
Lights flashing in my eyes, as I walk in the hall filled with children, women and men of different classes. I feel like id have light sensitivity if these lights don't stop flashing. I sense someone struggling with papers, I look to my right to see Pragna holding files and papers and arranging them in order. Oh I really hope today goes well

Ganguly, Maukthika and Mona are walking down the runway, they are doing very perfect as usual, I see Madhulika and Navadeep discussing about the clothes and hair. I take my seat in the front with my vice manager Harshit, I greet multiple people and foreign investors while I do so. I look around to see multiple people smiling and talking about the details of the dresses. If only they knew how hard we worked to get those designs on stage.

The show ends with Madhulika and Navadeep thanking everyone wearing the most fanciest outfits I've seen so far, it must be their best work yet. Madhulika then goes to the podium and starts addressing the gathering.

"Today has been such a marvelous occasion with all of the models, the people, and all of the audience who have been supporting and guiding us throughout this whole process, i would like call upon our wonderful manager and CEO Mr. Rishi onto the stage. i smile as i walk on the stage with Ramteja  and Harshit walking behind me.

"Today is indeed a marvelous day, i thank all of my team members and the head of government Mr. Hari krishna sir, thank u sir truly we are grateful of your teaching and principles. It hasn't been easy getting up here on this stage IN front of thousands of audience, it is thanks to your support and appreciation we are here." 

 I continue on my speech and it ends with a round of applause from the audience. 

 TIME SKIP                           

 The night comes and all of us retire to our headquarters.

We all sit around in the hangout area, with Bakugo and ramteja discussing about the security enforces, Navadeep and Ganguly talking as if though they are gonna run away from this company, Madhulika and Hitesh dozing off on the couch and the girls talking, and Manas going to get his probably 5th coffee of the day as he rarely gets out of his office, I lay back on the reclining couch with Harshit probably plotting murder and Sashank eating loudly.


I wake up to hear keys rustling, I immediately jolt up from my sleep to see a dark figure I get scared and grab what I feel like a phone on my table side, the lights switch on , I squint my eyes to see Harshit, oh god I almost shit my pants.

"What are you doing at this hour in my room?" I ask him wearing my glasses.

"Lets go on a killing spree!" He replies.

"What?! at this hour? Are you crazy?" 

"Yes I am so lets go quick before anyone spots us." He says as he pulls me out of bed.


I wake up to get a glass of water when I hear some hushed whispers from rishi's room , that's strange, feeling concerned and curious I open the door to see Rishi and Harshit jumping from the balcony , my eyes widen in shock....what just happened?


I pull rishi out of his bed and I see the door open to Madhulika staring at us with her eyes widening, I quickly grab rishi and jump out of the balcony. I hope this wasn't a mistake. 

we land on the the trampoline which happened to be correct set below rishi's balcony, we quickly get off and start running, when ramteja suddenly notices and runs up to us, we run faster but ramteja catches up and i get caught in his big strong muscular arms 

"Let me go muscle man, we have a killing spree to do. "I tell him hoping he would join us.

"A killing spree u say?" he asks with his eyebrows raised at me. I simply nod. 

He lets me go and get his gun and runs to the garage and gets our black Ferrari, oh damn he really is prepared, "thanks man." I say as I pat his back and get into the car, Rishi comes in and sits on the passenger seat. this is gonna be fun.

the rest of the grp pov-

A loud noise is heard and we rush to the source of the sound to see Madhulika bending down in rishi's balcony, Mokshitha quickly grabs her and pulls her away.

"What are you doing?! Mokshitha yells.

Madhulika stares at us in shock and starts

"R-R-Rishi and Harshit jumped out of this balcony, they ran away........"

"WHAT?" everyone says in unison.

Madhulika nods her head, we rush downstairs in the garden to Jai vishnu and Bakugo fighting for some stupid reason. 

"How could you let them go?" Jai vishnu yells at Bakugo

"Not my problem, pole ass." Bakugo says looking at the far off distance.

well that sort of explains the situation.


All of assemble in the meeting room thinking of whether or not to go after the guys.

"i think we should just leave them be" Mona and Maukthika say as they walk back into their rooms, slowly everyone starts dispersing into their rooms, I'm left alone with Ganguly. I look up to him, "why are you still here?" 

"I kind of wanna go after them..." he says lookin down.

"Well you're not wrong about having the thought to go after them but its too risky they will probably be back by morning, we can talk to them then, I suggest you get the sleep before u get dark circles." I tell him stretching up from my seat.

"Sure." he chuckles and we both walk back to our rooms. 

I sleep hoping the guys are safe.


Harshit is hanging to the rope while Ramteja drives the car and rishi holding the gun and shooting the assassins'. "WOHOOOO" Harshit yells as he gets back into the passenger seat. 

"Where to next?" Ramteja asks. 

Rishi and Harshit look at each other in unison and smile. "Lets go to our beloved's house."

Ramteja raises an eyebrow but quickly understands and starts driving.
