chp 19


SOOOOOOOOOO we are travelling the next day and unfortunately things are becoming hectic. From Ganguly yelling at Harshith to Me yelling at Manas. And Mokshitha visited us. Mokshitha and Rohith also said they're joining us for our trip and  . Today was hectic since everyone has so much postponement to do. Let's go back to the start.

My day started with the usual, wake up, brush, eat, go work, clearly drama had to break out at breakfast.

"Can you stop sulking? We are trying to have a good conversation here." Hitesh nudges Ganguly to stop falling asleep on the dining table.

"Leave me alone man." Ganguly pushes his plate away although clearly he didn't eat much in the first place.

"Okay guys can you guys chill a bit, its only the morning." Mokshitha said not wanting another argument in the morning.

We ate in silence after that. No one had the energy to argue with Ganguly especially in his depression phase/ anger.

After breakfast I went back to my room to freshen up etc get my phone and start work in my cabin.

"MAAAADHU-" I hear Vaishnavi yell as I step out of the elevator to the 6th floor.

Startled I say as she grabs my arm and pulls me to the designing area. "See what Hitesh 'accidentally' did." 

I look at the table to see paint splattered all over the new skirt we spent 4 days designing and dying of search for the materials. I overcome with  anger and disappointment immediately. "HITESH!- YOU MOTHERF-" I yell furious.

He immediately senses my anger and gets from his cabin space to our area and hangs his head low. "It wasn't on purpose I was helping Vaishnavi hold the measuring tape and my elbow by mistake hit the paint can." I face palm immediately hearing that.

"Vaish- first of all why the f was the paint box beside the skirt." 

"Well last night I was painting after I finished designing the skirt and I forgot to take my paints back to my room so........but I kept it away from the skirt I dont know how it fell so much-" She says disappointed at herself too. 

Welp there goes the start of a good day. I let out an exasperated sigh. What are we gonna do now? I think because this was the last piece of clothing that had to be submitted to the advertising company.

"Well do we have other copies of this dress or at least the fabric?" I say hoping we can find a solution for this. 

"Well ya we have more this skirt but not in this colour........" Vaishnavi trails off looking around.

"Hmm maybe we have to do something about it or- since we have the material, we can just go to the tailoring shop and get it done quick before 5pm." I jot down the time on my phone because my to do list was already full enough. 

"Sure.......also sorry Madhu." Vaishnavi says as she picks up the skirt and takes it to the wash.

Hitesh and I stand in awkward silence, he was quiet the whole time I was talking to Vaish which was strange but ya... 

"You ok?" 

"Yeah I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to ruin it like that-" He apologizes continuously.

"Its fine, what's done is done now you can go do whatever you want unless you have some work." I say dismissing him.

" Yaa Rohith said he  is going to come here in a while so I'm gonna wait for him."

"Also where's Navadeep? "I say wondering because he wasn't seen since yesterday.

"Oh Rohith and him went out and he slept over at Rohith's place." 

I nod and  get back to my cabin.


It's been so long since I entered the building where this place meant everything to me, it still does but feels empty without Rishi.....

"Ay- what are you thinking." Navdeep hits my shoulder as walk into the building.

It changed so much, the wallpaper, the setting of the furniture.

"Bro you didn't tell me you renovated the building this much-" I say looking around at the new lights glowing white.

"First of all did you even visit us properly.-" Navdeep says clicking the lift button.

"Right- anyway how's everything else? I bet its cool working in such a huge place." I say entering the even so fancy spacious lift.

"Well ya of course and you should visit us often it's fun with more people, we have a swimming pool, theatre, a gaming place and even a table tennis area." 

My eyes with amazement that Rishi had installed so much after I left. For all I knew this years, this place was a workplace with so much storage and empty rooms.

"I bet Rishi worked hard to get all the stuff." I say leaning against the wall of the elevator.

"No, it was all Madhulika and Manas. Thank them, they did the furniture shopping and decorating with Vaishnavi as well." 

"Oh-" I say surprised.

"Yeahh."  We step out of the elevator to the 7th floor, its such a long corridor with so many rooms and the corridor is wide enough and has a mini sitting area with comfortable couches. Damn. 

"So what time is your flight?" I ask following Navdeep to his room. He switches on  the light and I gasp in amazement, its pretty spacious with a couch, walk in closet, a pretty balcony and a gaming setup at his desk.

"Damn man- rich huh.." I tease.

"Oh stop you should look at yourself." He scoffs at my words.

"Well yeah I do have a big place but It's really empty most of the days even though Sarath and Monish keep me company and I do hangout with you often."

"Well why not stay with us for a few days, you know other than the trip?" He suggests shuffling through his closet." 

"Well Harshith has to allow it and I probably would have to drive back for my work." 


