Untimely Transformations and False Accusations

(Y/N)'s POV

They began to explain that Pettigrew was alive, and he was the one that betrayed Harry's parents, Harry didn't seem impressed "No. Pettigrew's dead. He killed him." As Harry pointed at Black, Black laughed mirthlessly. 

Lupin nodded "I thought so, too. Until you mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the Map." "The Map was lying then" Harry interrupted. "The Map never lies." Black chuckled, I pointed my wand at him "How would you know?" I said, he smirked, "I know a lot of things, like Pettigrew's alive. And he's right there."

With confidence Black points at... Ron. Ron went white with fear. "M-me? He's a lunatic..." "Not you, you idiot. Your rat." "Scabbers? Scabbers has been in my family for-" Black spoke bitterly "Twelve years. A curiously long life for a common garden rat. He's missing a toe, isn't he?"

Black unfolded a dog-eared clipping from The Daily Prophet: it showed Ron in Egypt with his family, Scabbers on his shoulder. Ron shouted, "So what?" Harry seemed to know "All they could find of Pettigrew was his-" Black finished for him "Finger." 

"Dirty coward cut it off so everyone would think he was dead. Then he transformed into a rat. " "He killed the muggles, not you, he framed you" I said in disbelief. "Smart boy" Black said again. Harry insisted they showed him.

Lupin and Black turned to Ron. Who was holding Scabbers protectively, eventually they managed to take Scabbers from him, but as they started to cast a spell on him Scabbers tried to squirm away, looking for an exit, but both cats were guarding the door, he tried to jump into a cabinet, but didn't make it.

As the spell hit him Scabbers twisted madly in midair, then, after a blinding flash he transformed into... a very short man with thinning hair and grubby hands. Peter Pettigrew, "S-Sirius... R-Remus. My old friends".

There was a seconds pause, suddenly, he made a break for it, but Sirius merely shoved him back. Pettigrew's nose twitched, his gaze finding Harry. His hands fluttered nervously "Harry! Look at you! Y-you look just like your father. Like James. We were the best of friends, he and I-"

He clung on to Harry's chest, Sirius shoved him off harshly "Shut your snivelling mouth" he said angrily, he turned to Black "I didn't mean to! The Dark Lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses! Ask yourself what you would have done, Sirius. What would you have done!"

Black was shaking with anger, hatred burned into his tone, "I WOULD HAVE DIED!" he advanced, wand drawn "Died rather than betray my friends! And you should have realised, Peter, if Voldemort didn't kill you..." he glanced to Lupin, who continued "We would. Together" He said in an eerily calm voice.

"No... please... you can't..." he whimpered eyes darting around the room finding Ron. "Haven't I been a good friend? A good pet? You won't let them kill me, will you? I was your rat..." Ron drew back in disgust. Pettigrew turned to Hermione. 

"Sweet girl. Clever girl. Surely you won't let them... " I shoved him away, "You, kind boy, you like animals, help me-" he looked into my eyes and realised he wouldn't get any pity from me, he shrunk away from me. As one, Lupin and Black raised their wands, pointed them directly into Pettigrew's face. He started trembling, he was closing his eyes in fear, when...

"No" Harry said firmly "Harry, this man..." Lupin started "I know what he is. But we'll take him to the castle" Pettigrew became tearful, sobbing. "Bless you, boy! Bless you-""Get off! I said we'd take you to the castle. After that, the Dementors can have you."

By the time we made it back through the willow, Pettigrew was already blubbering, bound by magical chains, "Anything but the Dementors... Ron! Haven't I been a good friend? A good pet? You won't let them kill me, will you? I was your rat..." a thought occurred.

I prodded Ron who was on my back, "Ewww this guy has been sleeping on your lap " he cringed in disgust, I turned as a sleepwalking Snape hit his head against a low limb. "Watch him, we don't want him waking up and throwing a fit" 

Hermione turned to me "Don't worry. He's under the Somnambulist Charm. It's primarily used to transport the seriously deranged" "Sweet" We stepped outside into the crisp nights air, I was relieved to get it all behind us, as I was placing Ron on the ground next to Snape.

I was trying to distract him from the pain. "I kind of wish I'd let Bones eat him now" I said. "I thought you said she didn't eat rats?" he replied through gritted teeth. "I lied, what she said was 'That rat is a dead man' I just didn't know she meant it literally" I chuckled. 

He let out a snort, a little colour returning to his face. I turned to Bones, "Ok princess, go to the castle and get McGonagall, bring her here." She mewled and scurried off into the darkness Crookshanks behind her. Ron was still pretty sore.

