Everyone started their morning with the rush of stress in their heads and rushing from one floor to another to make sure all the clothes and equipment needed for the show tomorrow.

Madhulika, Navdeep and the whole fashion department and models practice their walking and make last minute alterations while rishi, Harshith etc. go to Rohith's headquarters hoping they can negotiate their way through.

Rishi pov-

I wake up to find Harshith staring at me like I'm a sleeping deer and he's the lion to hunt me down. "what are you doing in my room so early?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"well today is the day we step into our doom and hope we come out unharmed." he says with a French accent. I raise my eyebrow up skeptically but slowly understand what he means. 

We are going to Rohith's headquarters today so I obviously need to be prepared.

I get ready and dress into my special suit that Madhulika once designed for me a year ago that i hadn't touched at all. I look good I say  while glancing at myself from my mirror.

I assemble in the ground floor with Harshith, Manas, ram teja and Hitesh, we decided to leave bakugo as someone needed to be there to take care of the security system. 

Manas drives the car like a responsible citizen of this country that makes way too many calculated moves for anyone to predict. At least i know my life is in safe hands. 

We stop at Rohith's parking lot outside his huge office. "woah." Hitesh gasps taking a sight at the wide building IN front of him.

"Dont be surprised so quickly, the surprise is yet to come." I say walking up to the gate.

"Excuse me, tell me your name and reason of visiting." a bodyguard stops me 

"We are here to associate with Mr. Rohith, we have an appointment with him." I say showing him the appointment paper to the guard. he gives me a serious look and lets me in. 

We enter into the building, it really is huge but our staring at the interior is quickly interrupted by a woman speaking in an accent I'm not quite familiar with. 

"Hello sir I heard you are here to visit Mr. Rohith, let me guide to his cabin." She speaks leading us into a maze of corridors deep into the building's top floor.

"This is a little sketchy." ram teja says looking at the maze of corridors and doors ahead of us. the woman leads us into a room where the one and only Rohith is sitting comfortably on his office chair drinking iced coffee.

"Ah yes hello its a pleasure to meet you after so long." Rohith says shaking hands with me.

"Yes indeed." I say smiling and get seated on the long couch with the others.

"So lets cut straight to the chase, you said you have some valuable information that could be beneficial to me and you? id like know how and what this information is." I signal Hitesh to take his laptop and he does so and plays the recorded video that madhulika took.

"Hmmm...." Rohith seems awfully silent watching the video.

"Well, from the looks of it, these people were obviously plotting against us and they are way to confident for their own good to think we wont outsmart them but yes this is  pretty valuable. id like to know where exactly this place is."

"Its in middle of a forest, a cave with a hidden hideouts and plans, maps whatever you name it, its basically a storage for ancient maps and all evidences against multiple companies that are very successful through illegal activities." I say taking back the laptop.

"Hmm, so you want me to associate with you and prove to these people that we can do better than them?" 

"Yes." I say hoping he agrees.

"Very well then, I'm in this." he says smiling at me. I cant believe my eyes. 

"Oh my god- thank you a lot, it means a lot not only to me but for our whole team." I state looking at my team members and grinning like a idiot.

We all catch up on many things and have a good time, it felt like a reunion to be honest. I got the homely feeling again.

"yes yes indeed, and also id like propose an idea of a Collab of both our companies, since even my company is broadcasting tomorrow we could just Collab? I can get the paperwork done and approval, all I need is your answer." 

"Oh- that would be a great idea actually, if you can send us the accessories in time today and we can get the last touches done." Manas says lookin at his watch.

"Oh yes sure." Rohith says getting up from his chair as all of us do the same. 

"I'm sure you can see your way out." 

"oh yes we can." Hitesh says although I do know what he means.

We walk out of the cabin room, to find ourselves confused of which corridor to pick to go to the elevator, we end up going left then right and then straight ahead to finally find a lift. Oh thank god I wonder how Rohith manages in such a building.


"DAMN IM SO TIREEEEED." Madhulika says stretching in the sofa. "Agreed." Mona says as she drinks her lemonade.

All of us relax in different parts of the 10 floor open terrace, and talk about how busy our day was and how excited we are for tomorrow's event.

A while later we disperse off to our rooms, today was indeed a tiring day. I sigh as I lie back in my bed and doze off into a dreamless sleep.