Our conversation is interrupted by Navdeep's phone ringing. 

"Hello- yeah- okay- I'm coming." He answers quick and puts his phone back in his pocket and starts walking out. "Lets go to the designing area, Madhulika needs my help." 

"Oho- nice Navdeep- stylist aayyy-" I appraisingly tease him.

We head to the 6th floor, where I see Madhulika, Vaishnavi seated very seriously discussing about something. 

"Hey Navdeep, come sit-" Madhulika says and stops mid sentence as she sees me.

 Its been a long time since we broke up but after we meet each other after long time ,we always have this weird feeling racing inside us. Although we are actually cool despite me sometimes criticizing her work. "hey...." she says to me. looking back at Vaishnavi.


We get seated on the chairs beside the huge table. "Ok so sadly our great Hitesh bacha has ruined the only color black designed skirt we had and now we got to get it tailored again by 5pm and its 10am right now." she says checking her phone.

"WHAT- arey- where is that blind buffalos-" Navdeep yells mad at him. 

"I'm here." I see Hitesh on his phone casually sitting in the corner of huge room which has what seems to be a resting area.

"AY- you blind idiot- how could you spill paint like that-" 

"Okay stop- we dont have time to argue about this, contact the tailors that we will be needing another item to be tailored." Madhulika insists.

"Okay." Navdeep walks off dialing some number. 

I sit there awkwardly not knowing what to do. "Do you need help?" I ask quietly.

"Uh not really but you can settle the papers scattered." Madhu says looking at her phone.

"Sure." I simply do so. It's pretty quiet despite the music playing in the floor. I guess Madhulika is still awkward with me.

------- we soon are done with the work and I walk back to the rooms with them. Madhulika unlocks her room, but just before that I call out to her- "Madhulika... I just dont want any awkwardness between us okay."

She simply nods, "There wont be." she says before she closes the door of her room shut. 

I get back into Navdeep's room where we play valorant with Hitesh who's room is next to Navdeep's.

                                                                         MANAS POV-

I was watching Madhulika, Rohith and Vaish settle things in the designing room and I couldn't help but feel a bit weird that they are working together. I talk to Rohith casually but sometimes I feel bad what he put her through. 

I call her. No answer. Second time. No answer. what is this girl doing- aish- my thoughts are interrupted with Ganguly and Harshith loudly talking about something.

"DUDE you could have booked first class." Ganguly says twirling his pen.

"No shit sherlock- whos gonna pay? your mom?" Harshith sarcastically replies.

"Well fine." 

"Hey." I say to Ganguly and harhsith as i sit next to them.

"Hey man." Ganguly says.

"Are you okay?" I say remembering his sad mood today morning.

"Yaaa...." He trails off looking down. 

"You can talk to us, you know." I say in a comforting tone. He simply nods.

"Ya know......Rishi did kind of suck as a leader." Harshith says to my surprise and Ganguly immediately looks up in anger.

"What did you say-" 

"I mean come on, he hid so much from us and put us at risk when clearly he could have told or warned us." 

"Oh now you wanna talk who's a good leader." Ganguly scoffs cracking his knuckles. "He protected us."

"Sure, if u call keeping secrets protecting then ya."



"You didn't even know what he was going through."

"Oh then tell me." Harshith turns to face Ganguly eye to eye.

"Its not like you would understand what's its like getting death threats constantly or having to hide your past mistakes from your crew just because you dont wanna wipe the happiness they are having." Ganguly says with venom.

"Right whatever." Harshith brushes off.

"See you're not even bothering to care." 

"Oh at least I'm trying to be a better CEO and work towards us being more happy." 

"Sure I'll believe it in my dreams." Ganguly turns away.

"These are the files, and please come to lunch." Pragna enters interrupting us and sets files on his desk and leaves.

"Lets go guys, lets not create fights between us." I say hoping to lighten the environment.

"Whatever." Ganguly says getting up. I nudge Harshith to get up too. 

The elevator ride was very awkward with silence and Ganguly death glaring into Harshith's soul. 

We step out and to my surprise the person I wish to see isn't there. Disappoints me. I spot Ponni and immediately walk over to her. "Hey." 

"Oh hey." She says setting plates on the table. 

"Where's Madhu?" I ask looking around. "She didnt even answer my texts." 

"Oh she went with Navdeep to get a skirt tailored.......And she said she's eating lunch out so dont worry about her eating." Ponni says gesturing me to sit. 

"Oh okay, why didn't she meet me......" 

"She thought you were busy that's why." 

I simply nod and start eating. It feels weird without her doing crazy stuff or laughing really loud. Well right now Mokshitha is filling up that spot but ya.

------------------------------TIME SKIP 2PM------------

I was laying in my bed, scrolling on Instagram thinking of her. I heard a knock on my door, I remember I didnt lock it in the first place. It opens and I see Madhu entering with two bags of something. 

