Unsuccesful Plans (+ Preview of The Love Of My Life)


LightningScar - Harry
TheSmart1 - Hermione
RedHeaded - Ron
SecretAdmirer - Ginny
TroubleTwin1 - Fred
TroubleTwin2 - George
EmeraldHat - Professor McGonagall
DarkDeciever - Snape
OldnWise - Dumbledore
HerbologyMaster - Neville
QuibblerGirl - Luna
FreeElf - Dobby
BlackPaw - Sirius
BlondeSwag - Draco
NoNoses - Voldemort
HeartVoldy - Bellatrix
BestFollower - Lucius
ThePhysic - Professor Trawlney
TheBlackRaven - Cho Chang
SecretnSingle - Ramilda Vaine
PinkMeow - Professor Umbridge
SweetnCaring - Lily Potter
HateSnape - James Potter
DazzlenSparkle - Edward Cullen
CupcakeLovar1 - Goyle
CupcakeLovar2 - Crabbe
TwilightWriter - Stephanie Meyers
MustHaveBF - Bella Swan
HPAuthor - J.K. Rowling
Hufflepuffis#1 - Cedric Diggory
MommaWeasley - Mrs. Weasley
MuggleEnthusiest - Mr. Weasley
MagikalCreturs - Hagrid
MagikGirl - Muggle Girl #1 (Alexandria)
MagikBoy - Muggle Boy #1 (Alexander)
Magikis4Realz - Muggle Girl #2 (Maria)
RealMagik - Muggle Boy #2 (Danny)


**This chapter is a parody of a scene of the Disney Move, Meet the Robinsons.**

[NoNoses has joined the chat]
[MagikGirl has joined the chat]

NoNoses: Imperio! Ha ha! Now I've got you under my control!

MagikGirl: Ha ha! Now I've got you under my control!

NoNoses: Stop repeating me!

MagikGirl: Okay.

NoNoses: Now, we are in the dungeons of Hogwarts. I want you to go upstairs, walk to the Great Hall where everyone is, and take over the school!

MagikGirl: ...

NoNoses: Why aren't you walking???

MagikGirl: Well, I'm short, I'm only one person, I'm not a witch, and I'm unarmed. I'm not so sure this plan was thought out so well...

NoNoses: *about to blow up in anger* FINE!

[MagikGirl has left the chat]

--5 Minutes Later--

[FreeElf has joined the chat]

NoNoses: Imperio! Now you'll be my servant!

FreeElf: Okay.

NoNoses: W-w-wait...that's it?

FreeElf: ...

NoNoses: No blood curdling screech? No recoiling in horror?

FreeElf: ...

NoNoses: Okay...so go up to the Great Hall and take over the school!!! *evil laugh*

FreeElf: ...

NoNoses: Why aren't you walking?

FreeElf: Well...I'm a single elf, and there's thousands of witches and wizards up there. I'm not so sure this plan was thought out so well...

NoNoses: *literally about to blow up in anger* FINE!!!!

--5 Minutes Later--

NoNoses: I guess I'll have to go up and kill Harry Potter and the rest of the school myself...

[LightningScar has joined the chat]
[TheSmart1 has joined the chat]
[RedHeaded has joined the chat]

LightningScar: Wow Voldy...this is just sad...

TheSmart1: This must really be a low point in your career...

NoNoses: I must say it is... *sadly sigh*

RedHeaded: No kidding! Harry's aunt, uncle, and cousin to much better than this...

LightningScar: It's true...

NoNoses: You now...I'm not so sure my plan was thought out so well...

LightningScar: You're just realizing this now???

TheSmart1: Wow.

RedHeaded: This is pathetic.


Please read my newest Harry Potter FF, The Love Of My Life. If you like adventure, Harry/Ginny, and Ron/Hermione you'll definitely like it. Here's a short preview!

"Harry looked around; there was Ginny running towards him; she had a hard blazing look on her face as she threw her arms around him. And without thinking, without planning it, without worrying about the fact that fifty people were watching, Harry kissed her."

- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Joanne Kathleen Rowling


When I first saw her at the Burrow, I didn't know much about her; nor did I realize what would happen later in my life. As time flew by, she eventually joined the Quidditch team. Year by year, she continued to attract me more and more. During my fifth year, she supported me and Dumbledore's Army greatly. I knew she had a great personality and possibly some feelings for me. However, I just left her alone. At my sixth year, she was dating another boy, when I realized I had a heart full of jealousy each time I spotted them together. That's when I knew for sure I had something for her.

Then at the end of my seventh year - or what was supposed to be of it - I acted as road kill to plan for a heroic come back, faking death. Voldemort soon explained to all of my classmates that I was dead, or so he thought. I slightly opened my eyes to see the reactions and what caught my attention was she. She cried out in sorrow mourning over my false death as she heard the melancholy news. I could tell that she truly loved me.


When I first heard of his name, the boy-who-lived, I dreamt every night about his looks and personality. Just as many teenage muggles adored boy bands, I was crushing on a person who I'd think I'd ever marry. After my closet older brother returned from his first year at Hogwarts with him, I had no idea. I raced down the stairs and my eyes bulged out of my head as I stared at him. He inspired me to do so many things. For instance, I joined the Quidditch team because of him. It was a secret of mine, to be with him at a Quidditch game. He was my hero. While I was dating Dean Thomas during my fifth year, I didn't know much about love. I was still to dumb to know. However, I learned by the end of that year when I kissed Harry in the Room of Requirement, that I didn't love Dean Thomas at all. I didn't even know what love was until I kissed Harry.

Voldemort danced in and announced that his arch nemesis was dead...and he had the body to prove it. I cried and mourned a quick moment as I knew I had to be strong. However, just as I had dreamt about when I was much younger, I saw him heroically fight back. With the growing strength of knowing my life-long crush was alive, I was confident about taking risks just like he did. My mother came and killed Bellatrix Lestrange, as I was a mere inch away from death's happy wish. If things couldn't get any better, I saw him glance at me after the battle, and from then on, I knew there was a spark that wouldn't be extinguished.


"I fell in love with him the way you fall asleep; slowly, but then all at once."

- The Fault in Our Stars, John Green
