Awkward Romance Moments


LightningScar - Harry
TheSmart1 - Hermione
RedHeaded - Ron
SecretAdmirer - Ginny
TroubleTwin1 - Fred
TroubleTwin2 - George
EmeraldHat - Professor McGonagall
DarkDeciever - Snape
OldnWise - Dumbledore
HerbologyMaster - Neville
QuibblerGirl - Luna
FreeElf - Dobby
BlackPaw - Sirius
BlondeSwag - Draco

New Additions:

NoNose - Voldemort
HeartVoldy - Bellatrix

[LightingScar joined the chat]
[SecretAdmirer joined the chat]

LightingScar: Hey Ginny.

SecretAdmirer: Hi Harry. Today at the Quidditch match, you looked so courageous and brave when you were battling with Draco to get the snitch!

LightingScar: I wasn't as courageous and brave as beautiful your sparkling red hair is. It's gorgeous!

SecretAdmirer: *blush* You're the only one who understands me!

LightningScar: You know you wanna say it!

SecretAdmirer: No, I'm not gonna say it!

LightingScar: Yes you are!

SecretAdmirer: Fine! I love you!

LightingScar: I love you more!

SecretAdmirer: No! I love you more!

DarkDeciever: I may...vomit...

LightningScar: Snape?!?!

DarkDeciever: That's right Potter. I've been spying on you.

LightingScar: Why? Is it because you don't have a love life like I do?

SecretAdmirer: LOL! Good one, Harry! *wink*

DarkDeciever: 100 points from Gryffindor. Good! Day!

[DarkDeceiver has left the chat]

LightingScar: Sorry, Ginny, but just to let you know, I love you more than Snape likes to spy on our relationship.

SecretAdmirer: Oh, Harry! I'm flattered!

TroubleTwin1: I'm about to die laughing! How about you, Georgy?

TroubleTwin2: I'm practically dead already!

LightingScar: Come one, guys! We're trying to...

TroubleTwin1: Get...closer? *wink*wink*

SecretAdmirer: Get out of here! Or I'll tell Mum!

TroubleTwin2: Don't worry! We've made a hard copy of this already! LOL!!!

TroubleTwin1: I've made enough for the whole student body to read!

LightingScar: Come on, guys!

[TroubleTwin1 left the chat]
[TroubleTwin2 left the chat]

SecretAdmirer: Are we finally alone now? 'Cause I want you to know that I love you more than Voldemort wants to rule the world.

LightingScar: No way!

RedHeaded: There's no way this chat is this funny!!!

TheSmarter1: Yea! Even Ron and I don't say such things when we're flirting!

LightingScar: ...

SecretAdmirer: ...

RedHeaded: Y'know, Fred and George have given a hard copy of this chat to about half of the school!

TheSmarter1: Ha ha! LOL!

LightingScar: Just get out of here!!!

SecretAdmirer: Yea! We're trying to spend some time together without my stupid brothers ambushing us!

RedHeaded: Fine!

[RedHeaded left the chat]

TheSmarter1: If you two were smart enough, you would take our advice.

LightingScar: Fine, then go!

[TheSmarter1 has left the chat]
[TheSmarter1 has joined the chat]

TheSmarter1: Really!

LightingScar: Hermione!!!

[TheSmarter1 has left the chat]

SecretAdmirer: I love you more than all my brothers combined!

LightningScar: I love you more than all of my friends, my cousin, my uncle, my aunt, and Hogwarts all combined!

BlackPaw: Ha! Ha! Ha! LOL!!! ROFL!!!

LightingScar: Really, Sirius??? You too?

BlackPaw: Harry, we need to talk. Owl me as soon as possible.

OldnWise: I must say, Harry. I've gone on half a date, and our flirting was even this funny!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! LOL!!! ROFL!!!

LightingScar: You too, Dumbledore? Who's next Voldemort? Bellatrix?

HeartVoldy: Hey! How did you know we were here?

NoNoses: I wasn't shouting in parseltounge how funny your flirting is...

SecretAdmirer: Who else is spying on us??? Show yourselves!

BlondeSwag: I must say Potter, you look just as ridiculous as you flirt! Ha! Ha! Ha!

FreeElf: Dobby didn't mean to do anything wrong. Dobby just wanted a good laugh.

HerbologyMaster: Sorry,'s just so funny!

QuibblerGirl: Me too, Harry. I just wanted to laugh about something today. It's just like what they wrote about in the Quibbler.

EmeraldHat: No comment...except for: Ha! Ha! Ha! LOL!!! ROFL!!!

LightningScar: ...

SecretAdmirer: ...

LightingScar: Um...I've got

[LightingScar left the chat]

SecretAdmirer: ...

[SecretAdmirer left the chat]

BlackPaw: I should be getting an owl from Harry soon. Goodbye everyone!

NoNoses: Come, Bellatrix...we've got muggles to kill...

HeartVoldy: Yes master...

[NoNoses left the chat]
[HeartVoldy left the chat]

OldnWise: The Hogwarts staff has a meeting to go to. I'll meet you all there.

[OldnWise left the chat]
[EmeraldHat left the chat]

QuibblerGirl: I've got stuff to do...bye Neville. Bye Dobby!

HerbologyMaster: Bye Luna!

[QuibblerGirl has left the chat]

HerbologyMaster: I've got to go, Dobby. Bye!

FreeElf: I have to as well. Goodbye!

[HerbologyMaster left the chat]
[FreeElf left the chat]
