Potion Brewing and Dragon Previewing

(Y/N)'s POV

I received another letter in the post which dampened my spirits and made the fear I had of fighting a dragon suddenly feel more real. "Sorry, nothing can be done. Crouch has the final word, and he doesn't like us very much, knew I should have sent him to St. Mungo's when I had the chance. I will keep working on it, I promise. LOVE YOU Mum. X"

After Harry told Cedric about the dragons, I spent all my energy to find a counter to them, but came up with nothing, even after scouring the library in my spare time. Twice. It wasn't until we had a Care for Magical Creatures lesson that I finally made a breakthrough. Unfortunately, I still couldn't deal with the Skrewts without getting burned.

"Jeez. My hands are killing me" I said, blowing on them to ease the pain of the burns. "Blast Ended Skrewts don't play around, lucky I'm not fighting them" I laughed. Then I had a sudden epiphany.

Something that might help me with the first trial, or at least get rid of one of my main concerns. "I need something to make me fireproof" I mumbled, racking my brain, normally I would go to Hermione or a teacher for this, but I wasn't allowed.

Every book I came across did nothing, every spell I found wouldn't help, I was at a dead end, I walked to my detention with Snape in low spirits. He had instructed me to restock his shelves. He was sat behind his desk, grading paperwork and glaring at me every so often. Until something happened that broke the silence.

"Professor, I can't find the Shredded Boomslang skin, or the Powdered Bicorn horn" he raised an eyebrow at me and then heavily sighed. "Perhaps you and your little gang have been up to something again?" he drawled with a raised eyebrow.

I just looked at him confused. "Have you not learnt anything in your time spent lumbering around my classroom?" I cocked my head "Huh?" He let out a long sigh, glaring angrily "What are the key ingredients to Polyjuice potion?" he quizzed me.

After looking it up in a nearby book I realised what he was getting at, "Perhaps you should pay more attention" he said, I went to argue but he shushed me. "Forgive me, I forget it is a basic requirement that Granger be with you every waking moment to do your thinking for you" he spat.

I shrugged "Well I won't deny that she's better than me at potions, but I'm pretty sure I could have-" my eyes widened and my jaw was agape as I thought of it "-Professor you're a genius!" he raised an eyebrow, "The potions challenge, the fire one!" he now looked a bit annoyed, "What are you rambling about boy?" I flicked through the book, until I found it.

"Hermione told me all about the first-year potion thing you set up, here it is, Fire Protection Potion, otherwise known as the Ice potion." "This is it; I've found it!" I all but cheered, "Can I use some of your ingredients? I have a potion to make" he breathed through his nose, "If that is what is required to get my teachings through your skull" he sighed again.

I took Bursting Mushrooms, Salamander Blood and some Wartcap Powder, using a nearby cauldron I got to work, Snape watched over me with either curiosity or confusion but despite this being a detention, he allowed me to get to work, with help from the book I managed to brew one Ice potion.

"Professor can you test this, I don't want to poison myself" I said, "So you suggest we should poison me instead?" he commented, I laughed, "Well, I'm sure you know how to make plenty of antidotes, and you are the potions master."

With another heavy sigh he gave the potion a once over and then he rolled up his robes and took a sip of the potion, in half a second he seemed to ponder the potion "This should suffice" was all he said, I couldn't contain myself and started celebrating. 

He sneered but I think I saw the edge of his mouth tremble. "I've had enough of your ravings, you are dismissed." I thought about asking to make two so Harry could have one, but judging by the expression on Snape's face, he wasn't feeling that generous.

Harry's POV

The next day, I had a plan thanks to Moody, (Y/N) and Hermione's help, McGonagall led me to the champions tent. I went inside. Fleur Delacour was sitting in a corner on a low wooden stool. She didn't look nearly as composed as usual, but rather pale and clammy. Viktor Krum looked even surlier than usual, which I supposed was his way of showing nerves.

Cedric was pacing up and down, even (Y/N) was already here, I hadn't seen him in a while, but he was clutching onto his schoolbag as if his life depended on it. When I entered, Cedric gave me a small smile, which I returned, "What time do you call this Potter?" commented (Y/N) tutting while looking at a fake watch.

