Skips in Time and The Last Rhyme

(Y/N)'s POV

Life after the battle of Hogwarts wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. The story doesn't end the second the bad guys are defeated. We were sent to spread the news after a day of rest. It was the worst week of my life.

For every relieved parent like Mr and Mrs Weasley, there was an Andromeda Tonks. I remember it vividly, walking towards the steps of her house, passing the charm that protected her as I had months before.

I could hear the baby crying before I even knocked, it was as if he knew. I took a breath and knocked slowly, timidly. She opened it cautiously, but with light in her eyes and a smile on her face.

Until she saw me there, the light behind her eyes seemed to dim, the fact it was me greeting her at the door was all she needed to know. "" she said in disbelief as I pulled her into an embrace.

"Not my baby. Not my girl..." she wept. We both collapsed to our knees, sharing in grief, and I can't recall how many times I reassured her that everything would be fine, despite knowing it would not.

She took me inside after she found the strength to, addressing the crying baby she was left to care for. That was the first time I saw Teddy in the flesh, it was at that moment that I realised that our lives would be intertwined forever.

He was beautiful. So fragile and pure, as I held him, I was scared to cause him any discomfort, but he settled into my arms and was asleep soon after. As I looked into his eyes, I noticed they were never the same colour twice.

Maybe it was because he was young, because he hadn't had the practice his mother had, but I found it simply remarkable. "You take after your Mummy little one" I said as I rocked him gently to sleep.

As Teddy slept in the next room, Andromeda and I sat and talked, about Tonks and Remus, about Ted. Skipping from one story to the next, bringing up the past so the future didn't look so empty. I swore to her on that day that I would help raise Teddy no matter what happened, and It was a promise I kept.

I had to visit at least ten others like this, each was just as hard as the last, I cried for people I never knew, names I had never heard were now etched into my heart. But I made sure to tell all their family members, how brave, selfless, and noble they had been.

I know they were inconsolable and there was a part of them that would be lost forever, but I aimed to bring some small comfort in dark times, to pay back their sacrifice. I think it hit me most at the funerals, I went to far too many funerals.

I spent some time in St. Mungo's after that, I was in my head, it all took a toll after seeing all those poor souls, I spent most of my time busying myself with helping the nurses and taking calming draught so I would stop jumping at loud noises, they had to confiscate my wand after a few incidents.

But the others visited me almost every day, I taught Ron how to make Wolfsbane, that was an experience, it was a wonder he even passed potions even with anyone's help. Let alone mine. But he got there eventually.

I'd have much rather stayed at Hogwarts. There I had things to do, tasks to complete that dulled the voices in my mind for a short time. Cleaning the halls, repairing the castle, just trying to get things back to normal, though it was a kick in the teeth that I was given the task of repairing the exploded bridge, but never blowing it up.

A few days into the repairs, Professor McGonagall came to the four of us with a proposal, considering Kingsley's new decree. That anyone who fought in the Battle of Hogwarts could pursue a career as an Auror with Ministry support.

Her offer was for any student who had taken this year of Hogwarts and wished to complete their education, essentially, due to all the dark nonsense that the Carrows taught, the whole year was getting a mulligan.

Hermione was greatly relieved by this and was eager to finish her formal education, Harry and Ron weren't too fussed, they wanted to be Aurors anyway, but my mind was already made up.

"Another year at Hogwarts with just Hermione and not these two prats, I'm in!" I said, pointing at Harry and Ron and wrapping my arms around the three of them as we kept working. McGonagall half smiled, then sighed. Realising what she had just got herself into.

"Lord help us" she said as she strode away "Can I be prefect this time?" I added, she chuckled and said "No." instantly. But I found a shiny badge in my letter a few months later.

Later, after we had rebuilt the bridge, I was given the task of checking on the thestrals, who fought in the battle with us, unbeknownst to me.

I would normally be doing this task with Luna, but since her father had been released from Azkaban, she was spending time with him, I jumped at the chance, not just for the thestrals, but for something else too.

For the next few days I spent the majority of my time in the forest, tending to the injured thestrals, my first interaction with them was not a gentle one and I had the bruises on my ribs and the cuts on my fingers to prove it.

They were jumpy around humans for a while, understandably so, after being attacked by so many, but it was the one I named Antoinette that was the most accepting, once she was treated, and the hole in her wing was mended, the others warmed up to me, it also helped I brought them plenty of meat.

I had given up searching, after hours of pouring over every rock, every stone, and every pebble in the stupid forest, I figured I'd never find it. I went to march out of the forest in a huff, frustrated, but as I turned, a young thestral was staring at me, frozen in fear.

"Hey there bud, don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." I put my hands out to comfort it, sniffing the air, it deemed me not a threat and hobbled over to me, at first I thought it was just walking funny, as young thestrals tended too, but it wasn't putting weight on one hoof.

Finding this rather curious, I set to work to rectify the issue, but saw and studied no injury to the leg of the beast, so instead, I checked, and sure enough, there was a small stone lodged in its hoof, which I removed safely.

