

I got hit on my arm just when I was about to fall into a good nap, but obviously Todoroki wouldn't let that happen. She called us all at legit 8am for a team meeting about the Contract meeting that was going to occur tomorrow.

"So I know this might be early morning for most of you guys, since you guys are over sleepers. But anyway, the meeting is going to occur tomorrow and we cant let any slip ups happen. I dont want any causalities or any mistakes in our plan.

So let me revise our plan since there have been a few changes. Everyone let me introduce, Hawks, he was Ganguly's trainer since childhood and is an expert defense manager. He works under the STONE ENT to disguise his real job. So the reason I've called him here is because he also is on our side to stop the contract. Initially we used to Ganguly, Mokshitha and Mona for going out but turns out they have been meeting up with Hawks for plans.

So here's the plan. Here's the building layout." 

She switched on the projector showing us all the layout. It was huge and filled with so many hidden rooms.

"So I'm dividing you all into teams,  and we also have some new members from Hawks side, 

TEAM A- Mokshitha, Maukthika, Jai vishnu, Himal, Sukurutha, 

TEAM B- Ganguly , Midoriya , Hitesh, Vaishnavi, Pragna, Sashank ,Mona

TEAM C- Bakugo, Todoroki,Navadeep , Madhulika , Harshith, Levi, RamTeja."

She showed us the teams, "So you all must have noticed that in Team c most of the defense related people are there because we are going to be interrupting the meeting in the first place and obviously chaos will wreck so we need maximum security. And Rohith and his teammates will also be joining us." 

"So Team A will be IN charge of monitoring the whole group's progress, each of you will be planted in secret rooms of the building so you will be watching us and informing us incase of any problems, Team B will be planting a bomb and also collecting the valuable information stored in the building because we need solid evidence of SM company's wrong doings. 

Lastly Team C will be breaking in and we will annihilate Vernon and punish him for his sins and also Rohith's team will also be helping us, and it seems that some of his people have disguised themselves as workers in Vernon's office."  Hawks said handing us out the layout of the building, he marked our places with numbers.

"One question." I said raising my hand. Hawks gestured me to speak. "What if the direct attack doesn't work well?" 

"Good question, we are actually not directly busting into the meeting room, we are going to be hiding in the room next to the meeting room and that room has a vent which will lead us to the meeting room and we will jump down from there interrupting the meeting and the others of team C will be directly breaking in, although we are trying  to make sure not to make too much disruption while knocking the guards out."

"I see." I said going back into my never ending line of thoughts.

"Okay so that's pretty much it, Ram teja, Bakugo, I want you both to make sure you have all weapons ready, Ganguly, Navadeep go and drive around Vernon's building and check the bomb's placement and make sure its not in a open place.  And the rest of you should take rest and train for tomorrow." 

"You all can disperse." Hawks said. 

Everyone went their own directions with their friends.


I was watching the meeting that Madhulika had called , when the door the CCTV door open to see her walking in looking seriously. "You have to be the betrayer again." She said taking a seat next to me.

"What?" I said confused. 

"I mean I planned everything out and now its only you who is going to give us the signal when to break in, so since you have to betray Rishi again I called you the  betrayer."

"Oh okay." 

"Yeah." .................silence........ I could tell she was worried and in a way ready to fight.