I was about to offer to carry him back to the castle, but a chill ran down my spine, something was wrong, something obvious, something I had forgotten about entirely. Hermione let out a gasp.

"(Y/N)" she said to get my attention, I turned only to see Hermione staring at the full moon. My eyes shifted to Lupin, who was stood stock still, a rigid silhouette, his fingers twitching. Harry and Black noticed too, Sirius tried to speak to him.

"Remus, old friend... did you take your potion tonight?" Lupin took a breath, still twitching, and slowly shook his head. Black stepped forward, wrapping his arms around his friend, pressing his mouth to his ear. 

"You know the man you truly are, Remus. This flesh is only flesh. This heart is where you truly live. This heart! Here!" But Lupin still began to change. Dropping his wand. "Get him inside!" I yelled, hoping we could keep him isolated before he changed, but it was too late

While we were concerned with Lupin, Pettigrew darted away, reaching Lupins wand, I turned to stop him, "Expelliarmus!" Lupin's wand flew from Pettigrew's hand and he froze, but again, it was too late, he turned slowly, face blank, eyes closed, he... laughed, just laughed, transforming into a rat, scurrying off into the night. Harry leapt for him "No!" but Pettigrew was too quick.

Sirius screamed "Run. All of you!" But Ron and Hermione were transfixed with fear. I heard a sickening crack, a howl of pain and the sound of tearing flesh. I quickly pushed Harry back to Ron and Hermione, getting in front of them, wand drawn. Helplessly watching as pieces of bone and fur poked through Lupin's skin.

A howl pierced the air, with a shrug, Lupin tossed Black into the air, then turned. I could tell just by looking at his eyes, he isn't Lupin anymore, He is no longer human. He's a werewolf. I raised my wand, but Hermione pushed it aside slowly, inching closer to him, "Professor?"

There was a single moment, when I felt like she might have got through to him, but a growl cut through the silence, I pushed her back harshly, she landed on a still unconscious Snape, "Stupefy!"

Lupin was launched back, landing harshly on his back. I felt terrible, it wasn't his fault, but I couldn't let him hurt my friends, I know he would never forgive himself if he did, I had my doubts earlier, but now I was sure, he was a kind man, he just wasn't in control. This was for his sake as well as ours.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Snape's eyes flutter open, the spell broken. Seeing Hermione atop him, he swept her aside "Out of the way!" He sat up grumbling, "Good now we have a chance" I thought, I foolishly turned to look at him.

"Professor Lupin-" I started, he shushed me, looking furious, He groaned looking over my shoulder ... and saw the werewolf preparing to pounce. Leaping to his feet, Snape drew his wand and stepped forward, shielding us all.

The werewolf continued to advance forward, when the Grim, who I now know was Black, intercepted Lupin in mid-air forcing it away from us. Again, and again, the dog pushed the werewolf back, but the werewolf was too strong, it grabbed hold of the dog, squeezing it with all its power.

Harry yelled "Sirius!" as Black yelped in pain, all I wanted to do was help, but Snape held me back. Eventually, Lupin managed to force Black over a ledge, Harry pushed past Snape, calling after Sirius in concern, he ran into the night. 

Me and Hermione went to follow, but again Snape held us back. The werewolf however, wasn't being held back by Snape, it turned to watch Harry as he sprinted off, shifting its attention to him, I watched in horror as it broke out into a run.

The werewolf continued to advance, until suddenly, another howl filled the air, the werewolf stopped almost instantly and tilted its head curiously, then another howl, it turned on its heels and sprinted off into the forest, losing all interest in us.

We wanted to go off and find Harry, but despite our protests, Snape made us wait, it must have been only ten minutes, but waiting, not knowing what happened to Harry, not knowing if he was ok, or hurt, or worse. Of course it felt like an eternity.

Eventually, the teachers found us, taking Sirius into custody and Ron and Harry into the infirmary, Harry was still unconscious, we were waiting for him to awake. So In the meantime, I was trying to convince Fudge that Sirius was innocent.

He wouldn't listen, so I tried a last ditch effort, I went to show him with Legilimency so he would listen, Snape stopped me harshly, "Don't you dare!" he snapped, breaking my concentration. Eventually, I got Fudge to talk to me, "Listen I can show you everything" he looked confused.

 "I'm a Legilimens, I can show you what we saw if you'd let me-" He looked scandalised, "I'd think not, letting anyone into the mind of the minister of magic is something that can never be authorised under any circumstance" he reasoned.