The thestral was delighted, and after licking me several times, bounded off happily to find its peers. As I looked the stone over twiddling it in my fingers, I couldn't help but laugh. "Of course," I chuckled at the Deathly Hallow symbol on the stone.

"I guess they are an omen of death" I muttered absentmindedly as I held the stone in my palm, seeing if there was a button or something I had to press, because I wasn't about to kiss the bloody thing.

When nothing I tried seemed to work, I was debating lobbing the stupid rock. Until I was scared so badly, I almost passed out.

"Boo!" said a voice over my shoulder, and as I turned, my wand extended at the new threat, I heard laughter I never thought I would again. The shock of it almost made me drop both the stone and my wand.

"Haha, did you see his face! Priceless" I was too shocked to say anything, "See, now you've scared him, what did I say about doing that!" Mum scolded, "Oh, calm down woman it was just a joke, besides, if he wasn't ready to see us, he wouldn't have the bloody thing, would he?"

"Call me 'woman' again and see what happens to you!" she scolded again, "Sorry Mum" he chortled. "Will you two shut up!" said a gruff voice from a nearby tree. Still in shock I saw Mad-Eye Moody sat on a downed tree.

It was strange, he was see through, as were they, but more solid looking then most ghosts, and he didn't look as worn as I had seen him, he wasn't scarless by any stretch of the word, but seemed to be less rugged then before. Like dying had made him well rested, happy.

He grumbled at me as I looked over at him, I saw two more figures beside him, hand in hand, Remus, and Tonks. Seeing them all here, within reach, was too much for me, I cried before I could even think about stopping the tears.

"Oh, here we go, such a cry-baby!" my brother teased, I spoke to him for the first time in almost a decade, "Well excuse me! My family's just risen from the dead to say hello so I'm pretty emotional!" I shouted, he just giggled. "I'll let you off then. Do you know how long it took us to wrangle that little beast over here?"

"So you're still a git then!" I shouted, he shrugged. "Well, I'm better then that imposter from before, I don't think his nose was right." He smirked, sitting crossed legged on the floor. Waving at me, "Hi" he said simply. "Hi..." I said back tearfully.

Not thinking, I tried to hug him, only to fall through his form, a pit opened in my stomach, I hated that I couldn't feel them, but seeing and talking to them was better then nothing. (B/N) shivered, "So that's what that feels like from the other side. Weird" he looked at his hands.

I looked at them all, "I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, I'm sorry you all died..." was all I got out, "Who said we wanted your ruddy protection? Besides, I like the peace and quiet" said Mum, winking cheekily.

"I'm sorry for calling you all, I just-" "Calling us?" said Tonks, shrugging, "We always pop in for a gander when we want to, you didn't just, summon us." Mum nodded, "More like answering a phone if anything."

"Well, I thought you'd be like...bowling with Dumbledore or something" She scoffed, "Nah, he always beats me, and besides, we would miss all the fun!" she grinned madly; I was confused. My brother explained.

"My big little brother, all grown up and riding dragons, I wouldn't miss that for anything...Rory, brilliant." "You liked that bit? Personally, I liked the break in at the ministry" Mum said, "I always told them we should have upped security, (Y/N) proved my point" She beamed, looking to (B/N).

He looked confused, "I think the invasion of Dark Wizards might have tipped them off first Mum" She pouted and said, "I s'pose" "You were watching me?" I said in mild confusion.

"Well, it's not like we had anything better to do, watching Dad is boring" said (B/N) before mum opened her mouth, she side eyed him a bit and took a much cheerier tone. "Of course, we've been watching, only at the flashy bits though, promise."

I looked to Remus and Tonks, "Shouldn't you-" I didn't even finish before they smiled at me and Remus said, "He's sleeping soundly." Just him saying it made more tears fall, "I'm so sorry, I should have helped you, I should have kept you safe..."

I tried to cover my mouth to stop the wailing, "And stop them from fighting at full capacity? Don't be foolish boy!" growled Moody, "Keep thinking like that and you'll be joining us soon!" he grumbled as everyone stared at him.

Remus and Tonks nodded, simply saying, "Just watch over him, as we hoped you would, and make sure he knows that he is loved. We will do the same" I nodded, trying to stifle my tears. I looked to Mum next.

"I got him Mum, just like I always said I would." She smiled at me, "I know, I was so very proud of how strong you've become." I shrugged, "Nah, I reckon you'd have had him dealt with in two seconds flat."

She nodded and smiled, looking close to tears herself, "I don't know about that, but I was there, trying to help, I don't know if you remember but-" I nodded back, "I remember, it was the only thing that got me through it."

"I'll say" scoffed Moody under his breath, "How many times did I tell you to stay constantly vigilant, and how many times did you lower your guard!" he muttered, Tonks rolled her eyes, "Don't mind him, you should have heard him."

Mum did an impression, "Careful Boy! He could use a curse there. Careful, he could know the so and so curse, and the whatsit curse too. Constant Vigilance!" she smiled as he grumbled a bit. "Well, if he listened instead of talked, I wouldn't have had to, would I?" he faced away from us.

