
Mona pov-

I walked back into my room, it was really late and I unlocked the door to see someone leaving something in my balcony and jumping out, I immediately panicked. how did he enter? we have barriers. I got scared and switched on all the lights and went to my balcony to see a note saying  " meet me at blossom parks at 5 tmr if you want to live."

I got scared but hesitantly I slept with my bed lights on because  I was too tired to think about anything else but sleep.


Pragna POV-

Everyone was eating their breakfast and talking about their schedules for today. I wanted to talk to Manas about yesterday's incident. We have to increase security. 

"Manas." I called out as he walking to the elevators with Madhulika. For some reason they looked awfully close but I brushed that aside, there are more important things at stake right now.

"Yeah." He turned to me. "I need to talk..........alone." I said looking at Madhulika. She kinda frowned but walked away  into the other elevator patting Manas on the shoulder. 

"Yeah, what is it?" He asked as we entered the elevator to go to the office.

"Well I was on the night shift right, I noticed that someone had broken into Mona, Ganguly and Maukthika's balcony, and I'm concerned about how they even broke in." His face turned serious hearing that. We quickly walked into the cctv room as the elevator opened. 

"Show me the footage." he said as I played it. he started noting down something on a notepad. 

"I think they must have somehow gone through the barriers although I'm not sure how, but I have a feeling someone among us is letting them in the first place." 

"I gasped. "are you serious? who  among us would such  a thing? and why?" 

"I dont know for sure but its definitely someone among us, I trust our security department so it cant be any one of them, Madhulika and Navadeep wouldn't do such a thing and i dont think the head department  or money department people would do it either." he said tapping on his pen anxiously." 

"Hmm what about Mokshitha?" I said even though I knew she wouldn't do such  a thing.

"Nah- it cant be her, she's been our loyal assistant since years." He said cancelling her out from the list.

"Well Harshith?" 


Well now this is hard, it seems like we cant find the traitor. sigh, i sit on the chair to hear my phone ringing. "hello." I quickly answer, "yeah I'm coming." 

"Sorry Manas, Sashank wants me to help him with some work, but we can catch up on this topic maybe after an hour." Manas simply nodded and got back to monitoring. 

I could tell he was stressed or worried. 

Manas POV-

It was crazy to know that someone among us was the traitor. It was 2 30pm and I needed a nap really bad. I  started thinking about Madhulika and what she must be doing so I switched to the cctv of the fashion room, I saw Navdeep, Vaishnavi and Hitesh working on some outfit, I couldn't see Madhulika which surprised me because usually she's always with them. Just as I was about to text her, she entered the cctv room holding a cup of coffee. 

"Hey." She said getting seated on the chair next to me. 

"Hey." I said changing my attention to her. 

"Dont ask I  know, its a weird time to drink coffee but I just needed a boost of sugar." She said sipping her coffee. 

"Yeah its fine." I said as I looked at her to realize she was wearing a fancy dress. "Where are you going?" 

"To meet one of the directors of the fashion industries to increase the amount of time given to us to make dozens of clothes. Our weavers/ tailors are always complaining about how less time is being given to them." 


"Also what you talk with Pragna?" I had a feeling she was going to ask this. 

"Well, there was a security breach in last night and she wanted us to increase our security by hiring some more bodyguard." I said not lying but not completely saying the truth. 

"Hmm, remember the time we got a note that there was a traitor among us, I still think about it often."

"Yeah I'm thinking about that too, what a coincidence." i said smiling at her. 

"Yeaaaah, but like who do you think it is?" 

"I really dont know." 

"Hmm what if its one of the models?" She said surprising me because I hadn't doubted them.

"I dont think so, They are always under our watch and besides they dont even go out that often unless there are events." 

"Right." she said finishing up her cup of coffee and disposing it. 

"So what do you wanna do now? you look kind of tired." 

"Yeah  I just need a nap." 

"well I can call Pragna for you, she can take over, or Rishi." she offered, somehow she always knew exactly what I needed. 

"That would be nice." I replied getting off my chair. 

She called Rishi since he was the only person who was free at this hour. 

Madhulika and I walked back to the dorms in comfortable silence holding hands. 

Her phone started ringing interrupting our silence. "Hey? yeah? I'm dressed, Okay cool, ill be there in 5."  she said as we stopped at my room.

"Well I have to go so sleep well." she said as we both hugged each other.

"okay bye love you." I said smiling a lot, it was so satisfying to tell her ily.

"I love you too my love." she said.

I had a nice nap after that.



We had just come out of the office of the director of fashion. The meeting was actually pretty boring mostly because of how much talking was done. I kept zoning out and Madhulika kept hitting me back to reality.

We were walking out of the building waiting for our ride to come. "hey guys does anyone wanna grab donuts or something?" Madhulika offered. YES I needed food right now.

"YES LETS GOOO-"Ii said quickly  as we walked into the nearby café.

We ordered a dozen of donuts in a box and even a latte for Rishi. Soon Todoroki came to pick us up. The car ride was pretty silent with everyone almost dozing off. Madhulika dozed off on my shoulder and after a while I slept too. 

"Hey wake up." I heard Vaishnavi's voice waking me up. I guess we reached back. As soon we went back to our rooms, I immediately face palmed on my bed, I was tired.


I was at the location the note had. Somehow I convinced Rishi that I'm just going for a walk and I'd be fine. I saw no one in the park. it was purely deserted until I saw multiple people walking, I realized it was Mokshitha, Chandana and Mona. I wondered what they were doing here. Could they be here for the same reason. They seemed to be walking towards me.

"What are you doing here?" Mona asked me. "I dont know, I got a note last night so I came here even though I didn't want to.


"I called you here." Mokshitha said. I realized that she too was here.

"Wait why though? and like why the balcony?" 

"Well we need to work together if we want to keep the company alive." she said in a serious tone. "I've gotten in contact with our enemies and befriended them." Mona gasped hearing that. "Why would you?" 

"well I've kind of been finding my job a bit boring and working with them is actually much more interesting." she said as silence hung in the air for a long time.

"So why do you think we will betray our friends like you?" Mona asked.

"I can tell you guys want more so join forces with me, I wont make you regret it." 

Mona and I stared at each other for a long time. We were hesitant.