Bagman cut through the tension by explaining the rules and objectives, "Well, now we're all here time to fill you in!" said Bagman brightly. "When the audience has assembled, You're going to be offered this bag" he held up a small sack of purple silk and shook it at us.

"-From which you will each select a small model of the thing you are about to face!" "Can we keep them?" asked (Y/N), Bagman shrugged, "Sure" "Now, there are different, er, varieties, you see. And I must tell you something else too . . . ah, yes . . . your task is to collect the golden egg!"

"Lovely, they think were stealing their children, no chance they'll be up for a chat then" mumbled (Y/N), probably ruling out using his abilities. After a while of aimlessly walking around the tent as Dumbledore addressed the crowd.

I stopped to hear some whispers "(Y/N)? Harry?" it was Hermione's voice, I gestured (Y/N) over, he walked up curiously. "Hermione?" he whispered when he heard her. "(Y/N) is that you?" she whispered, "No its Dobby" he whispered back, she huffed.

"Hermione what are you doing here?" I asked, "How are you feeling...Ok?" she asked back, when she was met with silence she continued, "The key is to concentrate, then you've just got to..." she trailed off, "Battle a dragon" I filled in.

She let out a concerned noise and pushed the tent aside, flinging her arms around me, suddenly there was a flash of a camera and the voice of Rita Skeeter filled the air "Young love!" she said, seeming very proud of herself, "I swear she beat me by one second" mumbled (Y/N), but he didn't look very happy at her being here.

"How...stirring" she continued, "If nothing goes..." she looked to (Y/N) who was glaring daggers at her, "Poorly today, you might even make the front page" she smiled happily. I glared at her intensely.

"God, I hope one of us dies so I don't have to see that, preferably me." (Y/N) mumbled. Strangely enough it was Viktor Krum who came to our defence. "You have no business here, this tent is for champions...And friends" he said commandingly, then (Y/N) added.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Yeah, and you aren't anybody's friend in here love, so fu-" The rest was drowned out by Dumbledore's arrival, his voice cut through mine as he spoke.

"Good day champions, gather round please, now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived, a moment only the five of you can fully appreciate-" as he spoke he looked around the room, his eyes fell onto Hermione and he did a double take "-What are you doing here Miss Granger?"

She awkwardly shifted her weight, "Um, Sorry I'll just uh, go..." I stopped her before she did "Hermione, can you wait outside for a bit?" I asked, she was the key to my plan, which I've heard from Harry was very similar to his, she nodded but Skeeter basically swooned at the sight, so Hermione slipped out of the tent quickly

"Champions, around me" Mr. Crouch said. "Now you will pull one each from the bag" he said sternly "Ladies first," he said, offering it to Fleur Delacour. She put a shaking hand inside the bag and drew out a tiny, perfect model of a dragon, a Welsh Green. 

It had the number two around its neck. Krum pulled out the scarlet Chinese Fireball. It had a number three around its neck. He didn't even blink, just sat back down and stared at the ground. Cedric put his hand into the bag, and out came the blueish-grey Swedish Short-Snout, the number one tied around its neck.

It was down to the Horntail, and Norberta, I know which one I wanted. I only had one wish, I'm almost certain that my train of thought was the complete opposite of the other champions, "Please give me the Horntail, Please give me the Horntail" I practically begged, chanting it under my breath, as I reached in the bag I felt a long tail, "The Horntail!" I thought, plucking the dragon from the pouch.

Unfortunately, my luck was not with me, the Norwegian Ridgeback stared at me with its beady eyes, both dragons were very similar in appearance, much to my dismay, it had the number five around its neck. 

Knowing what was left, Harry put his hand into the silk bag and pulled out the Hungarian Horntail, and the number four. It stretched its wings as he looked down at it and bared its minuscule fangs. "Don't suppose we can trade?" I looked at Bagman who shook his head. "Can't I fight this one instead?" I asked, holding up my figurine. They ignored me.

Dumbledore pulled me aside as Crouch went to announce who had which Dragon. "How do you plan on dealing with the challenge?" he asked curiously, I took the potion out of my schoolbag, "This is the best I could come up with."

He took it, smelled it and smiled "Rather potent" I nodded, "I didn't know if it would work well on dragon fire so I tried to make it as strong as possible" he nodded in understanding. "Wait, it does work on dragon fire, right?" he reassured me it did, though not to the same extent as normal fire so the effect won't hold up as long.