My brother changed the subject, "That Hermione lass, I like her, keeps you from acting like an idiot. To an extent." He smiled. I nodded, "Yeah, she's brilliant." "That ginger though!" I sighed, "Ron won't be a problem, don't worry, Lavender practically owns him, she's much more assertive nowadays."

"No, I meant the girl one." He gave Ginny the chefs kiss, as if that meant something to me. "But then again, that Charlie bloke-" he started. "-Whatever man." Was all I could say to it.

We sat and talked for hours, I asked Remus about being a werewolf and anything to help Lavender, I asked both him and Tonks if there was anything specific they wished me to tell Andromeda and Teddy. They just wanted them to be happy.

I asked Moody if there was anything he wanted me to do for him and where his body was, he refused to tell me, saying that it would make me a target for his long list of enemies if I 'went snooping.'

And finally, I was left alone to chat with my Mother and Brother. Joking around and just being normal, laughing and giggling every five seconds, but just like all good things, as the sun begun to set, and it had to come to an end, we decided it was enough for today.

As I left, I turned to (B/N), wanting to ask him one last question. To put myself at ease. My hands were trembling as I asked, my throat dry and the possibility of an answer, but I still had to ask, "Did I do it?" he looked confused, "What? Are you speaking in tongues now or something?"

I asked him the question I had been dreading having to answer since I learnt about my powers. "I was so young, I might not have been able to control it, and the voice in your head might have..."

I sighed, "I mean, you where such a good flyer, surely you would have been able to stabilise the broom and..." He approached me, taking my shoulder gently, I ignored the chill through me.

"Don't be stupid dummy," "But-" I started, "No, you wouldn't have fallen, there had to be something that made you, you were always careful" He pulled me into a hug, kind of, we never made contact, but I leaned into it anyway, missing it wholeheartedly.

As I cried, I begged him to explain. he leaned in and whispered to me, "If you must know...I sneezed, threw off my balance, then the sun got in my eyes and poof, I was like this. I honestly don't even remember much."

"That has got to be the worst excuse I've ever heard" He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, "I guess so..." he was just about the worst liar in the world, "Did we lose the match?" he asked, I was dumbfounded.

"Yes." I said, wiping my tears, he kissed his teeth, sighed heavily, and swore, a move that made mum glare at him. "Mum refused to tell me." He sighed, trying and failing to kick a rock in frustration. "Oh well, went out on a career high I suppose" he winked, sticking out his tongue.

With that, and with the promise of seeing them again, I went to make my way out of the forest, only to meet a booming voice. "What you doin' 'ere (Y/N)? Blimey, it's almost Midnight, Hermione's goin' spare lookin for yeh.'"

I smiled and shrugged, "Just tying my shoelaces." He seemed perplexed but led me back to the castle. Where Hermione pulled me into such a tight hug that she would have needed the Resurrection Stone to see me if she squeezed any harder.

After that day, using the Resurrection Stone became a regular thing for me. And life returned almost to normal. Though my first visit to Muriel's was eventful. As I stepped in the door, I looked down at Crookshanks.

"Hello, you walking throw rug." I said, he tried to run to Hermione for protection, it didn't work. I chased after him for twenty minutes, finally cornering him in the dining room, "I've got you now" I said proudly as he hissed and spat at me.

The only thing that stopped me from transfiguring him into a couch cushion were five balls of fluff that seemed to be latching onto me, trying to crawl towards me for warmth. "You're lucky today you menace, the kids are watching."

I scooped them all up and they rested against me, the smallest one being smaller than a pygmy puff. Mewling and meowing at me, their eyes barely opened, Muriel assured me they were all healthy, if a little small and bow legged.

There names were, Ashes, for the greyish one, Sunny, for the lightest coloured one that resembled its daddy, Copper, for the brownish one, Coco, for his identical sister. And Bob, for the smallest one, because his fur was sort of spotty, and to keep up a legacy. "Bob. Cat. get it?" I smiled to Muriel.

She did not seem pleased, but even less pleased then her was the new Mum who had just came streaking into the room looking or her babies. She hissed and spat at me as Crookshanks had, but more viciously, claws out.

"Oh I know, I'm the worst, I'm so terrible for abandoning you for a long time to go off on an adventure, I'm the meanest owner ever...Which is why it's such a shame that I'm just sitting over here playing with all these kittens and you're all the way over there."

She hissed a final time and jumped up next to me and looked to be glaring in my direction, if looks could kill, I would be the throw rug right now. Hermione took the kittens, and I held my hands out slowly. Still glaring, she sniffed me, "It's just me Princess."

Within that second, she was licking my hand, I pulled her into me, and she perched herself across my neck, keeping a close eye on her little ones, but nuzzling into me and purring happily. Me and Crookshanks even buried the hatchet and he lazily dozed on Hermione's lap at her behest.

With that, life was normal for a short while, after Hogwarts was rebuilt, me and Hermione attended our seventh year, McGonagall even had me help her as she and Flitwick covered Defence Against the Dark Arts, as I had suggested all those years ago. It was brilliant.

