
Ganguly POV-

I was walking back to the headquarters alone, it was weird, I kept thinking about why Mokshitha would join forces with our enemies like why? just why? I know Rishi is fulfilling most of our demands and he's working very hard.

Well that's just so abrupt and random. siigh I dont really know if I made the right decision in the first place, I kind of wish I could talk to someone about it. I walked back the rest of the path in silence.

Madhulika POV-

I was in my cabin alone in the office well other than Pragna who was checking the cctv and Hitesh was doing some editing work.  My head was throbbing with a headache for some reason. I was just about to get off my chair when suddenly a bunch of messages popped up in my emails. I opened them to see they were actually death threats, ugh this is not the first time so I just ignored it.

A while later when I came back and sat back at my chair I saw another message. I'm getting annoyed so I opened it. "one of you has officially become our member, now the fun is gonna begin." 

I was taken aback reading that. What do they mean? Does that mean someone really among us has joined forces with them? what the heck? who? when? how? So many unanswered questions and such less  time before another attack or a fashion show for them to ruin. 

I immediately got out of my chair and was going to the elevator when I finally saw someone I just needed. "Manas!." I said as I quickly hugged him. I could tell he was a bit surprised by my sudden hug. 

"Yeah dear? are you okay? You seem worried." He said steadying me. 

"Oh yeah I'm  normal, but I need your help." I said in a serious tone which he quickly caught on, we walked to my table and I showed him the emails. He read all of them, and I could tell very clearly he wasn't happy about any of them. "I need you to see who sent them, this email user seems to be very under cover."

Soon he quickly went into his work mode while I sat beside him as he configured the email coding etc etc. I dont know much about all this stuff but he certainly does. Soon we quickly got to know that the email had come from the SM company. How strange because as far as I know their company was mostly inactive or they rarely used to have fashion shows, they are mostly active in the music industry not the fashion one at least. 

"Hmm I think its someone from the SM company." Manas said flexing his fingers after all the cray typing he had done. "Hmm but then the email said one of us had joined their company? who could it be?" 

"We have to monitor everyone carefully, everyone seems to be on watch now." He said looking into my eyes seriously.  "Yeaaah........" I trailed off looking somewhere else. I kind of felt bad that all of this was happening but then I guess having a great company that's sort of based on illegal things under is hard to maintain.

"Hey dont be disheartened we are going to find this traitor." He said holding my hand, well I guess that was a reassurance. 

"Thanks." I said smiling. 

"So do you wanna keep working or do you wanna go for a walk with me on the rooftop?" 

"Um I wanna keep working, I'm actually coming up with good ideas for dresses so im gonna doodle for a while then get off." 

"Okay then but dont overwork yourself." he said smiling and planting a kiss on my head. "I love you." 

"I love you too." I said smiling back.

 I went back to my work, and I texted Hitesh because he was the second tech guy in our company and my digging wasn't over. "Hey you called me?" he said sitting beside me at my desk.

"Yeah." I quickly explained him everything. "Woah that's a lot to take." He said clearly being surprised by how much is going on.

"Yeah so i need your help mainly in all of this because I trust you the most to be honest." I said frankly.

"Damn thank you I am honored." He said smiling at me. 

We quickly got into digging through a bunch of files and information in the office and online. We found out that Rishi had 5 years ago signed some contract with the SM company for some reason i dont know, we couldn't find much about the contract but we did know that the contract term was for 5 years so maybe it means that it would be ending this year.

We were on the computer for hours, I was walking in and out of my cabin, in and out of the office storage room looking for different files to find any information we can find. I'm pretty sure Pragna and Sashank thought I was having a walking exercise in the office floor. 

It was 9 30 pm. Manas came to the office to walk to my cabin to see Me and Hitesh sitting at a desk full of papers and protein bars which I had been anxiety snacking on. "woah are you guys okay?" Manas said taking a seat on my office couch. 

"Yeah we are having a online file marathon." Hitesh said somehow enthusiastically. "we are just doing some research." I told Manas reassuringly because he must have been questioning why I hadn't gone out of the office floor since the past 4 hours. 

"Oh okay......well are you gonna eat dinner?" Manas asked checking his watch.

"Um I'm actually not hungry at all so you can go eat, Hitesh go eat, ill be here." 