"Rather ingenious, not something many would have thought of" he commented, "Well, I was running out of options to be honest Professor" then I thought of something and decided to ask "Professor, this does work on clothes and stuff, right?" 

"Because I might like a laugh, but I don't feel like fighting a dragon while I'm starkers" he laughed but reassured me it did, with that he wished me good luck and went outside. I stepped outside myself to find Hermione waiting for me as I asked. 

"Hermione!" I called, she turned and walked to me, looking rather anxious, I hugged her and smiled, "Do me a favour?" she nodded, I handed her a slip of paper "Give this to the twins and..." I pulled the potion out of my school bag.

"Hold this, bring it with you in the stands, toss me it when I ask" I handed her my potion, she took it and gave it a once over, then smiled, "That's clever" she said, "Well, I do have my moments."

"Wait, isn't this cheating?" she said in a shocked voice, as if it was the worst thing in the world. "Well, Harry's using a broom, so I'm sure I'm allowed this, and if I get disqualified, I'm out of mortal danger, win-win"

"You really have thought of everything" "Not really, still have to deal with the rest of it somehow, getting past the fire took all my time" I said, rubbing the back of my neck, "I'll be fine, promise me one thing though" she nodded, looking at me intently, I couldn't help myself, "Don't drop it" she frowned at me, "Don't be a prat!" she said, but I could see her half smirk as she walked off.

The next few minutes of waiting was torturous, I spent the first few minutes hoping to hear something that could give me an edge from the other competitors, spells that worked well or interesting strategies, but the cheering drowned all of that out.

Then when Harry was up I was waiting with my heart in my throat, I heard the crowd react, every gasp was a grip on my heart, every scream was another fear, but after a few minutes of tense silence I heard it through the sky and all my worries were washed away, "POTTER! POTTER! POTTER" and I knew he had been successful.

I was up next, so I swallowed my fear and stepped out of the tent, I was led to the entrance of the arena, trying to pump myself up. In the end I took a deep breath and walked forward. "Well then, time to put on a good show or die trying."

As soon as I entered the stone filled arena chants split the air, "(L/N), (L/N), (L/N)-" it filled me with confidence, adrenaline, and happiness, most of all, with warmth, like submerging into a hot bath. Then it clicked, this must be why Harry loved Quidditch, why (B/N) was so obsessed with it, it was this feeling. This feeling that for one single second, you were the most important thing in the world.

I revelled in it, holding up my arms and being met with overwhelming praise and support. But it came to an end in an instant, because I realised, I was a fourteen-year-old, face to face with a real, angry and fire breathing dragon, its beady eyes met mine for a single moment. Just as quickly as it had come, it faded, the water just turned to ice.

Everything I had ever learned flooded out of my head, for the first time in years I had the same feeling I used to get in my first year, the panic of a child put in front of an immense obstacle. As I panicked, I saw this obstacle's nostrils flare with steam, out of panic and reflex I rolled to my right, managing to dart away and behind a rock.

"What do I do? What can I do? Look at that thing. HOW AM I MEANT TO FIGHT THAT!" were rattling about my head, I heard laughter from the crowds, probably from a certain Slytherin, but it sparked something in my frantic mind. I didn't think it would work, but I'd try it anyway, might buy me some time to think of a plan

I stepped out from behind the rock slowly, my hands raised. Norberta paused, "Hey big girl...remember me? You know me, I was there when you hatched, I helped your Mummy find you a new home, remember?" I tried to speak as calmly and smoothly as I could, lacing my words with Legilimency, looking right into her eyes. She cocked her head and smelled me, "Good girl..." I said, stepping closer to the egg. Big mistake.

She reared up onto her hind legs in offence, roaring and billowing fire from her mouth, her front legs crashed back down to earth, sending tremors through the whole stadium, her eyes weren't as light now, they were harsh, angry, her pupils became more animalistic, now just slits. Her nostrils flared again, and I darted back behind the rock, as her fire extinguished, she made her way closer to the egg and started to pull at her chains.

See, my original plan was to hold off on using the potion until I could figure out a way to defeat the dragon, but upon seeing her up close, I had two very choice words for that plan, one of them rhymed with "duck" and the other was "That!"