What wasn't brilliant, at least for me, was when the news of my new spell was leaked to the public and I ended up having to give lots of speeches at the Ministry, and then my theory was peer reviewed and a bunch of other boring stuff.

Then, to make matters worse, they wanted me to write books on theories and give award speeches and stuff, and rumours spread that I was the 'strongest wizard in the country' and that I was a 'genius of my age.' What a bunch of rubbish that was. Most days I still needed help with my potions homework.

As much as people compared me to Dumbledore, that's not who I wanted to be, at least not yet, I just wanted some peace and quiet after all the chaos, I just wanted to be another Hogwarts student.

That was why it was quite a shock when halfway through the schoolyear I was summoned to court by the Ministry, my favour from Kingsley paying off finally. It made my year.

"You have no proof! No evidence to back these claims!" she screeched at the hearing as I smiled, "Oh, but I do have proof, and all the evidence I need, provided to me by a very handy spell, taught to me by my long time Headmaster. Albus Dumbledore, the man you wished to undermine."

"I have irrefutable proof that under the administration of Cornelius Fudge, during your time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you systematically tortured and manipulated students and threatened staff. And evidence that you participated in acts that wrongfully imprisoned countless muggle-borns under the guise of simply 'doing your job.'"

"Bring it in!" called the minister and before me a pool of semi-transparent seeming water was placed, and with a wink to Dolores, I tapped my temple with my wand and drew out the memories for all to see.

Those allegations led to another round of favours and possibly one of the most satisfying days of my life. "Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream..." there was no answer and I was disappointed, "You're meant to finish the song" her eyes were transfixed on the cat that prowled along the edge of the boat, jumping between either side.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" I stroked the spectres tail, passing straight through, "You hurt her once, do you remember, it's fitting that she's the one guiding us. Don't you think? Poetic justice at its finest"

"Please..." she wailed toadishly. Her makeup running thickly down her face, "I don't deserve this. I was just following orders!" she cried as we reached the island.

As we got to her cell she begged, "I was just following orders, it wasn't me, I'm innocent!" I sighed, "No, you aren't, the people who were innocent were the people you locked up in these cells and left to die. A lot of them did."

As the door closed and she peered through it at me I gave her my final thoughts, "I try to recall what you were trying to teach me all those years ago, but it just slips my mind sometimes."

I let out a drawn-out sigh, "if only I had a way to remember it..." I held up the back of my hand, still scarred with her lesson. "Do you remember what you had me write in your office?" she shook her head.

"Yes, I don't know what I expected, there must have been hundreds of students you tortured. Why would you ever bother to remember what you 'taught' them? You should learn to practice what you teach Dolores."

I showed it to her, and she started blubbering. "It's times like these you should really take these words to heart, because we all must take responsibility for our actions." As I walked away that day, I never gave Dolores Umbridge another thought.

There was something I did think about a lot though, and as Hermione finally got homesick and we restored our parent's memories, I finally got my chance. I was a bit reluctant to go with her at first.

"Hermione It might not look very good if I show up covered in scars after you tell them you've been doing nothing but mulling about for a few years." "You do have more scars then most people" I scoffed, "'Mione, I have more scars then most families of people."

They didn't care a single bit, accepting me instantly and the worries they had about me being overshadowed by the return of their daughter. We told them everything we dared to, and they settled back into their lives nicely.

"Actually, Mr and Mrs Granger, there was something I was wanting to ask you...If you're fine with it that is." I said the day we first saw them, as Hermione had gone to get more tea. With that, I set my next plan in motion.

My dad was next and after another quick trip overseas, he greeted me fondly, "Have we met?" I smiled broadly, "A few times yeah" after recalling his memories to his mind, he was overwhelmed with pride and happiness, "What took you so long?" he asked teasingly.

After a long afternoon of filling him in on what happened, he took it all well, reassuring me that Mum and my brother would be proud. I scoffed, "I know, but that reminds me" I pulled out my pocket watch and the stone.

"Is there any way you could embed this stone into this metal?" I asked, knowing full well I could do it with a flick of my wand, but also knowing he was going to freak when he touched the stone. As I helped him move back into our house, he thanked me, and I knew he had used it.

My plan came to fruition a couple of weeks later, after I had saved enough money. I made some excuse to go to Hogsmeade, something about helping Fred and George restock the fireworks, I don't really remember the fine details. I was too nervous to even consider them. I was too focused on my task.

We went through the routine we had built up during our final year of Hogwarts and any time we returned, I think it was a good way of not arousing suspicion, she was too smart to pull off anything crazy without tipping her off.

We went to Honeydukes, which was still thriving, gorging ourselves on anything we pleased, at my expense, not that it mattered, then Madam Puddifoot gave us our normal seat and we had a lovely chat.

I got her in a good mood by parading her around as she looked at new quills and inks, then it was off to the three broomsticks was next, we were in there the longest, trying desperately to get warm.

