"GOOD MOORNNINNNNNNNG"  I hear Madhulika scream as she enters the office. 

"Morning." I say laying back in the couch hoping to doze off.


"Hey Madhu." Manas said to her giving her quick kiss on the cheek. AISH these people act like they are married or something. 

"Did you read the magazine?" She says sounding ten times more excited than she was ten secs ago.

"Yeah, IM so proud of you." He says pulling her into a hug.

"Aish- it wasn't only me, it was the whole team."

"HEYYYYYYY- WE ARE ON NEW YORK TIMES!" There comes Hrudaya busting into the room with her crazy weird self.

"Yeah ikr." Madhulika says squealing with her.

"Alright so now that we are on the magazine why dont we plan a trip abroad, I mean we have the money, we have the materials, the fame." Madhulika suggests. 

"Yeah I mean that's not a bad idea, besides all of us need a change of environment." Ponni adds.


"Lets go to Norway, its a really calm place, and there's lot of greenery." Madhulika suggests checking her phone.

"ORRR we could go to Dubai, its pretty lavish." Hrudaya suggests.

"What do you say CEO? Harshith?" they say looking at me. 

"uh- Let's go to Norway?" I say unsure. 

They all scream in excitement and rush out of the office leaving Manas and I confused. Girls are just so weird.


So Madhulika somehow convinced me to book a trip for all of us to Norway. So welp. There goes the money we saved lol. 

It was dinner time, everyone seemed to be really excited about the trip, we were going on 14th which is 2 days from now so I have to settle all the office work before I go. I bury my head in my arms, sick of the work that is pending. 

"Hey you okay?" Hitesh pats my back. I just nod as a response. 

"Good idea to book a trip, its very much needed." He says taking a seat next to me at our long dining table. 

I see Ganguly finally come out of his room, his hair looks like a mess. Seems like someone has been depressed. He sits next to Hitesh and simply lays back on his chair. 

He seems off but meh I dont really care. My phone started ringing, as I was about to answer it-

"MADHU- CAN YOU STOP PUTTING THA-" I hear Hrudaya screaming at Madhulika, whos trying to do something weird with the fork. 

"I WANT IT TO FIT IN-" she says.


"I think we should call a mental hospital for those two." I hear Vaishnavi say while laughing at the weirdness Madhulika is doing with her fork.

"geez okay fine man." I hear her say before I answer the call. 


I immediately freeze recognizing who's voice is behind the phone. "hi." I get up from my seat.

"excuse me." I say to everyone as I get up and walk to hangout area IN front of the glass windows. 

"what do you want now? Didn't we agree you would not contact me?"

"Ya but we needed to talk anyway, so how's everything else? I heard you're coming to Norway." 

I squeeze my eyebrows with annoyance. "Ya but dont get your hopes high that I'm going to meet you." 

"Aw come on, anyone would be excited to see their beloved one." 

"sure they would." 

"well anyway, whether or not you wanna see me, I will and I have to give you something actually, so I'll be waiting." She cuts the call.

I groan knowing I will have to meet her, and give her an explanation of what happened.


I stare at Madhulika as she settles the files at her desk with Vaishnavi, she is so pretty to stare at, I think to myself while taking spoons of the ice-cream.

"Dont stare at her too much, your eyes are gonna burn." Vaishnavi teases me. 

"They wont."

"'Ayo- Madhulika, take him to a eye doctor something is wrong with his eyes." 

"Sure if you pay for the appointment." Madhu says locking her cupboard and putting the keys inside. "Okay I'm done we can go." I nod and hand her her icecream.

"Manas ra- I still dont understand what you saw in this waste fellow." Vaishnavi says hitting my back playfully. 

"Vaishu I think you're the one that needs a eye doctor's appointment." Madhu says taking bites of her ice cream.

"Well, she's pretty, kind, crazy and really nice." 

Vaishnavi scoffs and hits Madhulika's back. "Madhulika nice man, you found your soulmate." 


We three walk to the elevators, but Vaishnavi parts with us by going to the 7th floor.

Madhu and I go to the rooftop for our usual stargazing time. "Hey." She says wiping ice-cream off my face. I immediately blush at the action. 

"Cute." She says intertwining our hands together as we  walk to the sofa.

We sit there eating our icecreams and talking about random stuff. "Maan things have changed so much." she says finishing up her icecream.

"Ya they have." 

"I kinda miss Maukthika and Mona and Mokshi." She says staring up at the view.

"Yeah........" I look at her and brush her hair away from her face and kiss her softly on the forehead, she smiles in such a way that my heart feels like its a butterfly fluttering so hard for the first time. 

I hug her and as we lay together. 

"You know, the trip could be such a good place for us to have dates lol and obviously have fun with our friends." 

"Yeah I'm excited for the photography I can do of the northern lights and the beautiful views." I agree with her.

"We still gotta get things done before that though, did you talk to Robert that we wont be available for the next 2 weeks." 

"No he seems to be busy." 


"Manas." She calls me holding my hand between the palms of both her hands. "Do you think we are really not going to get into mafia shit again?" 

"Um- well I dont know, sometimes I doubt Harshit will actually go back into it or he could be secretly doing something but mostly no I dont get thoughts of it, why you asking?"

"Well I dont know, what if the villains actually didnt die?" 

"well then I will eliminate them for you." I say pulling her close.

"Lol sure." 

We lay there for a while then go to our rooms.
