. I seemed to have interrupted his thoughts as his body  jerked at my touch. "Hey? what are you thinking?" i asked again. 

"I think we should go." Harshith said in a firm tone. All of us looked at him and nodded. We soon got up and walked out. That's when we noticed that the man also had gotten up from his seat and was walking behind us. "oh shit he is following us." i soon said. 

"The car is not far from here, we can run i guess." Hitesh suggested. 

"No let's not provoke him, we are in public, there's a lot of people around, we can even try to get lost in the crowd." Harshith said picking up his pace. The three of us soon followed after him. 

Hitesh quickly unlocked his car and we got in. And he started driving. "DUDE HE'S BEHIND US IN HIS CAR AS WELL." I yelled in panic. 

"WHAT." Hitesh yelled back.

"Ay just drive fast back home." Vaishnavi yelled interrupting our panic session. Hitesh nodded and did so. The car behind us also seemed to pick up the pace. There was traffic which made us halt in middle of so many cars. 

"Ugh." Hitesh groaned then looked at me. I nodded at him in a understanding way. "I think he's not that close to us." Harshith said. 

"Also I dont think we should go to the headquarters, it would be risky to let him follow us home. We could go through another route but still go to the headquarters." I said analyzing the situation. 

"Yeah or we could call someone for help." Vaishnavi suggested. 

"Hmm." Harshith was thinking deeply with his finger on his chin, "Lets just go on another route then call someone while we are close." Hitesh nodded hearing that and started driving. 

We drove through different alleyways and routes I haven't been through in so long.

We finally got on an open road . "He's not there, I think we lost him." Vaishnavi said. 

We all heaved a sigh of relief, as Hitesh reduced the speed of the car. When suddenly a jeep out of nowhere hit us from the side and it was driving fast, We all moved to the right. 

"OW." I said my head hitting the window. 

"I think these guys are not gonna give up on killing us." Hitesh said hitting the pedal hard. 

We were speeding past the jeep but the jeep reached our pace. And that's when I saw some man take out a rifle and aim at us. 

"EVERYONE DUCK." I said as I grabbed  the steering wheel and everyone ducked as the bullet hit the glass of the car but luckily all our cars were made of bullet proof glass but that didn't make the the guy stopped shooting a row of bullets at our car. Finally i saw him aiming for the tire of our car. 




"IM CALLING PRAGNA!." Vaishnavi yelled from the back seat.

"OKAY."  we were yelling because the sound of the shooting was very loud. 

Hitesh soon drove left and quickly drove straight ahead as i had instructed him. "Now what?" he asked looking at me with a hope of a good answer. 

" One min." 

"She's not picking up." Vaishnavi said from the back. 

"SHIT, call Mokshitha or any girl or Ram teja itself." 

"Okay."  She said dialing Ram teja's number. 

5 Mins passed it felt like we driving through nowhere, well we the gps was showing us the correct path to our home but we were still scared that the jeep would crash into us suddenly.

We all in a tensed mood, "I'm calling manas." I Said getting a stare from Harshith. I clicked on his number waiting for him to pick up. He quickly answered. 

Madhu, are you okay?

Yeah, I mean no, we need your help, a jeep is following us right now we drove way past it and like we have no clue where exactly we are driving and like the dude from the jeep started shooting but the glass of the car saved us. 

oh my god- are you okay? are you hurt? 

yeah I'm fine, just can you send someone or like send us a location or way to get out of here.

okay one min.

I sent the location, just follow that you will reach home.

okay, thanks........



I just wanted to tell you that I love you even though I was an idiot these past days. 

oh- I- *silence* .......I love you too Manas.

I Cut the call. "what did he say?" Vaishnavi asked. 

"Just follow this location." I showed them the location on my phone. 

A while later we finally reached home, safe and sound. It was around 4pm. 

"OOf, that was a fun but crazy ride." Hitesh said as we entered the elevator and were ready  to go to our rooms. We all were clearly tired.

"Yeah, that was a close one." Vaishnavi said. 

"Yeah." I said. 

We entered the 7th floor and were walking to our rooms. 

I saw Manas sitting on one of the couches in the floor. I walked towards him. He immediately got up and started looking at me up and down. 

"I'm fine." I said.


"Thank you though, Vaishnavi literally called like 5 people and none of them but you picked up." 

"Oh who else did you call?" 

"Mokshitha, Pragna, Navdeep, Ramteja and Mona." 



"Well uh- I'm gonna go to my room and change so ill see you later." I said not knowing what else to say. 

"Okay." He said walking with me towards my room. I unlocked the door of my room and turned around to see him standing there. 

I walked to him and simply hugged him and whispered in his ear, "Dont worry, I wont let our relationship get affected because of this and I do care for you." 

He sighed and hugged me tighter. "Thank you, I wouldn't wanna lose you." He whispered back in my ear. We pulled away and smiled at each other before I walked back into my room.


"Oh are you sure?"

"okay, 17 th it is."

its going to happen and I'm not even mentally prepared. 

I'm sorry my team, I thought to myself staring the picture of all of us on my cabin walls.