And then, as we always did, our final destination was of course the Shrieking Shack, though these days it was basically just 'the shack.' Throughout the day, I kept mentioning that I kept needing to do something, but it kept slipping my mind

She offered brilliant suggestions, forgot to see Hagrid? I would never! Forgot to feed Bones and the others. I wouldn't dream of it. But I finally remembered what I forgot to do as we reached the shack. Before I could get the thought out, something distracted me.

"Is that a ghost?" I said, pointing to a random window. She peered at it, "Where?" "There!" I said with more conviction, "I don't see anything!" she said, standing on tiptoes, "Maybe it's my angle, come here and look."

She did as I asked but could not see the imaginary ghost, no matter how much she tried. "I didn't see anything! Anyway, what were you going to-" she let out a little squeak as she turned to me bent down on one knee, her hands clapped over her mouth.

"Ask you? Nothing important, just. Will you marry me?" and after the longest three seconds of my life, she screamed "YES. Of course I will!" and I instantly became the happiest and luckiest man in the world simultaneously.

The next few years were domestic bliss, I woke up with Hermione beside me every day, every afternoon we snuggled up next to the fire with the cats and every night I fell asleep with her in my arms.

But it was quite a shock to realise how expensive houses were, bars were even more so. But I think I made some good investments. "Welcome, to the Blind Dragon...or The Free Elf...or The Hopping Pot. Whichever floats your broom." I said as I led the barman inside.

It was at least twice the size of his old bar. "Paid for by my very own blood sweat and tears. Mostly tears." "Told you I'd pay you back" I smiled as me and the barman shook hands.

I still didn't know his name, but signed over ownership and left it at that. After giving him an invite to my wedding of course. He accepted gratefully.

"Now, how do you feel about bachelor parties?" I smirked. It was fair to say that I was glad I signed it over to him beforehand, so I didn't have to pay for that night, but I felt sorry for whoever had to clean up.

Everyone was there, Harry, Ron, Neville, Seamus, Dean, Colin, Hagrid, all the other male Weasleys, Victor Krum, Wilkie Twycross, Slughorn, Flitwick, Kingsley, even Xenophilius Lovegood for a bit of it, I even invited Malfoy, but he didn't show up, it was one of the best nights of my life.

Before all that though we had a few months of just me Hermione, Bones, and the Kittens, Winky stayed with us whenever she wasn't at Hogwarts and was happier than I had ever seen her at me being happy.

Teddy came to live with us for a while too, that was an experience, do you know how hard it is to look after a child who could change his appearance at will? Hide and seek was a nightmare. But I'd never been happier.

I remember going into his room to tuck him into bed at night, my favourite part of the day for lots of reasons. One such night I remember vividly. I found him curled up under his sheets quivering. "What's wrong Teddy?"

"Monster." He said in a scared voice, pointing to his bedroom wardrobe, I almost smirked, I loved doing stuff like this, "Monster eh? Well, it better get out of here before I teach it some manners" I said, raising my wand to the furniture.

I cast some detection spells on it and only found one presence inside, but not a human. I hoped it was what I thought. I wasn't let down. As I looked in a keyhole, I found a collection of fifty faces staring back at me.

"Oh, this is easy peasy, your Dad taught me this one." I smiled, "Really?" his eyes lit up. "Watch this, I'll make it do something silly." "Something silly?" He asked curiously, peeking his head out the covers.

I added and winked as I opened the door, I said "Riddikulus!" and instead of faces I didn't want to see, I saw fifty funny faces looking at me, each resembling Peeves somewhat, each pulling a face or blowing a raspberry.

Teddy found it hilarious, and soon tears of fear were replaced with tears of laughter, from both of us. "Your dad was a very clever man, he taught me lots of ways of dealing with monsters." "Weren't you scared?" he asked as I wiped his tears.

"No silly, of course not. I've got you here to protect me, don't I?" He nodded, "C'mon, you can sleep with us tonight if you want." I said as I carried him into our room, "Boggart." I said to Hermione, who nodded tiredly and made space.

It was one of the best times of my life, I was comfortable then I'd ever been and could have stayed there forever. But as Hermione reminded me, we had a wedding to plan for.

Speaking of weddings, they were the most expensive things I'd ever had to deal with, but Hermione assured me it was worth it. But as we went to Ginny's and Harry's, I thought I might steal some ideas. Not that it mattered, because Hermione had ours planned down to the last 'Thank you' letter.

It made it a lot easier on me, all I had to say was yes and nod along to everything she said, because I had no idea what a doily even was, regardless of colour. The only input I really had was the photographer and the venue.

And of course, the best moment of Harry and Ginny's wedding came during the reception. Hermione made me wait until after the first dance, which I thought was a shame because their music was rubbish compared to mine.

But as everyone sat down, I stood up to make my co-best man speech. Announcing the thing everyone really came for. "Now, I do have something to say, a promise I made a long time ago-" "Hermione stop him!" Ginny yelled.

Knowing what was to come, and Hermione tried to silence me with a charm, but I cast Protego Ignis Animus to stop her, elevating my performance with the shroud of light that washed over me.

"Now you know the true reason I created this spell!" I said in victory, as Ron, Fred and George swarmed me, trying to prevent intervention from Harry, who was trying to topple me as I stood on a table.

