Trolls and Dog Bowls

(Y/N)'s POV

Not much happened to me for the rest of the week, but Hermione did look very concerned with something when I passed her in the common room. I decided to ask. "Something bothering you?" She spun around very fast and looked as if I had pulled her out of her own thoughts.

She then spent the next ten minutes explaining what had happened with Harry after I left, and then a further five telling me how foolish Ron and Harry were being. But to be honest she didn't give much context

"What?" I said as she took a breath. "Draco Malfoy challenged them to a duel at midnight, they are going to get themselves in trouble, we have to stop them." "You mean we have to go watch? Sounds cool!" She frowned, "They'll get in trouble!"

Seeing her point, we hatched a plan to stay up and catch them in the act, and then stop them. I felt bad taking sides, but I didn't want my friends in trouble. Though I did manage to persuade her not to tell Percy.

So, we waited, I was just about to give up and tell Hermione I needed some sleep when I heard footsteps and hushed whispers. I turned around and saw the two idiots. Hermione did too, she started berating them about losing house points. 

I added a few points in, "Malfoy is Snape's favourite, I doubt he will get into much trouble, I doubt Professor McGonagall feels the same about you" they continued on so I followed them "Don't you see, it's part of his plan, he gets detention, and you get expelled."

But the two idiots were too stubborn to stop so I dashed out of the portrait hole to stop them. "If you don't stop, I will make you" I said getting in front of them. Unfortunately, they knew I was bluffing and pushed past me. 

This is when I heard a small "eep" from Hermione, who had been following along this whole time, I peered my head over Ron's shoulder to see what was wrong. The Fat Lady was gone "Bloody brilliant!" I said in a loud whisper to vent my frustration.

Hermione decided to follow Harry and Ron, so not wanting to be alone I followed too. "I'm only coming with you so that when Filch catches you I can explain that me and (Y/N) were trying to stop you, and he can back me up."

"I don't think the caretaker likes me very much." I said absentmindedly as we continued our midnight adventure, we met Neville along the way, who had locked himself out of the dorm, he tagged along as we made our way to the trophy room and then narrowly avoided Mrs, Norris. 

It all ended with a sprint down a corridor. As we met the door we found it locked, with some quick thinking me and Hermione had the same idea, she grabbed Harrys wand and I grabbed Ron's pointing at the lock we said "Alohomora" at the same time and opened the door, quickly closing it behind us.

As I turned to see what Neville was whimpering at, I wished we hadn't, I wished we could have been caught by Filch. We were met with the biggest dog I had ever seen, magical or otherwise, but the scariest thing about it was that it had three heads, and they were waking up.

Despite being good with animals, this was one dog I didn't want to get to know better, so when it started to growl at us, we all took a collective breath and screamed our heads off.

The next few minutes were a panicked run to the Fat Lady, we basically hurdled through the painting, whose occupant had returned from her stroll, after a brief pause to consider how lucky we were, I spluttered out "I TOLD YOU!" glaring as fiercely as I could at the two boys.

Hermione then piped up about what it was guarding, "To be honest 'Mione I didn't really have time to look at its feet, I was too busy watching my life as it flashed before my eyes" I said, she didn't look very pleased at my nickname.

"It's Hermione, actually," she said coldly. She then droned on about being expelled, and for the first time since I met her, I understood why people found her so annoying. with a sigh and a frown I said, "Oh, is it? Good to know."

 I then carried Neville , who was too shocked to do much of anything, up to bed, he was mumbling "Thank you" every few steps, I assumed it was for what had happened with flying lessons and then I got to my bed and fell asleep myself, wondering if it needed three dog bowls or just one huge one.

The next few weeks passed by very quickly, Harry shared his theories about Gringotts with me, and how he got a new broom, I was happy for him but a bit worried, he had a habit of finding trouble. I think he got sick of hearing me tell him to be careful. Hermione refused to talk to me, as if I was in the wrong, it was her idea in the first place.

In other news I started taking extra Charms classes with Professor Flitwick, he was nice, but they were a bit boring, the most exciting thing he had me do was make him float. But after weeks of begging for a "real spell" he finally caved. Although it took me until Halloween to get it down.

We were in charms class, we were practicing levitating objects, I was paired with Neville, I wouldn't normally mind this but me and Professor Flitwick had already covered this so the lesson was dull for me, and watching Neville red faced trying his best to move a feather brought me physical pain, as I had corrected him ten times already.

I overheard an argument between Ron and Hermione who had been paired together. "Wingardium Leviosa!" he shouted, waving his arms like an idiot. "You're saying it wrong," Hermione said.

"You do it, then, if you're so clever," Ron snarled. Hermione rolled up her sleeves, flicked her wand, and said, "Wingardium Leviosa!" Despite myself I let out a loud laugh at Ron's expense.

I could tell he wasn't happy as he glared at me and stuck his tongue out, which I did in return. Their feather rose off the desk and hovered about four feet above our heads. "Oh, well done!" cried Professor Flitwick, clapping. "Everyone see here, Miss Granger's done it!"