Keeping her in my sight at all times I waited until Norberta turned to pull at the chain around her neck, I used the opportunity to my advantage, "THROW IT" I screamed at the top of my lungs, cutting through the cheers, Hermione got the message, I saw the potion hurtling through the air, "ACCIO POTION!" I said, pointing my wand at it. It soared to my hands without issue, much to my relief.

Not wanting to waste any more time I quickly downed the contents in its entirety. The tips of my fingers went ice cold, I was shivering, my teeth chattered for a brief second, and then after a chill made its way down my throat It dispersed among my entire body. For some reasons the words "Don't be a prat" echoed in my head, making me laugh, despite the fact I was almost turned into charcoal by a dragon.

I knew it wouldn't last long against a dragon, five minutes tops, but that didn't matter, that was all I needed, five minutes to think of something. I slowly peeked over my hiding place, I had hoped to sneak past the dragon, but she was looking around intently, probably trying to find me, I stood up and walked up to her slowly. The second she saw me her pupils dilated and just like before steam bellowed out of her nostrils.

I backed up a little but she still blew a torrent of fire directly at me, it engulfed me, I had heard of the effects of this potion, like the fire freezing charm it was meant to tickle, it didn't, the fire stung, like stinging nettles along my whole body, but it beats being cremated so I didn't mind.

As Norberta ran out of breath, the fire extinguished, she was the first to show confusion, her eyes changed and she cocked her head as if to say, "How'd you do that?" but I made a mad dash for the egg, which was placed just under the dragon, but the she didn't like that very much, she hissed and swiped her claws at me.

Up close they looked much more deadly, it was like the Ridgeback had spears on each finger, any one of them hitting me would have skewered me, because of this, I lost faith in my rush and paused halfway, narrowly avoiding being filleted.

"Ok think, on a timer here" I tried to calm myself, "can't get too close, claws, cant stay at distance, potion would ware off before I did anything, she won't come to me, chains" that left one option, I didn't like it but I couldn't think of anything else. I locked eyes with at the Norberta, again, she blew fire at my face, and again swiped at me with her claws. But this time I was ready, I had a plan, a really, really, stupid plan.

Step one, I ran at the Ridgeback at full sprint, as expected she tried to torch me again, this was going exactly to plan, the fire was kind of blinding, especially at the source, but I could work with this. As I got closer she swiped at me again, her right arm aiming at my chest to impale me with her claws, good.

Step two, "ascendio" I cast, not with as much force as usual, just enough to make me go straight up and clear the dragons claws, failing at swiping me with her right arm, she tried again with her left, but the charm wore off, meaning I was able to duck under the claws this time. This meant for a split second, her arms were crossed over one another and under her mouth, like she was really cross with me and was about to tell me off. Luckily, a split second was all I needed.

Step three "Incarcerous!" I cast the best chains I could, chains flew out of my wand, binding the dragon at the wrist and elbow joints, they were about five inches thick, seemingly made of cast iron, good enough for now, but it might as well have been dental floss to a dragon, so I had to act fast, shock seemed to be the only reason Norberta hadn't broken out already.

Step four... Do something. The Ridgeback looked at me its yellow eyes flowing with anger, giving me an idea, I didn't want to hurt Norberta, she was my friend, but I had to get that egg. "God this sounds ridiculous out of context!" I thought. Nevertheless, I carried on, climbing the dragons' arms, I was face to snout with it, I had to stand on its upper jaw, pushing down with all my might so it didn't eat me, then I cast "Incarcerous" again, chains wrapped round her mouth to stop her biting...or swallowing, but it didn't fill me with much comfort when Norberta's nostrils flared.

I cast "Lumos Maxima!" pointing my wand towards the Norberta's eyes, averting my own, she broke the chains immediately and screeched in pain, throwing me from her snout, her arms breaking free of their restraints to randomly thrash about in anger, its mouth poured out white hot flame all around the arena as its head swayed and jerked.

I landed just under the dragons chin, on my back, I had to roll and dodge as it flapped its wings and arms in anger, blindly attempting to crush or roast me, as I tried to crawl under her to reach the egg there was a sudden gust of wind and Norberta took to the sky for the first time, backing up and raining fire on me again, this time the fire felt like it was searing me, but it didn't turn me to a pile of ash and I had no burns, so the potion wasn't worn off completely.