Winky appeared out of nowhere with a set of magical drums I had transfigured from a buffet table earlier in the night. She drummed a little tune as I began my routine. "The people have spoken; we all know what they wish to hear!"

Despite her numerous protests and the fact she held her head in her hands, Ginny laughed along with my spectacular dance routine. Truly nothing could ruin this day for her, she was too happy with her new husband to care.

"His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad; His hair is as dark as a blackboard. I wish he was mine, he's really divine, the hero who conquered the Dark Lord." "Sing it with me!" I danced and extended my limbs as I walked up and down the main table, elevating my performance

"Now Harry, make sure you recite it to her every Valentine's day." I winked and he nodded through his embarrassment. There was a crowd of Weasley's that joined in, mostly drunk relatives and the twins, but it was fair to say the performance went better than I could have hoped.

The next time I put on a dress robe was a much different circumstance and I had a much different reaction. "What if I get it wrong!" I all but sobbed into the mirror, "You won't" smiled Harry politely for the tenth time this minute.

"But what if I do!" I said, my hands shakily adjusting my collar. "Liquid Luck, has anyone got any liquid luck? Neville! GO! Ask Slughorn!" But it as Ron that got me out of my own head. He took my hands to stop them shaking.

"Breathe." He said simply and for the first time all day, I had a full breath of air in my lungs. "Come here, your cuffs are all wonky." He straitened them for me and sighed, "You love her, she loves you, that's all that matters."

"What if I put it on the wrong finger?" He sighed, "Then you've gone blind. Do you want to practice?" he smirked, "No, your hands are sweatier than mine." He laughed and my nerves were put at ease.

"Now stop being a git and go out there before I have to kick you down the aisle." I took another deep breath and nodded, I essentially sprinted into the hall, in a hurry to get my part done. Being met with both cheers and laughter alike.

I looked around the Hall, it was amazing, the candles that lined the ceiling seems to glow golden in the sunlight projected through the sky, golden streamers and decorations took the place of the House banners.

Lightning bugs and fairies seemed to float throughout the hall, courtesy of Hagrid of course, they made the room feel truly magical, light shone in from the high windows of the castle illuminating the entire room.

The house tables had been replaced with rows and rows of golden chairs that were transfigured by Professor McGonagall, the aisle between them was a scarlet red cloth.

The braziers that usually lit the castle were filled with golden flame, increasing the serenity of the moment my bathing the room in a golden glow. My heart was pounding, so I began looking at the faces in the crowd and trying to calm my nerves.

Professor McGonagall was looking lovely, as was Mrs Weasley, Hagrid was already weeping, and my Dad looked like he was going to faint before I did, and Colin was snapping about seventy pictures a second.

That was as far as I got, letting out a breath of nerves. I looked to Harry, Ron, and Neville, they all put thumbs up. I looked to the 'empty' chairs I made sure Hermione kept near the front and winked, sticking the tip of my tongue out, hoping they could all see me.

Once the music started playing, I looked to the back of the Hall. I almost cried at how beautiful she was. A sight to behold, angelic. No words that I could have used would have done it justice.

As Hermione strode towards me in a white wedding dress, beaming at me and the crowd of onlookers, her hair down but still phenomenally curly, make up lightly on her face to accentuate her divinity. I realised I'd never known the definition of the word beautiful until I laid eyes on her.

I looked at the boys again as I started to panic, only Neville caught my eyes, giving me another thumbs up, it was incredibly supportive, but not immensely helpful. It was all I could do to keep breathing as she approached.

As we locked eyes, I couldn't help the smile that graced my face, staring her in the eyes and getting lost in them. Looking at her smile and wishing to see it every day for the rest of my life.

I was entranced, utterly dumbfounded, until we had to say our vows, and as I had practiced about a billion times in the mirror, I recited the words from memory.

"Hermione, I've known you almost all my life, but I feel like I've loved you for so much longer. I've been called a lot of things. Some of them I'd rather not repeat in company."

"But if you are willing to call me your husband, I promise you with every breath in my lungs to love you for all my life and more, I promise that I will always keep you in my heart. Because you are the most, intelligent, strong, brilliant, amazing person I've ever had the pleasure to meet and I know I will fall deeper in love with you every day. For as long as you'll have me."

As I finished, she giggled and nodded, and luckily enough, when the time came, I managed to place the ring on the appropriate finger, giving her my own. Soon enough, I heard, "You may now kiss the bride" and so I did, it was a kiss full of passion, longing, and hope, it was awesome.

The best part of the wedding, not including all of that stuff, was definitely the food that followed, it had every food imaginable, even some of my Mum's own recipe chocolate cauldrons. Which I absolutely demolished.

What happened after the wedding during the honeymoon I will keep strictly between us. The next great shock of my life came a while later. I thought I was ready for it until I realised it was a reality. It was fair to say Teddy prepare me for it quite a bit, but I was still in amazement.

I was going to be a dad, like...properly. My mind raced with the possibilities, I had always dreamt of starting a family with Hermione, but I was so scared. Baby's are so small and fragile, and they cry a lot and what if I broke it or something!