"Please, anyone, not just you, PLEASE!" I all but begged, he shook his head and toddled off. Snape convincing him I was charmed while sneering at me. By the time Harry awoke we all were simply sat around Ron, thinking of something to do that could help Sirius.

I explained what had happened. "The only reason we weren't expelled immediately is because Snape said we were confunded" I answered Harry as he asked some questions. Ron was lying opposite me, his leg bandaged, and held aloft magically.

Hermione was doing what she always did, pacing, me and Harry were sat, waiting in silence for the inevitable news that Black had been sentenced to the dementors kiss. "I saw my dad." Said Harry breaking the silence, we all looked at him confused.

"What...?" "He sent the Dementors away... I saw him. Across the lake..." He continued to explain. Hermione exchanged a private glance with Ron and me and decided to change the subject "Listen, Harry. They've captured Sirius. Any minute the Dementors are going to perform the Kiss." 

"The Kiss...?" My heart sank, he doesn't know, I couldn't bring myself to tell him, my hands were shaking just thinking about it, luckily Hermione had more nerve then me, "It's what Dementors do to those they want to destroy. They clamp their jaws over the victim's mouth and... suck out their soul."

"You mean, they're going to kill Sirius?" "Worse." I managed to say grimly, Hermione looked at me and then decided to try and explain more gently "You go on living. But you have no memory. No sense of self. You're just a shall. An empty shell..."

Dumbledore arrived before we could continue, we all rushed to Sirius's defence, claiming he was innocent, attempting to explain what happened, he silenced us with a raise of his hand. Hermione spoke last "Please, sir, you must believe us."

"I do, Miss Granger. But I'm sorry to say the word of four thirteen-year-old wizards will convince few others. A child's voice, however honest and true, is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen." He looked out of the window, "Ah... a shooting star. If ever one was to make a wish, now would be the time." He chuckled.

I huffed "We don't need fortune cookies; we need something to help him! You said it yourself, there isn't much time left!" He smirked, a strange look in his eye, he turned to Hermione. On cue, the midnight bell started to chime... DING!... DING! "Mysterious thing, time. Powerful. And, when meddled with... dangerous. Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower."

"You know the laws, Miss Granger. You must not be seen. And you would, I feel, do well to return before this last chime. If not... well, the consequences are really too ghastly to discuss. Three turns should do it, I think. If you succeed, more than one innocent life may be spared tonight."

"By the way, when in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin... Good luck." He smiled, and with that he was gone "What in bloody hell was all that about?" said Ron, ""Who knows, the blokes senile most of the time I swear"

Hermione began fiddling with something, we all look at her, she pulled something out, which had been hanging around her neck, I recognised it almost immediately, "is that what I think it is?"

Hermione didn't reply, instead she started looping the pendant's long chain around my neck, then Harry's neck, as well as her own. "Sorry, Ron. But seeing as you can't walk..." she glanced at him, "See, now a lot of things are starting to make sense" I commented as Hermione started to twist the pendant, Harry went to touch it, Hermione and I both slapped his hand away.

"I've always wanted to try this" I smiled, suddenly, there was a lurch in my stomach, the world blurred around us, everything slowed down for just a second, then started working backwards, I saw Dumbledore enter and leave backwards, I saw Hermione beside me, pacing backwards, even the sun had reverted backwards in the sky. Time itself was reversing around us.

Now the room was empty. Except for Me, Harry and Hermione. As Hermione un-looped the necklace, Harry glanced around in confusion. "What just happened? Where's Ron?" Hermione ignored the question too busy eyeing the clock on the wall. 

"Seven-thirty. Where were we at seven-thirty?", I tried my best to answer, "That was a time turner, and I'm pretty sure we are on our way to Hagrid's" Harry just frowned "Huh?" "Come on! We can't be seen!" said Hermione impatiently, she grabbed our arms and led us out.

Eventually, Harry was frustrated with being on the dark, "Hermione! Will you please tell me what it is we're doing?!" She just held up a hand, silencing him. Annoyed, Harry grumbled and looked at me, I shrugged, "I'm just going with it" I whispered, we both followed her gaze and Harry did a double take.

Across the grounds he saw the four of us about to confront Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle near the monoliths. "But that... that's... us. This is not... normal." "Stellar observation mate, it will make sense later, right now, just try to keep calm, Hermione? You'd probably better" Dumbfounded, Harry turned to her as she explained.

