Muggles vrs. Witches/Wizards


LightningScar - Harry
TheSmart1 - Hermione
RedHeaded - Ron
SecretAdmirer - Ginny
TroubleTwin1 - Fred
TroubleTwin2 - George
EmeraldHat - Professor McGonagall
DarkDeciever - Snape
OldnWise - Dumbledore
HerbologyMaster - Neville
QuibblerGirl - Luna
FreeElf - Dobby
BlackPaw - Sirius
BlondeSwag - Draco
NoNoses - Voldemort
HeartVoldy - Bellatrix
BestFollower - Lucius
ThePhysic - Professor Trawlney
TheBlackRaven - Cho Chang
SecretnSingle - Ramilda Vaine
PinkMeow - Professor Umbridge
SweetnCaring - Lily Potter
HateSnape - James Potter
DazzlenSparkle - Edward Cullen
CupcakeLovar1 - Goyle
CupcakeLovar2 - Crabbe
TwilightWriter - Stephanie Meyers
MustHaveBF - Bella Swan
HPAuthor - J.K. Rowling
Hufflepuffis#1 - Cedric Diggory

New Additions (Just for this chapter):
WitchWannab - Random Female Muggle
WizardWannab - Random Male Muggle

[LightningScar has joined the chat]
[TheSmart1 has joined the chat]
[RedHeaded has joined the chat]

LightningScar: I'm completely wiped out. From Professor Snape's exam to a Quidditch match...

TheSmart1: If you're so tired, why don't you take a nap.

LightningScar: Because I know Ron will do something to me in my sleep.

RedHeaded: It won't be as bad as last time!

LightningScar: You filled the Gryffindor common room with water!!! Filch is still sucking up the last few puddles in there...

RedHeaded: ...

TheSmart1: *scolding*

[WitchWannab has joined the chat]
[WizardWannab has joined the chat]

WitchWannab: OMG!!!

WizardWannab: No way!!!

WitchWannab: It's Hermione Granger!!!

WizardWannab: And Harry Potter!

RedHeaded: What about me???

WizardWannab: And you're Ronald Weasely!

LightningScar: Um...yes...we are...

LightningScar to TheSmart1 and RedHeaded: Who are these people???

RedHeaded to TheSmart1 and LightningScar: IDK.

TheSmart1 to LightningScar and RedHeaded: They're muggles. Just play by me.

TheSmart1: Yes, we are indeed. How do you know us?

WizardWannab: We read your books.

WitchWannab: They're amazing!!!

LightningScar: Wait, someone's been writing about us?

WitchWannab: Of course! Her name is J.K. Rowling.

LightningScar to RedHeaded and TheSmart1: Do you guys know a "J.K. Rowling"?

TheSmart1 to RedHeaded and LightningScar: No.

RedHeaded to LightningScar and TheSmart1: No.

WitchWannab: We're Americans. London is soooooooo cool!!!

WizardWannab: Yea! You got aliens, witches, and wizards! And what have we got?

WitchWannab: Giant cheese burgers and chocolate covered bacon.

LightningScar: ...

TheSmart1: ...

RedHeaded: ...

WitchWannab: Aw man!

WizardWannab: We have muggle school!

WitchWannab: We'll text you later!!!

[WitchWannab has left the chat]
[WizardWannab has left the chat]

LightningScar: So...

RedHeaded: Um...

TheSmart1: Wanna block them from our messages?

RedHeaded: Um...

LightningScar: Yea!

I'm sorry for not updating my stories for a while, but Spring Break is two weeks from today, so I'll be writing a lot! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share this book/chapter if you like it with your friends. Also, I'm open to any comments you have about my book or suggestions. Thanks!

- Minecrafter2098
