Rose and Hugo


LightningScar - Harry

TheSmart1 - Hermione

RedHeaded - Ron

SecretAdmirer - Ginny

TroubleTwin1 - Fred

TroubleTwin2 - George

EmeraldHat - Professor McGonagall

DarkDeciever - Snape

OldnWise - Dumbledore

HerbologyMaster - Neville

QuibblerGirl - Luna

FreeElf - Dobby

BlackPaw - Sirius

BlondeSwag - Draco

NoNoses - Voldemort

HeartVoldy - Bellatrix

BestFollower - Lucius

ThePhysic - Professor Trawlney

TheBlackRaven - Cho Chang

SecretnSingle - Ramilda Vaine

PinkMeow - Professor Umbridge

SweetnCaring - Lily Potter

HateSnape - James Potter

DazzlenSparkle - Edward Cullen

CupcakeLovar1 - Goyle

CupcakeLovar2 - Crabbe

TwilightWriter - Stephanie Meyers

MustHaveBF - Bella Swan

HPAuthor - J.K. Rowling

Hufflepuffis#1 - Cedric Diggory

MommaWeasley - Mrs. Weasley

MuggleEnthusiest - Mr. Weasley

MagikalCreturs - Hagrid

MagikGirl - Muggle Girl #1 (Alexandria)

MagikBoy - Muggle Boy #1 (Alexander)

Magikis4Realz - Muggle Girl #2 (Maria)

RealMagik - Muggle Boy #2 (Danny)

h8twizardz - Uncle Vernon

DaBigD - Dudley Dursley

EmWatson - Emma Watson

GrintnBearIt - Rupert Grint

DanRadcliffe - Daniel Radcliffe

RattyToes - Peter Pettigrew

New Additions:

TheSmartRose - Rose Weasley

TheKingWezley - Hugo Weasley

PadfootnProngs - James Potter

HalfBloodWand - Albus Potter

GingetteGirl - Lily Potter


[RedHeaded has joined the chat]

[TheSmart1 has joined the chat]

[TheSmartRose has joined the chat]

[TheKingWezley has joined the chat]

TheSmart1: Do you guys have your quills? What about your robes? And your family owl, Harriet?

TheSmartRose: Yes, mum. I've got it all!

TheKingWezley: Same here!

RedHeaded: Also, make sure you and Hugo beat Scorpious Malfoy at all of your tests and quizzes!

TheSmart1: Ronald!

RedHeaded: *scolding Hermione*

TheSmart1: Okay, make sure you have all of your quills, robes, and family pet as well as beat Scorpious at all of your tests.

RedHeaded: Thank Merlin Rose has your mother's mind! Hugo...try and keep up.

TheKingWezley: HEY!!!

TheSmartRose: Sorry, little bro, but it's true. *shurg n' smirk*

TheKingWezley: Eh, she's right...

RedHeaded: You get used to it, bud...

TheSmart1: Alright, alright! Get on the train before we have to chase after the train in the flying car...again... *staring at Ron*

RedHeaded: Yes! Get on that train!

TheSmartRose: Bye mum! Bye dad!

TheKingWezley: Bye!

[TheSmartRose has left the chat]

[TheKingWezley has left the chat]

TheSmart1: They grow up so fast!

RedHeaded: Yea...

TheSmart1 and RedHeaded: *dreamily sigh*