Hermione held up the hourglass pendant. "This is a Time-Turner, Harry. McGonagall gave it to me first term. This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year." "You mean, we've gone back in time?" "Yes. Dumbledore wanted us to return to this moment. Clearly something happened he wants us to change." "I hope it wasn't that punch" I said smirking, as I got to watch Hermione clock Draco again.

Harry nodded and added "Good punch." In admiration, she smiled but continued with the task at hand. "Hurry! Malfoy's coming!" Hermione pulled us under the bridge to the castle just in time, I could hear Crabbe and Goyle breathing overhead from here as Malfoy shouted at them.

"Not a word of this to anyone, understood! I'll get that jumped-up Mudblood one of these days. Mark my words..." I was filled with anger, I reached up blindly and yanked his foot out from under him, he fell hard, landing with a sickening "SMACK" as his head hit the floor. He groaned, got up and hurried away, too scared and confused to care what just tripped him.

As I did that, Harry looked down to Hagrid's pumpkin patch, "Look. Buckbeak's still alive." He lamented sadly, Hermione gasped "Of course! Remember what Dumbledore said. If we succeed, more than one innocent life could be spared. 

He meant Buckbeak, I bet he can help us save Sirius" Hermione said as we made our way to the edge of the patch, adjacent to the forest. As Buckbeak feasted on a ferret, we quickly ducked behind a pile of pumpkins. 

Peering into the hut, looking in the window we saw Hermione and Ron embrace awkwardly "Awww cute". Looking toward the slope we saw Fudge and the others approaching in a pack. "Here they come. I better hurry" I started to go toward Buckbeak, intent on freeing him. Hermione pulled me back "No! Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him. Otherwise, he'll think Hagrid set him free!"

I nodded; I didn't think of that, looking toward the hut. Inside, Hagrid is handing Scabbers to Ron. "That's Pettigrew!" Harry said angrily as he started to rise, I forced him back shaking my head, Hermione spoke fiercely. 

"No, Harry! You can't!" he spat back "Hermione, that's the man who betrayed my parents! You don't expect me to just sit here..." "Yes, you bloody will!" I whispered.

Hermione's explanation was more delicate then mine "Harry, you're in Hagrid's hut right now. If you go bursting inside, you'll think you've gone mad. Awful things can happen when wizards meddle with time. We can't be seen." 

I nodded and added "Plus, I'm pretty sure what we are trying to do now is very illegal, so I'm not taking any chances. They already have an executioner and everything." I said, pointing to them strolling down the hill.

As we watched Fudge and the others drawing closer, I started to get concerned, as did Hermione. She frowned, all of us looking into the hut. "Fudge is coming and... we're not leaving... why aren't we leaving?"

She began playing with a small stone beside her, I caught on, she grabbed it, rose, and hurled it through the window of the hut, "SMASH!" "Remind me to buy Hagrid a new jug" I said, passing her another, she loaded up again.

"Are you two mad?" asked Harry, Hermione ignored him, swiftly whistling a second stone through the window and off the back of Harry's head. "That hurt." He rubbed the spot "Sorry." I picked up another, passing it to her and saying "Hermione please don't hit me in the-"

"-Why!?" I whined, she turned to me and mouthed a sorry. We had to quickly found a new hiding spot so we could hide from... ourselves, "God I'm getting a headache just thinking about this" I thought as we retreated behind the treeline behind the pumpkins.

Only seconds before we took our own places. I turned to see if the others were well hidden only to see Hermione ponder the back of her own head. "Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?" she mumbled "Shhh!" said Harry, I rolled my eyes "It looks lovely, now shhh!" I commented she smiled but stayed quiet.

We spent the next few minutes coaxing Buckbeak out of the pumpkin patch, he seemed very reluctant to leave Hagrid, which was very admirable but was also a huge pain to deal with, Hermione finally only got him away by bribing him with dead ferrets, he followed us into the forest just in time, in the distance we heard a confused murmur of Fudge and the executioner angrily swinging his axe into something.

Harry's POV

We raced through the trees as Buckbeak loped easily behind. " Now what?" Hermione asked "We save Sirius." I said firmly "And we do that... how?" Hermione said weakly. "Gee, how could a magical flying creature help someone escape from the top tower of a castle, beats me" (Y/N) remarked.

We slowly trudged to the Whomping Willow. "Look. It's Lupin." Hermione pointed out. We killed the time by talking, Hermione explaining the time turner, and (Y/N) putting things into layman's, much to Hermione's chagrin.

