

Its morning and it feels sort of empty without the rishi and the 2 weirdos.

Madhulika, Maukthi, Sashank and Mokshitha help in preparing breakfast for the group. Everyone assembles at the dining table and breakfast is served. Everyone eats discussing about last night's incident. A strange sound is made and everyone turns their heads to see rishi, Harshit and Ramteja lookin like sleep deprived people and holding a bag of what looks like money.

"Hey guys." Harshit says as he seats himself at the table and starts munching on the pancakes made.

"Hey.." Mokshitha says, "Are you guys okay? you guys look ruffled."

"Yea we're fine." the three say in unison. Everyone eats as rishi narrates their tale of adventure at 2am, the dining room is filled with awe and gasps as the rest of the group hears the story.

"Damn you guys are fire." Hitesh states as he finishes his breakfast and puts it in the dishwasher.

"It was Harshith's idea." Rishi replies.

Everyone settles down in the hangout room chilling, seeing their phones. Navadeep gets up and clear his throat, "so 4 days from now we have a live broadcast to stream I want everyone to be on it, and we need maximum viewers compared to last time, and madhulika and Vaishnavi come up with designs related to high school wear, since that's our theme this time."

Madhulika and Vaishnavi nod as they walk away to the lift, everyone slowly starts dispersing. Mona, Maukthika and Ganguly are left, when Madhulika rushes back to get her phone, "you guys are supposed to be in your dance class assigned so please proceed there." they nod as they walk to their respective places of work.

Manas sits in the control room with rishi on the phone with someone, and Harshit noting down something in a hurry. "Guys I think we should be more discrete about EOHM, Maukthika is starting to suspect us, although Madhulika seems to be keeping the situation under control for now. You guys shouldn't have gone rampaging out like that last night it brought a lot of suspicion."

Harshit shrugs his shoulder and drinks his tea while Rishi gets seated, "you're right, next time we will go without any noise and we will plan it before unlike someone here." rishi says eyeing Harshit. "sure" Harshith replies as they get to their work.

Hitesh, Madhulika, Navadeep and Vaishnavi are all in one room getting busy with the designs and styles.

Madhulika sits beside Hitesh as he edits the model's pictures, while Vaishnavi is busy on her art table drawing out the sketches for the high school styled outfits and Navadeep helping out.

madhulika pov-

It feels hectic but fun at the same time getting into my office with my favorite people. Hitesh and I sit at his table while he starts editing the model's picture and we start discussing of how and where the photoshoot should be done, while Vaishnavi draws out the sketches of the outfits with Navadeep getting the fabric and materials.

I start drawing the outfits and deciding the hairstyles for our models, we four go out to get the outfits sewn and roam around for a good spot to do the photoshoot. Vaishnavi and Navadeep seem to be busy in their talks of how to make the outfits casual but also flashy.

I walk beside Hitesh looking around hoping for some good spots, "I think that's a good place." I point out to a huge water fountain in middle of huge flower pathway with benches and good lighting, we note down the place, and decide the places where each model should be placed and the poses.

A few hours pass by as the work is done as we all settle in a restaurant and relax there to eat our lunch and slowly disperse back into the headquarters.

At the dance studio

Mona, Maukthika have fun dancing while Ganguly is at the gym.

"I cant believe its only been a year since we started out as models" Mona says as she gets a sip of water. "True, it feels like we started out just yesterday as a group, its crazy how time flies."

"Ya.......we have to practice more on our walking, and poses because we need the attention this time, since school uniform styled clothes are trending these days." Mona says.

They both continue dancing and practicing their model walking.

at the control unit

"What do you mean, we cant agree on this?! We need the equipment okay, I don't care what you do to get it here, it is essential, I'll pay you twice the amount, just get us the equipment before the SONO company gets it!" 

Rishi sits back at his desk running his hands through his hair in frustration. "Gosh why does the SONO company sign deals with high brands before us?" 

"We need to pace up" Manas says looking at the stocks and prices. 

"Well our performance and popularity has actually increased from the 4 months, we have gained not only fans in our country but also worldwide and our brand is famous internationally online and in stores, thanks to our marketing strategies." Pragna says comparing the charts of the prices beside each other. 

"I just wish we could do more, you know?" Rishi says laying back in his chair.

"True but how much far can we go for the satisfaction of our customers is also a point to be taken in consideration." 

"Why cant we just decrease the prices of our clothes and accessories?" Sashank says while eating a chocolate donut. 

The whole grp looks at him in annoyance. "what did I say wrong?" 

"You have a point but the prices are mostly set based on the material cost, the amount of time taken to obtain, modelized , we cant just reduce it just like that, a lot of factors are the in mind" 

"Ya ya rishi we know, you're the business fancy smancy guy." Sashank says finishing his donut. 

"Well I suggest we try using social media as a platform to gain more people to see our live broadcast, one of us could go live on Instagram, and maybe speak about the upcoming models?" Pragna suggests.

"I guess that's a good idea, after the live we will anyway upload the pictures on our social media accounts and before that doing a live would be a nice idea and maybe adding some relatable points that would attract our customers would really help us." Manas says smiling at his phone. 

Everyone nods in unison and continues to work.


EVERYONE SITS IN THE DINING ROOM, IN THE 10TH FLOOR, eating food looking up and the  starry night sky eases everyone.

everyone sits across different couches and get comfortable, "when was the last time all of us actually went out for hanging out?" Madhulika says laying back on the couch.

"I dont know, its been really long, everything we mostly need is here so none of us feel the need to go out other than to get materials or anything." Hitesh says. 

Everyone nods in agreement. "i guess time just flies quickly when you're working, having fun, moving around getting things here and there." Pragna says staring at the night sky.

"Does anyone wanna watch a movie?" Madhulika asks in excitement.

"Sure." Mokshitha, Hitesh and Vaishnavi say in unison.

"Then lets gooo." Madhulika says getting up from her seat. The 4 of them go into the indoor movie theatre and watch their movie while the rest of everyone continues talking about their day and other topics.