Wanting some attention too I proceeded to float my own feather, as Flitwick saw it, he said "Marvellous, I would expect nothing less from my favourite student." Hermione's face dropped, she looked over at me shocked, it was clear she thought I did it out of spite, and even from here I could see the sadness in her eyes.

Harry's POV

Ron was in a very bad mood by the end of the class. "It's no wonder no one can stand her," he said as we pushed our way into the crowded corridor, "She's a nightmare, honestly."

Someone knocked into me as they hurried past. It was Hermione. I caught a glimpse of her face -- and was startled to see that she was in tears. "I think she heard you." "So?" said Ron, but he looked a bit uncomfortable. "She must've noticed she's got no friends."

We heard loud stomping behind us, I didn't need to turn to know who it was, only one first year could make that much noise with their footsteps. The next thing I knew Ron received a hard slap to the back of his head, I was in shock and clearly so was Ron.

"Why can you never learn to keep your mouth shut for once" (Y/N) bellowed, he then ran after Hermione. "Oi," Ron said to the boy "Try that again you..." he trailed off when (Y/N) turned and gave a glare that shook the both of us to the bone. 

"It's not my fault the big idiot fancy's her" Ron said under his breath when his attacker was out of sight. Neither (Y/N) nor Hermione turned up for the next class and weren't seen all afternoon. 

On our way down to the Great Hall for the Halloween feast, we overheard Parvati Patil telling her friend Lavender that Hermione was crying in the girls' bathroom and wanted to be left alone. As well as news on (Y/N) who had been pacing outside it looking worried and had only just left after some persuasion from the girls. 

Ron looked still more awkward at this, but a moment later they had entered the Great Hall, where the Halloween decorations put Hermione out of their minds. Sometime later, I saw (Y/N) sat at the table, he looked melancholy and was half-heartedly eating his food, alone. 

I realised something, if what Ron told me about his brother was true, and I knew it was since Wood had confirmed it during practice, then he probably didn't have many friends himself, that was why he was so kind to Hermione and Neville, and everyone really, why he made stupid jokes that embarrass him to cheer people up, he only had a few friends and he wanted to keep them.

A new wave of guilt washed over me, he considered Ron and me to be his friends, he defended us on the train, he went to Hagrid's with us, he even tried to stop us going to the 'duel' and most recently he had given me safety tips on the Nimbus, I knew a broom that fast would make him uncomfortable.

I knew how that felt, if life with the Dursleys had taught me anything it was that having friends really helped, I thought back to Dudley surrounded by his gang. I ate the food at the table and tried to make my way over to him, eventually coaxing a smile out of him. We were having a great time before we were interrupted.

Professor Quirrell came sprinting into the hall, his turban askew and terror on his face. Everyone stared as he reached Professor Dumbledore's chair, slumped against the table, and gasped, "Troll -- in the dungeons -- thought you ought to know." He then sank to the floor in a dead faint.

After a while of panic and the prefects trying to wrangle the students to their dorms and some complaining we all came to the same realisation simultaneously. "HERMIONE" me, Ron and (Y/N) said in unison.

(Y/N)'s POV

We ran down a side corridor to the girl's bathrooms, I was sprinting as hard as I could, I had my wand in my hand just in case, although to be honest I don't know what good it would do against a troll. We nearly ran into Snape on the way. I didn't care I just wanted Hermione to be ok.

Then I saw it, the troll, it was bumbling its way down the corridor and into one of the rooms, it had grey bumpy skin, a dumb look on its face and its limbs were as wide as the trees in the forbidden forest, but worst of all it was carrying a huge wooden club that it dragged behind it.

"Let's lock it in" said Ron, it wasn't perfect, I don't know if a wooden door was enough to stop a troll, but it couldn't hurt. So, I ran to the door, slammed it shut and locked it. "Well...that was easy."

I began to run back down the corridor to look for the girls bathroom, I couldn't find it, then I had a sinking feeling in my stomach as I came to a realisation, I had sat out here for hours how had I not noticed? A high-pitched scream confirmed my suspicions, the three of us sprinted back to the girl's bathroom, the room we had just locked a troll in.

Hermione's POV

I was alone in the girl's toilets, Parvati came in earlier and tried to cheer me up, it didn't work, how could it? Everyone hated me, they all think I'm a bossy know it all, I'm sure of it. Ron said it himself "She's a nightmare, honestly" echoed in my head as I sobbed. That wasn't even the worst of it.

Parvati had told me that (Y/N) was sat outside waiting for me and then with a wave left for the feast, he was probably waiting to tell me he doesn't want to talk to me anymore, just like everyone else.

 I was so proud of myself during Flitwick's class and he had to go and ruin it, just to rub it in. He hated me more than anyone, he had done since I dragged him along with me at midnight and then ignored him for it. I know it was selfish, but I just wanted him to keep being my friend.

I heard a strange noise from outside the room I was in, it must have been someone coming in from the feast. I decided enough was enough, I dried my tears and mustered up my courage, I was going to go out there and talk to him, if he didn't want to be friends that's fine, at least I had the feast to cheer me up.