This panic continued for nine months, never leaving my mind until the very first time I held my son in my arms, and it all ceased in an instant, as I looked in his eyes and knew he was here, safe and sound, with me, and that I would let nothing bad ever happen to him.

We named him Alastor, after a dear friend. The rest was, as they say. History. I had a few more brilliant years, a few more brilliant kids, a wonderful job and a more then wonderful wife.

Alastor was followed a few years after by his little brother Remus, a name that I had always wished to use, and was encouraged to by Teddy, and Dora, our youngest, or "Princess Dora the pretty" to her loyal subjects, was bestowed with a name Andromeda was happy to allow.

I promised Hermione she could name the next two that were on their way regardless of my input. It was only recently we learned that we were having twins. So I did recommend we named them Gred and Forge, regardless of gender. She ignored me.

So with the two on the way we were well on our way to seven, as promised, thought to be fair, at the time, I didn't know how much work it would be, admittedly some of it more enjoyable then others.

But as the years passed, we saw them all grow into the people they were meant to be, kind, clever, mischievous and care free. I had never been so truly happy, but soon enough, it was that time again.

"All I'm saying is, it's wasted potential." She sighed, "For the last time, you cannot convince Ron and Lavender to name him Sun simply based on the fact it would make you laugh!" Then I sighed, "What a waste." I pouted as we walked through Kings Cross.

A small, delicate hand pulled at my robe, I bent down, "Tell me again!" she demanded. I rolled my eyes, scooping her up into my arms, I looked at my pocket watch. "Fine, we've got time. 10:50, just enough time to board."

"If you lot hurry up! Go! Go! GO!" I pushed my sons forwards, and for the seventh time this hour, I told Dora the story of how we beat Voldemort "-And then we beat them all up and sent them all to Azkaban with all the other bad guys"

"Is that really how it happened daddy?" she asked, I nodded, "Of course princess, there was just a lot more swearing" she giggled, "No there wasn't!" said Hermione, rolling her eyes.

"Mummy's just jealous because me and Uncle Harry were the only people to fight-" "Snakeface!" she said in a disgusted voice, wrinkling up her nose in equal disgust. "Yeah!" I high fived her. After she had finally stopped shouting "SNAKEFACE!" she went on another of her adorable rants.

"-I'm gonna be the bestest witch in all of Hogwarts when I go!" she proclaimed to the heavens. I picked her up higher, looking up at her as we walked, "The bestest witch in Hogwarts! You're going to have to try very hard" I said to her, poking her cheek.

"I know. I'm gonna read lots of books like Mummy does." "Good girl, but make sure you have fun as well" she rolled her eyes at me for my ignorance, "Of course! I already have lots of friends, were going to have lots of fun! Me and Lilly and Moon" I held my hands up, "You're right, forgive me."

She giggled happily as we arrived at the barrier, "We're here, we're here!" she said loudly, pulling on my robe. "Yeah, I noticed princess. You ready?"

She nodded happily, I knew this was her favourite part, I looked to Hermione, she nodded at me, "You go with her this time, I'll see to the boys." I kissed her on the cheek and nodded. "Are you sure you'll be fine?" She nodded, smiling at Winky, who had relieved her of her bag already. I turned back to my daughter.

"Can the soon to be bestest witch in Hogwarts give me a countdown?" I asked, she giggled away merrily, and it was music to my ears. She laughed as I held her under the arms and faced her forwards "!" she pointed me forwards and I did my yearly job of charging the barrier.

As we made it through her eyes lit up with wonder as she looked around the platform, as did all children of her age did when they saw something new and exciting. I turned her to face me, "Fun?" she nodded again, beaming at me. "With skills like that, I bet you could be the bestest witch in the whole world."

She beamed at me, but was soon distracted by the appearance of Ron, a heavily pregnant Lavender, and little Moon, who I personally think had the best ironic name in the world. Then, as if by magic, Harry and Ginny appeared, with James, Albus and Lily.

Hugs and greetings were exchanged, and the kids all mingled together. Chatting and laughing happily, "You all right? How's the baby?" said Hermione pleasantly to Lavender, who beamed, "Brilliant, fingers crossed we don't have to worry, just like this little wonder."

She grinned at Moon, who smiled shyly and smiled at Dora, the two playmates reaching for one another hopefully, knowing one would leave the other for a while.

It was only as Lily entered the fray that they all started wailing about going to Hogwarts together with their respective brothers that I realised one of my children had scarpered.

"I'll get him" I reassured Hermione, putting Dora down to hold her mothers and Winky's hands. I soon found Alastor snogging someone near one end of the train. It was times like these I wished I could whistle, Instead, I clapped.

As I did, I shouted, "What do we have here?" they both jumped, but I never caught a glance of his new beau, they ran off onto the train before I could. Alastor was not happy and went to join them before I stopped him.