"You're seriously not hungry?" Hitesh asked looking at me. I shook my head no indicating it.

"Well eat a little at least." Manas said. "Nah I really dont wanna, I'll eat a fruit salad before I sleep." I said as I was arranging the files on my desk properly. 

"Ookay then, I'll be in the rooftop if you need me after my dinner." He said walking out. 

"So lets continue?" Hitesh looked at me. "Oh wait u dont wanna eat either?"  I asked in concern. 

"Nah I guess we both will be eating fruit salads." He said giving me a goofy smile. I smiled back.

We kept digging for more information and we actually stumbled upon a lot of contracts Rishi had with multiple companies, why does this keep relations with everyone. And it turns out that multiple companies too were mafia gangs too undercover. Well that's new to learn.

It was about 10 30 when we were done with the digging, I arranged my desk properly and cleaned it and then Hitesh and I went to the kitchen to get our fruit salads. We parted after eating to our places of fun. 

I entered the elevator to click on the 10th floor, I guess I could spend some time with Manas after all today had been a busy day. I entered the floor and walked through the floor to the roof area to  see Manas and Rishi very seriously talking about something. 

I was just about to walk closer when someone grabbed me from the back and covered my mouth. "SSH." the voice whispered. I turned around to see Harshit.  "what are you doing here?" I whispered to him. "spying on Rishi." I crossed my arms and made the 'really?' face. He just pulled my arm and we ducked and were over hearing their conversation. 

"WHAT? Rishi dont you think this is wrong? all of this seems so wrong in so many ways, why dont you see it ?" Manas was yelling at rishi.




Manas ran his hand through his hair in frustration and sighed really loudly. "FINE but istg- if Madhulika or anyone finds out about this we owe them a huge explanation." Manas said in clear frustration or well disagreement. 

"They wont find out, Mokshitha has already set up some of the people so we are basically covered." 

"Hmm" Manas said as he checked his phone while Rishi started walking towards the kitchen where Harshith and I were hiding. We ducked quietly while Rishi walked inside and walked towards the elevators. We got up and quickly walked into one of the rooms in the floor. 

My phone rang suddenly, I silenced it and saw it was Manas who was calling me. Oh gosh no. I picked up the call "hey....." I said in a low tone.

"Hey where are you?" 

"Oh uh I'm actually going to sleep sorry, I'm just tired, my eyes hurt."  I lied smoothly.

"Oh okay well sleep well, love you." 

"Yeah, I will, good night." I said before I hung up. For some reason I dont know I just didn't feel to tell him I love you back, I just felt something was up and I needed a little space for a while. I thought to myself when suddenly Harshith slightly hit me on my shoulder to me back to my senses. "hey you okay?" he said.  I simply nodded.

"Harshith and I walked back to my room in silence, I just didn't feel to talk honestly, I invited him to my room. "So you sure you okay?" he asked me as he sat on my couch. I simply nodded. 

"So we just got to know that Rishi is doing something wrong or well seems to be wrong or I dont even know anymore." I said laying back on my bed. 

"Yeah, to be honest I had a doubt on Rishi but well I just didn't wanna tell anyone until you were about to blow my cover so I had to pull you in." Harshith said nonchalantly. 

"Hmm Hitesh and I were actually researching about this hoping we could find some information and turns out Rishi has a contract with SM company for 5 years and its ending this year." I said removing my glasses and setting them on the bedside table next to the couch where Harshith was lying. 

"Damn you could have called me." 

"Oh yeah but I didn't want anyone to know I was going through the old office files." 

"Hmm so we basically have pieces of puzzles and all we need to do is put them together to find out the real traitor." Harshith said snatching a pillow from my bed and putting it under his head. 

"HEY!." I yelled as he did that but then shook my head and laid back on the bed with another pillow. 

We laid like that for a while exchanging about all the information we had gathered. It was going to be better if we worked together. 

A while later it was around 11 45pm Harshith and I were brainstorming ideas on how to find out about what Rishi was telling Manas. Clearly we were too tired for that. "Hey I think we should sleep." I said rubbing my eyes, I looked to the side to see Harshit already asleep on my couch. Welp this isn't the first time he fell asleep like that. I turned off the lights and went back to sleep too. Although I couldn't help but have this gut feeling in my stomach that Manas is hiding something from me. 