That's when I heard the door to the toilets slam shut and running of footsteps after, I went to investigate while drying my tears with the back of my hand.

That was when I came face to face with a troll, it was staring at me dumbfounded, I immediately shrunk back into the corner to get as much distance between us as possible, and screamed as loud as I could, half out of fear and half so someone would come to help. But I knew that wouldn't happen, and the troll slowly moved towards me, breaking the sinks on its way.

As soon as my throat started hurting from screaming, I was silenced, I heard a loud "CRUNCH" followed by a creak from the wooden door that had just been booted open by (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV

I didn't have time to slow down at the door I had to get to Hermione, so I pointed my wand at the lock as I ran and screamed "ALOHOMORA" and then when I got to the door I used all my weight and kicked it open, hitting it so hard the hinge broke and it was stuck ajar.

I saw the troll, I saw Hermione, and my mind went blank and my mouth dried up, just like a test, I forgot everything I had learned. I was snapped out of it by Harry who said, "Distract it" while throwing a tap at the wall. I whipped into action, picking up a large piece of the sink that the troll had broken on its way over to Hermione, I lifted it over my head and with two hands I threw it with all my might.

It hit the troll in the back of the head with a resounding "CRACK" leaving a cut and some blood on the head of the troll, it turned faster than I knew it could, anger plastered onto its face. It looked at me and lifted its club.

"Hey, Pea brain" said Ron as he pelted it with a metal pipe. The troll paused, confused by the new voice, this allowed Harry to run to Hermione's side and try to get her out, but she was paralysed in fear.

As the troll made its way towards Ron, Harry with a running start, leapt onto its back and stuck his wand up its nose, it would have been funny if I wasn't so terrified. Ron was first to act, using his wand as intended he shouted "Wingardium Leviosa!"

This sent the trolls club up in the air and with a wave of his wand Ron dropped the huge slab of wood onto the troll's head. There was a huge crash as the troll fell face forward onto the floor. 

Seeing her opportunity Hermione then sprinted as fast as she could to the other side of the troll, at first, I thought she was going to bolt out the door, but instead she ran full sprint, into me.

I barely managed to stay on my feet. I embraced her immediately trying to give her some comfort, she managed to squeak out "I'm sorry." Trying to lighten the mood I said. "Why are you sorry? I'm the prat remember?"

This led to a sob filled laugh from Hermione and a chuckle from me and Ron, but as all this was happening, Harry had removed his wand from the trolls nose and returned to our side, but then something happened that made me go pale, the creature stirred, and started to get to its knees.

There were noises of flapping robes behind me and a voice I couldn't care less about right now so I ignored them, instead I pushed Hermione behind me and mustered up all the strength I could. I had to knock it out, so I used the strongest spell I knew.

With the loudest most commanding voice I could I yelled "STUPEFY", the spell I had begged Professor Flitwick to teach me after reading about it, luckily it worked, as my arm went numb, my head splitting with pain. 

The troll that had struggled to its feet, was pushed backwards and hit the back wall of the room, landing belly up but out cold. "I knew that would come in handy..." slipped out of my mouth with a scoff.

Everything was spinning, I was groggy, I couldn't hear anything but distorted voices and didn't know if I was even still awake at all, until I started falling. I was so tired that I fell unconscious before my head hit the floor.

I awoke in what I quickly recognised as the hospital wing, my head was pounding, but with a bit of effort I sat up and looked around. There was light beaming through the windows, this didn't help with my headache, but gave me a sense of how much time had passed.

A day at least. Madam Pomfrey was the only person present when I awoke, "Oh your awake dear, how do you feel? You have been asleep for two days." she asked politely. "My head is killing me"

"That's normal, drink this" she said handing me a small bottle, I did as she asked, it tasted of raspberries, "Now your free to go, but I recommend you get something to eat before continuing on with your day."

"Thanks" I said, bounding out of bed for some reason I was filled with energy and my headache had gone. "Professor McGonagall wants to see you in her office afterwards" this stopped me in my tracks, my happy mood suddenly got a lot bleaker.

I suppose it had to be lesson time, because when I got to the common room none of my classmates were there to greet me, I headed up to the dorm and opened some chocolate frogs I got at Halloween. But I almost tripped on something in between my legs.

Bones had made a dash towards me, I realised I hadn't seen her in a long time, she tended to wander around and go on adventures of her own like they say "Pets mirror their owners" so I gave her some much needed belly scratches.

"Missed me girl?" she purred away, "Wanna go with me to see the professor?" I asked in a sweet voice, she meowed in reply, so I took it as a yes and scooped her up in my arms and made my way to McGonagall's office.

Bones perched herself on my shoulder, in the neck of my robes, she lay across the back of my neck. I don't know why she insisted on being carried like this, but she was happy so I couldn't complain.

I made it to the door of the office and knocked three times with my knuckles and was met with a quick "Enter" from McGonagall's stern voice. I took a deep breath and entered the room, expecting to be on the next train out of here.