Her eyes squinted open, she spotted me and roared angrily. Crashing back to earth she reared up on her hind legs, roaring at me furiously again. As she landed she swiped her tail at me. I managed to jump backwards and narrowly avoid it, thanking my lucky stars it wasn't the Horntail.

She knew where I was and could still move around, I was back to square one, only now she was even angrier, and my potion was running on fumes. Lovely.

She took to the sky again, still chained to the arena, flapping her wings, screeching at me, I had a clear view of the egg now, so I stuck to my guns. I took a deep breath and charged at it again, even Norberta seemed shocked, yet again her eyes looked at me confused like, "Are you an idiot?"

I expected her to shoot flame at me, but she seemed to learn her lesson, instead she reared back her wings, and divebombed me. Now I had a giant dragon hurtling at me at speeds that would turn me into a smear on the ground if she hit me. I just did whatever I could think of, "Ascendio!" I cast again, this time rocketing over the dragon as it smashed into the place I would have been half a second ago.

I watched as Norberta skidded under me, roaring in frustration and anger, she came to a stop when she collided with the side of the arena, her chain was stretched to it's limit, this was my chance, After landing with a roll I turned on my heel and bound her up by the tail with another charm.

"Sorry Norberta, I'll make it up to you, Hagrid will get you some brandy or something" I said. Then I turned back and sprinted for the egg, unfortunately I forgot something, the handler said Ridgebacks could shoot flames up to twenty feet. She didn't appreciate the sass.

I was about two feet from the egg when a scalding hot pain blasted my back, pushing me forward to faceplant the hard stone ground, I think if I didn't have as much adrenaline in my system as I did, I probably would have passed out from the pain. For the first time I heard the crowd and not my own heartbeat, there were panicked screams and gasps. Even some choked sobs.

I barely registered as the dragon made its way towards me because of the pain, until I felt its hot breath on the back of my head, out of morbid curiosity, I turned to face Norberta, "Hey big girl" I said in panic, she was going to kill me now then.

I watched in horror as she opened her mouth to take a bite, for some reason the only thing I could think of was how upset Hagrid would be I didn't want him to go through that. He had always wanted a dragon; he was so happy in first year when he got one. I feel like his first one chewing on a good friend of his might put him off.

Norberta lunged her head forward, so out of panic I did something I swore I would never do, something I had only seen done once but very effectively, something a first year would have done.

I rammed my wand into her nose.

The dragons head reared to the side, colliding a mere foot away from my right arm, close enough that one of its teeth raked my arm, leaving a wide gash, but Norberta reared back again, eyes closed out of discomfort, shaking her head in irritation, breathing spurts of fire to clear her nostril, almost like sneezing. She was reeling from my ingenious attack, my wand eventually dislodged from her nostril and clattered to the floor, but I couldn't care less about that right now.

In the panic I got to my feet and charged for the egg, grabbing it and skidding along the floor like a muggle rugby player, the second I did, several dragon handlers were sent out to stop Norberta, who was not very happy. The stadium was filled with uproarious cheers and whooping, I laughed and bellowed like a madman. As I held the egg above my head in triumph a splitting pain raked its way up my arm from my side, where it had lashed me a little with its fangs.

There was something I didn't know about the Norwegian Ridgeback at the time, something that would have been very helpful to know going into the task.

As soon as I made my way out of the arena my vision failed me, I collapsed to one side, keeling over in pain. Luckily the teachers seemed to know something I didn't because Snape was already on hand with a vial of something, that was the last thing I saw when I collapsed.

Luckily, I didn't lose consciousness this time, but the pain made me wish I had, the venom worked its way through my veins, burning as it did, and the second degree burns on my back didn't help much either, but I lost all of my energy, I couldn't even muster up the strength to talk, or cry in pain or even open my eyes, no matter how much I wanted to, I had to wait, utterly helpless, hoping the teachers could help me.

I had to sit in darkness and wait, hearing everyone panicked voices around me, a few I could make out, a few I couldn't, either way, from what I heard, nobody was very happy, Madam Pomfrey most of all, Snape fed me the antidote and I was taken to the hospital wing for treatment, now I just had to sit and wait in darkness.