"Oi, Alastor, c'mere" He huffed and rolled his eyes, taking long stomps over to me in a huff, "Been looking for you everywhere, I just wanted to say. Do your best with you O.W.L.S yeah, they are important, as I know your mother keeps telling you-"

"I told you! I don't need them! I'm gonna open a joke shop like-" "Fred and George I remember" "But listen, focus on your O.W.L.S and N.E.W.T.S first then you can open any shop you want. For my sake, your mother would kill me if you didn't."

"But they didn't need N.E.W.T.S-" "Yeah, well you're not that funny as them so you need a fallback" I sassed him, ruffling his hair. He pouted, "Just kidding, you are hilarious I'm sure. I mean, look at you..." He let out a small smile from the corner of his mouth.

"Plus they have the whole twin gimmick going for them, the only gimmick you have is that you walk around like a new-born deer" he frowned, "So did you!" he countered, "Don't talk to me like that I am your father!" I said, pointing at him and staring him down, looking directly into his eyes.

I cracked first, not able to hold back the laughter, then he broke into a giggle fit of his own, I ruffled his hair, "Are you going to behave yourself this year?" he looked at me as if he had just been slapped in the face and scoffed, "No."

\I sighed, "Fair enough, just be good." He nodded, "Have you said bye to your Mother?" he nodded, pointing to the lipstick smudge on his cheek. I laughed, feeling the nostalgia, I kissed the other side to even it out.

"Dad!" he said, eyes darting around to look for any paparazzi apparently. "And before I forget, make sure to look after your brother, you know he's nervous about the sorting and fitting in" He nodded firmly, "I will I promise"

I smiled contently, "Good boy, now I've got to say goodbye to your brother, do your best, I'm proud of you. Now go back to snogging whoever you were snogging, I'm sure they miss you."

"DAD!" he said in embarrassment as he scurried off, hiding his face from the crowd. I loved doing that so much, he is so cute when he's all embarrassed and...oh no, I've become my mother.

As I returned, I saw Teddy seeing Victoire off and James watching them with great interest, "Don't be nosy!" I said to him, he jumped and gasped as he saw me, hugging me, "Hey Uncle (Y/N)" "Hey child James."

"I'm not a child!" he insisted, huffing as he walked towards the others. "And I'm not a giant, yet people still call me one sometimes. Weird isn't it?" I said as he began spilling the beans to the others.

I informed Hermione about our sons' lewd actions and she just nodded. But told me that Remus was reluctant to board. I went over to talk to him, he explained that he didn't know if he would like it there.

"What if everyone is mean to me there?" he asked, tears forming as he held his cat for some comfort, I smiled at him, ruffling his hair. "Then you've gotten on the wrong train." I laughed; he wasn't amused. I sighed.

"Ok, this is the best advice I'm ever going to give you, so you better listen" I said, crouching down to meet him face to face. "I've stood at this train station for years trying to figure out how to live my life and It all boils down to this."

"First off. Just live well, no matter what you do, know your Mum and I love you, and that no matter what you grow up to be, death eater, dragon tamer or dentist, we always will. Though that first one might make coming home for Christmas rather awkward."

I tried to make him laugh but he just nodded, putting on a brave face, but I can tell nerves were getting the better of him as the new students boarded the train. He started searching for Albus, Moon and James.

"But what if Albus is in a different house to me, what if I don't make any friends." He asked, I smiled, "Don't be silly, you already have friends, and no matter what house you're in or who your friends are, just have fun, it's easier to remember the fun times. As for my advice," I thought for a second.

"Be kind unless you have a reason not to be, be thankful when you can. You're going to make some enemies, no doubt about it, but don't let them change you, just be you and be happy and you won't regret meeting them, even your enemies,"

He nodded, but seemed tentative, I couldn't tell if I was blowing this or not, but pressed on regardless, "You don't have to be friends with everyone, just try not to push the friends you do make away."

"If you want to play Quidditch, play it, if you want to fly a broom you fly that broom as fast as you can and love every moment of it...just be safe, for your mothers sake. If you want to sing, if you want to dance, whatever you want to do if nobody's getting hurt, do it. Because at the end of the day, that's what matters most"

"Live every second you get and own them all." "And remember, the rock cakes are edible, if you soften them up with tea first." He finally cracked a smile. "You can be alone if you want to, I know it helps sometimes, but try not to let yourself be lonely."

That one stumped him, this was all extremely hard to put into words without sounding preachy. "But always remember that you matter and that everyone makes a difference, no matter how small. Just ask Uncle Neville."

"What?" he said as the final whistle blew, it was seconds before the train pulled away. "You'll understand when you're older, I hope." He shrugged so I tried something else.

"Most importantly, and this is the summary of all the life lessons I've ever wanted to give you so make sure you keep these words in the depths of your heart." I presented dramatically, He nodded, hanging off my every word,

I grabbed either side of his face, pressed a kiss into his forehead, and looked him deep in the eyes. He was waiting with wonderous expectation in his eyes that I'd loved since his first seconds in this world.

We laughed together as I lifted him onto the train, and he was ready to start some adventures of his own. His head full of dreams and desires and his heart full of love. So, I put it simply, giving him one last hug. "Don't be a prat."