 I told them the story of what had happened at the lake, it started to get dark as I asked a question that was burned into me as soon as the idea of reversing time came into play.

"Couldn't we go back and save my-", (Y/N) interrupted, of course he knew what I was going to say, "Doesn't work like that Harry, most of them have a limit, and even if this one doesn't-" He started sadly, I tried to explain that we could at least try "But we could just-"

"Harry, I get it, I do, but if we do, we could change everything, like a whole different world, and that's best case scenario, it could end up a lot worse, like, end of days worse" he said firmly, I was a bit deflated at that, it must have showed because he did what he always does. Tried his best to help.

"I'm not risking it, if we change things-" he took a deep breath and shuddered "What" I asked curiously "I might not get to see Hermione's knickers" he said with a wide smirk, he closed his eyes and braced himself, and as expected Hermione slapped the back of his head, "PRAT!" She scolded.

"You're right, I'd probably see them anyway" he gave me a wink and she tutted at him, it was hard not to laugh at the sight. "The time turner doesn't work like that Harry" he continued, "Trust me, I've looked into them before" he said sadly.

I just nodded, understanding what he was saying but still unsure of how to reply. As Snape made his way to the Willow, Hermione began to use long words and formulas to explain why time turner wouldn't work, and for some reason, (Y/N) was staring at her with a funny look in his eye.

(Y/N)'s POV

As she explained the intricate rules and laws of the time turner, I had a single thought that sparked a drastic change, "God she's so smart" I thought, a small voice in my head added "And pretty" 

"Holy cricket, it is my conscience" I chuckled to myself she turned to face me and raised an eyebrow, I stared into her eyes, "Now you mention it, she is pretty, and clever, and I-" I came to a sudden epiphany and my whole world view changed.

I mean, I've always liked her, ever since we first met, that's why I teased her so much, but for some reason the thought of admitting it to myself still shook me a bit. I took a deep breath.

"Oh, I love Hermione" I finally admitted to myself. There was a beat of silence where I was terrified that I accidentally said that out loud, luckily, I hadn't, but I sure as hell hoped she wasn't secretly a powerful legilimens. She continued her lecture so I assumed she wasn't.

My realisation did have its downsides, now every time I looked at her, I felt awkward, I could barely look her in the eye without blushing, my brain kept telling me to do silly stuff to impress her or get closer to her. Hell, a small part of me wanted to lean over and- "No" 

Or to pin her hands above her head, against a tree all suave like and- "NO!" "You watch too many spy movies, stuff like that doesn't work in real life, and Harry's still here." the cynical voice returned. "Dear god, this is a nightmare, what has she done to me?"

Luckily, Harry came to my aid unknowingly "You see Sirius talking to me? He's asking me to come live with him." I smiled "Really?" Harry nodded, his voice wistful, I only just realised we had already left the Willow. 

"When we free him, I'll never have to go back to the Dursley's. I'm going to tell him I'd like to live someplace in the country. I think he'd like that, after all those years in Azkaban. We don't need a big place and I can help him..." "You both deserve it mate" I said putting a hand on his shoulder.

Harry's POV

A "Howl!" cut through the night "It's happened. Lupin's transformed." "Which means Pettigrew is slipping safely into the night. While we just stand here... " I said angrily "We have bigger issues" said (Y/N) pointing as the werewolf continued to advance towards Harry, um...me? Past me, as Sirius was thrown down the hill, uninterrupted.

The werewolf began to stalk me, when suddenly... "HOWWWWWWWWWL!" We both wheeled round to see Hermione, hands cupped to her mouth, making a loud howl, (Y/N) covered her mouth. "What are you doing?" I ask out of sheer shock "Saving your life" she said as she pushed his hand off, (Y/N) seemed to understand.

"Hermione you're a genius!" He said excitedly, for some reason he wrapped his arms around her and smiled, then he caught himself and shook off her, he cleared his throat in embarrassment and he let out his own weak "Howl!" He was struggling to avoid her gaze.

I looked back, paling at the sight, at first the werewolf was frozen. But as before, it began to approach the forest "Thanks. But we have to move." I said quickly "Why?" she asked, "Because that werewolf you just called is running right this way." Said (Y/N), we all exchanged a glance and turned and ran.

The only thing other than frantic footsteps was (Y/N) bellowing "HERMIONE YOU'RE AN IDIOT!" as we sprinted off into the forest. Following the cry of "I KNEW WE SHOULD HAVE CURSED HIM ON THE BLOODY TRAIN!"