"Hey sorry I didn't text you before I left, figured you would be busy wrapping up the work." 

"Its okay, but I missed you a lot."  I say grabbing her waist and hugging her. She buries her face into my body. 

"Ya I missed you too." She says pulling away from me and removing her jacket and jumping onto my bed and laying back. 

"Stupid Hitesh gave us stress." She says sighing. 

"What did he do?" I say sitting beside her. 

"He spilled paint on our only black skirt so we had to get it tailored again because we have to submit the final pieces by 5pm today, so Nava and I ran to the tailors and Vaishnavi sadly got terrible leg pain so she couldn't join us." 

"Ohh........guess you shouldn't let him near paint or new clothes." I say joking.

"Yeaaah." She says laying her head on my knee. I put a pillow on my lap to make her head have support. "So what did you do while I was gone?"

"Nothing much, but Ganguly and Harshith argued." 

"Oh, I'm not that surprised actually because it seemed like Ganguly didn't like the changes that were happening after Rishi's death." She says as she touches my hair and ruffles it.

"Yaaa he seemed to be really mad." 

"Hmm........anyway what do you wanna do now? I'm free the rest of the day."

"Anything." I say staring at her eyes.

"Well then." She says getting up and lying on the pillow. "In that case lets sleep, I wanna have a nap."

"Sure." I say lying next to her. 

"We should go cycling in the evening." She suggests as she wraps her hands around me and gets into sleeping position. I nod and remove her hair out of her face.

"You're so cute." She says tying her hair. 

"You too." I say smiling a lot at the compliment. 

"Well then let's sleep." She says pulling her covers over us. I kiss her forehead and pull her close. I sense her blushing a lot and we fall asleep in that position.

----------TIME SKIP 5PM--------------


I was with Navdeep walking around the corridor, he toured me the whole building and I was so surprised with the renovations.

"So that's mostly it." He says looking at his phone. 

"Its good." I say looking around when my attention gets caught by Madhulika and Manas holding hands and walking to the elevators. They seem to be going out together. 

"Are they dating." I ask Navdeep gesturing at both of them. 

"Ya. Its been a long time." 


"Why? Are you feeling bad?" He says knocking on Hitesh's door. Hitesh opens it. I see Ganguly playing at the desk. And donuts."

"No just surprised she moved on." 

"Well everyone does." Navdeep says patting me on the back. "Dont worry we can find you so many girls." 

"Sure." I laugh at the comment.


Manas and I cycle around the park near our building, It's so comforting with the cool breeze hitting our face and the greenery around.

"Its such a good weather." I say as we stop for a while near a bench. He nods. 

"Ya, I wanna take a few pictures of this  good view." He takes out his phone and takes pictures of the views around. I do the same and take a picture of our cycles and a selfie. I hear a camera sound I look up to see Manas taking a picture of me. 
"Hey stop-" I say covering my face with my phone.

"No you're the best view I have to see in this whole world." He says as he comes closer to me. I immediately blush at that- He pulls me into a kiss. Its soft but passionate. We pull away breathless. 

"Damn you're getting better." I say pulling him to sit next to me.

"What do you mean? I was always good." He says flexing. 

"I mean at being smooth with flirting a lot." 

"Well no doubt I was always good at it and still am." I laugh. 

"Yaaa right." I lay back on the bench enjoying the view. "You know I'm so excited for the trip." 

"Ya I know you were talking about ever since we came here." He says holding my hand.

"Right but ya we are gonna have so much fun." I squeal. 

"I'm gonna have even more fun travelling with you." I smile at that and kiss him again. 

"Should we cycle more?" He says after a while. I nod and get up.

We cycle another 4 rounds and again rest on the bench. I open Instagram to see if I got any texts. I open to see a text from some stranger texting that they want me to date them and weird cringey stuff. 

"Who's that." Manas says looking over my shoulder.

"Some guy trying to get me to date him." 

"Haha doesn't he know we're dating by your posts." Manas says confidently.

"Well I never said no to him." I joke. Manas's face gets serious. 

"Wha-" I burst into laughter at his serious reaction. "Honey I was just joking." 

"Dont joke like that, I already told you." I continue laughing more. He gets annoyed and pulls me close by my shirt.

"You're my girlfriend not anyone else's." He says looking me dead in the eye. I kiss him hard. He immediately responds back. We end up having a good make out session in middle of park  lol.

We head back to our home after a while. "It was really fun." I say as we walk hand in hand out of the elevator. "Yeah." 

"You go ahead to your room, ill go meet Hrudaya and Ponni." I say leaving his hand. 

"Ok." He says leaving a kiss on my hand and walking away. 

I walk to Hrudaya's  room alone.
